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For "munster TV"

Munster plots 2010 for the iPhone, here are some additional predictions

Gene Munster gave his 2010 iPhone predictions today.  His points are well thought out but we’ve got some additional thoughts that might be of interest.

1. He’s giving Verizon a 70% shot at getting the iPhone in 2010.  The chances are probably much lower than that, even though we’ve heard Apple and Verizon had been talking since 2007.  These agreements, when signed, are thought out waaay in advance and you only have to look at the commercials currently on TV to see Verizon and Apple aren’t building for an alliance.  All I see is bridges burning.  You think they can patch things up, sign agreements and build new EVDO hardware for Apple’s summertime launch?  I don’t.

Plus, Verizon’s CEO plainly told the WSJ “no iPhone until LTE is deployed“.

Gene Muster is on a tear: New AppleTVs next week? Update: Loop says no

Update: The Loop says their sources say noway José to new AppleTVs.

In yet another research note to investors, Gene Munster today said that AppleTVs are going to get updated at September 9th event.  His rationale?  The 40GB version is taking 1-2 weeks for delivery at the Apple Store (160GB version is next day).  He pads this by saying that the AppleTV hasn’t been 2 weeks behind in shipping since he’s been tracking the device.  

He hypothesizes that the 160GB version will stick around and Apple will have a bigger model(s) ready for release next week.  That is pretty light evidence, but on the the other hand, AppleTV is LONG overdue for an update.

Gene Munster talks $1.2 Billion Apple tablet

Piper Jaffray senior analyst Gene Munster issued another guestimate report today on Apple’s forthcoming Tablet, somewhat hedging his earlier 2010 forecasts to late 2009/early 2010.  

He even went out and had a computer-generated rendering of what he envisions the tablet looking like.  (Above right).  This isn’t unlike many other Apple Tablet renderings we’ve seen.

He also laid out these points: