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uCharger – Charge your iPhone with any chargers!


We found this interesting project in Indiegogo. I think is a very useful product.

How many time you forgot your cable or the charger in home? or in your office, maybe in a friend house, or you forgot charge your additional battery too…. Many times, right?

uCharger is a good solution fot that!!

    The Micro Usb to lightning adapter that lets you charge your iPhone or iPad with any chargers of another Smartphone providers!

Ulta portable!!!

     You have 4 colors to choose

     How many friend you have with another Smartphone like (Blackberry, Samsung, Nokia, LG, HTC, etc), alot, right?…   The possibility that you use this product is very high. Just you need one uCharger in your keychain and for sure you will use it by itself.

The project is in Indiegogo campaign and you can pre-order for a very low price.


  1. surfingarbo - 10 years ago

    Oh yeay – An advertisement disguised as an article. With lots of exclamation marks to emphasize the point (!!!)

    I like the line “We found this interesting project…”, like it’s written by some guy browsing the internet. The authors name IS “ucharger”. You guys ARE the “interesting project”. Nicely disguised. /s

    • surfingarbo - 10 years ago

      Update: The author which was originally called Ucharger has now changed their name to Enrique.

      I’m sorry guys, most people come to this blog to read articles about Apple related products. Not advertisements from companies for Apple related products.

      Side note – I think the charger thing is a good idea. – I’m just not fond of companies using the community section to advertise their products in the manner above.

      • nobenno - 10 years ago

        you realize 9to5mac is full of articles written by 9to5mac advertising products for a lot of different companies, right? i’m pretty sure this is exactly the kind of thing the community section is here for. and it’s a product that’s totally relevant to the audience and that you yourself seem to like. not sure what your issue is.

    • surfingarbo - 10 years ago

      Hi nobenno, not sure how to reply directly to your comment.

      I do hear your point.

      It just seems lately the 9to5mac community section posts are by companies who “copy and paste” some standard marketing jargon. If everybody advertised this way, think how cluttered the community section would become.

      This article opens up as if it’s written by a random person who just found the product online, but if you click on the authors avator, you’ll see it’s set up by Ucharger themselves.

      Again, I’m not knocking their product. It looks useful and you are correct, it’s relevant to the 9to5mac audience. I just don’t want to see the community section get bloated with the copy-and-paste marketing jargon I mentioned above.Yesterday, an community article got deleted it was such a blatantly bad advertising post.

  2. tupacscousinmark - 10 years ago

    I can buy a micro USB to Lightning adapter at the Apple Store right now for $19 or buy them from Amazon for $6.
