How many times, when leaving work, have you thought “I’ll definitely go to the gym tonight!” and then by the time you get home you can’t be bothered anymore; you feel tired and without energy?
Mexican dinner and Grey’s Anatomy feel all of a sudden the only alternative for the evening. And you go with it. Put some comfy clothes on, turn the telly on and…your phone rings. You pick it up, reply, you pick it up, reply, you pick it up…
Wait a second… Imagine your phone was a dumbbell, you’d be working out now!
The ToneFone is a revolutionary new case for iPhone 5 and 5s that turns your phone in to a weight loss device by increasing its weight to up to 1 or 1.5kg – allowing you to work out wherever you are.
Definitely getting one of these
I can’t *weight* for this