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Adobe denies CS4 October claims

Adobe is denying claims the company plans to launch Adobe CS 4 this October, with the company’s John Nack penning a furious denial on his regular Photoshop blog.

He points to a report from the TG Daily website, which claimed the software to be expected to ship “on October 1”, condemning these claims as fantasy, speculation, “just something made up”.

Nack’s clearly furious with everybody who picked-up on the report, but does concede that the Photoshop technology demo described did take place.

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Three colours for 3G iPhone?

 The latest unconfirmed iPhone rumour is upon us, and it once again claims the next-generation device will be available in three colours, well, that, or it confirms there’s a lot of rabid iPhone fans prepared to spend a little time creating Photoshop fakes of potential Apple ads…

We’re not sure how much weight to give this latest rumour, which we’re publishing here because rumour’s like this seem set to keep the iPhone world turning as we inch our way toward June 9.

iPhone Hellas reports (this link seems non-functional) the next-gen device will be slimmer than its predecessor, and available in three colours; white, black and (erm) red..

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UPDATED: Adobe Creative Suite 4 for October release?

 The future of Photoshop includes GPU and physics acceleration, with Adobe CS4 set to ship this October, a report claims.

The company is currently developing its creative applications for release with Adobe Creative Suite 4, and while not a great deal’s known about these yet, some features are emerging, with Adobe preparing for more public revelations soon, we think. The new GPU and physics acceleration features for Photoshop were demonstrated by Nvidia to TG Daily this week. And the website says progress on the move is “simply stunning”.

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iMac refresh – prices, specs leaked?

That’s the thing with Apple – you must expect the unexpected… now it looks like new iMacs may be in the frame, boosting higher speeds at much lower prices…

According to (fake) tech site, the iMac is set for a price cut along with an increase in installed memory at the high-end.

From the site: "What you are looking at is a screen capture of an internal intranet of an anonymous apple employee.  According to our source, and the image, Apple is set to drastically drop the price of their consumer desktop iMacs within the next 3-5 weeks."

Fact or Photoshop? 

Update: oops…looks like our Photoshopper forgot to change the monthly payments – see here on the enterprise plan, when the price drops slightly, so do the monthly payments:

If that weren’t enough (and it is) the 20 inch at $990?  Apple prices on the 9’s – $999

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Is this the new MacBook Pro?

"The alleged MacBook Pro (pictured at right) appears to have the characteristics described in early speculation with aluminum casing, glass track pad and rounded edges. The addition of the black trim around the screen looks amazing,” writes iPhone Saviour.

The new designed Mac laptops are expected to have a black surround to the screen, a la iMac – but given that this image appeared shortly after a speculative report exploring the new specs, we think the presence of an Apple logo-T-shirt-wearing element to the image actually suggests this is a Photoshop job. Well, we should know soon enough, come October, – and we’re curious about the ‘brick’…

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Quark responds to Adobe, introduces revamped publishing products

 Quark fought back against Adobe’s announcement of Creative Suite 4 this morning, introducing not one but three applications designed to complement XPress 8: Quark Publishing System 8, QuarkCopyDesk8, and QuarkXPress Server 8. The company is demonstrating its solutions at Europe’s giant IFRA and Graph Expo and will ship them before the end of the year.

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Is this the new MacBook Pro?

Mac users are beginning to suffer from iPhone overload, and can’t wait for Cupertino to get some new computers out the door – and new MacBooks are a Mac geek’s wet dream right now…we know they’re coming, we think within weeks, but the anticipation…

So, the computer to the right has none of the new "curvature" we’ve been hearing so much about.  On that alone, we are calling fake.  It is interesting to note that there is no latch…something we’d be glad to see disappear.  At least we can agree with our imposter on that.

Apple is expected to introduce new Macs – MacBooks – by October 13, with some industry insiders anticipating an announcement of the new products by the end of this month.

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"Lightroom beats Aperture," Adobe claims

Adobe’s John Nack used his blog to promote the market share lead of his company’s Lightroom against that of Apple’s Aperture.

Adobe – developer of the industry standard Photoshop software – is publishing research findings from InfoTrends, findings which reveal Lightroom to be nearly four times more popular than Aperture.

These findings aren’t based on unit sales of either application, instead they’re based on a survey of 1,045 pro photogs in North America.

Nack also reveals that among photographic pros using the Mac, In 2007 Lightroom was nearly twice as popular as Aperture, but by 2008 it was nearly three times as popular.

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Photoshop Express set to change the universe

OK, perhaps that is a bit of an overstatement.  But it is really cool.  I briefly reviewed Photoshop Express for Computerworld and came away reeling at the possibilities.  While we all knew this application was coming down the pipe, Adobe made great use of Flash and delivered a very polished product. 

Facebook(!!), Picasa and Photobucket direct access shows the amazing possibilities this web application has.  No doubt, more services will be coming soon.   If you can give Photoshop Express access to your blog images directory, you could do all of your image editing inline – without having to upload or download between edits.  How about Google documents or presentations?  Editing photos inside the web browser would make those services all the more valuable.  Oh, and move to another computer and your 2 GB library goes with you.

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Kiss your NAS goodbye?

UPDATE: HA! This was much closer than anyone thought – great work!

NAS=Network Attatched Storage btw.  Yeah its a long shot but we like the idea!  Macrumors forum member tacojohn pointed us to this – hey!  Photoshop images can still be real ;P.  More picts and "specs" after the jump.