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There’s a new firmware available for Apple’s Magic Mouse – but you probably won’t get it

You may already be familiar with accessories such as AirPods and AirTag getting firmware updates with improvements. However, there are other accessories such as mouse and keyboards that also get such updates. Apple has just released new firmware for its Magic Mouse and Magic Trackpad accessories – however, you probably won’t get this update for your devices.

Apple has released new firmware for Magic Mouse and Trackpad

As noted by X user @aaronp613, Apple released new firmware for its Magic Mouse and Magic Trackpad on Monday. The new firmware is version 3.1.1. However, updating these accessories is quite difficult – not to say impossible.

Although macOS has mechanisms for updating Apple accessories, many users have noticed over the years that their devices are stuck with their original factory firmware. For example, my own Magic Mouse bought in 2020 still runs firmware 1.9.2. In other words, the new firmware is likely to be shipped with new hardware and current owners won’t get the update.

There are also no details on what’s new with today’s firmware update. Most likely it will just fix bugs and improve the reliability of the accessories.

Although you can’t easily update your Magic Mouse or Trackpad, owners of 2nd generation AirPods Pro will get a firmware update this fall with new features, including gestures to answer and decline calls. The update is part of iOS 18, which is currently available as a beta for developers.

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Avatar for Filipe Espósito Filipe Espósito

Filipe Espósito is a Brazilian tech Journalist who started covering Apple news on iHelp BR with some exclusive scoops — including the reveal of the new Apple Watch Series 5 models in titanium and ceramic. He joined 9to5Mac to share even more tech news around the world.