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AT&T allows VoIP calls on its network

Wow, that didn’t take long at all.  The Washington Post was right but it happened a few weeks before expected.  AT&T has flipped around and is now allowing 3G VoIP traffic on its network.  Our jaws are on our desks.  We’re pretty sure the FCC had something to do with this.  That Verizon-Google thing probably didn’t hurt either.

This will allow apps like Skype and Vonage (and Comcast VOIP?) to operate outside the bounds of Wifi.  Skype VoIP over 3G works pretty well on the iPhone – we tried it way back when it wasn’t blocked.  All that needs to happen now is an OS update by Apple.  We’re waiting patiently…

Press release and video of Skype calling over 3G  below:

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Flash enters the home

It really is interesting to see this web of companies all entering into each others territory.  Google is building an…

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TV killed the iTunes Star

(sorry about the title)

The mystery of the missing iTunes Movies has been solved by Greg Sandoval at C|Net.  "Release Windows"

"Release windows" is the term used to describe periods of time a certain type of media is allowed to show a movie. Typically, a feature film is first released in theaters, then on DVD, followed by pay-per-view channels and finally on broadcast TV.