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Apple releases iOS 8.1.2 with fixes for bugs including ringtone issues

Apple has released iOS 8.1.2 as an over-the-air software update for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch users running iOS 8. The latest release contains bug fixes for users as well as a fix for a problem regarding ringtones purchased from Apple being removed from devices. We’ll check out the software release for any significant changes or issues and update accordingly.

For users subject to the reported issues involving ringtones purchased through iTunes, Apple points users to for recovering those purchases.

Information regarding the security improvements with iOS 8.1.2 will be made available by Apple here soon.

The release of iOS 8.1.2 is the latest maintenance update following iOS 8.1.1 on November 17th which targeted improving iPhone 4s and iPad 2 performance under iOS 8. Apple released iOS 8.1 on October 20th bringing support for Apple Pay to iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air 2, and iPad mini 3 users.

For developers, Apple issued a beta version of the upcoming iOS 8.2 release on November 18th alongside WatchKit for building and testing applications for the Apple Watch which we expect to be released this spring.

Today’s software update release is available for all devices running iOS 8 including:

  • iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus
  • iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad mini, iPad Air, iPad mini 2, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3
  • iPod touch, fifth-generation

In addition to releasing iOS 8.1.2 publicly today, Apple also refreshed the Apple TV channel lineup with new content including UFC and Dailymotion as well as an overhauled YouTube channel.


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  1. Cory © (@Nardes) - 10 years ago

    I mean…. fool me one shame on you…. fool me twice….. I’ll wait and see if iPhones are working after this update.

  2. philboogie - 10 years ago

    FINALLY they fixed the Select Copy Paste issue on my iPhone. So, going to update my iPads now as well.

    • lexxkoto - 10 years ago

      Is that the issue where the pop-up menu just won’t disappear, no matter where you tap?

  3. Matthew Hone - 10 years ago

    Just did it… it worked. I have purchased 5 ringtones since my first iPhone 7 years ago… with the last two being purchased since iOS 8 has rolled out. I had the problem of the recent ringtones disappearing (the older three stayed on the phone). This update along with going to did fix the problem… but it simply downloaded all my purchased ringtones to the phone. Now I have duplicates of the older three ringtones.

  4. coinaphrase - 10 years ago

    Installed it via OTA on my 6. Seems fine so far.

  5. Charlie Thomas - 10 years ago

    installed OTA on iPhone 6 Plus for AT&T and all is well

  6. Edison Wrzosek - 10 years ago

    Updated my 5S via iTunes, and so far so good… Updating my iPad Min 2 right now, will post back with anything beneficial…

  7. Taste_of_Apple - 10 years ago

    So far so good…

  8. Zac Hall - 10 years ago

    Was maybe hoping to see those iPad Air 2/iPad mini 3 wallpapers sneak into this update, doesn’t look like it though.

  9. I’d like to see the status bar still showing while viewing photos bug get squashed. That’s so incredibly annoying. I wish they’d stop cranking out major updates only once a year and instead do what they did with OS X Snow Leopard and stake a year off and really go through iOS with a fine tooth comb and polish it up because 8 is by far the buggiest and least QA’d update they’ve ever put out. There’s so many little things that are wrong with it, Safari being utterly useless on an older iPad being number one. They should fix that sooner rather than later because my iPad is pretty much useless for surfing the internet now because it’s just awful.

  10. azwardiiqbal - 10 years ago

    How about 4s?

  11. Craig (@therealshermy) - 10 years ago

    Does anyone know if they are releasing a patch for the wifi dropping on the ipad air 2?

    • standardpull - 10 years ago

      Never had an issue with wifi on my IPad 2. And 812 works fine there too.

      You might want to consider upgrading your router. They are not all equal.

  12. cma92 - 10 years ago

    still no fix for iPad multitasking gesture bug, choppy wallpaper scrolling, crashing stock applications, etc. I don’t honestly think anything was actually fixed in this update

    • Air Burt - 10 years ago

      Only fix was the ringtone bug. Can you not read?

      • Komrad - 10 years ago

        To his defense, the title says ‘fixes….including … Ringtone’ . ‘Fixes’ is plural, i.e. more than one, so there must be more fixes .

      • Air Burt - 10 years ago

        And the article only mentions the ringtone bug fix, because it was the only fix. Apple was only concerned with fixing this issue, which is why this was never even tested by developers.

        So neither of you read the article and came straight to the comments?

      • Jim - 10 years ago

        I read the article. Join part, it says “The latest release contains bug fixes for users as well as a fix for a problem regarding ringtones purchased from Apple being removed from devices.”

        So apparently the ringtone fix was NOT the only fix.

      • Air Burt - 10 years ago

        It was the only major one worth noting. If Apple had fixed any of the various other bugs that people have mentioned, they would’ve been in the release notes. Apple fixes tiny things that no one notices all the time.

  13. Cory © (@Nardes) - 10 years ago

    Still no “Spotlight Search” fix. So frustrating. I type things in to search online there and its a 50/50 shot if it will pull up the “Search Web” and “Search Wikipedia” options. And if it doesn’t pull those up and I exit Spotlight Search my text disappears

  14. Wim Gielen - 10 years ago

    Apple mixed up completely the portrait vs landscape display modus with my iPad after installing the new iOS update!

  15. kliffy77 - 10 years ago

    Rubbish! Spotlight search and Safari touch issues and forums keyboard lag on some websites like

  16. Lance Hastings - 10 years ago

    how long did it take to get the notification about redownloading your ringtones ? its been about 15 minutes for me and still nothing ..

  17. Cory Sullivan - 10 years ago

    My 6 Plus developed a slight bend after the update. 😒

    • standardpull - 10 years ago

      Hi, this is Samsung.

      We hear reports that millions of iPhones have developed a bend after applying this ring tone security bug. We even have viral videos of this happening while people apply the update.

      We will use your information in our next commercial for the S5, in hopes that we might convince someone to buy an S5 for their child or grandparent. Will you buy one? We’re reducing the price again!

      VP, Samsung Mobile division.

  18. Steve Norman - 10 years ago

    ios 8.1.2 fucked my camera up thanks apple

    • standardpull - 10 years ago

      Hi, this is Samsung.

      We hear reports that millions of iPhones have developed a camera issue after applying this ring tone security bug. We even have viral videos of this happening while people apply the update.

      We will use your information in our next commercial for the S5, in hopes that we might convince someone to buy an S5 for their child or grandparent. Will you buy one? We’re reducing the price again!

      VP, Samsung Mobile division.

  19. emailjimmyw - 10 years ago

    Anyone having deleted KB shortcuts coming back over and over? I was ‘told’ by Apple that 8.1.1 fixed that, but it wasn’t the case. This is such an annoying bug. iCloud can’t be used for backups until this is fixed.

  20. Komrad - 10 years ago

    I installed it on my iPhone 5 and iPad Mini and it works great.

  21. Garry McCall (@gacm76) - 10 years ago

    I just wish I could delete an email from the lock screen without having to enter my password or Touch ID.

    • Jiří P. (@rewolwer) - 10 years ago

      I hope this will never be possible, it would be some kind of security breach. Imagine that somebody else, a family member for instance, would delete your important e-mail even without authority to access your phone.

  22. Air Burt - 10 years ago

    When I installed it on my iPad Mini 2 OTA, it came back with 4 new apps installed (but not in my purchased apps list): Tango, Spotify, Pandora, and Flappy Bird. Anybody else have this happen or is it just me?

    • Komrad - 10 years ago

      It’s just you, as I installed it on 3 devices and that did not happen.

    • Yeah, none of that happened.

    • Air Burt - 10 years ago

      Figured it out (kinda)! My friend wanted to verify that his AT&T iPhone 5S had been unlocked so I stuck my SIM card in it. That explains why the same apps (plus Viber) showed up on my 5S after restarting it. Spotify wanted his iTunes account when it was updating. Doesn’t really explain how they ended up on my iPad, though. They’re still not in my purchased apps so they shouldn’t have synced. Weird.

  23. The update turned my iPhone 6 into a 6 Plus. Thanks Apple!

  24. I have updated my iPphone 5 OTA at 8.1.2. I am not able now to make phone calls to numbers witch include international formating (+40 … ). I have all my numbers in the contacts list this way, with international formating, even for my country.

    I have checked and unchecked dial assist in settings-phone, but with no results.

    I am located in Romania. Does anyone else have this problem?

  25. Shrey Promact - 10 years ago

    I have iphone 4S which have issue of not getting Cellular Network after updating to 8. is this new update (8.1.2) resolved that issue? Please let me know on

    • Air Burt - 10 years ago

      That was fixed awhile back with 8.0.2.

      • i have an ipod 5 touch and the first one when i updated ios 8.1.2 i had battery issue like when i charge it while using it, it destroy some of it like 100% to 30% in like 5 mins, so i got a new one and still the same thing, is this gonna be fix on ios 8.1.3?

      • Air Burt - 9 years ago

        You’ve probably got a rogue app, or you’re lying. The battery shouldn’t drain that fast even if there was an OS issue. Do a full restore without all of your apps. Also, the next update is 8.2.

      • wendyleedryer87 - 9 years ago

        WHATEVER MAN!!!!!!! It does work like that and the crap your talking about used to work but now Apple, the people you work for f’ed up, sooooo that method “DOES NOT WORK”. I clicked on your page and I see you promote Apple, well tell Apple they need to fix their product free of charge (highly unlikely) or they need to come out of pocket for their nation wide screw up. Just like the guy said about fixing it, once a new update is released you still have to deal with frozen screen before you can even update. So tell those stiffs up in corporate that the smell of a nation wide lawsuit is amongst the air.

      • Dierdrick Kirskey - 9 years ago

        @Air Burt- Nothing concerning ios 8 has been resolved. Nothing. And how dare you call anyone a liar when you’re the biggest liar and fraud on this site??!!!

      • Air Burt - 9 years ago

        More proof you have no clue what you’re talking about. You seem to really enjoy being an ignorant asshat. But at least that makes you good at something!

      • Air Burt - 9 years ago

        It’s really sad that you have to make another account to try to make your senseless arguments sound less retarded. It’s not working though; you sound just as ignorant as ever.

      • Dierdrick Kirskey - 9 years ago

        Riiiight i need to make another account so I can pretend that someone agrees with me while I argue with a known jackass. Great detective work Vikki.

      • Air Burt - 9 years ago

        Only jackass here is you. But I realize logical thinking must be such a strain for you. Take your accounts and go home before you hurt yourself trying to sound like us educated people.

  26. Amit (@amirage) - 10 years ago

    Hi. Is anyone facing an issue with the lock screen not showing the time/ date with this update on the iPhone 5S? When I press the home button, I only see the notifications but no time/ date. Rebooting only offers respite for some time after which the bug reappears. Any solutions?

    • Air Burt - 10 years ago

      Not seeing that on my 5S. It has happened a couple of times, but that was on 8.1.1. It was just a random bug that popped up and went away the next time I unlocked it. I’d try doing a restore maybe.

  27. So the ringtones are now saved… but my phone still insists on reverting back to the default text tone. So annoying.

  28. Joe Càrito - 10 years ago

    Did they fixed the apps from crashing in 8.1.2 or do they still crash for this new update?

  29. Robert Convery - 10 years ago

    I have a 5s and ever sense I updated to 8.0 my touch id does not work anymore. I have the new update 8.1.2 and still every time I try to set up the touch id I slide the slider to turn it on and I get a fail. add finger print is grayed out. everything worked great in ios7. I tried re setting phone back and do a clean install through iTunes and still the same. I think it has something to do with the firmware update they did in ios 8.0. Any suggestions ? Thank You

  30. Helmut Dev Thorvald - 10 years ago

    My Iphone5 camera is down after update :(

  31. Pol Ly - 9 years ago

    well I have the latest update and selected tweet for new messages and its still f…… well chiming

  32. Doris Goheen - 9 years ago

    I hate the change to my i-pad to IOS8. This was done without my knowledge and now i can no longer send photos. How do I restore this capability? Frustrated and angry.

  33. Doris Goheen - 9 years ago

    I can no longer send photos on my i-pad. How do I restore this capability? I am so disappointed with Apple for messing up what was a good thing.

  34. when i installed ios 8.1.2 i had battery issue on my ipod 5 touch, like when i charge it while i use it….it destroy some of my batter…so the only way i can charge it is to leave it alone, apple need to fix that on 8.1.3

  35. Debbie Jean - 9 years ago

    I UPDATED TO iOS 8.1.2 and i am about to smash my phone.I am letting it get me so upset.please help me remove it from my Iphone 4S please no wifi,bluetooth stinks it wont load hafe the time,its losing my info.I AM PULLING MY HAIR OUT OF MY HEAD THEIR WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH MY PHONE TILL THIS DOWNLOAD……..GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

    • Air Burt - 9 years ago

      Do a clean install through iTunes. 8.1.2 works nearly as good as iOS 7 on the 4S.

  36. Dierdrick Kirskey - 9 years ago

    I have a theory that you may not like but here it is. I’ve noticed that Apple is commenting on many of its ios 8 issues except for one of the most serious ones: the frozen screen. This is for anyone having screen freezing issues due to ios 8 on their Ipad, Ipod, or Iphone I’m going to explain something to you as quick as possible about your device and what Apple is going to do about it. Apple is going to do nothing. That’s right. Nothing, because there is nothing Apple can do about it and they know it. Let me explain: see, you can attempt to update 2 ways. Either on the device itself or on your computer with the device plugged in. Seeing as how the screen is frozen the first option is futile. That brings us to the second and here is why that option won’t work either: after you’ve downloaded the new update and the device has gotten itself ready to install the new software there is a prompt that appears asking you to respond on the device itself. And of course with the frozen screen there is no way to respond. And so you’re stuck in a cycle. The device has a frozen screen so you can’t update it and you can’t update it because you can’t respond on it and you can’t respond on it because it has a frozen screen. Even if Apple releases an update that will fix ALL the issues, if you have a frozen screen it won’t apply to you for the reason described above. You can’t get past it the frozen screen. Will Apple do a recall? I highly doubt it. They’re not in the business of losing money, only ripping people off. Now what they may do is have customers trade in their unusable device towards the purchase of a newer one. But as far as just handing out free Ipads and Iphones due to a faulty software update that they created, Apple just isn’t going to swallow that bullet.

    • Air Burt - 9 years ago

      It’s not stuck like that. Once the battery dies, you can do a restore through iTunes. Or simply open it up and disconnect the battery. Not that hard to figure out.

      • Shrey Promact - 9 years ago

        Hello, I have try to do fresh installation of the iOS 8.1.2 but still i have network issue in my iPhone 4S. I am waiting to have any solution to that. Please help me in that.

      • Dierdrick Kirskey - 9 years ago

        Listen jackass, first off I’m well aware that you work for Apple and thats your reason for always claiming that there is nothing wrong with these updates and second there is NO restoration method you can mention that I haven’t tried. I OWN MY OWN ELECTRONICS BUSINESS so clearly I’d better know what the hell I’m talking about. You’re just a troll that works for Apple.

      • Air Burt - 9 years ago

        It’s very clear you know nothing, including about me. Quit making yourself look like an idiot. I could make just as wild a claim that you’re making all of this issue up. But I’m not an idiot like you.

      • Dierdrick Kirskey - 9 years ago

        Yeah ok buddy. As long as you believe your own story thats all that matters right?

      • Air Burt - 9 years ago

        Nah, most people believe me. I won’t lose sleep if an asshat like you doesn’t.

  37. Dierdrick Kirskey - 9 years ago

    This AirBurt dude works for Apple. He’s a liar and knows that ios 8 is pure crap. He’s just on here repping for Apple. Oddly enough out of the 70 million affected users he seems to be THE only person not having any problems with ios 8. This dude is full of shit and a flat out LIAR. He’s garbage and his employer (Apple) is garbage.

    • Air Burt - 9 years ago

      Nothing you’ve said is true. You’re just here to ignorantly troll. You continue to make yourself look like an idiot by making stupid comments like this.

      • Dierdrick Kirskey - 9 years ago

        As I said above, as long as you believe your own lies thats all that matters.

      • Air Burt - 9 years ago

        Continuing to make yourself look like a retard, I see. Go back to your cave.

      • Dierdrick Kirskey - 9 years ago

        Really PAUL? You look like a fucken homosexual clown with your yellow hair and ridiculously oversized glasses. Look, Mr. “Church tech guy” take your bullshit Apple “knowledge” and peddle it somewhere else. You’re the only one here that has responded to EVERY single post and you’re response is always in support of Apple. You don’t know shit. Stop sucking coporate cock dude. They don’t care about you. We don’t care about you. Hell, nobody cares about you. Dueces loser!!

      • Air Burt - 9 years ago

        I see all you’re going to do is attack me, which makes sense because you haven’t given a single valid argument. You keep trying and failing to make any logical point. Harp on because no one cares what you think. Try actually helping people like I do here on 9to5mac. If all you do is complain and attack others, you’re just a pathetic troll trying to make others feel bad because you’re unhappy with your decisions in life. That being the case, you have no credibility and no one cares what you think. Attack all you want; it doesn’t mean a thing when you can’t make any valid points.

    • Dierdrick Kirskey - 9 years ago

      Really PAUL? You look like a fucken homosexual clown with your yellow hair and ridiculously oversized glasses. Look, Mr. “Church tech guy” take your bullshit Apple “knowledge” and peddle it somewhere else. You’re the only one here that has responded to EVERY single post and you’re response is always in support of Apple. You don’t know shit. Stop sucking coporate cock dude. They don’t care about you. We don’t care about you. Hell, nobody cares about you. Dueces loser!!

      • Air Burt - 9 years ago

        Copy-pasting your ad hominem attacks now? That’s the mark of a truly pathetic troll. Keep making yourself look like a hot-headed asshole. I’m not responding anymore unless you can actually make a logical argument, which you’ve yet to prove you can do.

  38. Çarl Luî E - 9 years ago


  39. Çarl Luî E - 9 years ago


  40. Çarl Luî E - 9 years ago



Avatar for Zac Hall Zac Hall

Zac covers Apple news, hosts the 9to5Mac Happy Hour podcast, and created

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