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The typical mobile gamer is not what you would expect. How would you describe him? 

Or should I say ‘her’? You only need to think of the 44-year old British woman who spent 10 hours straight playing Candy Crush the weekend she discovered it Mail Online.

The stereotype of gamer is changing rapidly. It’s no longer just teenage boys getting kicks from level-ups and bonus lives. Mobile has made gaming a portable medium, and with the ever increasing variety of mobile games available, more and more of us are spending our spare moments delving into the world of mobile games. 
Just take a look below at a study done by Flurry, of the share of time spent by men vs women playing freemium games. It’s a near equal, with players ranging from young teenagers to those in their mid-50s. Certainly a considerable segment of the population.

The American Smartphone Gaming Report showed recently that half of all American smartphone owners spend at least 30 minutes per day playing games on their devices. 

So with so many people out there playing games, interested in games and most likely ready and willing to discover more, it starts to make sense that advertisers are spending huge amounts marketing their latest mobile game creations. 

And if you are advertising on your app, it makes sense to show ads for the types of apps your users want to download. AdBuddiz offers premium, full-screen ads for mobile apps, with high payouts per install for apps that your users want to install. 




