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Adobe says 64-bit Photoshop doesn't matter

 Adobe continues to insist Mac users won’t miss 64-bit support in its newly-introduced Adobe Photshop CS4 products.

The reason it’s lacking is because Apple ditched a section of underlying OS X code that Adobe used for the creation of 64-bit support, meaning the developer would have had to invest significant resources re-building its app.

But Bruce Bowman, product manager of Adobe Premiere Pro, says Mac CS4 users won’t miss 64-bit – “much”.

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Adobe announces Creative Suite 4

Adobe has introduced Creative Suite 4, claiming workflow improvements, better support for Flash and more integration across the suite.

Creative Suite 4 is an extensive release, it includes: Soundbooth, Premiere Pro, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Flash, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, After Effects as stand alone apps. Bundles: There’s a Master Collection which includes everything, and standard and premium versions of both design and web product groups, along with a new Production Premium collection.

“Designers and developers are shaping the way that people consume information, share ideas, sell products, tell stories and create memorable experiences – in print, online and via mobile handsets,” said Shantanu Narayen, president and chief executive officer at Adobe.