MasterCard is out with its latest “Priceless Surprises” ad featuring Apple Pay with the help of artist Gwen Stefani. Like its previous World Series promotions, which put Apple Pay front and center, the new 30-second spot shows cardholders using the iPhone 6 and Apple Pay to checkout for purchases and being rewarded with various offers like golf trips, handbags, and concert tickets. The chance to meet Stefani is also on offer with her latest single, “Spark The Fire”, set as the ad’s soundtrack.
From MasterCard’s announcement of the new ad spot with Stefani: “To kick things off, MasterCard will debut a new 30 second TV spot today featuring Stefani who, with the help of a “Surprise launcher,” sends Priceless Surprises to cardholders paying with their MasterCard with Apple Pay. The spot features Stefani’s new song, Spark The Fire.
Surprises include everything from handbags and golf experiences to concert tickets, and even a chance to hang out with Gwen Stefani herself. The spot, directed by Sophie Muller of Wondros, exemplifies what the MasterCard platform is about: surprising cardholders with unbelievable prizes while also inspiring them to give, and share their own Priceless Surprises whether they’re paying with traditional credit, debit or prepaid cards or using innovative new payment options like Apple Pay.”
MasterCard’s ad joins Chase’s latest ad campaign featuring Apple Pay with Fun lead guitarist Jack Antonoff’s side indie band Bleachers and a focus on small businesses and the mobile payment option.
Check out MasterCard’s new ad spot below:
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didn’t she have a windows phone ad awhile back or was that someone else?
That was her. But during that same time, if you followed her or No Doubt on Instagram, you often saw pictures they posted from the studio recording an album with MacBooks and iPhones everywhere.
probably not using MB’s to record a full label album at their level. maybe that was prior to full production and they were creating scratch tracks or demos in their project studio to later bring to the studio for full production.
The Iovine studios at UMG are all Mac-based. That’s how UMG rolls in the creative departments…
Apple probably threw more money her way. That’s showbiz!
Yes, I’m sure a Mac Pro was used for the recording session. MacBooks don’t really have the house power a big label is used to.
Says “This video has been removed by the user”.
Yep, no video!
Is that like Apple walking back software because of bugs?
Video works just fine. Just watched it.
Or not.