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Macintosh OS Virtualization right around the corner?

Tidbits is reporting that the new license agreement with MacOSX Leopard SERVER allows for Virtualization of the MacOS

From the Leopard Server License:

This License allows you to install and use one copy of the Mac OS X Server software (the "Mac OS X Server Software") on a single Apple-labeled computer. You may also install and use other copies of Mac OS X Server Software on the same Apple-labeled computer, provided that you acquire an individual and valid license from Apple for each of these other copies of Mac OS X Server Software.

While this change only applies to Leopard Server, the implications are that it will be easily possible for the 10.5 client OSX to run as well.  Paralles and VMware are the two main vendors of virtualization solutions on the Mac platform and are both involved in this new development.  While Parallels market is mostly Macintosh machines, VMWare also runs on Windows or Linux.