Apple has announced its latest Apple Pay promotion, this time in celebration of Earth Day. Apple says that from now through Earth Day, which is April 22, it will donate $1 to Conservation International for every Apple Pay transaction made on Apple’s website, through the Apple Store app, or in Apple Stores.
Now through April 22, Apple will donate $1 for every purchase made with Apple Pay on, through the Apple Store app, or at an Apple Store. Donations are limited to a maximum of $1 million. The donation goes to Conservation International.
Apple explains the work that Conservation International does:
Conservation International works to spotlight and secure the critical benefits that nature provides to humanity. Combining fieldwork with innovations in science, policy, and finance, Conservation International has helped protect more than six million square kilometers of land and sea across more than 70 countries.
In an email to Apple Pay customers today, Apple also promoted a handful of sustainable businesses you can shop with using Apple Pay:
- Allbirds – Shoes and clothing made with materials like merino wool and eucalyptus.
- Pela – iPhone cases made from renewable resources like plants and microorganisms.
- The North Face – Outdoor gear brand working to incorporate recycled materials into its products.
- Lime – Electric scooters and bikes powered by renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydro.
Again, the donation of $1 to Conservation International for every Apple Pay transaction made on Apple’s website, through the Apple Store app, or in Apple Stores is valid through Apple 22.
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