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For "Colbert"

Airplay is Apple’s ‘Go to Market’ Internet TV strategy

Jobs’ war on Flash video and growing  iOS device line have all led up to this… [vodpod id=Video.4289468&w=650&h=425&] Steve Jobs…

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Boxee has all kinds of news, still can be wiped out with software update

Boxee, the XBMC adaptation for various platforms including the AppleTV has all kinds of news this week.  Firstly and formostly, they are now able to stream Hulu, MyspaceTV (whatever that is) and CBS programming to your AppleTV.  Oh, and Comedy Cental (Read: Daily Show and Colbert Report) too.  Very cool. They also have support from content from and Flickr (AppleTV also does Flickr pictures) as of last month….

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Adobe responds to lack of Flash on the iPad

Adobe’s Adrian Ludwig posted a quick reaction to the news that iPad, at least in its initial form, won’t have Flash.  The decision not to include Flash on iPhones was already controversial, but now with a bigger screen and a different usage profile, the iPad’s decision not to use Flash has even more people up in arms. 

It looks like Apple is continuing to impose restrictions on their devices that limit both content publishers and consumers. Unlike many other ebook readers using the ePub file format, consumers will not be able to access ePub content with Apple’s DRM technology on devices made by other manufacturers.  And without Flash support, iPad users will not be able to access the full range of web content, including over 70% of games and 75% of video on the web.

If I want to use the iPad to connect to DisneyHuluMiniclipFarmvilleESPNKongregate, or JibJab — not to mention the millions of other sites on the web — I’ll be out of luck.