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Egnyte for Cloud file storage, backup

Small businesses, more than their larger counterparts, have really been able to take advantage of Software as a Service (Saas) applications to handle large parts of their technology needs. Salesforce and Highrise handle CRM. Basecamp handles project management. Recently, Microsoft and, to a much large extent, Google Apps are handling enterprise style messaging and calendaring.

However, no one has been able to replace that big server in the closet that serves up files and backs up the desktop computers.

Until now…

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Microsoft's new plan – black Windows

Meanwhile over in Redmond, Microsoft has an all-new plan to wean a little extra cash out of people still afflicted with the world’s dominant OS – irritate people until they cough up.


Well, plan is that the company is doing some more of its famed Office Paperclip magic, changing Windows Genuine Advantage (which no one likes because the only genuine advantage it offers is to MSFT)…anyway, so the new look to combating piracy of the OS the company spent years pushing at people in order to make it pervasive means those using pirated copies of Windows (why pirate it, when  you can simply not use it?) can expect their desktop wallpaper to be replaced with a black screen every 60 minutes.

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CNET tests show Snow Leopard besting Windows 7 on performance and battery life

CNET went to town running Windows 7 on a Bootcamp partition of a MacBook Pro (to get exact hardware parity) and found that Snow Leopard was usually faster than Windows 7 and, at the same time, used less power. 

To be fair, Snow Leopard is optimized for Apple’s hardware.  There is no way Microsoft can optimize Windows for all of its hardware partners’ products.  Get the full scoup at CNET.

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Cops say, use Mac, not Windows for online banking

When in doubt, there’s always a security story somewhere and this one’s got something rather, erm, ‘special’ about it – it hits us right in our wallet…

See, internet banking is becoming de rigeur. It’s the nicest way to visit your overdraft or to watch the numbers growing on your credit card statement as those punitive borrowing rates slowly enhance your debt. (So, how is it again banks lost all that money), anyway – I digress – the story is that now Australian police are warning citizens ‘down under’ to belay use of Windows for internet banking, advising they use a Mac or Linux machine instead.

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iPhone and Microsoft Exchange 2007

iphone exchange

With the latest iPhone commercial hitting the airwaves touting the incredible Mail app, Stock Reader and otherwise catering to a business user, a lot of focus on the web in the last 24 hours has been the iPhone’s ability (or inability in some people’s eyes) to handle Microsoft Exchange Server.

We use Exchange 2007 where I work (and I administer Exchange so I can’t blame anyone but myself) and getting it to work on the iPhone or on  the Mac has been a bit of a hassle.  I get the “The message from XXXXX concerning YYYYY has not been downloaded from the server. You need to take this account online in order to download it.” message that also frequently occurs on on the Macintosh.

The problem is that mail doesn’t get pulled from IMAP sometimes and won’t come through until other mail “pushes” it through.  Sometimes repeated restarts help.  I blame Exchange’s IMAP implementation for this as I have two other IMAP accounts working flawlessly on it and the iPhone support pages are alight with similar complaints.  However, because my Exchange email is the most important, (yes, I am a wage slave – the trust fund from the far off relative hasn’t kicked in just yet) I need results.  Also, iCal and Addressbook don’t synch with Exchange (yet) and I often find myself in need of these features.

read on for more screenshots and info….
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Microsoft Bowing Out of the Mac Platform? Could Office 2008 Be the Last from Microsoft?

MacWindows The resignation of Roz Ho as General Manager of the Macintosh Business Unit before WWDC 2007 should have been a premonition of Microsoft’s incredibly poor showing at the event (either that or she knew how painfully lame it was going to be). It had been speculated that Redmond would announce the distribution of the new 2008 version of its market dominating Office suite at the event.  But Microsoft had nothing to announce. Is this a sign of things to come?  When will it get released and will Office 2008 be the last upgrade to Office that the Mac sees?  Are Bill and Steve not getting along as well as they appear to be with Walt Mossberg?