Last week, I posted a concept of what the iPhone’s home screen could look like if influenced by the Apple Watch’s design ideas. Inspired by that concept, iOS developer Lucas Menge has made the concept a reality (above), creating a functional app that simulates the Apple Watch UI adapted for the iPhone Very neat.
Now available on Github.
Excellent, looks well made, now with the Jailbreak being released we might actually get to play with this for real!
searching for a certain app looks like an absolute pain in the ass
hopefully this homescreen idea never comes across Apple’s mind
Okay, that’s a nice start. I agree with @mistercarter that searching for an app might be a pain this way, but with 1 small improvement presenting all the apps in a cloud could be a lot more useful: what if you kept track of the number of times an app is launched and arrange/size the icons accordingly, bigger size for frequently used apps, gravitating towards the centre, while less used apps get smaller icons and “drift off” to the fringes of the cloud. I would be interested in seeing such an arrangement.