A new video published by TLDToday closely examines an iPad 6 dummy unit created around rumors and speculation. The video shows off some design changes and the notable addition of a Touch ID ring. At this point in time, there’s no official news on Apple’s plans to include Touch ID with the upcoming second-generation iPad Air, but it would definitely make sense.
In the video below, the iPad Air is compared to this rumored “iPad 6” dummy showing very small changes between the two. At first glance, the dummy appears to be thinner than the current generation iPad Air, but as we’ve seen in the past these dummy units aren’t exactly 100 percent accurate…
The buttons on the dummy unit seem to be slightly recessed, speaker grills are a bit different, and the unit is actually missing a mute/rotation lock switch, but it’s impossible to tell if these are flaws of the mockup or an intentional design that was based off of rumored schematics. At the end of the day there’s not much different to see here, but the video provides a look at the small differences between the mockup and current iPad Air. Apple’s next generation iPad Air is expected to be released later this year.
Check out the video and image gallery below (click to enlarge). For more mockup comparisons, check out our video/article featuring the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 dummy.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wq3ReTbY89k]
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let’s hope it’s not “The new iPad Air”
I want my damn bezels back.
What the heck is wrong with that guys jaw?
Also, maybe I missed it but how could he show a model of the new iPad that is completely missing a rotation lock button, and then not even mention it, despite the close-up video of the area where the button would be?
If the new iPads don’t have that button, they will definitely lose a significant number of people like me who use it about a hundred times a day. I’m not sure the iPad would even be *usable* without a rotation lock button.
Unless there’s a new gesture for changing orientation.
rotation lock is in control center. what’s the big deal? it’s easier to use it there that toggling a switch every time.
Agreed with a Smart Cover case on it takes me 3 times longer to toggle the switch then use control center.
Totally not true. The lock has been there since the beginning and it works great for rotation.
I’m aware of the location of the switch and it’s function. I’ve owned every iPad except 9.7″ 4th gen. How about: “Now” that rotation lock is “also” in control center along with the volume controls, the switch has been made obsolete?
I’m yet to see a comment from you which isn’t full of frustration.
By the way, the button on my iPad has the same function than on the iPhone (silent/loud), and it’s *usable*.
I agree that to show an iPad mock-up without an rotation lock switch is a slight to my people and culture that is unforgivable. It depresses me such that I am considering becoming a hermit, the kind of hermit that doesn’t bathe, but that recites poetry in a way that puts people off like in that movie with the homeless cellist. That movie was lame.
love this!
isn’t the “rotation lock” a mute switch by default? hasn’t this been the case for every iPad since iOS 4.0? most iPad users have no idea what you guys are talking about and probably won’t miss the switch at all.
Where are these mockups from? They look terrible.
Terrible? I think it looks great for a mockup. Looks real.
They look real but so not Apple.
Who wears a tank-top in a gadget preview/review?
Can’t please all of the people all of the time!
This dude is an excellent reviewer on YouTube, and does this all the time.
For those that get the product(s), create the films, cut and edit them–it’s not about the clothes, man!
Battery maybe cut to make it thinner since iPad Air’s battery life exceeds expectation by far