While recent reports are pegging a launch sooner than later, reliable sources say that Apple is currently planning to ship iOS 7.1, the first significant update to iOS 7, in March. The iOS 7.1 update is said to not have any “secret features,” and it will basically be what we have been told to expect by the past five betas: some user-interface tweaks in the Phone app, an improved Calendar app, speed improvements, and numerous bug-fixes. It wouldn’t be surprising for Apple to talk iOS 7.1 at an event in March (a month in which Apple has held events in the past), which would possibly be centered around the next-generation Apple TV.

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IOS 7 Is Getting Better and Better with each beta !!! can’t wait to update my iPhone 5 to IOS 7.1 :D
That’s still a month away with dealing with black screens, crashing Safari, phantom emails, and complete Springboard resets. Wish they could’ve sent out an interim update to resolve at least those issues. Who knows what else will crop up after that release that still isn’t addressed or acknowledged?
I have had no issues running any of the 7.1 betas that came after beta 2.
I’m afraid to say I’ve had. Lots of crashed and springboard reboots in beta 5. It’s more stable in other ways, however.
I have never had a single one of these problems with my copy of the software.
With a “12 month” development cycle, Apple is slipping further and further behind. For the past 2 years, Apple has delivered broken iOS and OS X releases to the public, and then took an additional 6 months to get out what SHOULD have shipped. They need to just go back to a 24 month dev cycle and tick tock, like they had done with OS X back in the 10.5 days. At this point, iOS 7.1 is going to ship 18 months in, and halfway through iOS 7’s “life cycle”…an OS that is “broken” for half its life isn’t very good. Same for Mavericks with Mail.app and memory management issues.
“memory management issues” in Mavericks ?
since 10.9 I saw real progress in comparaison of 10.8
Compressed memories helps a lot.
I agree 12 month development cycle is too much difficult for the engineers.
Compressed memory is the dumbest feature in a modern OS ever created (after the metro start menu of course)
Before we are too quick to judge this, I would like to see how they do on iOS8. iOS 7 was a HUGE upgrade with almost the entire UI and a lot of the underlying code being reworked. And all of this wasn’t done in 12 months since Ive didn’t take over iOS development 12 months before it was released.
You are correct, iOS7 probably shouldn’t have went out when it did. Or more to the point, the major changes to iOS shouldn’t have went out in iOS7. This is one thing that has changed at Apple since Jobs left. Steve was famous for saying that Apple didn’t release to a schedule, it released when the product was ready. Now, he did break that rule from time to time, but now it seems that the rule is release to a schedule and make it ready later. Which makes them just like every other software company out there. Truly sad.
Shut up with the false concern and lies, thanks.
Spoiler alert: Steve Jobs won’t pick up
Ugh. Not soon enough. My phone crashes / re-springs so often… It’s driving me nuts.
Mine doesn’t, thus I have a suggestion for you: reinstall the OS.
I’ve never been as upset with Apple as I am over the lack of bug fixes for iOS 7. Once I got 7.0.4 installed I’ve been plagued by the battery overheating when I’m on the go. That was November, now we’re going to have to wait until March for the fix? What the hell is going on over there?
Can anyone on here constructively comment on how these betas are performing on 4S? I don’t mind waiting for them to just get it right.
They just keep improving. Love Apple nowadays (there’s some amazing phones on the market that are non-apple too, but have to make a choice I guess). Only a recent convert to iPhone (5s), but wouldn’t go back to any other phone now. This update sounds like it has some necessary elements to it, and some fancy little extras too. Can’t wait. :-)
“Possibly centered around” ugh. Ugly grammar.
For something to keep improving it sadly needs to start with lots of problems.
I am just waiting for this update, as it becomes better with each update, now i will get a change in my keyboard, calender, long screen etc…wee super excited.
I think they should release it even before March because the new bug that disables Find My iPhone without entering password in the current iOS version is really a security threat for many users, esp for those who don’t want to use Passcode.
Please. Please. Please. Get rid of (or allow over-riding of) the swipe-right ‘back’ gesture from Mobile Safari.
Do you have any idea how many sites you borked?
There’s a reason why Android/Chrome backed out of that idea. It was because it was F*cking bad idea.
iOS7 needs major changes. It looks like there may be a slight concession to the problems many people have with it in the darkening of the green icons, but it doesn’t look like it’s going to go far enough. Most of the issues are cosmetic and could be easily fixed, but I suspect there is a fair amount of ego on the line for those who were responsible, and they will be reluctant to admit they screwed up. This is not a comprehensive list, but these are the biggest flaws:
– The color scheme, which looks like it was designed by and for female tweens. Flat icons – fine. Neon pink and green – really bad design decisions.
– The use of text (in a small, hard to read font) for interactive buttons that ought to have icons.
– The use of white backgrounds where black would be more appropriate – particularly in Music, Photos and Video, where the white background distracts from the image. White backgrounds are also bad for night time usage of the phone in general – a fact that phone designers have known for a long time, including the iPhone before iOS 7.
– The keyboard, which they somehow managed to make worse. The iOS 6 version was at least somewhat good at determining which key you meant to push. The new one is less accurate. When an app brings up the old keyboard (it’s still in there somewhere), it’s a relief.
– The “dock” does not look right with many wallpapers. Its opacity is set too high.
All of these flaws (except the keyboard) come together in the worst example – the Music app. A white background that fights for your attention with the album art, Text for things like “Repeat” and “Shuffle” that have universally understood symbols, and top it off with the use of Hot Pink, which clashes with all album art and looks like it was meant only for teenage girls. It’s especially bad considering that Apple’s modern resurgence was built on music.
I will continue to use the phone because it still works better as a whole than any other phone – but that’s only because of what was established before Steve Jobs died and Scott Forstall was fired. I just try to look at the icons as little as possible, and forget that I’m carrying something that makes me look like a fan of My Little Pony.