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Photoshop Express set to change the universe

OK, perhaps that is a bit of an overstatement.  But it is really cool.  I briefly reviewed Photoshop Express for Computerworld and came away reeling at the possibilities.  While we all knew this application was coming down the pipe, Adobe made great use of Flash and delivered a very polished product. 

Facebook(!!), Picasa and Photobucket direct access shows the amazing possibilities this web application has.  No doubt, more services will be coming soon.   If you can give Photoshop Express access to your blog images directory, you could do all of your image editing inline – without having to upload or download between edits.  How about Google documents or presentations?  Editing photos inside the web browser would make those services all the more valuable.  Oh, and move to another computer and your 2 GB library goes with you.

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Kiss your NAS goodbye?

UPDATE: HA! This was much closer than anyone thought – great work!

NAS=Network Attatched Storage btw.  Yeah its a long shot but we like the idea!  Macrumors forum member tacojohn pointed us to this – hey!  Photoshop images can still be real ;P.  More picts and "specs" after the jump.

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Adobe AIR 2.0: gains MultiTouch, promises performance boost and gesture controls

Adobe and Apple may not yet have inked a deal to bring Flash support to the iPhone, but that hasn’t stopped the Photoshop developer from adding a few next-gen smartphone-focused features to Adobe AIR, which promises a slew of these in its next version upgrade.

Just look at these features and tell us Apple didn’t force industry change when it introduced the MultTouch-savvy iPhone (which now accounts for one-in-forty cellphones sold worldwide, BTW).

As revealed by Adobe AIR application developer, Christian Cantrell, Adobe AIR 2.0 will be the nads when it comes to smartphone and tablet device usage. And the software’s set to ship next year, we’ve learned.

As Apple does already, so the Adobe app will add support for Multi-touch and gesture-based controls – though not both at once (”Applications can listen for multi-touch events, or gesture events (not both at the same time)”, the developer warns.”

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In conflicting blog posts today, Adobe says/refutes that Flash is its future

Kevin Lynch, CTO of Adobe penned a post on Adobe’s blog today defending Flash as the de-facto standard on the web for interactivity and video playing.  Lynch comes to Adobe from Macromedia where he was Chief Software Architect and obviously has been with Flash longer than even Adobe.  Therefore, it isn’t surprising to hear him say that he doesn’t believe HTML5 will replace Flash at anytime in the foreseeable future. 

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Adobe CS5 now shipping

Adobe is now shipping/offering downloads of its CS5 suite of products.   Photoshop CS5Flash Professional CS5Illustrator CS5InDesign CS5Premier Pro CS5 and Dreamweaver CS5 have all been updated with 30-day free trials as well.

Besides ordering directly from Adobe, Amazon offers the suites and individual programs at significantly reduced prices, but don’t ship until next month.  For instance, students and teachers can save up to 80% on CS5 products here.

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Adobe officially announces CS5

Adobe has officially announced CS5 and is now taking pre-orders for the different suites and individual products.  Adobe has also updated each separate application’s page: Photoshop CS5Flash Professional CS5Illustrator CS5InDesign CS5Premier Pro CS5 and Dreamweaver CS5.

Adobe will have a live streaming webcast at 11am ET.

Here are two demos of new Photoshop features: [youtube=]

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Adobe ships Lightroom 3 free public beta

Adobe has introduced a free public beta of Lightroom 3, it software for digital photographers.

Adobe’s Julieanne Kost has created three videos which detail 25 new minor refinements in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 that could impact your workflow, these clips are available here.

Writing on the Lightroom blog, developer Tom Hogarty said, “We’ve come a long way since our very first public beta on January 9th 2006 at Macworld.(We didn’t even have a crop tool in the first release!) For this latest release we went back to the drawing board and revisited what we believe are the fundamental priorities of our customers: Performance and Image Quality.