Apple has recently added the 2014 MacBook Air to the refurbished section of the Apple Online Store. Currently, the 1.4 GHz Intel Core i5 11-inch MacBook Air is available in two configurations priced at $769 and $929, with 128 GB and 256 GB SSD’s respectively. 13-inch Air’s have also been in the store at various times in the last couple of days, so should return once Apple replenishes their refurbished inventory. These reduced prices are equivalent to around 15% savings in comparison new models from Apple’s site. The products were added two days ago, and have been lapsing in and out of stock constantly, so — like much of Apple’s refurbished offerings — quantities are obviously limited.
The 2014 MacBook Air’s were originally released in April, featuring new Haswell processors. As usual, Apple’s refurbished offerings come with new 1-year warranties and are subject to Apple’s normal refurbishment processes.
Although the price savings are significant when compared to Apple’s current MSRP for the machines, we’ve tracked better prices for brand new models from Best Buy on several occasions, and even eBay Daily Deals.
Need a new MacBook Air now? You can pickup the 13-inch (MD760LL/B) model for $749.99 if you have access to a .edu email address. That’s $250 below retail.
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Apple is probably one of the only companies I would trust with refurbished products. The warranty helps too.
Every Mac I have ever purchased (many) has been purchased right from that page. Apple Refurbished is as good as new….with a nice savings. Pretty much offsets the disgusting sales tax.
Yes. Very true. They are very vigorous with their refurbished QA as far as I have heard.
My work laptop (MBPR 15″) was from the refurbished store. Decent saving and as good as new.
Yes. They’re good deals. Savings and qualify.
yes, like you, I would trust Apple with my life!