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Pixeet has an iPhone case with fisheye lens for spherical panorama shots

Add-on lenses for iPhone 4 are all the rage and photography aficionados are especially drawn to niche products that let your iPhone 4 capture 360-degree images or footage, such as this cool Kickstarter project we reported on back in April. The latest adapter lens comes from Pixeet (via Slashgear) and takes panorama concept even further by providing a case to slip your iPhone into and then attach the fisheye lens onto the case magnetically. Unlike the Kickstarter kit that captures 360-degree shots with four cameras, Pixeet’s device has only one camera so you must rotate around and capture multiple shots.

When you have your four shots ready, fire up a free iPhone or iPad app which stitches them all together to form a nice-looking 360-degree panorama images. Examples and a video tour right below. The product will set you back $49, which includes the case and lens. Pixeet also provides a version of the product for the iPhone 3G or 3GS. The company also says they will release a version of the iOS panorama creation app for Android in September.


Interestingly, the app in question lets you share panoramic images to Google+ galleries, in addition to the usual social venues such as Facebook. The program only needs four shots captured using any fisheye lens to create real 360-degree spherical panorama (example galleries here), meaning floor to ceiling. It can be used standalone, say on an iPod touch or iPad, to import panoramas in universal formats and from fisheye images taken with other devices.

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