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If you only watch one WWDC 2024 recap video…

…this one might not be the most comprehensive, but it’s a fine way to celebrate Apple Fellow Phil Schiller.

Jonathan Mann of Song A Day fame created a supercut of Apple’s WWDC 2024 announcements as inspiration for song #5640. Only it’s not just a supercut of today’s keynote. It’s also a greatest hits reel of Phil Schiller’s most memorable keynote appearances over the years. Schiller’s comic relief line from the keynote intro video, “I’m getting too old for this stuff,” carries the song.

Clearly Jonathan can relate, and honestly, who doesn’t feel that way sometimes? Like Schiller, Mann has earned it. I mean, song number five thousand six hundred forty?! 13 years ago, of course, is when Mann’s most impactful Song A Day creation went viral.

It didn’t hurt that Steve Jobs used the video to open the iPhone 4 antenna-gate press conference. You can see Jobs reference the song below:

Anyone else getting too old for this stuff? Nah. But what a nice celebration of Schiller.

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Avatar for Zac Hall Zac Hall

Zac covers Apple news, hosts the 9to5Mac Happy Hour podcast, and created

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