Work continues on a rather handy app which helps you find your local mobile phone/cell phone masts and check their power and coverage, though you’ll need to unlock your iPhone to use the tower power app.
In development via the iPhone Dev team, the app will let you unravel which towers you are connecting to and at what power they operate. This could for instance be useful if you are trying to find the best available signal in a poor signal area.
Technical users will probably get a kick out of the breadth of technical data they’ll get from Signal. Lots of numbers and a nice chance to see where on the map the towers are, you may even find some disguised towers.
The app’s called Signal and it costs $5, sold in the Cydia store. It is currently being tweaked to version 1.1, and will include what the iPhone Dev Team describe as “an awesome Easter Egg”.
Signal’ works in any country, impress your friends on any continent, show your inner geek in any language. Are you receiving??