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Some users reporting iPhone crashes on iOS 9.3 when tapping links in Safari and other apps [Update]

[Update: Although details around the problem with iOS 9.3 links causing hangs and crashes remain sparse, it appears to be related to the third-party apps a user installed on the system. We have been able to take an unaffected iPhone 6 and iPad Pro, install the app, and then observe Safari consistently hanging when long pressing a link. We do not recommend repeating this however to see the bug for yourself, as the problem appears to stay around. Our test devices continue to exhibit the crashing bug after uninstalling the app and rebooting. We are not sure what exactly causes the issue and thus do not know what class of apps cause the problem to arise. It is likely not limited to just one app, but we are yet to find others. Apple is yet to comment officially on the issue.]

Readers are reporting a strange bug with iOS 9.3 (and older versions apparently, exact characteristics of affected devices is unclear), primarily affecting the latest Apple devices, iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. The issue has also been reported on older phones and some iPad models as well. The cause is unknown, but many users are finding themselves unable to open links in Safari, Messages, Mail, Notes and other apps. Instead of visiting the target website, the app crashes, freezes or hangs. Hundreds of reports have already been posted about the iOS 9.3 problem on the Apple Support forums.

Other users are reporting that tapping on links simply does nothing, whereas a tap-and-hold causes a crash. A permanent fix for the issue is not known and Apple has yet to comment on what may be going on. Some people have reported that disabling JavaScript partially solves the issue for opening links in Safari, but remains for other apps.

We have received several tips about this, in an addition to many frustrated users messaging AppleSupport on Twitter, so it appears to be a significant widespread issue. Although the cause of the issue is unclear, most reports appear to come from people with iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus devices … potentially linking back the problem to bugs with 3D Touch. We also have sporadic cases of similar issues being observed on iOS 9.2.1, suggesting it isn’t solely limited to Apple’s latest operating system release.

However, it is not purely limited to those devices so another root cause (or multiple causes) is also likely responsible. It is somewhat strange how the bug appears to be affecting people differently, across so many different apps and devices. Watch a video of the issue in action below for one example … following a link press, the Safari app refuses to respond to further touch input.

Here’s another video more clearly showing the ‘links don’t load’ scenario. We’ll update if Apple comments or a solution comes to light. iOS 9.3 was released last week and the launch was generally smooth. However, in the following days, news surfaced that older devices (like the iPad 2) were failing to activate successfully after upgrading, causing Apple to re-issue iOS 9.3 for some iOS devices.

Let us know if you are experiencing this problem in the comments, and on what devices. We’d love to hear about any potential workarounds or fixes too.

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  1. disaur - 8 years ago

    I’m using a iPhone 6s Plus running iOS 9.3. The app launching crashes started happening to me since 2 days ago. And the Safari redirect crashes happened as well. The only way I can temporarily fix it is to have device reboot.

  2. Hendrik Hagedorn - 8 years ago

    I have the same problem with an iPhone 6. Chrome works fine, as long as you always open links in new tabs. Safari always freezes when trying to open in a new tab and does nothing when tapping on a link. Behavior is the same for the Mail app. Disabling JavaScript does nothing to solve the problem. I hope there is a fix soon, this is very annoying.

  3. Brent (@brentrobbo) - 8 years ago

    Identical problems as reported elsewhere. Google links just don’t work in either Safari or Firefox on ipad air2. First noticed problem today.

  4. Dave Park - 8 years ago

    This is happening with my iPad Air. Clicking on links, it becomes unresponsive for a few seconds then Safari quits. Only happened since the update.

  5. Karen (@kmessche) - 8 years ago

    I have the problem on my iPad Air 64Gb and not on my iPhone 5s. When I turn off using JavaScript in Safari, I was able to open links from Google-search-results again (before I was not). But opening links from email messages still results in a frozen email screen.
    So hopefully it will be resolved soon because a lot of websites do not work well without JavaScript. And it also does not solve all link-related problems in Safari. Also strange: in Safari on the google-results page with JavaScript turned on I was still able to open suggested related search terms. But the links to other websites result in a freeze.
    Strange thing is my husband, who owns a iPad Air 128 Gb, does not have this problems. He told me he saw the problem in Safari for a very sort time, and then everything worked perfectly again.
    Very strange.

  6. Gary Smith (@ITsGaryS) - 8 years ago

    Its wrong to report this as an issue just relating to iOS9.3. I’ve had the exact problem on my iPad Air 2 for the last 2 days and haven’t yet upgraded from iOS 9.2.1. It’s incredibly frustrating, rendering Safari almost useless and preventing simple link clicks from Mail. From Forum threads and Tweets it is clear to see that many, many users are impacted.

    • Malik Faisal Ahmat - 8 years ago

      I had the same problem, which prompted me to upgrade to 9.3 thinking it would fix it after clearing cache and resetting the device didn’t work.So frustrating Apple nowadays are doing such sloppy work!

  7. William - 8 years ago

    Just goes to show : even with 7 (or was it 8) developer betas, and not that many less public betas… trouble remains.

  8. michaelg379 - 8 years ago

    Unfortunately for me this is been happening for about the past month for me on my iPhone 6s Plus running iOS 9.2.1. Whenever I tap on a link on Mail, Safari, Messages, etc. the app will freeze. Whenever I hold down on a link the app crashes. Because of this, I’ve had to start using a different web browser. I was hoping that iOS 9.3 would fix it but now not only is it still happening on my iPhone 6s Plus but it’s also now happening on my iPad Air 2 that is also now running iOS 9.3.

  9. kushpatel21 - 8 years ago

    My iPad Air won’t update to 9.3. It gives me a warning that the verification failed because it it no longer connected to the Internet. Any help?

  10. exact same issue, unfortunately. iOS 9.3 on iP6S+. :(

  11. Tao Jones - 8 years ago

    i have had the phone go unresponsive to touch and rotation on several occasions clicking the side button and restarting the screen with the main button seems to fix it especially frustrating when your trying to answer a business call and the button goes dead .

  12. Milan G (@elpigo) - 8 years ago

    Happening on my iPhone 6, make it almost useless to use. Happened at first with Google as search engine. Switched to Bing, works a little bit better but still occurs. Disabled JavaScript, didn’t make a difference. Links from other apps also freeze. Glad I didn’t upgrade my iPad. Awful user experience. Hope Apple gets a fix out soon or I will need to ditch the iPhone for something that actually works.

  13. Robert Ruitenberg - 8 years ago

    I have the same problem on my iPad Pro. Right after updating to 9.2 it seemed fine, but 3-4 hours later Safari has become unusable, nothing happens when I tab on a link. Not only in safari but also on Google Chrome and/ or trying a different search engine eg Bing.
    Even after downgrading to 9.2.1 (using a back up from my Time Machine) the problem remained.
    Turning Java script off solved the problem, although that causes other problems.

  14. Robert Ruitenberg - 8 years ago

    Sorry I meant upgrading to 9.3, NOT 9.2

  15. I haven’t seen crashes but dictation doesn’t work for nothing. It’ll start hearing me about six words into what I’m speaking. Never had this issue not even through the betas.

  16. Meredith (@meredithwho) - 8 years ago

    I’m using an iphone 6, and everything worked fine until I upgraded to iOS 9.3. Now, I can’t open links in Safari, Mail, App Store, and other apps.

  17. jorntv - 8 years ago

    I have the same problem on an iPhone 6, so it is not (only) related to 3D Touch. Incredibly annoying! Thought this was why they released public betas for minor updates now …

  18. tomtubbs - 8 years ago

    Had it through the 9.3 beta – no reply on this being reported whilst in beta. Still there in the GM

  19. Timmy, Timmy …
    What are we to do with thee??

  20. Christine Arsenault - 8 years ago

    I have an iPhone s6 plus and have the exact same problem :(

  21. hafiezdaniel - 8 years ago

    Nothing wrong with mine, haven’t seen or experience anything out of the ordinary since update. Using iPhone 6S Plus.

    Maybe a reboot might help? Or clean install, I always do that when Apple releases new updates.

  22. qtmonster - 8 years ago

    I have the same exact issue. Been happening since I updated to iOS 9.3 a few nights ago. I’m using an iPhone 6S Plus.
    The workaround I have is to use Chrome browser and every time I click a link, I pressed on it and open in a new tab.

    This is a silly method and can’t bear to have to do this in the long run. I hope Apple fixes this soon.

  23. X Bats (@Xbats) - 8 years ago

    Mine started on my iPhone 6S Plus right after the 9.3 update. Can’t open links in Messages or e-mails. Can’t open links in Google search results in Safari or even the Chrome browser. Spent an hour with Apple Senior Tech support Friday and the issue including screenshots was sent to engineering. Absolutely 3D touch related. Turning it off doesn’t help. I can double tap the home button and quit the app after it freezes to use it again. Makes any search on a browser impossible. Problem does not occur on my wife’s iPhone 6 or my iPad Air 2 both running 9.3

  24. Daniel Elkins - 8 years ago

    Same problem on both my 6s and my wife’s 6s started in 9.2.1 but persists in 9.3 on both devices , my iPad Air 2 and her iPad 4 remain unaffected

  25. mzaur8 - 8 years ago

    What’s the point of Apple having a beta program if they release a final build that wasn’t tested first? This bug was not present in the beta. Also, a bluetooth bug where music stops playing in my car was present in early beta but fixed in latest beta build. The public 9.3 build has the bug again. Really don’t know what Apple is doing.

  26. Simon Beauchamp - 8 years ago

    Can’t believe this bug even exists. My iPhone now won’t let me use the Internet at all, in any capacity. What’s the point?

  27. mxchan3 - 8 years ago

    Running official iOS 9.3, iPhone 6s, I don’t have this problem. Maybe people should try backup and restore iPhone?

  28. X Bats (@Xbats) - 8 years ago

    Mine started on my iPhone 6S Plus right after the 9.3 update. Can’t open links in Messages, Notes or e-mails. Can’t open links in Google search results in Safari or even the Chrome browser. Turning off JavaScript in Settings>Safari>Advanced seems to fix links in a Google search working. Spent an hour with Apple Senior Tech support Friday and the issue including screenshots was sent to engineering. Absolutely 3D touch related. Turning it off doesn’t help. I can double tap the home button and quit the app after it freezes to use it again. Makes any search on a browser impossible unless JavaScript is turned off. Problem does not occur on my wife’s iPhone 6 or my iPad Air 2 both running 9.3

  29. Baz Kellett - 8 years ago

    My iPhone 6s is doing all the above. Contacted Apple and they said this is new and had not heard of this. No fix given and said it would be ups caked to an engineer.

  30. isablurbs - 8 years ago

    Hi, yes updated to iOS 9.3 and tapping on a link in Safari does nothing. Double tapping/ holding it causes Safari to crash.
    I have an iPhone 5S.

  31. Fred Mertz - 8 years ago

    Mine started on my iPhone 6S Plus right after the 9.3 update. Can’t open links in Messages, Notes or e-mails. Freezes the app when you try. Can’t open links in Google search results in Safari or even the Chrome browser. Turning off JavaScript in Settings>Safari>Advanced seems to fix links in a Google search working. Spent an hour with Apple Senior Tech support Friday and the issue including screenshots was sent to engineering. Suggestions were re-installing 9.3 update, clearing Safari cache, restoring iPhone from a back up- none worked. Thought it was a hardware issue and was going to send me a new phone. Absolutely 3D touch related. Turning it off doesn’t help. I can double tap the home button and quit the app after it freezes to use it again. Makes any search on a browser impossible unless JavaScript is turned off. Problem does not occur on my wife’s iPhone 6 or my iPad Air 2 both running 9.3

  32. Gracelyn Joanne Wade - 8 years ago

    I have an iPhone 6 and after updating to iOS 9.3, links failed to open. I tried a number of workarounds but none work. Does it make sense to back out of iOS 9.3 or wait for Apple’s fix to this problem.

  33. Happening with my iphone 6plus. All links in Safari freeze my entire phone. Have to reboot. We need this fixed today!

  34. Rachael Nimmo - 8 years ago

    i have an iphone 6 plus and iOS9.3. Since updating to 9.3 yesterday the links in safari don’t work and crash if i hold them.

  35. Olivier Herold - 8 years ago

    I am experiencing the same problem on my iPhone 6S since upgrading to iOS 9.3! grrrrr

  36. I have the same issue here on iPhone 6s+ with 128GB running iOS 9.3

  37. Jojo (@jojo55665) - 8 years ago

    I don’t think it is the update to 9.3 that is the problem. This is also happening to people who have NOT updated from 9.2.1

    The problem seems to have started yesterday for most people so maybe there is a much more deep-rooted cause. Apple seem to be saying nowt, maybe because there has been a mega-hack to their systems.

  38. Hayder Al-Amily - 8 years ago

    Also links inside mail , make the Mail app freeze!!

  39. James William Thompson - 8 years ago

    Using a iPhone 6 plus and am experiencing this issue with freezes and crashes in Safari and Mail so unlikely to be just a 3d touch issue as this model doesn’t have that feature

  40. Gary Kirk - 8 years ago

    I haven’t had an issue with iOS 9.3 but ever since installing OS X 10.11.4 my Macbook has crashed twice while clicking on a link in Safari. In fact, Safari has become very slow to load pages, so I’ve switched to Chrome.

  41. Elaine Cusimano - 8 years ago

    I have an IPhone 6 Plus with the 9.3 OS and like the rest of you, I have issues clicking and opening links from apps to and from safari.

  42. Elaine Cusimano - 8 years ago

    I hope there is a fix soon as this is very frustrating.

  43. John Smith - 8 years ago

    Leave it a few weeks, install 9.3.x – after they have fixed all the bugs – never install anything from Apple on the first day/s.

    One feature I’d like on IOS would be the ability to toggle the ‘download IOS update while locked and connected to mains’ to off. By all means have it set to on by default, and just let those who want turn it off. My devices downloaded without asking, as usual, and then I had to delete the large files. Much better if we could have a choice about downloading, without having to do things like blocking the update URL on our router.

  44. Kathy Hominuk - 8 years ago

    I have an iPhone 5 and Safari is not working on mine. I can do a google search and then when I click to open a link it freezes.

  45. barbaravanzanten - 8 years ago

    This has been happening on my iphone6S Plus for a day or two BEFORE I installed the latest upgrade 9.3. I thought the issue would be resolved after the upgrade but no.

  46. Carson Liu - 8 years ago

    I have the same problem with Safari and Mail links causing iPhone 6S+ to freeze. Turning off JavaScript helped the issue with Safari, but mail links still freeze. I deleted all cookies and even did back up and reinstall with iTunes on my computer. Apple Support told me to sign up for iCloud backup and do it all over again. Back up to iCloud will take 3+ hours! Might just need to wait for updated iOS release. it’s disappointing to not be able to open any email links.

  47. Lori Snell Chilton - 8 years ago

    6S Plus here with the problem. Gggrrrrr…….. Curse you Steve Jobs….. Luckily haven’t updated my pre-historic iPad 2 yet.

  48. I’m using an iPhone 6, running iOS 9.3. Since today, Safari crashes or freezes when I try to open a link/search result.

  49. Eileen Choo - 8 years ago

    Same here. I’m unable to click on links in both chrome and safari. Chrome was slightly better as I can press and hold to open the link in another tab. Directly clicking does not work.

  50. Shaun Rockett - 8 years ago

    Started seeing this on 9.3 on my iPhone 6. Restored back to 9.2.1 and the issue is still there. Very frustrating.

  51. Alison Cameron - 8 years ago

    I have an iPad Air 2, last night it updated to iOS 9.3 and now neither Safari or Mozzilla web browsers work. I can open up a page and type in an address and the page will open but I cant follow any links from it. e.g. I can open and run a search, but then cant open any of the suggested links when the search is complete.

  52. Charlypollo - 8 years ago

    Actually, after the update, browsing or even writing in 9to5mac makes the phone ultra slow. i have to completely close safari and other apps .

  53. Kyle Ireland - 8 years ago

    I didn’t have issues in Beta 7 of 9.3 on 6s Plus. Once 9.3 came out with the general release the issues started. Now 3D Touch doesn’t work other than icon shortcuts, in Safari links won’t process when they are clicked on a webpage or search so basically I can only use one page before the app freezes and I have to force close, animations are slow, apps freeze, Apple Watch doesn’t dismiss notifications on iPhone when dismissed on the watch.

    I tweeted Apple Support and the told me I needed to restore as a new iPhone. This fixed all my issues except for the Watch notifications. But it cost me my iTunes/iCloud backup and I had to set my iPhone back up from scratch. Really disappointed.

  54. I have the same problem on my iPhone 6 and my iPad Air 2

  55. Lauren Martin - 8 years ago

    Happening on my iphone 6 plus and ipad 2 air. Chatted with Apple on line and they are working on it? Mail not working well either if there are any links. Soooo frustrating.

  56. Karen McCowen - 8 years ago

    Having the same problem. Wont open Safari links after updating to 9.3 on iphone 6 plus

  57. Neil Pike - 8 years ago

    It’s nothing to do with iOS 9.3. Plenty of folks on 9.2.1 affected – all started happening yesterday…

  58. Tomas Jelinek - 8 years ago

    same here tap on link does not open anything and mostly crashes Safari …
    iPhone 6S with iOS9.3
    I could fix it by disabling JavaScript but it’s pretty annoying hope the fix comes soon

  59. Apple Support just told me: “I’m speaking with our engineering team and they’re letting me know that with unresponsive links after iOS 9.3 they are investigating this further. They have received similar reports of this behavior, and want me to tell you that in the coming days a new iOS version will be released.”

  60. Moshe Bar-Zohar - 8 years ago

    Having the exact issue, apps crashing when hitting on a link. Iphone 6+, disabling java script solves only the Safari problem. i did not have this issue prior to the final 9.3 release, i went through all of 9.3 beta versions and none of them had this issue.

  61. Bruce Weber - 8 years ago

    I’ve got an iPad Air 2, 64GB, and have the same issue. Tapping a link in Mail or Safari locks up the app. It’s then impossible to scroll or do anything else after that. The only solution for me is to double press the home button and close the app. This never happened before the 9.3 upgrade.

  62. I’m having this issue on my 6s plus but I’m still on 9.2.1

  63. Martin Doubek - 8 years ago

    I have the same problem on my iPhone 6S Plus. It worked after update for many days it stopped working today after summer time changed during night. Not sure if this is the cause. Hope Apple fix it soon as my device is useless now.

  64. Have the same on iPhone 6+ – 9.3, a friend of mine 9.3 iPhone 6 – btw. haven`t had the issue till today…

  65. whorethorns - 8 years ago

    Just updated to OS 9.3 on my iPhone 6s and same issues. No links will open on Safari or in Mail. Light touch does nothing, harder touch freezes the app. Entire phone running noticeably slower.

    I’ve done a hard reset and reset all settings to no avail. Very frustrating that Apple haven’t commented. Nice way to break something that wasn’t broken.

  66. Megan McAndrews - 8 years ago

    I just have an iPhone 6 and the safari crash has started happening to me, so it’s definitely some issue other than 3D Touch

  67. alexkac - 8 years ago

    I submitted a bug to Apple on something that sounds identical to this with iOS 9. It’s not new though perhaps it’s worse on 9.3. It’s very simple to reproduce the problem in a test app. I can provide technicals info if you want. I can’t say it’s the exact same bug but it’s awfully similar.

  68. iPhone 6, iOS9.3 :-) Same issue!

  69. bubbles (@fluida) - 8 years ago

    The issue appeared this morning on my 6s. The 9.3 update was installed several days ago with no issues.

    Links don’t work not just in Safari, but in other applications as well (e.g., Whatsapp). Turning off Javascript doesn’t solve anything — Safari stops freezing, but it doesn’t process the links as well (nothing happens if you tap on them). Chrome is handicapped as well — all external links only open in new tabs.

    Links within one website seem to work.

  70. Ward Bauwens - 8 years ago

    same issue. Unable to click links in safari and Mail freezes. I tried downgrading to 9.2 but problem persists.

  71. Attila Felföldi - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6s User here, iOS 9.3 worked fine for a few days than I also started experiencing the safari LinkGate!

  72. Wisam Safi - 8 years ago

    same story here… tapping links not working in Safari and its impacting other programs as well

  73. Same issue started today iPhone 6

  74. morganhighley - 8 years ago

    Same problem on my 6S Plus. Started with the last beta (7?) before the final release.

  75. bata684 - 8 years ago

    One bug is in the Photos app. All the photos I’ve edited on my mac using Macphuns CK extensions for Photos app, when viewed it on my iPhone 6S, and zoomed it in, it reverted back to the original photo. When slide it down or go back to the gallery, it turns back to the edited photo. When zoomed in again, it went back to the original.
    Lots of apps are crashing too. Fandango, etc.

  76. Heidi Brown - 8 years ago

    Just started yesterday with my 6S Plus. Had iOS 9.2, thought updating to 9.3 would solve it. Nope.

  77. markstrefford - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6 plus running 9.3 – can’t open links in Facebook, emails or within safari!

  78. Bruna (@petitebruna) - 8 years ago

    Both my Iphone 6S and Ipad Mini 4 are useless after last IOS Updade.

  79. Mark Hewitt - 8 years ago

    Have had problems since upgrading my iPad Air to iOS 9.3. Links not working in Safari and some apps.

  80. Susan Harvey Phillips - 8 years ago

    I have an iPhone 6S. Same problem: When I click any link in Safari or Mail, the app freezes. .

  81. Carla 'Ronald' Spencer - 8 years ago

    I did the update 2 nights ago and can no longer load any website links. I can google, “David Bowie” which opens all the we pages. If I want to read Wikipedia I cannot open that link or any other. I use the internet for work related research on the move and my phone is now useless. Please help…. Or Apple fix the issue you have caused!!! Not impressed!!

  82. Kuba Pilecki (@EvilVir) - 8 years ago

    Got this yesterday on iPhone 6s iOS 9.3, it just stopped working just like that, no new apps, no updates, nothing. Well daylight time changed yesterday but how that could broke links? I have downgraded to 9.2.1, it’s working now but we’ll see for how long. I don’t get it, that’s a minor update, 7 betas released and fu**edup tons of devices week after release? C’mon Apple are you even trying to do ANY QA?

  83. baussie - 8 years ago

    And I have the same problem too.

  84. alex (@vanson06) - 8 years ago

    same problem with an iPhone 4S running iOS 9,3.

  85. Jayne Knott-mcAuley - 8 years ago

    Exactly the same issue, unfortunately. On a 6 plus. Which is my work phone, other picking up emails this is a useless piece of equipment and doing my head in.

  86. Robert Dale - 8 years ago

    IPhone 6 Plus and this problem began after updating to 9.3. Search engine links do not work with either Safari or Chrome. A long hold over the link causes the app to freeze.

    As long as I can go directly to a website, hyperlinks work.

  87. Paul Cavender - 8 years ago

    Updated my iphone last night now Safari and any links in e.mail etc cause either Safari or email to hang and slow the phone considerably, only way out is to close email and reopen and use Google chrome.. Apple about time you got your shit together

  88. Paul Searle - 8 years ago

    iPod touch (new July 2015) running ios9.3 update links in safari no longer open, then safari crashes – any ideas how to fix?

  89. Stephen Hogg - 8 years ago

    My iPad Air 2 now will not allow me to press on a url. Renders safari and and chrome useless

  90. ema12blog - 8 years ago

    Having the same freezing issue,hopefully will be solved soon.Thanks

  91. Philip Herrey (@phihe) - 8 years ago

    Exactly the same started happening to me on both my iPad 2 air and iPhone 6S since around 20 Feb, so before 9.3 was launched. Have spent hours with Apple Support, uploaded crash reports to their technicians who could not detect the fault. I reinstalled as a new iPad and loaded apps back manually and the problem still came back after a few hours!! So must be something that is linked to the device id and some of the apps I have…

  92. Peter Warr - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6 iOS 9.3 update was ok initially but now Google search links in Safari don’t work (nothing happens) and Safari hangs on touch and hold. Also ‘Browser’ browser and (just installed) Firefox) do the same. Rebooting makes no difference.

    Suddenly iPhone is becoming useless. Are Apple and Google having a spat?

  93. Peter Warr - 8 years ago

    9to5Mac confirm subscription email ‘Confirm Follow’ link just hung iOS 9.3 Mail.

  94. Peter Warr - 8 years ago

    Apple Support ‘Here’s that article’ email ‘Open this case’ link hangs iOS 9.3 Mail. Apps closes with bottom button.

  95. LeMarsu (@LeMarsu4) - 8 years ago

    Disabling JavaScript seems to have helped me. Settings>Safari>Advanced #ios9.3KilledSafari

  96. Leopoldo Pereira - 8 years ago

    Same problem here with my iPad Air 1st gen.

  97. I’m experiencing the issue on all of my devices (iPad Air 2, iPhone 6 & 6Plus).

  98. Nicolas Menghi - 8 years ago

    I had the problem before upgrading to IOS9.3, so the problem isn`t 9.3, the only thing is that this upgrade didn`t solve it.

  99. Chris Conway - 8 years ago

    Far out, and they had 7 betas to do what? Add f.lux and edit a few icons. Terrible.

  100. Andreas Zombanakis - 8 years ago

    upgraded to 9.3 on my iphone 6. no problem initially but now safari hangs and wont redirect then freezing completely. Hard resent on iphone doesn’t fix the problem. I hope this gets sorted out quickly. Reading previous comments, I just loaded app on my iphone6 the day before upgrade to ios 9.3

  101. Zoë Kaczorowski - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6s 9.2 when the problem started. I had not recently installed anything or updated. I restarted the app, then the phone, then I updated hoping it would fix the problem. It didn’t. I installed Firefox as a workaround, but it also has some issues, although it doesn’t open a link normally, you can hold and open a link in a new tab (which you can’t do in Safari). It was driving me insane so I grabbed my iPad mini (9.2) which I hadn’t used for about 4 or 5 days and was fine when I last used. I have not updated or installed anything and it also has the problem…

  102. P-F Thaler (@pierrov) - 8 years ago

    same problem here. Started on Friday after installing 9.3. Chrome does not work either

  103. Sally Kilburg - 8 years ago

    I have iPad Mini. Links won’t load, Safari gets hung up. And if I try to click a link in an email in one account, the entire email system hangs up, no email accounts are openable. Have to power off and on again just to review email. Very frustrating!! Would love to undo upgrade, is that possible on iPad? Was fine till I upgraded, worked afterwards for a few hours, but immediately after I downloaded a new app (Pinterest) on top of the 9.3 upgrade, it all went to hell. I am telling everyone I know not to upgrade!

  104. erunestian - 8 years ago

    I experience the crashes on my iPhone 6. My iPhone 5S was fine and I checked the hypothesis about the app. That’s right, after installing the app the 5S started crashing too.

  105. Khalifa Saleh Al Haroon - 8 years ago

    This isn’t just 9.3. Affecting me on 9.0.2 and others on various ios9 versions have complained

  106. jennmurphy8 - 8 years ago

    This started for me yesterday with my iPhone 6 (not happening with my iPad) and I had NOT upgraded to the new iOS yet…. I actually upgraded earlier today today thinking it might solve the problem but it did not (nor did several reboots.) I can’t upload any links in safari (although I can get search results, just can’t open any of the results) and I can’t open any links within my email. I am sooooo frustrated!

  107. Joanne Matthews - 8 years ago

    I’m on iPhone 6S and updated to iOS 9.3 yesterday. Haven’t been able to use Safari since then. Very inconvenient!!

  108. Mike Barker - 8 years ago

    I just noticed it happening to me. iPhone 6s Plus. Anyone have one of those popup blocking apps? I had Purify installed took it off and that didn’t seem to change anything. Very frustrating!

  109. Divian Brenes (@divianb) - 8 years ago

    I am having issues with ibooks in two different devices. Ibooks is useless with 9.3.

  110. Richard Amesbury - 8 years ago

    Still doing the same. Not pleased!!

  111. gpulvi - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6 w/9.3 working fine, but iPad mini 2 with 9.2.1 won’t work… Also, I can’t update the mini because Apple pulled the update. So many beta releases to get a final version that still has issues, c’mon Apple, you can do better!

  112. Rodrigo Silva - 8 years ago

    I have an iPad Air with iOS 9.2.1 and since yesterday I am experiencing issues when tapping links on Safari. Doing that simply does nothing, whereas a tap-and-hold causes a crash. Another problem is that I am not able to upgrade to iOS 9.3. Every time I try to upgrade, I receive a message saying that it was not possible to verify the update file because I am not connected to the Internet anymore.

  113. Craig Tamash - 8 years ago

    Same problem with links not working and or freezing up!

  114. Ade Tyson - 8 years ago

    Can’t get safari to work and links from apps are intermittent. What does work is opening links in a new tab on chrome, not sure why but seems to work for the moment!

  115. Ade Tyson - 8 years ago

    I seem to have all the problems above, the only work around I have found is opening links in a new tab on chrome seems to work ok. I hope Apple come up with a fix soon as it’s doing my swede in!!!

  116. Fiona Lewins - 8 years ago

    It also impacts iPhone 5S as I am having exactly the same issue, having updated to 9.3. It seemed to start maybe a day after the update rather than immediately though. Also impacts Firefox browsing. Google Chrome works fine.
    Safari is now working better after I disabled java script but still not right. It still crashes my mail app if I try to click on an URL in an email, as safari is the default browser. Seriously a real pain and impacting productivity, work and my trust in Apple.

  117. Lynn Whitton Wilson - 8 years ago

    Just bought a new iPhone 6s plus on Friday. Upgraded to iOS 9.3 and found I couldn’t click on links in Safari or Mail without app freezing. Thanks to advice on this site, I tried disabling JavaScript and it worked for Safari links, although I’m still having trouble with Mail. Hopefully, this will get me thru the next few days until Apple produces a fix for the problem. Irritating to say the least, but I’m glad to know I’m not alone …..

  118. Hans-Peter Schoell - 8 years ago

    The problem started before the download of the new iOS operating system. I have an iPhone six and links just won’t open on any browser. Disabling JavaScript did not work for me. Please help!!!

  119. Corinne MacDonald - 8 years ago

    Yup, same issues and I have the iPhone 6. But suddenly I CAN hit links on Chrome with the long hold – even though I never had that long hold feature before??!! And no tapping links on Safari and it freezes if I hold down a link too long.

  120. Susan Martin Sayers - 8 years ago

    I upgraded with 9.3 on my iphone 6 and Safari links wont open for me. The phone freezes and the only way out is to reboot. annoying.

  121. Louise Neighbour - 8 years ago

    having the same issue on my iPad Air 2 after updating the software a day or 2 ago

  122. testadura3335 - 8 years ago

    Hi there

    I was just about to pre-order the new iPhone when I saw news of the iOS 9.e problems. Are these issues likely to affect the new phones? And if so, how long do these issues generally take to resolve?

    Thanks, TD

  123. Tony Powell - 8 years ago

    iphone 6 running 9.3. pandora, youtube, pinterest and mail not working. says I need to put my password in my google account again, but when I do it gives me an error saying that there was a problem accessing my account despite the password being correct (and yes, the password is correct)

  124. Jools Roberts - 8 years ago

    iphone 5s on 9.2 since friday 24th I cannot click on links – nothing happens, or if i long click, it crashes

  125. Matisyahu Gardiner - 8 years ago

    The issue also occurs on the MacBook Pro I own – the whole Safari freezes up and requires a forced reboot. Sigh. The software quality has hit a new low.

  126. Pam McInvale Zimmerman - 8 years ago

    Updated my phone last night to ios 9.3 and now I can’t open links in Safari. When I tap, it highlights the title of the link, then freezes. I am so frustrated right now!

  127. Dee Daugherty-Holland - 8 years ago

    Same thing happening to my iphone 6s plus.

  128. Dee Daugherty-Holland - 8 years ago

    Same thing happening to me on my iphone 6s plus. What the heck???

  129. Catherine Grove - 8 years ago

    It started happening on my 6plus which I only brought last June. Apple support on line was very unhelpful and said they were aware of a problem and I’d just have to wait until their engineers Found a fix. Great service ! Went to Apple Store and they gave me an appointment to speak to someone next Friday. Really frustrated!

  130. Jean Manrique - 8 years ago

    This happened to me this evening. I booked a hotel through and it asked me to install the app. This was on my iPad. Now nothing happens when I click on a link on my iPad AND my iPhone – evidently the bug infected them both. How do I fix this??

  131. Jean Manrique - 8 years ago

    Turning off Java Script fixed it.

  132. Vera Appleyard - 8 years ago

    Having same problem iPhone 6 – both safari and chrome and mail – nothing happens (safari/chrome) or page freezes up (mail links)

  133. Karen Bray - 8 years ago

    Yes same thing happens with my iPhone6. I can see the links in safari but when I click on them the screen freezes. Same with links in emails. Not sure about texts as I haven’t tried that. Very frustrating. Only started after I updated to iOS9.3. Hope there’s a fix soon. If I have the website on my home screen that’s the only way I can get on the web!!

  134. Mark Williams - 8 years ago

    upgraded to 9.3 on my iphone 6. no problem initially but now safari hangs and wont redirect then freezing completely. Hard resent on iphone doesn’t fix the problem. Also affecting my IPad mini 3, but strangely no problems on my IPad Air. I hope Apple fixes this quickly.

  135. Steve Chavez - 8 years ago

    6s Plus with the problem. My wife uses this phone for work. I’m really have no idea how she’s supposed to function when Safari and Mail have become virtually useless. Disabling Javascript helps with Safari a bit but Mail is a nightmare. Of course she has the app installed. This needs to be fixed yesterday…

  136. mytawalbeh - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6S Plus, iOS 9.3 .. No issues

    • Jean Manrique - 8 years ago

      Just spoke with Apple support and they said their engineers are working on the problem and will soon be out with a software update to fix the issue.

  137. Rowena Johnson - 8 years ago

    Just started after the iOS 9.3 update on my iPhone 5. Can’t open links in safari, email or Facebook. When I hold down the link it freezes the page. Very frustrating

  138. Jan Moehring Hannon - 8 years ago

    When clicking on links in safari, phone freezes. iPhone 6s. iOS 9.3. Help!!!!

  139. Lucy Tasker - 8 years ago

    I’ve got this issue on my 5S… seems to load if I switch my search engine to Bing

  140. Mnk Elena - 8 years ago

    on my iphone 6 as well the same issue, cannot open any links on safari.. when it will be solved???

  141. Ammar Nagi Yahia - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6 plus – can’t open any link in safari after I updated to ios 9.3… I did install and uber-apps just before the update ,so, I don’t know ,is it the app or the ios 9.3??

  142. Val Vesa - 8 years ago

    How do I downgrade? I have the same problems on iPhone 6S. Uninstalled app, but issue is still there.

  143. Clipparoo - 8 years ago

    I had the same problem Called Apple Care. Said they know all about it and are working on an update. However, here’s a temporary fix that worked for me on my Iphone 6S Plus.

    Settings–>Safari–>Advanced–>Turn off javascript–restart

  144. janar ilves (@jgnar) - 8 years ago

    iOS 9.3, iPhone 5s. Same problem here started yesterday. Clear history and website data and restard did nothing. Disabling JavaScrip for Safari fixed the problem for Safari, but not for the other apps. I also have the app installed.

  145. Clint Andrews - 8 years ago

    I am experiencing the same problem…and cannot get rid of it entirely…but did find a partial fix. I disabled google…and use yahoo as my search engine. As a result, I can click on a link from yahoo and go to the website…whereas with google…the link was dead. Still having trouble with gmail…but it is a google account as well. Perhaps that’s where the problem lies…

  146. If a Hard Reset is not solving the issue…

    Try disabling Fraudulent Website Warning in Safari Settings.

  147. Grenga Ma (@GrengaMa) - 8 years ago

    iPhone 5. IOS 9.2.1. Can’t open links in Safari or Mail. Phone performance is slow.

  148. Ryan Burke (@ZoidBurke) - 8 years ago

    Got it to stop having this issue by quitting the apps, going to Settings>Safari>Clear History And Website Data, then rebooting the phone. After All this, it worked! I don’t know if the rebooting was necessary but those were the steps I took and I don’t have any other devices that have had that issue.

  149. Peter Ammann - 8 years ago

    My new iPad Pro has the same problems after the terrible 9.3 update. Links don’t work anymore. Email freezes. It’s a shame for Apple and we never had such problems all the decades under Steve Jobs’ management! Official Apple support has no idea how to fix the problem and forces us to reboot and reboot our devices but nothing changes.
    This is not an acceptable way how a global leader solves problems. I wonder why there are no legal comsequences for the company until now.

  150. iJoéL (@J18Way) - 8 years ago

    I had the same issue on 6S, I restored the phone and set it up as a new iPhone. All links seems to work. I also installed all my previous downloads which include but haven’t opened it as of yet; I’ll delete the app now, thanks to the update in this post. Cheers

  151. okeribok - 8 years ago is evil and should be avoided like the plague. People whose phone crashed in the booking app have been saved from a worse fate.

  152. Maria Friman - 8 years ago

    I have the same problem on A Iphone 6s. Very disturbing. Really hope it will be fixed soon. Back to work tomorrow, phone’s got to work properly then!

  153. Mavusane Ncube - 8 years ago

    Temporay solution is to Turn Off the javascript under Settings – Safari – Advanced it worked for me

  154. Aoife Coffey - 8 years ago

    It’s happening to my mums ipad 3 as well, but it’s not affecting my iPad mini!

  155. I’ve the same problem on my iPhone 6 . Safari can’t open the links on Google Search Results. And WhatsApp freezes when I click the links sent to me. Anyone with the solution ?

  156. Alex Do - 8 years ago

    I have same issues as described on iPhone 6s running 9.2.1, not 9.3. Just started yesterday. iPad mini running 9.3 (13E233) no issues so far! Very strange.

  157. Bee (@beebux) - 8 years ago

    Started this morning on an iPhone 6s post daylight saving (gotta find related issues right?)

  158. Arend Jan van der Marel - 8 years ago

    Also on iPhone 5 the links are not working anymore.

  159. Alison Reilly - 8 years ago

    I have had problems since upgrading my iPad Air to iOS 9.3. Links not working in Safari/ facebook and some apps.

  160. Nuno Cruz - 8 years ago

    I have the same problem in 2 iphones. The common thing is app installed on both as the text says.
    Any tips to solve?

  161. Glenn Berry - 8 years ago

    Started this morning with my 6, updated to 9.3 last week fine until today

    • Glenn Berry - 8 years ago

      Update: Reset iPhone completely, deleted all settings and content, works again, I’ll try restoring from backup later today, to see if it still works.

      • Glenn Berry - 8 years ago

        Update 2: Restore from backup of 2 weeks ago and the problem is back too.

  162. Admin - 8 years ago

    Got the bug on my iPad Pro after updating to 9.3. iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2 work fine after upgrading. Have app installed on all devices.

  163. Leif Åström - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6. Installed 9.3 and Safari jams when trying to click on a link. Same if I try to follow a link from an email.

    • Abedoss - 8 years ago

      Me too, I’m using iPhone 5s 64GB iOS 9.3 from the first day, and I have non of the floating issues at all.

  164. Susan Unwin (@sj_unwin) - 8 years ago

    I installed the app to my Ipad Air 2 two days ago and my links stopped working. I updated to iOS yesterday but that didn’t solve it. I have deleted the app but as you have said the bug is still there,

  165. Wafa Kamel - 8 years ago

    Can’t open links in Google search in Safari IOS 9.3 using iPad Air 2, any solution??

  166. Jae Choi - 8 years ago

    Exactly same problems with my iphone 6S. IOS 9.3 made it useless.

  167. Caroline Heath - 8 years ago

    I have the iPhone 5s and since updating safari will not respond when you try and click on a link

  168. Tammy Key - 8 years ago

    my iphone is the same its frustrating me now as i depend on it for work and other things , any ideas ? i also done the update

  169. Steve Wrigglesworth - 8 years ago

    Haven’t updated my Ipad mini to iOS 9.3 yet – still on 9.2.1. Just started having this problem where no links to internet sites appear to work – from any search engine or from within other apps. However mail is still working in both directions. Interestingly when I try and download 9.3 it tells me it can’t verify as I’m not connected to the Internet which I clearly am.

  170. Guy Mathiot - 8 years ago

    I have an iPhone 6s and web links received via email will not work and make MAIL FREEZE. Running 9.3 iOS .

  171. Martin Randall - 8 years ago

    Just to add to the many responses – I’ve had the same issue in that I cannot get links in Safari to work. I’ve had this on my iPhone and iPad. It meant that I could not even login to the wifi of the hotel I’ve been staying in all weekend. Bad mess up here Apple. Most disappointed.

  172. Brand new ipad air 2….and links are not clickable and/or crashes the programme. Pity this supposedly good brand doesn’t test its software properly and cant be bothered to comment officially on problems being experienced by many.

  173. deniseandbrian - 8 years ago

    I have deleted amazon music app -the only app added since the problem started
    Turned Off javascript under Settings – Safari – Advanced
    Disabled Fraudulent Website Warning in Settings -Safari
    Cleared website data in Safari
    several Belts and Braces but most links working now

  174. Ditto, can’t open links in Safari or email. I have Chrome on my iPad, and for some reason that works.

  175. Ian Rosenvinge - 8 years ago

    my iPhone 6s freezes when clicking on a link on safari or google after installing 9.3

  176. Adam Ed - 8 years ago

    I have an iphone 6, after update links don’t open, Safari is now worthless… we need a solution ASAP.

  177. Craig Riches - 8 years ago

    Personally, I think this kind of “service” from a company such as Apple is totally unacceptable. If it’s not ready, DON’T RELEASE IT! And don’t alienate users of earlier devices either. Thoroughly test your updates on ALL currently available devices before release. I think Apple should a) make a formal statement of acceptance that there is a problem – thousands of calls to ‘Support’ would prove that, as would even more posts to forums with users posting their frustration and woes. b) Personal apologies issued by Craig Federighi and Tim Cook for the appalling service and quality control in what is proving to be a continual and almost expected poor level of product these days with every subsequent iOS release.
    The level of impact these kind of product failures have upon personal and business users is huge, and the arrogance with which Apple seems to act as each one happens amazes me.
    Their “It just works” statement can no longer be used, and it used to be their welcome point of difference in contrast to their competitors. Don’t get me wrong, the hardware is still top notch (albeit at a premium), but the two (software & hardware), used to be the definitive quality of Apple, and this divide is now becoming more and more apparent.
    As a long term user of Apple devices and both OS & iOS for both personal and business use, it just saddens me to see the decline of the company in this way. Perhaps they should spend a little less on opening new stores and invest that capital in building stable and secure software platforms for their wonderful products to run with.

  178. Dave Lynch (@DaveLynch9) - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6 running 9.3 – can’t open emails link or safari links

  179. graham moore (@gamagr) - 8 years ago

    managed to eventually get ios9.3 installed on an ipad 2, but safari will not open links, and mail will not open links or eventually crashes.

  180. bll2016 - 8 years ago

    My new Iphone 5S is no longer able to open any links either through my mobile service or wi-fi. The app just freezes. I also keep getting a message to update to iOS9.3 and although I have tried several times it is unable to do the update. I get a message saying it can’t verify the download because I am no longer connected to the internet. Problem is that I am connected to the internet through Wi-Fi! This is a nightmare. Anyone finding any solutions. Will downloading 9.3 help – assuming it is even possible – or based on the feedback should I just ignore it?

  181. Clare Norman - 8 years ago

    iPhone 5c, tried to update to 9.3 overnight, failed, now states iOS failed verification because no longer connected to the Internet. I am connected on wifi.
    However, Safari has stopped linking to websites and freezes when I try to follow a link. All very odd. Did a full reset yesterday but this didn’t help. Not happy

  182. Peter O'Leary - 8 years ago

    I discovered on Easter Saturday morning when clicking URL links in emails on my iPhone 6 that the window was freezing.The only way to get out of the window was by double clicking the home button and swiping the window upwards. At first I thought it was because I had upgraded 24 hours earlier to iOS 9.3. However my wife’s iPhone 6, still operating on iOS 9.2, was having the same problem. Google is listing search results as normal but when you try to access one the phone freezes. This is not happening when searching with Bing. nor is my iPad affected although its operating system has been upgraded to iOS 9.3. I have tried turning off the phones and doing a reboot but the problem is still there. The problem is also there when searching through Vodafone with Wi-Fi turned off. It happens on both and

  183. Gabriel Lundmark - 8 years ago

    I have this problem only when clicking links from Google search results. The actual results load, but I can’t click on any of them. Switching to Bing seems to have fixed the issue (for now), but brings with it a whole new slew of problems, like learning to live with Bing.

  184. I have os 9.1 on a new ipad (I don’t like to update the os) – and I started getting the exact same problem yesterday!

  185. adsg48 - 8 years ago

    I took a note with the new Note app on my iPod Touch 6th gen and it syncs with the new Note app in my iPad Air 2. And then a surprise! The note appears broken on the iPad. Is that a bug in the new Note app on iOS 9.3 ?

  186. Calina Ting - 8 years ago

    i have 6+ with iOS 9.3, does the same thing.. not able to open link and the page freezes! :(

  187. Jax Bedford - 8 years ago

    grrrr so frustrating can’t open any links on Safari! how can this be fixed?

  188. Hendrik Hagedorn - 8 years ago

    I deleted the app; however, this did not solve the safari links problem. After that I did a full reset of my iPhone 6 which made Links in Safari work again! I’m now going to try to make a clean install of iOS 9.3 and then to restore from a backup via iTunes without the app. I’ll let you guys know if that works.

    • Hendrik Hagedorn - 8 years ago

      Didn’t work, but the app was installed even if the backup was done after the app was deleted. Next try, this time I deleted the app from iTunes, I hope it won’t install itself again…

  189. Linda Malolepszy - 8 years ago

    My ipad 2 no longer works properly after the update to 9.3. Unbale to open an URL on safari or any links from emails. This is rubbish now, hopw a fix come very soon.

  190. Jax Bedford - 8 years ago

    Settings-Safari-advanced-turn off JavaScript and reopen safari – seems to do the trick

  191. Lorraine Clarke - 8 years ago

    Since upgrading gto iOS 9.3 on my iPhone 6s cannot access any sites.
    Enter what I want to search on Google, brings up links, click on one I want and doesn’t do anything, then freezes.
    Not happy!!! Needs fixing fast !!!

  192. Best Dressed Guessed - 8 years ago

    I have the same issue on an iPhone 5s, only after upgrading to iOS 9.3

  193. Temporarily fixed by disabling Javascript in Settings > Safari > Advanced and toggling the green switch for javascript

  194. Helcat Johnson - 8 years ago

    Unable to open a variety of links particular;y Safari and Outlook on iPhone 6S

  195. Sue Bee - 8 years ago

    I have iOS 9.2.1 and have exactly this issue – a few days ago downloaded the app and only today in trying to find how to resolve the link fail/hang/crash problems over the last few days have discovered there is likely an association between that app and this problem :-(( One ‘fix’ which does seem to work, although brings its own many issues as an unwelcome side-effect, is to disable JavaScript – links once again work but Facebook and many other sites won’t function. How the hell did an app for such a well known & respected site get published with such a major flaw? I have uninstalled and re-booted but the safari problems remain. Now what??!! Apple over to you……

  196. Mark Skinner - 8 years ago

    I Have the same issue on iPhone 6S after updating iOS to 9.3 but also have the same issue on an iPad mini that has not been updated. Any help would be welcome

  197. Just want say I have the same problem on my iPhone 6 – not so on my iPad Pro though. In the open beta’s I’ve never encountered these problems, also not directly after the release. Seems to be something else (in case you blame 9.3).

  198. Paul Searle - 8 years ago

    Raised it with Apple this morning and they said: “Apple is aware of an issue with unresponsive hyperlinks related to the 9.3 update and is working to get this issue Resolved as quickly as possible.”

    They also suggested: “click on Settings…. then Safari….. then Advanced…. and then turn Javascript off. Once you do, please then restart your iPod touch to see if that allows you to temporarily access links”.

    This works for my new iPod Touch.

    • Craig Riches - 8 years ago

      important to remember that the Javascript ‘fix’ only applies to Safari links probs. So if you are experiencing problems with links in Mail app (as many are), this will not have any effect on that.

  199. Ka (@zombelyanu) - 8 years ago

    I just stopped using Safari, and now I browse with Chrome – it’s working! I guess it’s a Safari problem, not the third party apps…

  200. Mike Naton (@tuscy4) - 8 years ago

    Having exact same problems as described above after I downloaded the 9.3 update. Links will not open in Safari and then crashes (IPhone 6S Plus)

  201. My iPad Pro has this issue. It was working fine with all the 9.3 beta’s, but stopped when I updated to the public version. My iPhone 6 Plus seems to be ok on 9.3.

  202. Sue Bee - 8 years ago

    Have just spoken with Apple support – its an issue affecting all iOS9’s potentially – to do with the firmware nothing to do with any app downloaded. hitting safari, messages and mail. They can’t say when a fix will be available although they’re “working on it”! all users will get a software update pop-up once the fix is published. Meanwhile, I guess we’ll have to resort to talking to each other!!

    • Craig Riches - 8 years ago

      Interesting response Sue. Did you get a name from the person that made that statement? I have to say that having experienced this problem on both my iPhone 6 and my iPad Air post 9.3 update (several days afterwards i must say, which seems an odd thing to happen, especially with no additional apps installed post 9.3), I rolled back both devices to 9.2.1(13D15) (for better or worse). Weirdly now, my iPad is functioning fine with links in Safari (without a need to disable Javascript), and also from with the Mail app and other 3rd party apps. However, the self same version install on my iPhone 6 doesn’t work and suffers the same fate as all the other people here.
      The only difference between the two set ups was that I set the iPad up as a new device rather than restored from a back-up. So I don’t know whether doing the same with my phone could work as a result. Such a pain to set up everything again though!!

  203. erincerol - 8 years ago

    I have iPhone 6 and have the same issue on latest ios

  204. Updated to 9.3 saturday. Since then not able to open links from searches in Safari, messages or mail. Disabling JavaScript helped with Safari, but rest is still not functioning. Troubles on iPhone 6s only, not on my iPad. Very annoying!

  205. Same problem on iphone 5S with iOS 9.2.1

  206. Francisco Ravecca - 8 years ago

    I am having all the problems mentioned in my iPhone 6. Links simply do not work, mostly when I get a link in WhatsApp or if I do a Google Search.

  207. Patrizia - 8 years ago

    on my iPhone 6S I can not longer open links in Safari and Chrome as well in mail and messages after upgrading to 9.3 I also started to have this problem on my iPad2 mini 9.2.1 iOS. This problem did not happen right after upgrading but after a few days. And yesterday my iPad worked fine and now this morning I no longer can open links.

  208. Shannon Stanley - 8 years ago

    Having the same problem after installing iOS 9.3 on my I-Phone 6 plus. Does Apple have a fix? This is a major inconvenience with work email!!

  209. Liz Hibbard - 8 years ago

    Installed app and now Safari will not work on ipad, clicking links just causes freezing. Disabled Java Script and now works ok, need a permanent solution though

  210. Diana Dobson - 8 years ago

    Same problem, can’t even link to Apple feedback page to make a bug report and when I eventually connected via typing in the address, I couldn’t submit the feedback because, guess what, no link! Both iPads in this house affected. I then installed iOS9.3 thinking it may help but it made no difference at all. Looks like a major issue.

  211. Valentin Ivanov - 8 years ago

    I am the same with iphone 6s 64gb ios 9.3 and I can’t open any link and if I 3d touch it the browser freezes.

  212. Lauren Singleton - 8 years ago

    6S Plus. iOS 9.3. Just started happening for me.
    Can’t click search links in Safari and long pressing to open in new tab freezes the app. Turned off Javascript and it sort of fixed the problems. I can still click links on pages other than search pages. Problem with both Google search and Yahoo.
    Can’t click search links in Chrome and trying to open in new tab causes a tab to open and crash. Can click links on other pages but cannot use Google or Yahoo.
    Can’t click search links in Firefox but I can open in new tab. Can click links on other pages (that are not search engines), and cannot use Google or Yahoo.

    I haven’t even tried out links in mail or Gmail app yet. I’m too afraid to break anything else.

  213. Michael Adams - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6s with iOS 9.3. Can’t open links in Safari or iMessage. Nothing’s worked so far to fix.

  214. Carolyn Riddle - 8 years ago

    Work around until Safari is fixed: download Google browser from App store: works perfectly and very fast. I don’t like it as well, and will delete it when Safari is working again. I have a 5S iPhone and am running 9.2.1. My phone tells me that I have a 9.3 update available, but when I connect to Macbook Pro and check for updates in iTunes, I receive a message that there are no updates available. Is that because Apple pulled the 9.3 update and is trying to fix it?

  215. jeggerly (@jeggerly) - 8 years ago

    Yup I’m having major issues on my iPhone 5S for iOS 9.2.1 – No google links work in Safari or Chrome on my device. On Safari, they don’t work at all and crashes safari after a couple of minutes. On Chrome the only way I can open a link is if I hold down the link for a second and prompt it to open the link in a new window.

  216. Bashar Ramahi - 8 years ago

    Same problem here on iphone 6

  217. Rafael Cavalcanti - 8 years ago

    Same thing, after updating to IOS 9.3 safari does not load any page. Also, my Waze app never worked again, seems never to find the GPS …weird

  218. Michael Pchelnikov - 8 years ago

    I have the same issue on iPhone 6 and iPad Air. I have app too. I deleted app and the problem has gone.

  219. John Miles - 8 years ago

    I have no idea what all you people are talking about lol. Well, i just recently purchased an iPad pro and also updated to 9.3 and i have 3 iphones 6s plus in my house, none have gave me that issue. I tell you what, i use an adblocker so what if it has to do with ads… Or if you are using an adblocker what if the adblocker has the issue.. Maybe trying an adblocker from a different company. I use AdBlocker (spelled just like that). Don´t know what else it can´t be but i have not had Safari freeze or crash on my devices and family devices. Atleast I know that much on the latest devices, so i dont know why the couple of people that commented eith iPad Pro and 6S have that problem. If you dont have an ad blocker try adding one and see what happens or if you have one already try changing it and see if that helps.

  220. Kamela Dolinova - 8 years ago

    Having the same problem, but have also been unable to update to 9.3 – every time I try, with the phone hooked to both wifi and power, it says “unable to verify update as you are no longer connected to the Internet.”

  221. Bob McConnell - 8 years ago

    Wife’s iPad has the problem and 9.3 is not yet installed!! Links in email causes Mail to lock up. Shutting down Mail is still possible with a double click and a swipe.

  222. Randy Bourne - 8 years ago

    I have the same issue on my ipad air 2 after the update to 9.3. hopefully they send out a fix soon.

  223. Brad Jones - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6 64GB same issue as described (Safari links, links from native mail client cause freeze/crash) appeared immediately upon updating to iOS 9.3. Also affects web links in Chrome on click-to-link, but click-and-hold allows links to be opened in a separate tab in Chrome. Links are accessible from Outlook mail client only if default browser for Outlook links is set to Google Chrome, but issue recurs if default browser is set to Safari. Upgraded to 9.3 over wifi from device after backing up to iCloud.

  224. I have the same problem on iPhone 5S but with the IOS 9.2.1. It appeared suddenly, not following the update of IOS.
    Maybe the cause is an app that I installed this morning (not Booking).
    The same thing happened to my boyfriend yesterday on iPhone 5S, using IOS 9.2 and not following the upgrade of the software and not following the download of an app.
    So it seems to be more something appearing randomly.
    I went to the Apple shop today and the only thing they suggest is to reset the phone :(

  225. Michele Wagner - 8 years ago

    Same problem with both iPhone 6 and Ipad Air 2.

  226. David Hall - 8 years ago

    I have it on my iPhone 6s, but iPad Air (1) works fine

    • Just the same here…
      It seems it is related to google, if you switch to another search provider (e.c. Bing), some links works fine. Try this in the settings app / safari / search provider

  227. Randall King - 8 years ago

    I do not have the app installed, and I have seen the issue since upgrading to iOS 9.3. I have iPhone 6s Plus.

  228. DrinkyCat (@DrinkyCat) - 8 years ago

    I haven’t updated my iPad mini 2 yet and it is having the same problem. My iPhone 6 though, has been updated and started doing it.

  229. macqueensite - 8 years ago

    have problem on iPad Air 2 after update and daylight time change. Cannot access secure sites. can logon to bank site for example, but when attempting to access account does not respond. Seems to affect all sites that need secure access. Have tried hard reset, emptying cache etc. Nothing works! Have iPhone 5 which does work and also no problems with macbook Air. Lucky I have alternatives to get to bank! Just loaded banks app and the works arghhh!

  230. Jay (@JayYay) - 8 years ago

    same problem as well… not working

  231. my iPhone 6 has the beloved browser hanging ‘feature’ since upgrading. A workaround that does the job – don’t use Safari. Use the Google app. Seems to work just fine.

  232. Ellen Rubin - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6 running 9.3. Links in email cause the app to freeze. Have to exit and reopen the app to get it to work. Links in Safari just stopped working too. iPhone is essentially useless. I did have app, but just deleted it (not that that helped).

  233. Per Kristian Hilden - 8 years ago

    Same problem exactly: links in Mail and in Safari fail to open, long pressing link cause app (Safari or Mail) to crash (i.e. freezing up, indefinitely/untill force quit). Really annoying – significantly reduces use value for me, just a phone, now, no longer a smart one. (iPhone 6S, iOS 9.3, with app installed)

  234. Megan Vee - 8 years ago

    Any work around? revert to old O.S.?

  235. Ishigami - 8 years ago

    iPhone 5 (ND299DN/A) iOS 9.2.1 and clicking links in Safari does not work anymore!

  236. Vic Moreira (@vicvac) - 8 years ago

    My iPhone 6 Plus was showing signs of the non linking problem prior to iOS 9.3, after installing iOS 9.3 the problem remained so I don’t think it’s an iOS 9.3 issue. I hope @applesupport is working on this problem and fix ASAP. Frustrating to say the least… I’m guessing it night be a virus or malware of some sort.

  237. Matthew Smith - 8 years ago

    Safari is no longer functioning after updating to 9.3. I downloaded crome and same result. How can they push an update and have such a profound bug in it?

  238. Gabor Bara (@gaborbara) - 8 years ago

    Same here, 6s with iOS 9.3

  239. Mark Worden - 8 years ago

    Same problem here on my 5s with IOS 9.2.1. It started on the 27th of March

  240. Same problem with iPhone 6 Plus. Mail, safari etc crashes when trying to open links. Can not even use google search in safari and open a link from that.

  241. Scott (@zthreescotty) - 8 years ago

    I’m on a 5s still running 9.2.1. I never did the update yet I’m still having the freezing issues. After two days of the freezing issues I tried to update (before seeing all these posts and thinking it would fix the issue) and I get the “not connected to internet” error. Not sure why I’m getting the errors that are consistent with 9.3 yet I never installed it on my phone. Maybe something else Apple did besides the 9.3 update at the same time. My issues did start the same time apple released the update though.

  242. neuja (@neuja) - 8 years ago

    same issue on my iphone 6s after update, every link I touch freezes the phone. I uninstalled and am running still into the same issue :(
    not very happy @apple

  243. Edna Villanueva - 8 years ago

    Same problem with links not working on Safari (iPhone 6 plus)

  244. Noah Sager - 8 years ago

    I have a 6S with 9.3 and do have the app installed. I’m getting the same freeze behavior. What’s weird is that it did not start right after I installed 9.3, but started happening last night.

  245. Nigel Brooke-Smith - 8 years ago

    Same problems on two brand new iPhone 6s phones. Links don’t work and Safari locks up, tried clicking links in Appel Mail and Chrome and the same problem occurs. As another user commented our new iPhones are basically useless at the moment, come on Apple – issue a fix!

  246. Victor David - 8 years ago

    I’ve got the same problem on my iPad 3rd generation. It was working perfectly until this latest upgrade to IOS 9.3. EMail links cause the unit to freeze, and Safari links do the same.

  247. Arne Chr - 8 years ago

    I deleted the app and the problem disappeared in Safari on my iPhone 6S. Still freezes when tapping a link in Mail.

  248. Zoran Simonovic - 8 years ago

    Problems on iPhone 6s with the application Safari yesterday after again update iOS 9.3.
    Do not work search google and yahoo.

  249. Nicky Tranter - 8 years ago

    Problem with my mums iPad Air using IOS 9.2.1 (she’s not been offered IOS 9.3 as an upgrade). Mail links won’t work and then the mail freezes. Links in google chrome and safari don’t work. Disabling JavaScript means safari now works but the problem needs fixing fast!!!!

  250. ave ego (@Ave451) - 8 years ago

    how to fix broken ios 9.3 safari/mail links bug:

    1) find and uninstall application, if you have it
    2) wait at least 1 hour, bug is gone. maybe you need to reboot once

    to reproduce bug again: install application

  251. Paul Pols (@paulpols) - 8 years ago

    I also experienced this issue after using on a jailbroken iOS 9.0.2 device. I fixed it as follows:

    * Converted the swcd plist to xml: iPwn:/Library/LaunchDaemons root# plutil -convert xml1
    * Set the value of SharedWebCredentials to false:

    * Rebooted

    Links are now working fine again. Thanks to @Rosyna for pointing me to the swcd process as the culprit.

  252. Heidi Brandborg Staff - 8 years ago

    Same problem on my IPhone6s+ And my friend has it on a regular New Mac.

  253. Marie Brown - 8 years ago

    On my iPad Air 2, cannot follow a Google or Bing link in either Google or Chrome. The search engine comes up instantly, more or less, with many responses to a search term, but I cannot access any of them.

    I can open messages in Mail OK, but likewise cannot follow links in them.

    I have installed, from way back.

    I can access Amazon OK, via their app, and this seems to work OK.

    I could only find out about this issue via my husband’s iPad 3, which thankfully has not yet been offered an ‘upgrade’ from 9.2.1, and this is where I am posting from now.


  254. Paul Pols (@paulpols) - 8 years ago

    To fix set to “false” in /Library/LaunchDaemons/

  255. Rachel Westwood - 8 years ago

    Same problem with my iPhone 5s. iPad Mini 2 working OK though.

  256. robinlmp - 8 years ago

    I tipped off 9to5 about this bug a few hours before the article was posted. Perhaps others had as well, but the irony of it was that with my iPhone not working properly thanks to the bug in question, I was not able to participate in this thread.

    Most frustrating.

    In the end I opted for the full restore option (none of the other potential ‘fixes’ worked for me. Unfortunately, after erasing all content and settings, I could not restore from my iCloud backup. Only once I connected to iTunes and reinstalled iOS 9.3 from scratch could I then actually restore.

    Still took all night reloading apps and photos and even then (as usual) many apps had not reloaded.

    Anyway, the restore seemed to do the trick and I stopped the app from reloading if indeed it was the cause of the problem!

  257. On Iphone 6, immediately after installing 9.3, safari does not open links from a Google, Yahoo! or DuckDuckGo search, nor from a spotlight news suggestion. Links work when searching with google images or with Bing. Removing java and restarting did not not fix.

  258. Margo Mayer Skinner - 8 years ago

    same problem, iPad air and 5c…I did have on both devices. I’ve deleted it, but as of yet, it hasn’t helped.

  259. Holly Ann - 8 years ago

    I had the app. I just started noticing this issue Saturday the 26th, after downloading the ios 9.3 when it first released last week. I removed the app and did a soft reset but the issue still exists.

  260. Cassie Fox - 8 years ago

    Same problem on my iPad Air 2. I noticed it yesterday (Sunday 3/27). None of the recommended fixes have worked for me.

  261. kingscoin - 8 years ago

    safari crashes since 9.3 update on Iphone 6S plus

  262. @applesupport is getting about 5-10 tweets a minute about this issue

  263. Katherine Hobson - 8 years ago

    Same problems with 6s Plus. Tapping links in emails or websites freezes that option (Safari, email).

  264. Nick Rodger - 8 years ago

    Same problem on my iphone 6s; Safari hangs and does not load any pages, continually crashes. I currently have no use of Safari at all.

  265. Ilia Kole - 8 years ago

    I have been having this issue since today, and hadn’t upgraded to 9.3 yet. In the past few weeks safari only opened links using force touch, tapping them the ‘normal’ way seldomly worked.

  266. Problem on ipad air (first model). Https sites do not load from Google, Safari simply does nothing. Non https sites open fine. Also issues with web pages opened from Facebook. The page opens in FB but the option to open in Safari causes FB to freeze.

  267. Michael Dalby - 8 years ago

    it broke my iPad Air with iOS 9.2.1 and my brand new iPhone 6S Plus this the the worse yet from Apple :-( both re now unusable!

  268. Galen Webb - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6s. Same problem.

  269. jxslepton - 8 years ago

    I’ve never installed the app

  270. Richie Deane - 8 years ago

    i have installed on both my ipad air 2 and iphone 6s and cant get any links to work at all especially from my mail Not happy!

  271. Esaú Freire - 8 years ago

    My iPhone 6s Plus start exhibiting the problem today and I can’t get away with it.
    It’s extremely annoying as I can’t do anything… I really hope Apple issue a fix for this as soon as possible…

  272. Natalya Golosnaya - 8 years ago

    Same problem with Safari and WhatsApp (links don’t open), iPhone 6s :((

  273. Carole McKnight - 8 years ago

    I am having the same problem with my IPad 2

  274. Michał Krężołek - 8 years ago

    happened to me too. iPhone 5.1 iOS 9.3 latest build. Did not install new apps.

  275. Sharon Ash - 8 years ago

    Cannot connect using safari on I phone 6.

  276. Richie Deane - 8 years ago

    ive just chatted to apple, they are aware and are working on the software related issue

  277. Morac - 8 years ago

    I don’t have the problem, but I might have a potential solution.

    While in Safari, go to a web page and trigger Siri and say “remind me of this later”. If Siri creates a reminder and the reminder shows that is is for a third party app, delete that app. Repeat this until reminders are not created for third party apps and see if the problem goes away.

    • robinlmp - 8 years ago

      If that works, it’s genius! I no longer have the problem so I can’t try it.

  278. Sarah-Jayne Powell - 8 years ago

    I can’t open any links from safari, whether from searches or on a website itself, can’t open links from my emails either, it either crashes or just does nothing! Highly annoying especially when I am waiting for something to be delivered and I can’t click on the ‘order information’ link in my email. I have an iPhone 6.

  279. Dominik Mašek - 8 years ago

    Links not opening on iP6+ ad crashing on holding (iOS 9.2.1). Apparently I am ,,lucky one” :D
    I have no idea if this has any connection, but exactly at same time I began experiencing this problem on iPhone (yesterday late night) my macbook retina crashed. And I mean totally crashed (black screen and rainbow loading circle) with never happened to me on any of my Macs.
    Also my girlfriend experiences this on iP6s iOS 9.3.

  280. Liz Sd - 8 years ago

    Hi I have iPhone 6plus and after update 9.3 safari not working and links in gmail. I just chatted with Apple support. they suggested I go to settings- safari – advanced – turn off javascript button. close all apps and restart. the safari is now working, they are fixing with update in next few days. I hope this helps. liz

  281. Don Ryan - 8 years ago

    same problem.. Had to disable javascript and can only use chrome by opening the link in a new tab.

  282. Chris Shenton - 8 years ago

    Same problem with ipad air2 & iphone 6s.
    It seems 9.3 and some apps ( seems to be one) interact in some bizarre way which leads to this bug and it hangs around even if you uninstall the relevant app but very little info on this so far. I use the app a lot.
    I’ve reset my ipad back to 9.2.1 ( but one problem with doing that is that you can then only restore from a 9.2.1 backup, losing whatever data you stored between the latest 9.2.1 backup and now. I’m hoping that I will be able to restore from the 9.3 backup I made today and before I re-wound to 9.2.1 once a revised bug free 9.3 is released but have no idea if that will work or just bring this bug back. In the meantime the bug has gone.

  283. Andreas Zombanakis - 8 years ago

    Problem with safari dead links after 9.3 update seems to be resolved by disabling Java in settings. Not a long term solution, I know. At least safari is operable and crashes avoided.

  284. Caroline de Waard - 8 years ago

    I just updated my iphone 6 and can not open any links in safari. i get a pad-lock icon in the left hand corner.
    what to do? i tried restoring my iphone but it wont allow that either, nor will it transfer up purchased items on my iphone to my computer.

  285. Janet Blake - 8 years ago

    My exact problem on a 6s. AT&T and Apple weren’t aware of this when I asked for a replacement phone on Friday.

  286. Sherri Updike-Dzeylion - 8 years ago

    same problem on my 6s plus.

  287. Thiago C. Halmer - 8 years ago

    Same problem x 3 days now. Please let use know about a fix

  288. Yes, experiencing exactly this on my 6plus! VERY frustrating and limiting to functionality as link either does nothing, freezes the screen or crashes altogether.

  289. Dan Evanich - 8 years ago

    Same problem: On my IPhone 6 after upgrading to iOS 9.3 I cannot open any link in Safari, Chrome and Mail. Also experiencing slow sign on screen when when entering 4-digit passcode.

  290. Sarah Burnard - 8 years ago

    My iPhone 5s has this issue, I have the app but not the latest IOS as everytime I go to upgrade it says I’m not connected to Internet (i am)

  291. After install of ios 9.3, iphone 6 Safari links don’t work, freezes on some internal links. ipad air not affected

  292. Same issue with freezing here. I uninstalled and I am still having issues… awesome.

  293. Same issue with Iphone 5s. Won’t open links in Safari or Mail and crashes if I press and hold link.

  294. Glyn Young - 8 years ago

    I’m having the same problem with my iPad now for the last two days,unable to open links from my emails & links from my google search.

  295. Alexia Ioannidis - 8 years ago

    Safari links don’t work on my 6splus after update to 9,3.what do I do😰

  296. Joakim Gräns - 8 years ago

    Hi I am using an iPhone 5 and got the bug using version 9.2.1. Safari is not able to open links in any way. Nor is the mail program. I tried to reset the device to original settings (factory settings) and upgrade to 9.3. But that did not help. Yes, when I deleted the app AND disabled the java-script it helped a little bit – meaning that on some pages it worked to open links – but not everywhere. I consider the phone useless after this. It all just suddenly appeared 26 th of March 2016 when I was browsing around on Facebook (not the app) / Greetings from Joakim, Sweden

  297. Nuxo Espinheira - 8 years ago

    Same thing over here… links aren’t working in safari, whatsapp, etc… I really hate myself for upgrading…

  298. jimwellborn - 8 years ago

    You’ve described my problem on my 6 plus exactly!

  299. Marc Boesmans - 8 years ago

    On my iPhone 5s same problem. Problem occurred in 9.2.1 and is still there after updating to 9.3. It started after the daylight saving started last Sunday so I suspect a relation between that and the bug. But please fix it because it makes the iPhone almost useless

  300. Lyne Inhoff - 8 years ago

    I’ve been having this issue for about 4 days now. IPhone 5s with OS 9.1 so it’s not just the newer versions. So far just in mail and Safari.

  301. Nem W. Schlecht - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6, IOS9.3, but only links in Mail (freeze when click, crash when held). Safari work fine. I do have Booking app installed. iPad 2, iOS9.3, links in Mail cause freeze, links in Safari do nothing. :(

    • Aleksandra Bunko - 8 years ago

      Hi I’ve fixed that problem on my iPad Air today I’ve erase all content n setting :) hope it will help you too.

  302. iPhone 6. It started before updating 9.3. I mistakingly thought that 9.3 would fix the issue. Now I have updated 9.3, have done a full Recovery Mode reset and the problem is still there. I had app and have since deleted it, but no change. It was working perfectly fine for months with and then just started about 3 days ago. Phone is pretty much useless for me right now.

    • amylarz - 8 years ago

      I could have written your comment. Exactly the same situation here.

  303. Same problem with IPhone 5. Frustrating.. My dad doesn’t have the problem at all on his IPhone 5 though.

  304. X-Bats X-bats - 8 years ago

    Seriously would not surprise me one bit if the FBI through a bug in there to tweak Apple’s nose. This issue happened Friday after announcing that they didn’t need help any longer unlocking the iPhone. Problem occurred on Friday and not tied to any particular device or update. You never know….

  305. Hi – Same issue for me with a 6S. What it seems to be for me – is only the links in the Safari search results do not work. Other website links seem to work fine. If I long click on search results then Safari hangs and I have to close the app.

    Ok – just done some more testing, with actually quite weird results.

    1. My Safari search is set to Google normally. In this case – search results are shown, and clicking them does nothing. Long clicking crashes Safari,
    2. I changed default search go Bing. In this case – search results are shown, and clicking them brings up a white browser screen. Then pressing Refresh loads the desired page. (note – I never tried Bing before the upgrade, so don’t know if this is new)
    3. Yahoo acts the same as Google.
    4. DuckDuckGo same again.

    Note – the Google App works fine.

    Clicking links in emails in Mail (even tap-clicking) immediate cause mail to freeze and need to be force quitted. I tried both image and text links.

    Please someone at Apple fix this!!!

  306. I am having this problem too on my iPhone 6S. Not amused at all…

  307. bukston - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6s Plus – removed the app 3 hours ago and no improvement at all. I will switch to Google Chrome from now on.

  308. Val Garnett Marable - 8 years ago

    Downloaded 9.3 on Saturday morning & phone has been useless since. This is very irritating! Phone hangs, can’t click on any links in safari, google, or inside emails. Stupid iPhone…

  309. Anna Palmer Tripp - 8 years ago

    I am having this problem on iPhone 5S.

  310. Same problem, as well with my Ipad Air as with my Ipad 2. if I open any link on Safari, it does freeze everything. I have to leave my search, and Safri. So I have no more access to Internet links! On Apple support, they advised me to desactivate javascript. it worked then for 2 minutes, and then, it froze again. I had already disactivate safari suggestions.

  311. Ama Baltimore - 8 years ago

    Iphone 6 only started happening yesterday with the new OS 9.3 :(. Issue is in mail, safari and text.

  312. Deb Rogalski - 8 years ago

    Ever since I updated my 6s a couple days ago I have freezing issues. HELP! Very frustrating!,,

  313. Debi Graham-Dwenger - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6 Plus, can’t open links in Safari or from text and when I click on a link in mail it freezes. This happened after downloading 9.3 last week 😡

  314. Frances Minorini Walters - 8 years ago

    iPhone 5s and mini ipad 1. Updated both when new ios came out. ugh. help!!

  315. Kel Armstrong - 8 years ago

    I have the iphone 6 and started to experience this just yesterday. I have updated to ios 9.3 today and there hasn’t been any changes or improvements. I can’t access links from Safari, Chrome and Mail Apps.

  316. David Glickman - 8 years ago

    Having this problem with my iPhone 6. Going crazy!!!!

  317. Michael Messina - 8 years ago

    I have this issue – links don’t work in iMessage as well as safari

  318. Larry Turner (@Sunowcal) - 8 years ago

    Same issues – links fail in Safari and Mail, Apps freeze. IPhone 5s. Ios 9.3 latest (second) version installed. No problem experience on iPad which was updated at same time.

  319. Helene Hatch - 8 years ago

    Iphone 6 plus, same issue can not open links in safari, mail, or messages.

  320. Kevin Conroy - 8 years ago

    Fine on iPhone 6s but cannot open safari/mail links on iPad Pro since update to 9.3

  321. JT Hemrajani - 8 years ago

    This issue started 5 days before the iOS 9.3 update. I went to the Genius Bar at the Apple Store. They conveniently blamed me for “having too many apps”. They said the only solution was to wipe the entire phone and start fresh.

    I understand flaws happen. Software bugs happen. I understand. But Apple’s flat right refusal to even acknowledge issues at all is disturbing.

  322. Robert Cartlidge - 8 years ago

    I have this problem after the update. However, it’s not just on Safari, it’s any link either in an email or text.

  323. mahmudf2014 - 8 years ago

    iOS Safari also crashes for me on 9to5mac. It loads the again every 2 minutes. Anyone experiencing this problem like me?

  324. Richard Hughes - 8 years ago

    i have an iPad pro and it is hanging after clicking on links, it also appears that the 3d touch screen doesn’t work at all.
    should i wipe the iPad and start over or wait or Apple?

  325. charts2012 - 8 years ago

    iPad 2… Safari not working as it should, Youtube app is ‘iffy’ and links in emails not working either. Updated system when it came out. I have the app. As you will gather… using an old iPad 2… I don’t splash around my money on new gizmos and I won’t buy another. I am really miffed as I can’t use it to its full capabilities now and wouldn’t have paid that much just for reading!

  326. Zira - 8 years ago

    Yup, same problem here. Links not working in safari, chrome, mail, facebook and I guess a bunch of other apps that I don’t use that often. Just deleted the and restarted my iPhone 6 but that didn’t fix anything.

  327. Hi – Same issue for me with a 6S. For me it is only the links in the Safari search results do not work. Other website links seem to work fine. If I long click on search results then Safari hangs and I have to close the app.

    Ok – just done some more testing:

    1. My Safari search is set to Google normally. In this case – search results are shown, and clicking them does nothing. Long clicking crashes Safari,
    2. I changed default search go Bing. In this case – search results are shown, and clicking them brings up a white browser screen. Then pressing Refresh loads the desired page. (note – I never tried Bing before the upgrade, so don’t know if this is new)
    3. Yahoo acts the same as Google.
    4. DuckDuckGo same again.

    Note – the Google App works fine – so I suggest to use this in the mean time until a fix.

    Clicking links in emails in Mail (even tap-clicking) immediate cause mail to freeze and need to be force quitted. I tried both image and text links.

  328. Shazia Khan - 8 years ago

    I’m having same problem too with safari on my iphone 6, please can anyone help?

  329. Katie Hothersall - 8 years ago

    Same issue with a 5S was on 9.1 but updated to see if it resolved and no luck, cannot open email links or links in safari and for a work phone its driving me up the wall.

  330. GrayGlove - 8 years ago

    Yes it’s happening to me too. When tapping in a link in an email safari doesn’t open and email the app freezes. Got iPhone 6. Ok on iPad Air 2.

  331. This has affected my iPhone 6S. Turning off Java fixed it temporarily but it has now returned. Seems to affect Opera too. I have the app installed but haven’t used it for some time.

  332. I found a workaround: clear history and data….links then work again!
    Not ideal, however it solves the problem!

  333. I thought I fixed the problem by clearing history and data….only worked for a couple of minutes and then stopped working again….very strange!! So, no need to clear your history/data as it does not solve the problem

  334. Jan Tunälv - 8 years ago

    IPhone 6 plus, IOS 9.3 nothing happens when clicking on links and freezes when held down. Have to hit off button to unlock again and then phone is slow to open again.

  335. Sarah Goodwin - 8 years ago

    My iphone 5c started on friday and my ipad2 joined in on sunday night. ive restarted, shut all background apps (of which I don’t run many), and only tonight done IOS 9,3 on both. I feel like i’ve got a nokia 6120 for all the use my ‘smart’ devices are right now… :-(

  336. Virg Hughes - 8 years ago

    yes having major issues with safari and any links! i have an iphone 6

  337. suresh (@521712suresh) - 8 years ago

    This problem is not only in Safari… Just to make sure i tried chrome , but it crashed as well. So its irritating me now.. i cant open any links in my iph 6. :(

  338. Bradley Nodari-Stewart - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6s. Safari will search but freezes when clicking on links. Mail tends to stop or pause when using it, iPhone generally running pretty poor and slow. Only started after 9.3 update

  339. Mohammed Yasser - 8 years ago

    I too had the same issue on my iPhone 6S. I did a full recovery/restore and updated to 9.3 (13E234) and now the issue is no more.
    Do a DFU Recovery from iTunes and everything should be fine. It works

  340. Mohammed Yasser - 8 years ago

    I too had the same issue on my iPhone 6S. I did a full recovery/restore and updated to 9.3 (13E234) and now the issue is no more.
    Do a DFU Recovery from iTunes and everything should be fine. It works!!

    Dont update from the recovery mode, do restore and update.

  341. Jodie Feirclough - 8 years ago

    Iphone6 plus – after installing new update – can’t use safari / google / chrome apps as they just hang and do nothing – but perhaps the worst thing is that I can no longer connect to wifi – says password is incorrect but I know 100% it is not :( – hugely frustrating :(

  342. Sue Jobson - 8 years ago

    Just updated to 9.3 on iPad Mini …. same problem, driving me nuts …. only workaound Ive found so far is to use Chrome and the press and hold and open in new tab seems to work.

  343. Koren Maltby - 8 years ago

    Uploaded 9.3 on my iPad Air 2 and links in emails freeze and then crash.

  344. Kyle Ring - 8 years ago

    I have an iPhone 6 and after downloading the 9.3 update I too have the same issue with not being able to click on any links when searching in Google or in an email. The only work around I have come up with for safari is changing my web search engine to yahoo or Bing. However this is very frustrating.

  345. Janko Mrkvicenka - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6. It started before updating 9.3. Updated to 9.3 and no change. I remember that at first I wasn’t able to open a link received through Viber than I soon realized safari and other apps had same problems. Deleted viber but no progress :(

  346. Jorgette Abella - 8 years ago

    I have the iphone 6 and started to experience the hanging/crashing too :(. I updated to ios 9.3 a few days ago and started to experience not being able to access links from Safari, Chrome and Mail Apps. Please release a fix soon.

  347. kristen (@kristen_m_o) - 8 years ago

    Same thing happening to me…for now I downloaded Chrome and it is working alright. It seems to just be Safari, at least for me.

  348. Stevie Greer - 8 years ago

    My issue is slightly different from anything else, so maybe this might provide other clues to someone who knows what they’re doing.

    iPhone 6, problem started in 9.2.1 and 9.3 didn’t fix it.

    Clicking links within messages in Mail app freezes app for a few minutes then it crashes.

    Google Chrome app, search result links don’t open unless I long-press and select ‘open in New Tab’. Links in pages are the same.

    Safari search result links don’t work at all. Long-press freezes and crashes app.

    I have but haven’t opened it for about a year. I only opened it when I read it might be a problem earlier today.

    I only noticed the problem after I installed Face Swap Live (lite) then the full version. Could be unrelated, but tit’s the only change I’ve made, so worth mentioning.

  349. David Winnup (@winnup) - 8 years ago

    Link Problem in Mail and Safari on iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 4. Gmail app works and links to new tab in chrome asa a workaround. I do have app installed.

  350. Teo Trpevski - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6 Plus 9.3 here, the same problems

  351. Dave Fowler - 8 years ago

    Never had a problem with iPhone 6 Plus until latest OS upgrade was downloaded yesterday. I have had the app installed since the phone was new.

  352. Hakan Kara - 8 years ago

    I have been facing this issue for 3 days. Already reported this bug to Apple, but no solution yet. The worsth is, I can’t even connect to wifi which require proxy authentication through safari. I was abroad, and I couldnt connect to public networks (airport, hotel etc) for days. Screw you Apple!

    P.S. App is installed

  353. Javier Ballón - 8 years ago

    IPhone 5S with OS 9.3 and get the same problems for about 4 days. Happens in Safari and even with links on Whatsapp.

  354. Arthur Miller - 8 years ago

    I’ve had my iPhone 6 frozen Safari and Mail (not Messaging) for several days, after downloading the latest upgrade to the operating system. How can I fix this? I also recently downloaded the app, two or three weeks ago….

  355. I have been unable to use about 1/2 of my aps. The wheel just spins and spins. This is happening on data and on wifi, includes Gmail ap, Weather Ap, and safari.

  356. Darren Ash-Borley Brown - 8 years ago

    same issue – wont open a link and freezes when depresses for more than 3 seconds.

  357. John McCauley - 8 years ago

    My iphone 6 was fine until the 9.3 update. Now crashes randomly on some apps & always when using safari. Tried other browser apps & crashes sporadically. Reset & reloaded phone & no difference..

  358. Cuervo Loko - 8 years ago

    The same isssue mail application hang when follow link in mails

  359. rmt - 8 years ago

    iPhone 5s, 9.2.1 shortly after installing app. Freezes in mail, safari, chrome and firefox. Still persists after a reinstall of 9.2.1 and an upgrade to 9.3.

  360. Katie Cluff Beers - 8 years ago

    I’m having this issue in email and safari on my iPhone 6s device. i’m ready to upgrade to a Samsung Galaxy S7 at this rate!

  361. Joan Morrissey Gautreau - 8 years ago

    Clicking links in emails in Mail (even tap-clicking) immediate cause mail to freeze and need to be force quitted. I tried both image and text links. Same problem when I click on a link in Safari. This is making me crazy! (iPhone 6, after update to iOS 9.3)

  362. Jana Stefani - 8 years ago

    I have a problem with Safari and I have iPhone 5s with iOS 9.3 …:(

  363. Nicholas Tan - 8 years ago

    My iPhone 6s Plus having the same problem, once I search on safari, I just can’t open the links. This happens right after I update iOS 9.3 to my phone… Need some help here too! :(

  364. David Filter - 8 years ago

    I have been here long enough to notice a trend with Apple, everytime they update their IOS, many older devices cellular and wi-fi stop working. Hmmm?

  365. Sonya Wilcox - 8 years ago

    Yep, happening to me too. I thought I was going nuts. iPhone 6s, iOS version 9.3. I can click a link and/or browse the web through Facebook and I can go directly to a web site in Safari but if I click a link in either Safari or Google Chrome, it locks up the browser. This also happens if I click a link via email, the email app locks up. I’ve been using Bing search and that seems to work for clicking links. Not ok Apple!

  366. hazymat - 8 years ago

    iOS 9.3 on iPad. Links in Safari didn’t work. Press + hold crashed Safari. Fixed the issue as follows: Settings > Safari > Advanced > Javascript > turn off

  367. I’ve been having the same problem with my iPhone 6 after updating to OS 9.3 – web site links just freeze the phone when using Safari. It is incredibly frustrating and annoying and I wish I hadn’t done the update now.

  368. Allen Howe - 8 years ago

    I have this problem on my iphone6s,did a chat with apple tech and went through some steps closeing java script and erasing web data but still does not work.

  369. Terje Iversen - 8 years ago

    same problem with google on my 6+, not upgraded to 9.3, but bing works for me.. (not tryed yahoo or duckduckgo. had booking app installed…. problem started this weekend sometime…

  370. Roger Hoilman - 8 years ago

    Same issue for me with Iphone 6 and latest OS. The OS update before 9.3 started to give me the issue and I upgraded to 9.3 hoping to get rid of it. Still there. Emails open and can scroll around until I click a hyperlink or graphic. Then locked up. Freezes in Safari as well. Gotta resolve this soon.

  371. Marilyn Goodall - 8 years ago

    I have the new iPad air and i just updated the software and my links to safari are not working.

  372. Abby Randall - 8 years ago

    Just spoken to apple on live chat. Solution for safari is to turn off JavaScript in settings, this works but no fix at present for email links.

    • David Walsh - 8 years ago

      yeah definitely works if you turn off javascript in settings >safari >advanced. I needed to clear my browser history too. The problem applies to all search engines and I do not have so that’s a red herring.

  373. Mikael Klingbjer - 8 years ago

    Hi. I have an iPhone 6S and an iPad Air 2, both with iOS 9.3 and installed. The iPad works fine, but the iPhone have the same bug as described here.

  374. Andrew James Diseker - 8 years ago

    Problem just started for me 1 day ago. iPhone 6s, updated to iOS 9.3 latest update four days ago.

  375. Lesley Wilson Drakeford - 8 years ago

    Same prob, crashing and freezing on ipad mini 4 when trying to access websites

  376. Cathie Legault - 8 years ago

    I have the iPhone 6 and since the update I have the issues mentioned above AND my audio books no longer have sound.

  377. Maggie Day - 8 years ago

    I am experiencing this problem on my 6 plus on several apps. It is very frustrating as I use my phone for work and research.

  378. Craig Gardner (@ckgtax) - 8 years ago

    If you use outlook for email you can then choose the browser you wish to open links from emails with.

  379. Percylla Quart Battista - 8 years ago

    I have an iPhone 6 Plus and am experiencing the same problems, especially with mail and Safari. Renders the device pretty useless, except as a phone! Very frustrating!

  380. I disabled javascript on my safari everything is working again

  381. I’m having this issue on my iPad Air 2. Started when I downloaded iOS 9.3

  382. Dave Lowery - 8 years ago

    Old iPad 16GB – recently updated the OS to 9.3 and immediately having problems with links in Safari (pressing them does nothing – and iPad just freezes up).

  383. Julie Marshall - 8 years ago

    Having the same issues on my ipad on both safari and chrome – very irritating!!! Trying to do an OU course and it’s making things very difficult.

  384. Sarah Wesley - 8 years ago

    The last 2 days I’ve had issues. iPhone 5s with ios 9.3. So far in Safari and links within whatsapp and instagram. I do have the booking app.

  385. Sarah Wesley - 8 years ago

    P.S. I just changed my sim 2 days ago too thinking about it…… from EE to 3 sim only deal.

  386. PatriciaB - 8 years ago

    I had a 5s I bought in July 2015 totally crashed and I had to reset the phone to factory thru I tunes and had issues doing that as well and finally reset it ! I had several issues with that phone anyways before the update. Apple replaced the phone, I received notice of an update today and I am afraid to even try it. waiting

  387. Terry Barber (@8barbet) - 8 years ago

    I am having the same problem with Safari locking up every time i click a link in an email. I have to use my Chrome app which works perfectly.

  388. James (@jaymz69) - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6s Plus tap screen does not respond, even a reboot does not fix it right away and then it self heels within 5 minutes. @AppleSupport

  389. Kate Mckenzie - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6 not opening links in Safari, also issues with mail. Updated to 9 3 situation persists. I have app and deleted, no change. Turned Java script off, some improvement but still not reliable I opening all links-very very frustrating.

  390. Ron Brownell - 8 years ago

    Same issue on my iPhone 6 Plus. It is so frustrating. Yes, any workarounds would be great to hear

  391. Yes I am having the same problem. I changed in settings Safari’s search engine from Google to yahoo. This for some reason seems to have fixed the problem for me. If I search through Google, any links I click on will not load, and if I hold them, Safari will crash. But run the same thing through Yahoo and everything is fine.

  392. Kristy Stone - 8 years ago

    Issue on iPhone 5c in both iSos 9.2 and 9.3. Unable to open links in mail,Safari and ninemsn

  393. Lisa Paddle - 8 years ago

    I have been having the exact same problem – can’t click on any links in Safari and certain apps are not responding to touch. VERY frustrating.

  394. ELena Mei - 8 years ago

    Having the same problem after updating to ios9.3 to an iphone6s

  395. YJ Toh - 8 years ago

    Using iphone 5S, OS 9.2.1, experiencing this for 4-5 days now.

  396. Alice Goh - 8 years ago

    I upgraded both my iPhone6 and iPhone 6plus and both don’t work anymore. cant use safari and when trying to access internet links through WhatsApp phone crashes and need to be rebooted. very very disappointing trust in apple and they release this update that crashes their latest phones, unbelievable. they should just reverse and put in the last IOS before this one. Most of these updates are now to ensure their protection but they have forgotten usability is the reason customers switched to Apple even with the many inconveniences. This is probably the last straw for me if not fixed ASAP.

  397. CHM - 8 years ago

    Ipad 2 Air freezes when I try to open links in email and safari.

  398. Holly Drummond Fullerton - 8 years ago

    Same problem on my iPhone 6 after updating to iOS 9.3

  399. Alwin Chong - 8 years ago

    Same issue, my iPhone 6 can’t open any link in safari. So annoying. Can’t check things online. Please solve this issue ASAP. Going to change to Samsung 😡

  400. Debbie Jordan - 8 years ago

    I am unable to open links on my iPhone 6 after installing the latest iOS9.3 update. It just freezes.. Need help please…

  401. Tim Henkels - 8 years ago

    Same here. Can’t click on links, and tapping and holding crashes Safari and Chrome. IOS 9.3 on and IPhone 6, and yes, I do have the app installed….

  402. Yo, Teach! (@yoteach7) - 8 years ago

    Yep, that describes my experience to a tee with brand new iPhone 6s. Awfully frustrated after paying a ton of $$!

  403. Sharon Benton - 8 years ago

    Just started having this issue. IPhone 6 with iOS 9.3

  404. Hassan Talag (@talaghht) - 8 years ago

    iphone 6 plus. after upgrade to 9.3, all hyperlinks in WhatsApp are not working.

  405. Stefan Holm - 8 years ago

    I have had the issue now for 5 days. I have an IPhone 5S with OS 9.2. The problem is in Safari, mail and Google Chrome.

  406. Nemeth Viktor - 8 years ago

    iPhone 5s, iOS 9.3, Safari crash, links are not working. installed

  407. Arnoud Koning - 8 years ago

    Got an iPhone 5s, cant open links in Email and Safari for some days now. Going nuts! iOS 9.3 here. I had the booking App but removing and restarting does not solve the issue.

  408. Elsie Oliver - 8 years ago

    Have this problem on iPhone 6+ since installing 9.3 not following links and freezing its in Safari and BBC News app possibly others i havn’t used yet.
    I had no problems before updating.

  409. Nidhi Pujara - 8 years ago

    Experiencing his issue since more than a week now. iPhone 6 with iOS 9.2 and 9.3. So far, it is just in Facebook w/ Safari.

  410. Peter Clarke - 8 years ago

    Just on your site to see if the problem has been resolved, my ipad2 search links freeze or don’t work since upgrade, so far touch wood my iPhone 5 is still ok. The iPad was working for sometime after update and now doesn’t. Come on Apple fix this a sap please.

  411. Gints Stasans - 8 years ago

    iPhone6, iOS 9.3, mail and Safari is not opening links and is freezing. Frustrating.

  412. Sandra Glanville - 8 years ago

    I have been unable to click on links in safari and emails on my IPhone 6 and IPad for the last few days.

  413. iPhone 6 IOS 9.3 but it broke before I installed the update. I’ve deleted app but it’s still not working

  414. IOS 9.3 with iPhone 6. But I had the issue prior to installing the upgrade, I’ve removed app but it still isn’t working. Very frustrating!

  415. Wojtek Babisz - 8 years ago

    have some issue with links dont opens scenario on iPhone 5s for 3 days now. had it on previous version of iOS. upgrading to 9.3 didnt resolve the issue.
    wonder whats going on as I cant open any links in search engine ;/

  416. ottabella - 8 years ago

    Can’t link on Safari links on my iPhone 5s both before and after updating to iOS 9.3 (which I had hoped would solve the problem…)

  417. Colin Wilson - 8 years ago

    Have this problem – click on a link in Safari or Mail causes app to freeze. iPhone 6S

  418. recentconvert - 8 years ago

    My phone is terrible now. Safari taking an age to display a full page, keeps reporting error and reloading. Feels like a very old iPhone ( it’s 6plus). I had to use an iPod touch 4th gen running iOS 6 last night to get on the web!

  419. Deborah Tucker Arnold - 8 years ago

    I installed the 9.3 update on my iPhone 6S plus, and I can’t open any Safari links!!!! It freezes up and I have to manually force a shut-down! Help!!!

  420. Julia Wadeley - 8 years ago

    I have iPhone 6s and links from email to safari don’t work and freeze my phone. Also following a search in safari I am unable to open a link from the search data.

  421. François 'ftiff' Levaux - 8 years ago

    AppleCare just told me they will release 9.3.1 later this week!

  422. Steven Stanfield Means - 8 years ago

    Easter Sunday I placed my iPhone 6+ in its dashboard holder and activate SIRI: “Navigate Home” Siri reported that it did not know who I am, but I could establish an identity. I wanted to get going on the upcoming 442 mile trip, so I asked Siri: “Navigate to Myrtle Point, Oregon!” The iPhone then froze displaying a fractured screen, that is the screen display was abnormal, in three parts top to bottom. Force restarting the frozen iPhone revealed it was no longer capable of navigation. The phone was upgraded to 9.3 before the trip to Seattle and Navigation worked on that trip. The failure came after spending several days away from home. Perhaps it has something to do with an improperly managed “history” or “buffer”.

  423. Brian Hedger - 8 years ago

    Same problem on iPhone 5 – links in safari & other apps don’t work and then freeze if you continue to try opening

  424. Steven Stanfield Means - 8 years ago

    In addition to a failure of our iPhone 6+ to Navigate, our iPad was unable to download and install the Netflix App, which worked fine on the iPhone. The App was previously downloaded to the iPhone, previously to upgraded to iOS 9.3

  425. Jenny Earnshaw - 8 years ago

    Same problem on my iphone 6s…SO annoying!!

  426. Marlene Sierra-Baldomero - 8 years ago

    My iPhone 6 won’t click on any links. None. Not from email, not directly in Safari. Nothing. So frustrating. How can I fix this problem? Please help : (

  427. Bloem Pot - 8 years ago

    Noticed the same behavior with my ipad with ios 9.2.1 installed, not yet upgraded 9.3. Freezing links in safari and unable to open links in my mail. The behavior started during the release of 9.3 weird enough. I don’t trust apple anymore. Ipad is designed for browsing and email!!! This bug renders it useless

  428. Joe Hevesy - 8 years ago

    On my iPad Mini, Safari freezes when I tap on any link opened up by my initial Google search. Same using Yahoo search. Basically, I am now unable to successfully perform any searches. This started after I installed 9.3.

  429. Femi Asogbon (@femias) - 8 years ago

    Having similar problem. If I tap on a link in my email, WhatsApp the system freezes. Sometimes it freezes after entering my login PIN. The started in my iPhone 6 after upgrade to iOS 9.3

  430. I have not update my Iphone 6 to 9.3. But if I try to open a link from iMessage, Whatsapp or email, the application freezes and nothing happens.Last week my problem started unable to open links in safari after using the Search Engine. I changed from Google to Bing and it worked for a few days. But now it stopped working. So I also changed by default search engine in Chrome and am using it.

  431. Aleksandra Bunko - 8 years ago

    Hi, it’s happened to my iPad Air :) I’ve realised today and I have fixed by erase all content and settings :) and it works as it was before. I had that app on my iPad I’ve deleted first and then erase all :))) hope it will help you all what I’ve done too :)

  432. Theresa Strange - 8 years ago

    Yep, mail, Safari, any place where a link is required the app hangs and requires closing the app totally. I am running 9.3 on an iPhone 6.

  433. cancunparaiso - 8 years ago

    Same problem :(

  434. Hilary Gabrielle - 8 years ago

    I’m having similar issues with an iPhone 5 after a recent upgrade. The touch screen freezes when I try to use links to open Safari from email. If I can get out of email and activate anything else before returning to email it sometimes unfreezes it, or else I have to shut down the phone and restart it to unfreeze it. If I try to copy the link to paste in Safari it freezes because the screen was touched. I’ve deleted the app & no improvement. Have tried to change the default browser from Safari to Chrome to no avail.

  435. Rob Gebhart - 8 years ago

    Yep, same issue

  436. Cathleen Bardy - 8 years ago

    Same problems with an iPhone 4S

  437. Ryan Off - 8 years ago

    I have the clicking on links does nothing issue. I have an iPhone 6 with over 100 apps. I deleted the app, but that did not solve my issue. Disabling javascript has helped me a bit. It doesn’t solve all the link problems, but at least google search result links work now. To disable javascript: Settings > Safari > Advanced > Javascript.

  438. I am having the issue with not being able to click on any links in any apps or on my Safari. I recently downloaded outlook and had updated all of my apps so I deleted Outlook, an updated FX3 app, and (even though it hadn’t been used it was probably updated) since this article says that is the known issue…. after deleting these apps I reset my iPhone using the home and power button and nothing. Its pretty useless only having a phone be able to scan through facebook. I hope this issue becomes resolved SOOOOOOON!

  439. update: I went through some more comments and I disabled JavaScript, I cleared all website data, only allow cookies for current websites, do not track, and instead of opening new links in a new tab I switched it to background….. it SEEMS to be working now, we will see I guess though…………

  440. Adrian Dan - 8 years ago

    Same issue. We need this fix ASAP

  441. Spiros Karageorgopoulos - 8 years ago

    Same issue here. Ipad mini 2

  442. @AppleSupport I have an iPhone 6 and am experiencing the very same issues…. after upgrading to iOS 9.3 I cannot open any link in Safari with Java script enabled.

  443. ninaswan - 8 years ago

    I have the same problem as the others [apps freeze, links no longer open (the most annoying, for my part..), Safari freezes, everything freezes…], but I’d had it before I updated to iOS 9.3. I have an iPhone 6 and I’ve had this issue since Sunday (27/March). Does it has anything to do with the FBI? Muhaha. :)

  444. ninaswan - 8 years ago

    I have the same problem as the others [apps freeze, links no longer open (the most annoying, for my part..), Safari freezes, everything freezes…], but I’d had it before I updated to iOS 9.3. I have an iPhone 6 and I’ve had this issue since Sunday (27/March). Does it have anything to do with the FBI? Muhaha.:)

  445. 0원00 (@zybean) - 8 years ago

    Same happened to my iPhone 6 and iPad Air. My whatsapp totally crashed when I clicked/tapped on the link. I couldn’t open link in Google as well so I was thinking whether it is Safari’s problem or google’s problem. The same problem appears when I use Chrome in my iPad to use google, same goes to (Korean search engine). However, there is no such problem with (Chinese search engine). I hope this information can provide some data for the issues. Thanks.

  446. Malcolm Brown - 8 years ago

    Same problem on iPhone 5c – tapping on links does nothing

  447. Mark Williams - 8 years ago

    iPhone 6 Same problem however although have downloaded 9.3 have yet to install so still on 9.2.1. Started 2 days ago Macbook and iPad unaffected.

  448. pennyevans3 - 8 years ago

    iPad mini 2 : links on safari and email not working sine installing iOS 9.3 very very frustrating. Helps if you turn off JavaScript but then some websites I use won’t work when JavaScript is turned off so still frustrating. Come on Apple – get it sorted

  449. Betina Jensen - 8 years ago

    yes opdated my Iphone5s and screen freezes cant open emails etc. my phone is my work please helps

    • bobbiemac631 - 8 years ago

      try using Gmail and Chrome apps. Will solve most of the problems.

  450. Alain Kort - 8 years ago

    i could add to this issue the login to apps thru FACEBOOK ACCOUNT I have a big feeling it all comes from there….corrupting some files in Javascript and causing all this fusssss…….this is very frustrating.

    • bobbiemac631 - 8 years ago

      My wife’s iPad has the problem and she has never used Facebook. She also is running iOS 9.2.1. No need to make stuff up.

  451. Craig Riches - 8 years ago

    I can report that for those users who are too impatient and frustrated to wait for Apple to issue the promised ‘fix’, I have managed to fix it myself on both my iPad Air and my iPhone 6 by doing a restore and “Setting up as a new device”. By no means a satisfactory solution, but it worked. Yes, I had to set up my email accounts and so on (thank heavens for 1Password), and add back my apps from ‘purchased’ in the app store. One thing it makes you realise is how many apps you may have had that you rarely use…, so you can be selective second time around. The only thing not known of course is which apps cause the Universal Sites file error that causes the problem. But so far all ok. I havent dared to re-install (even though they have fixed their app). Using this method, at least for now all links are working fine from within Safari, Mail, other apps etc. Maybe it will help others too, until the official fix arrives.

  452. Dara O'Carroll - 8 years ago

    I have an iPad air and have been having issues mostly within Safari. If i do a search, then when i click on the results nothing happens and sometimes it locks up. The problem started before the latest update so i expected it to improve when i updated to 9.3 but it has not improved. I have now downloaded the Puffin web browser to ease the problem and its working fine, but i would prefer to use Safari without these issues. Very annoying and a big surprise that its taking so long to fix

  453. Kymberly Ashman - 8 years ago

    Having this exact problem on my Iphone 6 after the update. Going to the genius bar tonight to get help…

  454. bobbiemac631 - 8 years ago

    Partial Solution is to install Gmail’s app and Chrome app. These apps don’t seem to be effected. Clicking on a link in Gmail will usually open Chrome. However there will still be times when Safari opens due to being default. Only solution then is copy the URL from Safari to Chrome.

  455. Per Kristian Hilden - 8 years ago

    So 9.3.1 is here, with The Fix. I just updated and it seems problem is solved. Woeful Apple blunder though. A relief nonetheless. Had no idea hitting cross-app and in-Safari links were such a big part of nye iPhone use value.

  456. M James Callahan - 8 years ago

    I have this problem on both my iPad Air 2 and my iPhone 5.

  457. Sally James - 8 years ago

    I’m having exactly the same problem on my iPad Air- safari links will not open and iPad crashes if I hold on the link. It started just prior to the last update. Grrrrr

  458. M James Callahan - 8 years ago

    I just downloaded IOS 9.3.1 on both my iPhone 5 and iPad Air 2 and it has corrected the problem on both devices.

  459. Arnoud Koning - 8 years ago

    I confirm! there is an update iOS 9.3.1 available to solve this problem! Thanks for mentioning!!!

  460. Yvette Carla Marxer - 8 years ago

    I’m having the same issues with my 6. I haven’t run the update on my iPad since I’m worried ill have the same issue. Really annoying since I use my phone a lot for research.

  461. Bob McConnell - 8 years ago

    9.3.1 fixed the problem on 5 devices in our household.

  462. Sarah Arnott (@bysarah) - 8 years ago

    I started having this problem last weekend on iPhone 5s. I had not yet updated to the latest iOS. I thought maybe the problem would be fixed with the update so I ran the update to 9.3 and am still having the problem. (Not surprising after reading this). I do have app installed but haven’t used it anytime recently (if that makes any difference). I do not have this problem on my old iPad 2.

    I first noticed the problem when doing a Google search in Safari and attempting to open one of the links. Links within other websites do open without problem. also have the the problem in messages and email.

    My phone does not crash, but the source app does freeze and I have to close the App.

  463. Sheikh Nauman Asif - 8 years ago

    my wifi is not working after updateing it to ios 9.3 tell me how to fix it

  464. Sheikh Nauman Asif - 8 years ago

    having problem with my wifi after updateing it to ios 9.3

  465. Nurul Igloo - 8 years ago

    Just installed the update iOS 9.3.1 and now I cannot get anything on my AppStore. I can open AppStore but it is a blank page with the usual menu at the bottom and nothing can be done. Just a blank page. Any idea what I can do, please? The Mac Service Centre is shut today. Really frustrating!!!!!

  466. Avoid the 9.3.1 fix at all costs

    It has rendered my calendar useless on both iPhone and iPad Air 2

    I have been unable to edit calendar appointments since the update was installed

    • Joe Hevesy - 8 years ago

      9.3.1 fixed it for my iPad mini. Don’t know about the calendar that one person wrote about since I don’t use it. But, hey. I can finally open links again, meaning I can do searches and open certain email links. Until now, my iPad was useless except as a paperweight.

  467. Lesia Matiyiv - 8 years ago

    i have the same on 6s. this is horrible! can’t open any link in safari.

  468. Ivan Kvasnica - 8 years ago

    I have the same problem. Safari crashes or freezes for few seconds and doesn’t open a link. But it does only when searching on Google, other links work apparently fine. But I got one crash when opening a link in the Facebook app as well.

  469. Damon Brotherton - 8 years ago

    I just downloaded the 9.3.1 fix and it appears that it fixed the problem with freezing links. Thanks Apple!

  470. Sarah Battison - 8 years ago

    None of my apps open, I can’t type text, the text takes Ages to show. Can’t open camera, gallery, Facebook, snapchat, Safari.. Nothing. I tried to reset ( using power and home button) whole phone crashed for over an hour and a half. Literally, only thing I can do is call! I’ve had to use my daughters iPad ( hasn’t had the upgrade ) to search for ways to fix! Not a happy bunny !

  471. Sarah Battison - 8 years ago

    Oh … Adding to previous comment, it’s the 9.3 update that I’ve installed and having issues with. This is the upgrade that’s supposed to fix the bug issues. Not a good fix for me!

  472. It crashes in imessage and chrome… I’m forced to hold an open it in a new tab. very anoying.

  473. Glen Charles Rowell - 8 years ago

    Has the Apple linegate bug been fixed yet? 2 years without a fix… Why can’t Apple fix the tiny little hairlines that show up in Safari?

  474. Kris Hall (@kkhall) - 8 years ago

    I have an iPad Air and have been dealing with Safari crashes for months, whereas before Safari has worked perfectly and I never had a crash. Perhaps this began with iOS 9? I cannot say for certain but it goes back at least 4-6 months.. I had hoped that the 9.3.1 update would solve it, but it has only made it worse! Nearly every link no causes a crash and when Safari reopens there are no tabs of where I have just been and I have to start my session over from scratch. I do not have a Facebook account nor do I use it. I am intensely frustrated. And for whatever reason this doesn’t happen on my iPhone 6S.

    I am so very frustrated.

  475. jonnyijapan - 8 years ago

    I did not notice any problems earlier but since iOS 9.3.1 I have terrible problems like you all describe. Tapping a link in an email makes all of the following apps work bad/not at all, often with freezing:

    App Store (can’t get new updates, can’t buy new apps)
    Safari, crashes/freezes on tap of url bar
    Game Center, can’t log OUT, + any game depending on GC can’t log me in
    Notes/Twitter: when typing in these apps all of a sudden they freeze/crash
    Music (I don’t using Apple Music at this moment but radio/beats one does not work)
    … And probably more….

    9.3.1 is terrible for me. I’m a 3rd party app developer and have even tried the dev beta of 9.3.2 but it has not had this issue fixed for me.

  476. Diane Maxson - 8 years ago

    I am running iOS 9.3.1 on an iPad2 and having problems with repeated crashes when using Safari, either directly or when linking to a website from Facebook.

  477. SimpleTechLife - 8 years ago

    Why does this only happen with some users and not others?

    • jonnyijapan - 8 years ago

      I assume that this issue pertains to some certain apps being the culprit. If you have those apps, after awhile you might run into this problem. My iPhone is close to bricked from this. I do type this from Chrome on that iPhone, Safari is useless now.

      • SimpleTechLife - 8 years ago

        Would this be referred to jail breaking?

      • jonnyijapan - 8 years ago

        It has nothing to do with jailbreaking. Although some people were able to fix the problem on a jail broken device by removing problematic data from the keychain of the device. That is only possible on a jailbroken device.

  478. allegramarian - 8 years ago

    loaded IoS 9.3 onto iPhone 4S at Easter. Since then all apps loaded by me are frozen and show as waiting. Can’t uninstall them – they don’t respond to uninstall either. have tried switching on and off but makes no difference. Trid this morning to load IoS 9.3.1 supposed to fix bug but can’t even install IoS 9.3.1 which is supposed to fix the bug. Would love some info on how to fix this!

  479. Christy Andrews - 8 years ago

    I can’t get on my iPhone since I updated the software on my iPhone 6s. Help!!! It won’t let me sync my phone, or do anything…just shows the power cord and iTunes icon. None of the videos online help and my mac is 8 years old so it won’t upload the new software for the computer either….This is so annoying! help!

  480. William Mitchell - 8 years ago

    I just started having this problem on iphone 6 two days ago. Clicking on links causes the app to freeze for a couple of seconds, then go to a blank screen, followed by going back to the home screen. Was working normally until 24 hours ago.

  481. Melissa Watson - 8 years ago

    most of my apps and games on my 16gb ipad are crashing since the update, i cant seem to play anything

  482. Jacques Gentil - 8 years ago

    I am using an iPad 2 with ios 7.1.2 and since I have updated to Facebook ver , whenever I tap a link in FB, I get a blue screen. To resume FB need to shut down FB. Anybody having the same issue?

  483. Jacques Gentil - 8 years ago

    From bad to worst, with FB ver 57, iPad 2 ios 7.1.2 tapping on a link crashes FB…..

  484. Ca Rakesh Kumar - 8 years ago

    it is very common and frustrating. Some time the phone rings and we are unable to pick up the calls. increasingly we feel bad opting for iphone. shown 2/3 times to apple workshop who returned phone stating that it is working fine but the problem restart again in a month. Not sure but my experience indicates that it is perhaps caused by camera use.

  485. Alicia Robinson Kelley - 8 years ago

    My iphone 6 Plus keeps freezing up, screen won’t move when swiped, apps won’t move via finger tip touch, have to hold, and even then, doesn’t always work. Been freezing up for the past week or so. Very frustrating!!!!

  486. @TOPDUSMC (@TopDUSMC) - 8 years ago

    @AppleSupport Chrome app freezes when I attempt to scroll on my iPhone 6Plus with iOS 10.1.1. I have deleted and reloaded app. No change.


Avatar for Benjamin Mayo Benjamin Mayo

Benjamin develops iOS apps professionally and covers Apple news and rumors for 9to5Mac. Listen to Benjamin, every week, on the Happy Hour podcast. Check out his personal blog. Message Benjamin over email or Twitter.

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