widget weather, the only iOS weather widget with animated weather icons is now ready to extend to the Apple Watch. The update to version 1.5 with Apple Watch support is ready as soon as Apple let’s developers upload apps with WatchKit extensions included.
App key points:
-Two forecast modes: current, 3-hour details and 6-day forecasts
-14 beautiful weather icon sets optimized for Retina and Retina HD!
-The first and only widget for iOS with animated weather symbols
-Customize the forecast with on/off switches for rain/wind/units etc.
-Font picker, choose your own text style!
-Fixed location from map or GPS position
-Two forecast services: openweathermap.org and met.no (met.no is the data provider for yr.no)
-Choose how often new forecast data should be downloaded
-Double tap to update manually (Great for saving data when roaming)
-Tap to expand/collapse extends the visible forecast while using less space
-Weather forecast in 23 languages
-Universal for iPhone and iPad
Animated gif screenshot for iPhone 6:
Just as for the iOS devices, the watch will support the two sets of animated weather symbols, but to reduce the load on battery, CPU and memory only the current weather icon will animate on the watch.
widget weather now has 12 different static weather icon sets and two of these are available as animations so there should be no problem finding one that matches your new Apple Watch:
One of the new icon sets in the last update is a retro looking animated set called “Pixeled weather”:
The other one is the smooth “Monochrome set in color” by Mike Afford, former Senior Designer at BBC News:
More info at widgetweather.net or App Store
More previews on youtube
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