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Disney buys Tapulous

TechCrunch reports Disney has acquired the very popular iOS app development startup, Tapulous. Tapulous is the group behind the extremely popular Tap Tap Revenge series.

The music game has multiple versions such as Lady Gaga, Nickleback, oh and… Justin Bieber games. With Disney in control we think you’ll soon be seeing some Hannah Montana and Jonas Brothers action on an iPhone near you.


The details of the deal are yet to be revealed, and who knows… maybe El Jobso himself had something to do with the deal. Also, Bart Decrem, CEO of Tapulous and the guy above, will now take a seat as a Disney VP. Congratulations, Tapulous!

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Purchase New Movies on iTunes Same Day as DVD Release

 Apple today confirmed overnight chatter claiming the company will make new film releases from most leading studios available for purchase through iTunes Store in the US on the same day as their DVD release.

Both new films and catalogue titles will be available from a range of studios, including 20th Century Fox, The Walt Disney

Studios, Warner Bros., Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios Home Entertainment, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Lionsgate, Image Entertainment and First Look Studios.

We’re thrilled to bring iTunes Store customers new films for purchase day-and-date with the DVD release," said Eddy Cue, Apple’s vice president of iTunes. "We think movie fans will love being able to buy their favorites from major and independent studios."

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Jonas Brothers at Apple Soho is a Major No-No

 See here. The musical geniuses who brought you such timeless classics as S.O.S. and Burnin’ Up performed today at the Apple SoHo. Meanwhile, hundreds of teenage girls (and apparently one guy), who think its crazy to wait in line all day for a phone, waited all day in line to listen to a horrible, direct-from-Disney group sound even worse in person (if that is even possible). Due to the popularity of the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, and High School Musical, I have come to the conclusion that teenage girls have it hard-coded in their DNA to have no taste in music. If you’ve looked at the iTunes Top 10 lately, you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about: there currently are two Jonas Brothers songs, a Demi Lovato song, a Miley Cyrus song, and now, a David Archuleta song.

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Mickey Mouse iPhone story…

 Woah! So – if Disney and Apple got together to design an iPhone for members of the Mickey Mouse Club, would it really look like this? Probably not, we’re convinced this is no more than an amusing fake, particularly on account of the inclusion of a ‘proper’ keyboard on the purported device – after all, hardware keyboards are just, so…well, opinions differ.

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Microsoft stalks your den on new Xbox venture

Microsoft isn’t just suffering from Google-envy – it’s got a high dose of Apple envy, too – now it seems set to do what it can to transform the Xbox 360 into more of an Apple TV-alternate than before.

Microsoft today announced at the Tokyo Game Show 2008 that the New Xbox Experience will launch on Wednesday, Nov. 19, when the company aims to "put more entertainment at their fingertips than any other device connected to the TV."

Microsoft also announced that beginning this month shoppers buying one of these consoles will get a bunch of games for free (at least in the US).