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Opinion: It’s time to bring back the mobile professional’s workhorse, the MacBook Pro 17

Many of us were deeply disappointed when Apple discontinued the MacBook Pro 17. While the Retina MacBook Pro 15 introduced at the same time offered higher resolution, sometimes there’s just no substitute for physical screen size. Photographers and videographers in particular loved the combination of the sheer size and the option of a matte screen.

I loved mine enough to immediately sell the three-year-old one I owned at the time in order to replace it with the last model made, to maximize its useful life. I still love it enough that I’ve just laid out a thousand bucks on a 2.5-year-old machine to fit 2TB of SSDs, giving it the best of both worlds: lightning-fast performance combined with huge storage that allows me to have all my files with me when I travel.

There may not be too many others who’ll follow my admittedly extravagant example, but I do think it’s time for Apple to revisit its decision and bring back the mobile professional’s workhorse … 

I should say that I fully understand why Apple chose to discontinue the machine at the time. It had just introduced the shiny new Retina MacBook Pro machines in 13- and 15-inch sizes, and the cost of a 17-inch Retina screen would, at that time, have been prohibitive.

Retaining the non-Retina model would have been messy – where in the line-up do you position a machine which offers the largest screen size but not the highest resolution? Apple has always liked simple line-ups, not the mass of scarcely-distinguishable models put out by many PC manufacturers, so it took the easy way out and dropped the machine.

The argument many made at the time was that it was in any case a niche product, with some even suggesting that the MBP accounted for just one percent of MacBook sales. Given Apple’s famed secrecy when it comes to sales breakdowns, I strongly suspect that figure was made-up, but it’s undeniable that it was a product bought by a small minority of Apple’s customers.

Some went further and suggested that with Apple now a mass-market consumer company, the business market was less important to the company, and the subset of audio-visual professionals who made up most of the 17-inch machine’s user base was now effectively irrelevant.

That might have been a supportable argument at the time, but no longer. Defense exhibit A: the Mac Pro.

The Mac Pro is even more of a niche market than the MBP 17. The percentage of Apple’s customer base even interested in the machine, let alone prepared to lay out between $3,000 and $10,000 on one, is miniscule.

Yet Apple not only launched a new Mac Pro, but did so with a great deal of fanfare. It put a huge amount of R&D into a revolutionary new desktop PC design. It made a machine unlike any other.

Even today, almost a year after it was first announced, Apple still makes a huge fuss about it. Just visit and click on any of the other Macs there: Air, Pro, iMac, Mini, it doesn’t matter. You get Apple’s standard white background site.

Now click on the Mac Pro. Apple has sufficient pride in this special machine that it created a whole new site design for it.

Apple launched a new Mac Pro not because the market for the machine was a large one, but because it was an important one. The earliest and most loyal customer base for Macs comprised creative professionals. Graphic designers, photographers, videographers, musicians, writers. These were the people who acted as Apple’s unpaid evangelists in the very early days. It wouldn’t be too great an exaggeration to say that these people helped build the company into what it is today.

In creating the new Mac Pro, Apple demonstrated that its commitment to this market remains alive and well.

Which is precisely the argument for launching a new MacBook Pro 17 today. The machine appeals to a very similar (and in many cases overlapping) market: creative professionals who want a high-end machine with decent screen size when mobile.

While yield rates on a 17-inch Retina screen would have been impractically low in 2012, that’s no longer the case today. The niche demand is there. Apple’s demonstrated commitment to supporting a core niche market is there. The manufacturing practicality is there. It’s time.

And my machine demonstrates just how great it could be. With a 2.4GHz Core i7 processor, 16GB RAM and dual SSDs, the machine absolutely flies.

Upgrading the RAM was obviously trivial on the non-Retina machines, and something I did as soon as I bought it. I initially replaced the 750GB hard drive with two 1TB ones (one in the optical media bay with an OWC Data Doubler adapter), and have now replaced both chunks of spinning metal with shiny new Samsung EVO 840 SSDs.

2TB allows me to have all my files with me all the time no matter where I am in the world.

But that’s two-year-old technology. The SSDs, for example, are fast:


Coming from hard drives, I couldn’t be happier. But stick the latest quad-core i7 CPU in there and make the SSDs PCIe ones, and my machine would look like it was having trouble waking up in the morning.

And imagine the battery-life it would have with a Haswell processor and that massive battery! A MBP 17 with genuine all-day battery-life would be phenomenal.

So, please, Apple: let’s have an all-new MacBook Pro 17. I’d even forgive you announcing it a few days after I’ve laid out a grand on SSDs for mine …

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  1. Zac - 10 years ago

    I agree! Bring back the 17″ MacBook Pros :)

  2. Mark Coughlan (@MacRS4) - 10 years ago

    Good god yes – while I have my 13″ Retina as a travel/meeting buddy, I love doing proper work on the go on my late 2011 17″. It’s a stunning machine to work on for long periods.

  3. Salvador Sanchez - 10 years ago

    Amen to that!

  4. Strongly agree!!!! We need the 17″back.

  5. Bruno Fernandes (@Linkb8) - 10 years ago

    I’m in the same boat Ben. Still hanging on to this 2009 MBP 17″ – 8GB of memory, 300GB SSD and 750GB HDD (removed the optical drive long ago).

    The other glaring omission in Apple’s lineup are new stand-alone displays. I’m using a 27″ model (prior to Thunderbolt) at the desktop with the MBP, but I’d love to upgrade to a higher resolution at the same size along with an updated Retina-class MBP.

  6. Couldn’t agree more. The only issue is the duffle bag you would have to have to carry it around in.

  7. Ricardo J. Colón - 10 years ago

    I agree with you 100%.The MacBook Pro 17 was the workhorse for many mobile professionals myself included.
    MacBook Pro 17 = must have
    MacPro = nice to have

  8. zoidbert - 10 years ago

    AMEN TO THAT. Agreed. I like my 15″ MBP(r) just fine but for on the go work, 15″ doesn’t cut it for page layout work.

  9. Jordan Biffle - 10 years ago

    I would gladly trade in my 15″ retina MacBook Pro for a 17″ in a heartbeat.

  10. Răzvan Petre - 10 years ago

    I have the latest 17″ Macbook Pro ever produced and I don’t know what I’ll do when the time comes for it to be changed. Apple, please bring back the 17″ MBP!!!

  11. Angola Image Bank Blog - 10 years ago

    Totally agree! Thumbs up! A new MBP 17″, please, Apple! Thanks

  12. I cannot agree more. I work with photographs and I travel a lot. My office is in the field and even when I’m in the office, it’s not a permanent place. Só I need a big screen + big performance + big portability. I even considered travelling with the Mac Pro in the backpack stuck among the lenses, but it’s not that portable…and…I need a screen. Impossible. So, Apple, please…give us back the portable workhorse, MBP 17″ with all the new hardware thats in the current/next line of MBP 15″ and, why not, 32GB of RAM ;)

  13. Amen. I love my 17″ MacBook Pro just as much as I love my 15″ MacBook Pro Retina. Time to bring it back!

  14. vkd108 - 10 years ago

    Om to that. But I was just wondering, Ben, how, when your profile states that, “Ben Lovejoy is a British technology journalist”, how you, “laid out a thousand bucks”? If you have not emigrated, then the British Pound would be your currency, and that has never been referred to a a “buck”.

  15. maxleopold - 10 years ago

    Oh yes,

    I care for my 2007 Model dearly and transplant every 2 years a new larger SSD into it.

    If Apple does care (!) and they do a 17″ MBP with Retina Display –
    please do NOT forget the Kensington Lock Hole OR provide a neat Alternative.

    Retina MBPs are expensive
    I want to be able to protect them,
    while being on a FairTrade Show Floor / Conference Center / Coffee Shop


    the Matte Screen Options is certainly a must have –
    sure, the latest Generation of Retina Glass Screens does mirror less
    than the first Version, which still had a gap in-between Display & Frontglass,

    but the Matte Screen is still my Favorite!

  16. Here, Here! My first Mac was a 2006 17″ MBP. I’ve owned two others since. Last year I caved and bought the 15″ Retina MBP, but couldn’t bring myself to sell my last (2011) 17″. Like you, I’ve upgraded it to SSD and I still use the machine regularly. I love how thin and light my new 15″ is, but I really do miss the screen size of the 17. If Apple were to announce a new 17″ Retina model at WWDC, my 15″ would be listed on eBay the same day!

  17. Hell yeah!
    Those Haswell on a 17” MBP w/Matte Screen Option and 32/64Gb Ram Option…
    … oh my…

  18. I have the latest 17″ and i absolutely love it. I use it for video editing and photography. I need sometimes take it with me on the road and the size of the screen is perfect use. I plugged in SSD and 16GB RAM and kept the DVD-drive for convenience. I agree that Apple should launch an 17″ Retina.

  19. I’m still on my early ’11 2.2 i7 MBP 17 and I would probably order a new 17″ one as soon as it’s available, fingers crossed, sort of. Can’t really imagine downgrading to 15″, don’t even know what am I going to do if they won’t bring 17″ back in a year or so.

  20. Benj Vic (@benjfactor) - 10 years ago

    Apple’s first line up of mbp was 15 and 17. To me when they introduced the 13″ they were going to phase out the 17″ because the new 15 became the old 17. Where before the 15 was good but 17 had all the latest tech/specs. Likewise now 13 is good but the 15 has all the specs/tech. The 17 would be too large to carry around – and if your not carrying it around much and your a photographer/video editor ask your self why would you using a 17″ display when you could hook up the new 15″ powerhorse to 32″ 4k screen? And is really the 15″ not that big when you do make a quick travel plan to the coffee shop for the afternoon or a relatives for the weekend? Oh wait you can hook it up to a TV too while your visiting and show your mother-in-law your latest photos! The 17″ is not dead but alive in the new 15″.

    • Ben Lovejoy - 10 years ago

      My MBP 17 gets carried around a lot – it’s been all around the world with me.

      • Right, now imagine it thinner and lighter. It’s a beautiful thing.

      • Mine too, it’s covered in dents now, and I remember how it got every single of them.

      • paulywalnuts23 - 10 years ago

        Give it up Ben, they aren’t coming back.. How is your back after lugging that thing around the world and back?

      • Ben Lovejoy - 10 years ago

        Absolutely fine – they’re laptops, not 2-ton weights …

    • The point is being able to work comfortably at full capacity in places where’re no spare displays or tvs. For me it’s pretty much all about the sheer screen real estate.

    • maxleopold - 10 years ago

      My 17″ is on a daily Commute and my Workhorse.
      And on longer Journeys,
      I would be happy to shed some weight off the old Unit!

      However especially for large Spreadsheets,
      I often get envy-ed, while the rest is scrolling like mad…

      I still have a i7 MacMini with Drobo5D at home
      for my iTunes & Aperture/iPhoto Library.

      But on Tour,
      carrying a larger external Screen &
      the need to find a Power Outlet
      is often not feasible / manageable!

  21. Jobst-Hinrich Jacke - 10 years ago

    I still use my 2009 17″ Macbook Pro and don´t know what to do if it breaks down one day. But, do not only count the creative professionals opting for the 17″ Macbook Pro. Developers like myself do not need the GPU perfomance of a Mac Pro, but a large screen mobile workstation is very important and a 15″ Retina is simply not good enough for at least a good chunk of Mac developers.

  22. Toro Volt (@torovolt) - 10 years ago

    That is why I’m currently using a PC (Dell Laptop 17″)

    As you can see I totally agree with your demand, so customer have a choice that match better their needs.

    I understand the concept the reducing and simplifying product lines but sometimes Apple goes too far with it. Same thing can be said of iPhones which are lagging behind in screen size (not all customers are teens with 20/20 vision).

  23. Mike DeRosa - 10 years ago

    17in retina with touch screen plz. A bunch of windows ultrabooks are really putting the current macbooks to shame (at least in terms of hardware). I’ll be hanging on to my 2009 17in MBP until there’s a serious macbook refresh. After upgrading the RAM and putting in an SSD, the machine still holds it’s own for pretty much every task.

  24. fredhstein - 10 years ago

    Outlier here. A 17″ MBP would be lovely. Examine the use case. Many professionals work at home, at an office, and on the go. How much of time are you on-the-go and need the bigger retina screen? So the use case is for a sub-set of the time of a sub-set of a relatively small segment of the MBP market.

    The Mac Pro, though, was essential. It filled a need. A 17″ MBP is a “want”.

    • Toro Volt (@torovolt) - 10 years ago

      Did you made a poll?
      What numbers is your opinion based on?
      Not very scientific but it seems that the overwhelming majority in this post seems to favor a 17″ MBP
      I am a graphic professional on the go and need the big screen to show and discuss my work with clients. For me, a 17″ screen is a must.

      • fredhstein - 10 years ago

        Good point. I did not do any survey. Surely Apple looks at the numbers and thinks about the value of the creative people, like yourself, who have contributed so much to the Apple ecosystem. They also have sharp pencils when it comes to portfolio and logistics. We’ll see.

    • Ben Lovejoy - 10 years ago

      It’s not just the ‘on the move’ time, though. As Toro says, it’s at client premises. It’s also for use locally while travelling, when my office is a hotel room.

  25. Robin Carmack (@z06gal) - 10 years ago

    I bought one as soon as I found out they discontinued it. I wish Apple would at least allow those who want the 17″ to special order one. One thing to keep in mind is, eyesight changes as we age and smaller screens just don’t cut it. Everybody that uses a Mac isn’t 20 with perfect vision. Just my 2 cents

  26. Definitely, a lot of users want a new 17″ MacBook Pro.
    I’m still using my 2007 MacBook Pro, waiting for a new one to upgrade.
    I have considered the other models, but some are not portable enough for my needs and the rest are no powerful enough, starting with the crappy Intel Graphics; I want a real GPU like AMD or nVidia!

    If it wasn’t for the fact that my MBP can’t be upgraded past 4GB RAM, I wouldn’t have a need to replace it.

    • leehord - 10 years ago

      If you have the mid-2007 MBP model A1229, it can support up to 6GB of RAM.

    • nadavp3 - 10 years ago

      FYI Intel’s HD5200 (avilable in the high-end MBPr 15″) is just 15% shy of matching GeForce 750M in most benchmarks (see for raw numbers).

      But yeah, Geforce 880M blows both of this options out of the water.

  27. pazzavlad - 10 years ago

    Thanks, good things

  28. myke2241 - 10 years ago

    i refuse to upgrade (downgrade screen size). earlier this i did the OWC data doubler and added a SSD as my main drive. The increase in performance was great! i now see this machine lasting a couple more years if needed. If there is no 17″ or better option from apple ill move to a mobile PC work station. i think that is kind of a sad thing to say but as a pro i feel i have as a customer have been forgotten or pushed to the side. i really hope that changes and the 17″ MBP is brought back!

    • nadavp3 - 10 years ago

      This is kind of how I ended up with an 17.3″ MSI laptop :(
      What do you think of dell’s 18″ laptop?

      • myke2241 - 10 years ago

        i haven’t started looking at PC yet. i am hoping i don’t have to! I do have dual dell 29″ displays which i really do like for editing.

  29. Jesse Supaman Nichols - 10 years ago

    I personally would never want own such a large Macbook. I spent lots of money the other way (loading down the specs of a 13″ Retina Display to make it as awesome as possible) to avoid carrying a large machine with me. That being said, I am a web developer and spend 99% of my time in text editors writing code. So my opinion would be part of the minority. I don’t think most people would opt for the 17″ Macbook Pro, but the writer of this article makes a good point about the Mac Pro. I think there are more 17″ Macbook Pro’s floating around than Mac Pro’s.

  30. Mark John Ostrum - 10 years ago

    I’m in. Great post.

  31. Gregory Wright - 10 years ago

    17″ MacBook Pro…not going to happen. Its all about the numbers. The 17″ sales figures were declining and not has happen to change that. Get over it.

    • nadavp3 - 10 years ago

      Can you bake this claim with source?

      • millypede (@millypede) - 10 years ago

        Yes figures did start to drop, but thats because people had such a long break between models, the 13/15 MBP had an update between the last 17″ and its discontinuation and people just waited out for a new one but it never happened.

  32. GilsonSoares - 10 years ago

    I agree! Bring back the 17″ MacBook Pros

  33. applecino - 10 years ago

    They should bring it back!

    I currently use a 17inch early 2011 Macbook Pro with 2.3GHz, 16GB RAM and 512GB SSD. It outerforms my 2013 Retina Macbook Pro I use at work.

    I would pay 3500€ for a Retina Macbook Pro 17inch.

    • nadavp3 - 10 years ago

      Same here for the price, especially if the bump that screen to 18″ or 19″ (right now DELL’s “Alienware” brand have such offering)

  34. nadavp3 - 10 years ago

    Stuff I would love to see from Apple:

    Bigger Screens (19″ laptop/32″ iMac anyone?)
    4K resolution
    240hz (refresh rate)
    Geforce Titan Black (or 880M for mobile, would love an MX buffed version)
    SLI of the above
    Bigger than 1TB internal SSD storage (/w Raid options)
    axing usage of aluminium for cooling heatsinks and heatpipes in favor of copper
    Wireless charging (phones/tablets/laptops)
    Phones/Tablets without ports (thanks to the above + BT4/AC WiFi)
    Competitive audiophile grade headsets\ear plugs (consider Beyerdynamics DT880 as a sort of a baseline)

  35. applecino - 10 years ago

    People would still buy the 17inch model.

  36. Tony Tay (@alexades2) - 10 years ago

    Ben, I agree 100%. Let’s have it Apple.

  37. Ryan Coleman - 10 years ago

    I purchased, on eBay, a mid-2010 17″ to replace my mid-2010 15″ that finally died (the second of that model I’ve purchased – I love that series). It’s taken some getting used to, having an SD slot was more important than I thought and definitely more important than a third USB port.

    If they bring it back I hope it’s with four features: Built in FW800 (two ports/controllers?), Thunderbolt, SD card AND ExpressCard. I don’t need (or want) USB3, but I want some expansion. Most manufacturers put too many dedicated expansion items in systems, I’ll be happy with a generic expansion option.

    • nadavp3 - 10 years ago

      Wouldn’t thunderbolt be able to carry anything you would otherwise use ExpressCard for? also, what ExpressCard supports OS X ? (or did you plan to bootcamp Windows for that?)

      • Ryan Coleman - 10 years ago

        Potentially, yes, however I cannot carry a thunderbolt Cinema Display with me in the field under most scenarios, and wireless at schools is a fraction of hardwire speeds. Most universities offer 2Mbit service over wifi, but 100Mbit+ over hardwire. When you have 60-90GB in photos to upload from an event ethernet is a requirement, and thunderbolt devices are simply TOO expensive for my budget.

  38. applecino - 10 years ago

    I wonder when Apple are going to introduce Macbooks that support 32GB of RAM.
    I currently use an early 2011 17inch Macbook Pro with 16GB of ram; 2.3GHz quad-core i7 and a 512GB SSD. While I’m still very satisfied with the performance of the machine, I realize 16GB of RAM kinda gets crampy for me. Believe it or not, there are times I’m left with less than 1GB of free ram. That’s because I use programs such as Photoshop CC, Archicad, Sketchup, Skype Safari, Spotify, AutoCad, Vectorworks all at the same time. Photoshop alone already needs 8GB for it to work fluently enough (my Photoshop files can be larger than 500MB).

    My next Macbook Pro will one that supports 32GB RAM. I just hope Apple won’t wait until 2020 before they introduce those.

  39. peterlobl - 10 years ago

    yes i need 17″+ – this would make me leave pc totally behindd

  40. Len Williams - 10 years ago

    Thanks for this article Ben! It’s so nice to see so much support in the many comments. I’m one of those people with a MacBook Pro 17″ (2010 model) and I can’t imagine being without it. Mine is an i7 with 8MB RAM and a 1TB hard drive. The 17″ allows me to take my entire office with me when I travel. It’s a workhorse while still being light enough to carry, and even fits easily on an airline fold-out tray. I have no idea why naysayers think it’s too heavy or too big. These people have probably never owned and used the beautiful 17″ and experienced its awesomeness. Years ago I had 2 different 15″ models, and they were great, but I always envied the 17″ version. The MacBook Airs and the 15″ MacBook Pros are just too small for me to work on as a graphic designer and photographer. Smaller pixels aren’t the answer, unless magnifying glasses are also included with each laptop. As I’ve grown older I need glasses to work at my computer. My 17″ MBP is perfect for my needs, and I hope that Apple will continue to manufacture the 17″. Heck, I’d even welcome a 19″ MBP, which would be only a tiny bit larger in physical dimensions, but it could have a HUGE battery for doing real work all day (my work day usually lasts about 14-16 hours). I hope the execs at Apple read this article and the huge amount of support for the 17″.

    • nadavp3 - 10 years ago

      Let me second that, 19″ MBP, Please! (wouldn’t hurt if it came with 4K 120hz/240hz, but we can start with 19″)

    • Ben Lovejoy - 10 years ago

      I think I’d probably for a 19-inch too, especially as Apple got the 17-inch into the exterior dimensions of a typical 15-inch Windows machine so could probably pull off a similar feat with the 17-inch. But there I suspect we are into a tiny market!

      • nadavp3 - 10 years ago

        one can hope

  41. Kevin Traas - 10 years ago

    Yes please! I love my MBP17, and I’ve dumped 16GB RAM and 2x750GB SSD into it, too. Not ready to upgrade yet, but… I’m just not sure what I’m going to do when the time comes….

  42. avieshek - 10 years ago

    Can’t these be on top of the website. I feel like there shl’d be a start of a movement :D

  43. avieshek - 10 years ago

    How to edit comment here by the way

    • Ben Lovejoy - 10 years ago

      Annoyingly, WordPress comments don’t offer an edit facility – we have asked them to do so.

      • nadavp3 - 10 years ago

        You could always try contact other high profile WP websites and then reach out to WP as a united group.

        Or just switch out.

      • Ben Lovejoy - 10 years ago

        We have tried others in the past, but edit facility aside, the WP one works well. I know other sites have made the same suggestion, so hopefully it’s on someone’s To Do list.

      • avieshek - 10 years ago

        Accha.. That’s the thing. I thought the problem was with mobile version or India servers. ‘Disqus’ is quite common for this platform for commenting.

      • avieshek - 10 years ago

        Can’t this site ‘ve an arrangement like Macrumors. ‘M quite regular there.
        There ‘ve been a no. Of times I wanted to comment on 9to5mac for topic like this and specially to u’r posts, feels like a friendly man. However, the present was my ignorance. And today ‘m already thinking of deleting this app.. Quite annoying.

  44. Tony Martie (@tonymartie) - 10 years ago

    Same here. When they announced the end of the 17″, I went to the refurb store and bought the latest and fastest, maxed it out with RAM and an SSD. I don’t know how my aging eyes are going to deal with my location photography work when this machine is no longer cutting it. Maybe I’ll have to go back to what I did in the old days when Powerbook screens weren’t good enough, carry an external monitor in a Pelican case (does anybody remember a black plastic machine named Pismo?).
    I vote for a new 17″ model. It would be the perfect companion to the Mac Pro on that black section of the Apple site.
    On a side note Ben.. I was told that the optical bay may not play nicely with an SSD. I moved my hard drive there and put the SSD in the hard drive bay as recommended. Do you have any issues with the SSD in the optical drive’s old location?

    • Ben Lovejoy - 10 years ago

      Nope, works just fine.

      • Tony Martie (@tonymartie) - 10 years ago

        Good to know. I may have to copy you and go to dual SSD’s. Hopefully we won’t have to see how long we can keep these machines viable.

      • Ben Lovejoy - 10 years ago

        Yep, my thinking is this machine should now be good for three years. We’ll see where we are after that!

  45. rafterman11 - 10 years ago

    They’ll never do it. Apple is all about smaller, thinner, sleeker and a 17 inch Macbook is going in the wrong direction for them. The only exception is the 4.7 and 5.5 inch iPhones (allegedly) coming, but they are probably only doing that because of the Samsung threat from their Galaxy and Note phones.

  46. avieshek - 10 years ago

    Any news by which year Mac will come with DDR4 RAM and the possibility of Quantum-Dots-Display screen as once Apple said they were interested in Quantum-Dots when their Retina iPad-Mini was criticized. Certainly gives me hope.
    Pls, if u ever come up again with a post for 17″ MacBook Pro, add a polling section as it really garners thousands of votes. *My personal Request*

    • nadavp3 - 10 years ago

      Looking back on DDR generations (from the very first all the way to the third) they always followed this “evolution” steps for some reason:
      first gen of new DDR series, just as fast as high end last gen memory but costs more.
      Awhile after (six months+) actually faster, still expensive
      even later on – finally priced the same, higher capacity, and actually is faster.

      While Apple wouldn’t stay behind when everyone will finally upgrade to DDR4, I wouldn’t recommend jumping on it before the 2nd generation of Intel’s CPU that will actually support this.

      That is just my personal opinion but if Broadwell was to come out by the end of this year and feature DDR4 support, unless if your computer dies, I would wait for Skylake to come out.

      No don’t get me wrong, there is always something new that is about to come out in 6-12 months, and if you always wait for it.. you will never buy anything (by definition of “always wait for it”) but if history thought me anything about RAM… is that first iteration is not all that great.

      As far as QLED goes, yes, that would definitely be a welcome addition, OLED could be good option too, but I would imagine that they would start small and then scale (as in, first you will see either of this options in mobile, than at laptops and lastly on the imac\tbd).

      As far as pull goes, I kind of suspect that Apple’s market research wouldn’t particularity care for anything in the lower six digit range, and frankly, on this website I cant see a situation where a pull will be reaching even that, not to offend our lovely 9to5mac but… yeah, wont really happen here.

      • avieshek - 10 years ago

        ‘Skylake’ for 2015 and ‘Cannonlake’ for 2016. You sure don’t want to wait for 2016?

      • avieshek - 10 years ago

        Currently ‘ve the latest 13″ non-Retina MBP as my first Mac. But ‘m so impressed by it, and sales service even being the region is India, ‘m really into going totally for a full spec, top-configuration MacBook Pro and of course the big-sized one. And if 17″ makes the comeback, it’s music to my ears. So, probably I wouldn’t mind waiting ‘coz after such an investment the only thing I’ll do with it is software updates ( it’s free now, yeah! ) and run it for years and years and years..

  47. Robert Sternberger (@RGS) - 10 years ago

    I agree. My MacBook Pro 17-inch, mid 2010 still works great but I would love to upgrade. 

  48. Tamal (@tamalm) - 10 years ago

    17″ Perfect for apps developer like me, but I’m still stuck at 13″ and planning for 15″ rMBP (2.3ghz i7/16GB RAM) which cost a lot here in India (~$3,330). I doubt if 17″ will be affordable, if released again.

  49. crateish (@crateish) - 10 years ago

    Typing this on my Mid-2009 17-inch MBP. I dropped an SSD into it a while back and it runs great. Hoping for a return of the 17-inch, but for now I’m set.

  50. George Pollen - 10 years ago

    Those Samsung EVO drives lack power loss protection. You may regret not spending a little bit more for a more professional drive with PL protection, like Crucial’s m550 (3 year warranty) or Intel’s 730 or S3500 (5 year warranty). The Samsung SSDs are also fast because they’re new. Look around and you’ll see they have some of the worst long-term performance and erratic response times. Furthermore, they use Samsung’s cheap TLC memory that has worse longevity than the MLC found in most competing SSDs.

    • Ben Lovejoy - 10 years ago

      They have excellent reviews. All SSDs have a limited life, and the EVO 840 anticipated life is three years – I’m sure there will be newer tech I’ll want by then.

      • George Pollen - 10 years ago

        Indeed the EVO 840 has received many excellent reviews, but nearly all reviews involve short-term benchmarking and do not examine response times in detail. All SSDs slow down over time and the EVO 840 is among the worst of its age. The EVO 840 is not a “pro” drive and is an outdated design. The state of the art today is to provide power-loss protection. (You may well learn the value of PLP when you’re left up a creek after a reboot or forced shutdown.)

        Check out the endurance tests being conducted by Tech Report

        btw: the Intel 730 is a newer model with PLP but the max. capacity available is only 480GB.

      • Ben Lovejoy - 10 years ago

        Indeed, but the take-outs from that are “That’s not to say that the 840 Series flunked this class; 300TB is well beyond what the average consumer is likely to write to any SSD during its lifetime” and “By far the most telling takeaway thus far is the fact that all the drives have endured 600TB of writes without dying. That’s an awful lot of data—well over 300GB per day for five years—and far more than typical PC users are ever likely to write to their drives.”

  51. I’m a professional photographer and videographer, but I have no use for a laptop that big. A laptop should be portable, not the size of a desktop IMO. I can see my work just fine on a 13″ or 15″ screen, and those machines actually fit in a standard bag.

  52. I’m still using a 2010 17″. It rides to/from work each day in a backpack and I carry it around the office to meetings. I’ve also done a few off-site client meetings. Sure it’s a bit heavy, but I really appreciate that big screen.

    In the move to retina displays Apple trimmed 20% from the 15″ and has now achieved a 23% reduction in mass for the 13″ model. If a similar approach was taken to the 17″ form factor it would lose at least 600g and the be noticeably lighter than the old 15″ MBP. For me it would be the ultimate portable computer.

    • Ben Lovejoy - 10 years ago

      I’ve always liked the ability to upgrade the ‘classic’ MBP models, but I have to admit a slimmed-down rMBP 17 would look quite stunning – so much capability in such a sleek object. I would, though, want serious SSD capacity in a non-upgradeable machine.

  53. millypede (@millypede) - 10 years ago

    Agree massivly, i live on my 17″ MBP and would be lost with out it!

  54. Greg Brown (@gk_brown) - 10 years ago

    Why not just plug a 15″ MBP into a large external display?

    • Ben Lovejoy - 10 years ago

      Tricky to carry a large external display in your carry-on baggage (I have travelled carry-on-only since I was 19).

    • Kevin Traas - 10 years ago

      Eye-yi-yi. Spoken like a true Apple salesman.

      While at work, I already have my 17MBP plugged into 2 WQHD displays. (I used to have 3 – until 10.9.x broke the ability to have more than one DisplayLInk USB monitor attached. But that’s a whole ‘nother story…. Hey Apple! We’re still waiting for that fix!!!!)

      But, it’s a bit awkward lugging an external display around with you, dropping it onto a table in Starbucks, convincing the airline passenger beside you to allow it on their tray-table, etc, etc. ;-)

      While at work (and home), I plug in as many monitors as Apple will allow me to use. While on the road, I don’t want anything less than my 17″ display.

  55. Eric Echols (@echols85) - 10 years ago

    I completely agree – I still have an early 2011 17″ MBP with the data-doubler with SSDs in each bay, and while I’ve been tempted by the new Retina MBPs, I do a lot of CAD work so having the additional screen real estate is key. If they made it thinner and lighter, I would pick up a new one in a heartbeat.

  56. Yoel Sandel - 10 years ago

    we must have a bigger (17-18) Retina macbook, LETS MAKE A PETITION NOW

  57. drtyrell969 - 10 years ago

    Killing the 17″ model should have resulted in someone getting sacked.

  58. Jeremy Morris - 10 years ago

    I’m glad someone finally wrote an article about this. I have the latest model 17″ MBP from 2011. A few days ago, I replaced the hard drive with a 1TB Crucial M550. MUCH improved. However, I only made this kind of investment in this older machine because I’m willing to wait it out another two years if necessary for Apple to return to the 17″ model. Perhaps one of the main reasons I read macrumors and 9-5mac is to see if there is any news on the 17″ coming back. If Tim Cook prides himself in being a good new leader for Apple … they will realize that the 17″ is less about “high sales” and more about rewarding the most die-hard apple fan base … because we are the ones who generate the enthusiasm for other products like the iPhone.

  59. Grong Wang (@204D1N9) - 10 years ago

    I could not agree more with this post. As some loyal customer to MBP 17″, I was deeply disappointed back then when it was announced to be discontinued, and bought the latest MBP17 exactly as what the author did in this post. After three years now, I would undoubtedly be one of the first buyers for the new 17″ model if there’s ever going to be an another one.

  60. Don Wise (@doncwise) - 10 years ago

    I agree; size does matter.

  61. Jordan Digby - 10 years ago

    Amen! Software development needs big screen real estate. A 17″ is essential. Bring it back!!

  62. jorge1170x - 10 years ago

    I personally will never get the concept of sitting around on a blog “wishing” that “someday” ONE company will produce product “X” with feature “Y”. It seems to me that almost every feature that people are asking for already exists in the PC world. And sure, that old “it’s the quality” argument used to be true, but c’mon that’s getting real stale in 2014. Windows 8.1 is a pretty sweet and powerful OS nowadays, especially when you “get” what it’s trying to do and the build quality on the higher-end PC’s has improved to the point where all this hand-wringing and longing for “only” the Apple version (a version which doesn’t even exist half the time, mind you) just seems so obsessive and overly closed-minded. I mean, you’re unhappy, but you don’t leave. Don’t suffer guys, just explore other options, you might be surprised how good the competition has gotten in the last few years.

    • Jeremy Morris - 10 years ago

      … so explore other operating systems despite having iPhones, iPads, laptops, an iMac, and massive quantities of application software. No thanks.

  63. Ben Lovejoy - 10 years ago

    Great to see all the supportive comments here. We’re a small minority, but we’re certainly an enthusiastic one. Rather like Mac Pro owners, Mr Cook …

  64. Ammy Phull (@Silentsting) - 10 years ago

    Bring it Back Apple!

  65. Dan McCarthy - 10 years ago

    I think you might be underestimating the impact on battery life of a retina 17″ panel and the GPU required to drive it. Not to mention heat.

  66. b9bot - 10 years ago

    It was a poor seller and most people thought it was to big and to heavy. Didn’t fit on airline trays so it wasn’t a great travel companion. Apple stopped selling it because of all of these issues I believe.

    • Ben Lovejoy - 10 years ago

      It is a squeeze on tables in Economy (though does still fit). It’s perfectly comfortable in Premium and Business.

  67. Charles Bagley - 10 years ago

    I work with Mathematica on my MacBook Pro 17, and I, too, am aprhensive about replacement it when the time arrives. I would purchase a new 17″ today if it had a GPU that supported OpenCL. Compared to the newer generation MacBook Pros my 17″ is a little too heavy, but that is not a deal-breaker. The current screen resolution and battery life are adequate for my needs, but more is always better. I like the mag-lock connector to the power supply, but it needs more development work to prevent physical failure resulting from (careless) twist-and-pull disconnection. Nick

  68. seanpaune - 10 years ago

    TESTIFY! The 17-inch MBP needs to return. Not sure how much longer my 2011 will last. Every time it so much as hiccups I start crying… okay, maybe not “cry,” but you get the idea.

  69. Yes, please!

    I own a, MATE SCREEN, early 2009, 17”, MBP with maxed out RAM (8GB) and a Crucial M4 SSD (256GB) and it’s the greatest piece of engineering I have worked with (minus the weight, also it’s been months since I used the superdrive).

    Screen size convenience has nothing to do pixel density. So a retina screen wouldn’t be bad, but it’s not an issue at the distance a laptop screen stands.

    So, Tim, please give us a superlight 17” MBP with standard dual graphic chip, no dvd drive, optional mate screen, retina or not (I would prefer battery life, though) and specially NO HDMI (in Steve’s honor and our own sanity). One shouldn’t expect less from the crazy ones.

  70. Cameron Graham (@Scenick) - 10 years ago

    I know my reasoning my be very different from many of you, but I have the 15 MBPr now, and whilst i require the machine for work I use most of it’s recources in bootcamp for games. And whilst my work doesn’t require more than what I have, my games could use a little more. I have been thinking for a while about building a new pc, instead of upgrading my laptop when the refresh comes out.. but if the 17″ came back with dual GTX cards, I would sell everything i own for one.

  71. windlasher - 10 years ago

    I bought a 15″ Mac book pro after owning 2 17″ MBP. I was disappointed to no ends not to have the option but if they do bring it back I will be trading up ASAP.

  72. Lee Button (@riacoding) - 10 years ago

    The MacBook Pro 17 is an amazing machine. I still prefer it over all my other devices, but, it is starting to show its age. I know it was a small percentage of Apple’s sales but I am guessing a high percentage of the MBP 17 owners were developers that Apple needs to make it platform what it is. Bring back the MBP 17 I’ll buy it loaded right now.

  73. Reigo Reinmets - 10 years ago

    I am still using my 17″ MBP and would upgrade in a heartbeat as soon as one comes available. 17″ is the perfect laptop for a developer. Please apple, bring it back!

  74. libertyforall1776 - 10 years ago

    I agree. On the bright side, OWC is working on a 32 GB RAM upgrade for the 2011 17″ MBP, ETA is unknown, however…

  75. Some users of Apple have been for long time, it means that 25 years after they are getting old. If they need/want a laptop, their best option eye-sight would be the 17″ MBP.

    • David Toth - 9 years ago

      I’m in the same boat. I bought a Mac Pro and a 39″ 4K monitor; with eyes that are bad (and not getting any better) switching to a 15″ MBP just isn’t an option. You wouldn’t think that 2″ of screen real estate makes that much difference until you try working with a 15″ that’s more than 10″ away from you. It’s quite simply just too small to read.

      I’m a long time PC user that made the switch to Mac and never looked back, now Apple is forcing me to consider non-Apple notebook options just so I can get a portable machine with a large enough screen to be practical to use.

      Paying extra for the privilege of having a proper mobile platform isn’t an issue as far as I’m concerned. Sure, it’s not going to be a top consumer-market product but for all of us in business who use our mobile platform for more than email and web surfing and for the prosumer marker I don’t think that 15″ is a reasonable alternative.

      Please Apple… give us a high end 17″ MacBook Pro option… top end video, big battery life, lots of storage and watch how fast your entire base of existing 17″ MBP users place orders… because I think it’s safe bet, given all the comments on every forum I’ve ever visited, that the existing 17″ base of MBP users are ALL chomping at the bit for a chance to replace their aging MBP’s with shiny new Apple technology.

      • Ben Lovejoy - 9 years ago


      • AB-SO-LUTE-LY. I am nursing a 7 year old 17″ MBP and it looks battered & beaten but still runs like a charm.
        It flies with me al over EU for my work.

        I’ve been looking at 15″ and the weight advantage is a plus but you can beat the extra 2″ of real estate.

        I would jump up and be running to the Apple Store to have the chance to buy a NEW 17″ inch.
        My old dame deserves a more quite life.

    • Anthony Dana Denham - 8 years ago

      I just bought my second used 17″ late 2011 MacBook *PRO*

      A large screen is better, way better! I don’t care if it weighs more, or is thicker. Wakeup Apple! deliver what your customers want!

  76. Lee Smith (@seelee) - 10 years ago

    Yep. I’d buy one.

  77. Yes please!… A retina/4k resolution and a Nvidia Quadro and I’ll be happy.

    As a graphic designer, and many of people working in the same area. We where very disappointing of the discontinued 17″. Me and several others have held on to ours 2009 MBP 17″, as of it still can handle all the software and run the latest OS without a problem.

  78. sturnz (@kstearnes) - 10 years ago

    I’d be more than happy to buy one. I miss the larger screen that I had to sacrifice for power.

  79. I am stuck with a 3.5 year-old machine. I NEED 17″ screen for the type of work I do. I have been a faithful Apple customer for 25 years. I cannot believe I am stuck in this absolute debacle of bad business. I really don’t care how much a 17″ Apple machine costs. They need to offer one to professional customers.

  80. Don McCracken - 10 years ago

    Great article. I’ve been holding out for a new 17″ for about 3 years now. I still use my old 17″ 2.4GHz Santa Rosa from 2007 with an SSD and 2nd HD (which was my 3rd 17″). It works fine but only having 4GB of RAM is getting very long in the tooth. I definitely need the extra screen real estate that comes with a 17″. My stock trading platform adjusts dynamically, so I’m able to have many more charts on there vs. a 15″. A 17″ is also very helpful since I’m always multitasking and need to have a lot of different windows open at the same time.

  81. Erik Weiman - 10 years ago

    I’d love it if one were available.

  82. Len Williams - 10 years ago

    YES!! I currently own a 2010 MacBook Pro 17″ and love it. It has a matte screen, an i7 processor and 8GB of RAM, with Mavericks installed. When the time comes for me to upgrade it, I want to be able to get another 17″ MBP and not a 15″. The extra screen real estate is vital to me when I’m traveling. I’m a graphic designer, so the more screen I have, the better off I am, especially for print design work. When in my office I use both a 20″ and 30″ Cinema Displays, so even the 17″ screen seems tiny when I can’t use them. I hope Apple will eventually re-introduce the 17″ MBP (with a matte option). It took Apple several years to finally add anti-glare coatings to the iMac to get rid of 75% of the reflection, so it may be a while for them to get around to the 17″. Actually as I think about it, they could forget the 17″ and jump right up to a 19″ MacBook Pro. The physical size would only increase to 17″ x 11.5″ (approx) from the current 15.5″ x 10.5″, and I’d buy one in a heartbeat. Apple’s current technology would mean it would probably even be lighter, or about the same weight of the current model. Make mine a 17″ or a 19″ and I’ll take it with me everywhere!

  83. Andrew Jung - 10 years ago

    Yup, I want one, please Apple?

  84. silverdiablo - 10 years ago

    I’m also waiting for a new large screen MBP. Replaced the hard disk for an SSD drive on my early 2011 machine, it has really transformed the performance. I have no reason to buy a smaller screened device until this one dies. I understand why many prefer to purchase a smaller/lighter machine but the screen real estate is really useful. This is my second 17 inch beast, ideally I won’t have to down size if this one dies or ceases to be useful anymore.

  85. Bob Jung (@OrdsWoW) - 10 years ago

    A simple yes will not work, sure I want it back the awsume 17″ mbp.
    But what I love about this machine is 2 HD your self to replace by upgrades.
    My configuration is the latest mbp17″ early 2011 with 2 1tb SSD mounted.
    Till today this 2th gen. 7i is not to be beaten by other hardware. My biggest problem is when it dies, what then? Where can I find a replacement for this 3 year old beast.
    APPLE GET THE 17″ please back with all the good features a PRO needs.
    The thing that comes close is a X•BOOK 17M59 – GTX860 this machine can handle 1 SSD and 2 msata.
    It sound illegal but I am pressed against the wall and will find out if it can become a Hackintosh.
    APPLE stop me and get that 17″ retina out for the Pro’s amongst us.

  86. Tommi Pisto (@tpisto) - 10 years ago

    Great post! We definitely need the new 17 inch workhorse. I think the matte coating of the current 17 inch MBP is fantastic – one of the best screens I have seen. As to get more power I have looked for rMBP, but the screen has horrible glare and the sharpness does not give you any additional screen real estate. I think there is a huge cluster of professionals waiting for the new 17 inch model to update their current system – mine is alredy 4 years old and counting…

  87. disfrontman - 10 years ago

    I’d love one. Might just have to get a “Late 2011″ and trick it out if Apple won’t field another 17.”

  88. Luis Fernando Fabara - 10 years ago

    I have an old 2007 MBP 17″ that needed fixing due to a Graphic Card failure, so when I heard the 17″ Inch model was going to be discontinued in 2011, I went for the highest spec MBP17 with antiglare and Maxed the RAM to 16GB and 1TB HD.Best Investment.
    I still hope Apple comes up with a revamped MBP17 when this one dies. The Old MBP2007 still works like a champ with a 1TB drive and 6GB RAM after getting it fixed. To me the MBP17 is the Best Personal Computer ever made.

  89. choowee21 - 10 years ago

    A big screen is a must have for the garment industry. I never thought I would even contemplate purchasing a non-Mac (I’ve been working on them since 1992) but I need the “real estate”. The cute children working in the Apple stores say, “you can hook it up to one of our great displays”. That doesn’t help on the road, working with customers, or when I am simply too tired to sit at a monitor! I was with Apple when graphic professionals of various types were their earliest loyal customers, and now I am rewarded with the absence of a vital tool! I’m feeling a bit “discontinued” as a customer. Thanks, Apple. (Hey Steve – you watchin’ all this?!)

  90. Right there with you. I just dropped off my 17″ 2011 Matte with SSDs for a Flat Rate repair of the all too common discrete graphics failure. I had to put the Optical Drive back for them to take it. If they offered a new 17 inch with matte display, then I might have upgraded. I won’t buy a reflective screen 15″ I’ll keep waiting…

  91. Ryan Trask (@3plains) - 10 years ago

    I bought a 15″ Retina in Jan 2014 to replace my 17″ MBP. Had the 15″ Retina for 12 hours and took it back the next day. It’s not the 17″ plain and simple. I want the extra screen real estate.

  92. 17 is Too SMALL we need a 20 inch Macbook PRO AIR!!!!!!!!!!!

    seriously I am never going to buy the 15″ it feels like a toy, I love my 17″ 2SSD 8GB ram+DVDrw beast.

    but, I’ve had it for 6 years now, maybe more, I need a new one with less weight!!

    give it to me APPLE!!!!!!!

  93. globaltechnic - 10 years ago

    Apple “needs” to bring back the 17 inch MacBook Pro ASAP. I would buy 3 of them. I need the screen real estate and yes I could use them with retina screens. If they made it closer to an 18 inch screen that would be even better. I love the fact that I can take it anywhere and have screen space for all of my applications. Please Apple my current 17 in models could use upgrades. If you don’t think it would sell a lot, think again. I personally would buy 3 and I know 3 others that would buy one. The current 15 inch retina isn’t the same.

  94. scoophk - 10 years ago

    Me too!! My 2011 17″ with a 1T HD is now full and slowing down considerably – I do not want to have to go to external drives to work / travel with.

  95. David Whitehouse - 9 years ago

    I bought my first Apple anything, a 17″ Mac Book Pro, five years ago and never looked back until they pulled the plug on the 17″ MBP. I have always opted for more screen real estate and the older I get the more important that becomes as the screen needs to be easier to read. I gave that five year old MBP to my wife and bought another in 2011. She definitely has trouble reading small print; so, she has to make the fonts larger to read them. My first laptop had a 320 horizontal pixel screen, it was usable but what a pain that was. These smaller screens help make the machines lighter, more portable, with longer battery life. There are many ways to display a lot of information but nothing beats having the real estate to have it in front of you. I certainly hope Apple does something about this before the time comes to replace this laptop. I still have a Windows desktop and was considering replacing that with a Mac Pro. I really don’t want to go back to Windows.

  96. I have 2 old ones, one with and one without Thunderbolt. It´s time to replace them. So get movie´Apple.

  97. Tom Frazier - 9 years ago

    I would defiantly get a 17″ MBP and my son who is a videographer would too.

  98. kyracos - 9 years ago

    if you write text/code then what you really need is the additional screen size not the silly pixels. we need a 17-20 inch macbook air asap
    i dont care about your silly apple watch

  99. Hildegerd Haugen - 9 years ago

    I would love to see it back.

  100. Priscilla Barton - 9 years ago

    Same here. I have a 15 in retina for work and here I am using my 17 in. It just allows me to run two apps at once and the screen allows so much more of what I do – more workspace, less toolbars, etc….PLEASE APPLE MAKE IT HAPPEN!

  101. Stephen Beaton - 9 years ago

    Just put in a Samsung EVO 840 mSata 1TB drive using a SATA adapter (And noticed there is also an adapter for 2 x mSata on one 2.5 SATA). Brought new life to my old MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2010). I refuse to upgrade to a smaller screen. Apple needs to bring back the 17inch.. I dont need retina.. but I do need the bigger screen.

  102. Shian Han (@ShianHan) - 9 years ago

    I love my 17-inch MBP and the only MBP I will buy is another 17-inch. The only complaint I ever heard was that it’s heavier – but now that we have the Airs, a 17-inch Air would fly off the shelves for mobile professional, especially creative pros and developers, who can always utilize more screen real estate for their work. It would be a smart move for Apple indeed to re-release it.

  103. Don McCracken - 9 years ago

    Last year I broke down and bought my forth 17″ Apple notebook. It was a used 2011 17″ Macbook Pro to replace my aging 17″ MBP from 2007. With 16GB of RAM and a 1TB SSD, it was a well needed upgrade, and it will tie me over until Apple hopefully comes to their senses and release a new one. However, now that Apple Care has run out, I live in constant fear that something will happen to it. Apple, please bring back the 17″! A 15″ display is not a replacement for a 17″! With today’s technology you could make it so light and slim that it wouldn’t even resemble the old 17″ Macbook Pro’s and Powerbooks of the past. The weight was the only drawback of these wonderful machines. Now is the right time to bring them back!

  104. Jack Byrnes - 9 years ago

    It was time to reintroduce it the moment it was discontinued.

  105. Hildegerd Haugen - 9 years ago

    Anyway, I drew some lenormand cards.

    Bear (15), Scythe (10), Moon (32).

    Hang fire to the cost, it is recognised as needed in the world.

    If I am right: You guys are crowdfunding my new 17″ Macbook Pro. ;)

  106. hungarianhc - 9 years ago

    I want one.

  107. Amy Linton - 9 years ago

    I’d buy one in a heartbeat!

  108. Laura Dean (@Laura_M_D1) - 9 years ago

    I would also buy a 17-inch MB Pro or Air. The size of the screen being the most important factor! Not the price.

  109. Tim Dominguez - 9 years ago

    How I long to have another 17″ MBP. It was a tank and the first apple product I ever bought. It went to laptop heaven last month after my wife threw it at me. Italian women….. I’m still holding off on buying anything else for a few more months just in case apple comes back to their senses and wants to keep user like me happy. 15″ is just too small for an old guy like me to play my games and multiple apps on the same screen.

  110. I used to upgrade my Macbook Pro every 1,5 year. Now I own the latest 17″ for over… what is it… four years or so? SSD instead of optical, maxed out RAM etc. Because I just don’t like to ‘upgrade’ to a smaller screen. Retina would come in handy though, Yosemite looks horrible on non-retina displays, and my clients have higher resolution screens than I have. Looking at Apple’s record-breaking profit of the last quarter and their revenue for mac sales also increasing substantially, there’s no reason to leave longtime pro users who like to be mobile out in the cold.

    • scoophk - 9 years ago

      Just managed to upgrade my Early 2011 17″ with a 2T hard drive and 16G of RAM – replacing my full 1T HD & 8G ram…. am soooo happy! Was sick about being out of warranty with a nearly full HD. An external drive would defeat the whole purpose.

      I like you used to upgrade every 2-3 years as well. The difference is that I have always had hi-res monitors on mine – even on my 17″ non – intel MacBook Pro that is still going strong for my non intel apps. Why not add a Hi-Res monitor to yours – they did make them – would think you would be able to find one.

  111. Vigor Otaku - 9 years ago

    Absolute need for a 17 inch Macbook Pro for photos and video! My workhorse is still the 17 inch Macbook Pro late 2009. The 15 inch is far too small for photo sorting and editing.
    I love the idea of the 5K iMac, but unfortunately it isn’t portable and I can’t do photo work on location or on the go with it – which accounts for over 75% of my work.
    Hopefully Apple will listen to our needs and make another one. I might have to switch to the Dell M3800 upgrade instead this year, which I would hate to do, but if there is not 17 inch Macbook Pro this year – I will have to.

    • ktraas (@ktraas) - 9 years ago

      I think you mean the Dell M6800. I’m in the same “boat” you are, and considering the same change. I’m very frustrated with Apple this time around. (Particularly seeing as I’ve had to replace the logic board at my cost ($644 each) in my Late 2011 MBP 17″ twice in the past 14 months.)

      They’ve completely left “the professionals” out in the cold, and have been focusing solely on consumers.

      I’ve been holding off for the rumored Broadwell-based (Intel 5th gen) M6900 that’ll hopefully arrive later this spring. But now my H, J, & K keys have stopped working, so I have to use an external keyboard. There’s no way I’m taking this back to the Apple store *again*. I’ve paid enough Apple Tax for a lifetime….

  112. brianneighbors - 9 years ago

    I’m in for two! Please, please, please!!!!

  113. Those of us that work and travel and need all in one place prefer a 17in screen – retina display would be awesome thank you. Its time.

  114. Hildegerd Haugen - 9 years ago


    Have you heard any rumours of the 17″ yet?

  115. Scott Vance - 9 years ago

    I’ve been waiting to upgrade my late 2011 17″ (I DON’T WANT TO USE A 15!!!)

  116. Gianni Celli - 9 years ago

    yes, me too, I have exactly the same configuration, I even bought a spare one, just in case of any failure. I am also looking to find a way to upgrade the display with a better one. If apple is not making a nice 17′ laptop soon, They will push me to purchase my first PC in 32 years of macs

  117. Topher Goodsell - 9 years ago

    I’m with you. I’d had 4 consecutive 17″ Macbook Pro’s over the lifetime of the product line. I’m a designer, I run both Windows and Mac products and I need the screen real estate. I am now forced to work on a Dell 17″ that supposedly has a Mac-look. But I just hate it with a passion. I would LOVE to pay through the nose just to have another up to date 17″ MBP. It was and still is in my opinion and unparalleled mobile desktop experience.

  118. I have 2 of them from 2010, both with dual SSDs and maxed RAM. Replaced the batteries last year, just holding out until they make a new one. It’s time to bring back physical screen size. The iPhone 6 Plus barely fits in a pocket let’s quit kidding ourselves. No way I’ll ever upgrade to 15″ screens.

    • Don McCracken - 9 years ago

      Yes, with phone screens becoming ever larger, and now that technology can make phones, tablets and laptops that are both large AND light, it’s crazy that Apple no longer offers a 17″ Macbook Pro. It makes no sense that iPhones (iPhone 6 Plus) and iPads (rumored 12.9″ iPad Pro) are getting bigger, while laptops are getting smaller. A 17″ Macbook Pro with today’s design and technology, would be such an amazing machine. I would even prefer it if they made a 18.4″.

      Since I don’t want a 15″ laptop, I’m still holing on to my maxed out 2011 Macbook Pro. But I’m really hoping that Apple introduces a larger one soon! Even if it won’t be their best seller, there’s no way that there’s no market for a 17″ Macbook Pro. But I guess it’s better to sell gold watches for $10K than giving loyal and mobile professional Mac users a proper work machine.

      • Hildegerd Haugen - 9 years ago

        Apple turning their backs of the very creatives that brought them the status game will be their demise.

  119. Bobby Martin - 9 years ago

    I have been disappointed with Microsoft for at least 10 years now. I have been meaning to switch to Mac, but either was afraid, or couldn’t afford it. Now, my laptop, yes 17″, is crap because of Microsoft. So what do I get when I’m ready to get a Mac, they discontinue the 17″. I never get a break with computers!

    • scoophk - 9 years ago

      Try a used/refurbished and add ram and a 2T hard drive – just make sure that you are buying an ‘intel’ 17″ or you will be buying something too old to work with current programs…. I have an early 2011 that I just upgraded – still a wonderful machine! Link to Amazon 17″s

      • scoophk - 9 years ago

        Forgot to mention – I have a Hi-Res – matte monitor – think I saw one on the link I just posted.

  120. Stephen Beaton - 9 years ago

    Apple just does not get it .. I need the real estate for work and it makes a huge difference for impromptu presentations which actually give Apple more free advertising and exposure. I would consider a bigger than 17 inch laptop as well if it was portable. Please dont push a mini laptop at me because I *will* eventually move back to a windows only 17″ laptop or find a way to make a 17+ inch hackentosh pro. If I have to move away from Mac then my iPhone’s/iPad’s in my business will follow. The competitors are catching up .. smaller is not always better.

  121. Apple if forgetting who the core customer is/was who built the company it is today.
    forget consumer and bring back the appreciation of the professional PLEASE….
    I had to defended apple to everyone back in the 90’s+, and for thanks, apple doesn’t give a crap for my professional needs.

  122. David Toth - 9 years ago

    I was really hoping that WWDC 2015 was going to have a surprise MBP announcement. If there’s anyone who loves more screen real estate it’s developers. Sadly, it looks like 17″ MBP users are still out of luck.

    I bought my MBP maxed out with the fattest i7 proc (which still works well) and 512G SSD (which was a $1400 option at the time) but it’s now rendered almost unusable by an 8GB memory limit. The demands of running Yosemite alone are giving me extended pinwheel-of-wait much less running Parallels at the same time to use the PC applications that I’m forced to run.

    I cannot believe that I’m very seriously considering shelling out $2500+ for a used 4 year old 17″ MBP off eBay just to have a workable laptop with 16Gb RAM, SSD, and Thunderbolt. The only other choice is to abandon Apple and buy a top-of-the-line, brand new, Windows 8.1 (yuk) notebook with all the latest features for up to $500 less.

    I can’t believe that Apple continues to miss out on what is obviously a hugely unserved segment of their loyal customer base.

    • Ben Lovejoy - 9 years ago

      Yeah, 16GB is nice (even nicer with my 2TB of SSD storage). You can probably bring in that spec yourself for less than $2500 if you shop around.

  123. fgbgc (@fgbgc) - 9 years ago

    I am in the same boat. I have the 2011 i7 17″ MacBook Pro and would hate to have to look to a Windows machine HackinTosh or go backwards to a 15″ screen.

    The one thing I have not seen in all of these comments is the suggestion to flood the Apple feedback page with requests. It doesn’t have to be any long drawn out diatribe, just a simple “Please bring back the 17″ MacBook Pro!!” or a link to this and other articles like it.

    If, instead of commenting on sites like this, everybody went to the feedback page as often as they could and just submitted the same request over and over, Apple might just get the message. It’s worth a try!

  124. trajan2448 - 9 years ago

    I could not agree more. I know many audio visual pros who would love a 17 inch MAC with ALL the latest bells and whistles including connectivity, 32 gb ram, SSDs, Thunderbolt 2, and the fastest i7 they could stick in it. A not for college kids beast. There is a huge pent up demand, just like there was a huge demand for the the big new IPhone. At 3 to 4 thousand a pop, that seems like it would be worthy of serious consideration.

  125. funkydata - 9 years ago

    Retweet me this then:

    Maybe the fact that Lenovo is heading in that direction will spur Apple to bring back the king of laptops back?

  126. Please RAID 0 the 2 SSDs together! This build would be so much better with RAID 0

  127. kraftoriginals - 9 years ago

    Couldn’t agree more! My 17 inch MBP just broke down and needs a £1000+ fix which I’m going to pay as there is no alternative! Screen size is everything for me in the design industry!

  128. Keale Cade - 9 years ago

    I wish I could’ve had one, I went with 15 inch coming from a macbook white(thinking that in 5 years I’d get the 17 if necessary) :(

  129. Peter Jürgens - 9 years ago

    Apple, I don´t buy a Notebook which has just 15″. I am Waiting for new 17″ Model. I am also waiting for Aperture to be continued. Photos-Application is really not the Same. Yes and I know some People thinking the same. I think Apple needs such a Professional foundation in background. I don´t want just standard Products, if I buy an Apple, I really want more !
    I mean Hardware-Design at topmost Level… Professional Software… at all: Products that I can rely on. This is best for our Planet.

    I think many People want Apple to be not just standard… We want a manufacturer that has specialized in quality !
    Come on, goe the other Way than nearby all others go. Be strong.

  130. Yes. Count me in on this, please. I also have an early 2009 with maximum RAM and about 2TB SSDs using the the OWC Data Doubler. No valid alternatives at present day. It may be a niche market, but it is an *important* market, made of influencers and tech savvy guys. Do not dump the tech guys, Apple.

  131. Come on Apple- I want to upgrade my current 17″

    • Do it yourself. At least you can. I’ve got amazing performance with even the Sandisk Ultra II and 16G ram. Imagine if you raided two 2TB high performance drives? Then there’s the USB3 expresscard option and the Bluetooth 4 upgrade. Apart from retina and a 10-15% GeekBench deficit, what else do you need, apart from the ability to run a 4 or 5K external monitor. Damn.

      • trajan2448 - 7 years ago

        Biggest problem is 16gb ram max is inadequate for real powe users. Cook has been a disaster for Mac computer development which now overpriced and underpowered.

  132. PaulaRob Paradis - 9 years ago

    Apple are you listening to our pleas!!!
    what am I going to do?!
    please please please a new Mac Book Pro 17inch

  133. James Stormes - 9 years ago

    I am with you. I need a new Laptop but I am unwilling to give up my 17inch Mac.

  134. Jim Newcomb - 9 years ago

    As many other users were, I was stunned and disappointed when Apple discontinued the 17″ but I understand why they made that decision. After 4 years mine is now getting beat up. I want a brand new one, with Retina display! C’mon Apple!

  135. Stephen Beaton - 9 years ago

    Keep trying to make my MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2010) last longer .. upgraded the HD to SSD and I wish it would take 16GB of RAM but seem stuck with 8GB. Every once in a while I poke Apple about bringing it back and send them a link to this page to show everyone else’s interest .. Maybe we need to poke them more frequently.. laptops are getting smaller and iPads are getting larger? seriously? If they made a 21 inch laptop I would probably consider buying one :) but I would be so happy to see availability for the 17 inch again .. retina or not

    • Ben Lovejoy - 9 years ago

      21-inch is probably pushing it on the bag front, but Apple could sell me a 19-inch …

  136. bernstein82 - 8 years ago

    Same here, my 2011 mbp 17″ just got one last on warranty gpu replacement & i threw in a new lcd panel. So i’m likely golden for another few years, but what then? I really don’t fancy paying more than two grad for a 15″ rmbp…

  137. Brett VanSprewenburg - 8 years ago

    Still Rocking my 2011 17″ – BTO 2.5Ghz, Matte, 16GB, SSD’s, and even USB 3.0 via OS X supported Expresscard/34. Would really like to buy an upgrade from Apple – but they offer nothing comparable. Screen real-estate is everything. The 15″ is only about 60% of the screen, and that’s too much to give up. Just had the dreaded graphics card meltdown fix done by Apple, so I’ll be good for a while yet. But please make a new 17″ Apple…I’ll pay. :-)

  138. tcg64 - 8 years ago

    As it is getting more and more improbable for Apple to make a 17 inch retina laptop (unless we get, at some distant point point, something totally new, like foldable screes or whatever) I think it is time to think what would be, right now, our dream machine’s closest rival from the PC world in power and portability – and buy that. Building a Hackintosh is easy and running it is good enough (for me.) What would you consider the PC with specs as close as possible to a 17 inch retina Macbook pro?

  139. Matthew J. Wagner - 8 years ago

    OK, we’ve been very patient on this one. How about now? My 2010 17″ MBP is starting to stutter even with the SSD…

    • Ben Lovejoy - 8 years ago

      Sadly, I think the best we can hope for by this stage is a 16-inch MBP in a 15-inch form factor via smaller bezels …

  140. Konstantinos Kellaris - 8 years ago

    Following the current trend in mobile phones (bigger screens hd,4k etc.), Apple should reintroduce the 17 inch model NOW!!! I am talking about 4k screen (at least), 1 TB SSD, 32GB RAM, and the best processor around!!

  141. lcotler - 8 years ago

    I’ve owned two 17″ MBPs. I’m ready for another!

    • scoophk - 8 years ago

      Me too – still have two working one pre-intel – use them with a 28″ external monitor when not traveling – even 17″ is not enough when I am working.

    • Only two? I started with the top of the line 1.42Ghz PowerBook, then three mbp’s. Still rocking the late 2011 I bought when they canned the 17, now with 16G of 1600Mhz ram, 1TB SSD and 1TB HDD. Next step I suppose are 2x 2TB SSDs, Bluetooth 4 card and USB3 expresscard. No stinkin’ 1440×800 display for me. That’s so 2003. When I feel brave enough, I’ll attempt the CPU polish that is supposed to remove the ridiculous amount of thermal paste that contributes to the overheating and death of graphics cards and logic boards.
      They’re such beautiful machines inside as well. Can you believe that the drives are now soldered on in the new MacBook Con(sumer)?

  142. Raphael Malik - 8 years ago

    I just emailed tim cook, with a link to this forum. Please email him, so he can see the demand to bring this product back with retina, solid state, and latest intel processors.

    • trajan2448 - 8 years ago

      Just like smartphone customers, there is a significant percentage of people who want larger screens on their notebook.

    • scoophk - 8 years ago

      What a great idea – thank you Raphael!
      This from Googling:
      ‘Like Steve Jobs, Tim Cook’s email ( is public and there are multiple stories of him responding to those who email him. During his 2013 address at Auburn University, Cook commented that: “I receive hundreds of e-mails from customers every day, and I read them all.”’

  143. Sören Weigang - 8 years ago

    I’d buy one, too. Maybe something up to 19″? Will cost a lot but would be worth it.

    • Sure, I guess you might as well try bargaining, maybe we’ll get a new 17″. Trouble is there will be no post purchase upgrade option, probably no more than 16G ram, worse battery life and maybe two or three times the price of the last 17″ MacBook Pro that listed for $2500. What the hell happened? You can barely get a 13″ for that price now. You don’t get two or three times performance on the new ones.
      Being generous, maybe they’re waiting for the improved CPUs and battery design that never made it to the current release.

  144. Some people set up SSD RAIDs in the pre-retina ones, that got near 1000MB/s read in sequential. Almost as fast as up to the 2015 15″ rMBP.

    • Unfortunately pre-Retina is the only type there is, and the only way you get a raid option seeing that there are two 6Ghz SATA ports on the 2011s, as opposed to the single port the the 2012-2015 models and the soldered in drives on the latest pieces of (barely) pro-sumer crap. The only advantage on the 2015/16 models is the improved graphics that allows you to connect 5K screen(s), as they’ll need to be connected to power if you need to do any actual work.

  145. Tyrone Boyer - 7 years ago

    Voice your desire to bring back the 17″ Macbook Pro, directly to Apple,

    • scoophk - 7 years ago

      Thank you for the link – had to go to a new 15″ MBP earlier this year – lovely computer except my hands/wrists on the extra wide trackpad when typing keep getting me into trouble – had hi-res monitors on all of my old 17″ MBPs – I really do MISS the screen-space – even with my 28″ external monitor attached – especially when visiting clients with it.


Avatar for Ben Lovejoy Ben Lovejoy

Ben Lovejoy is a British technology writer and EU Editor for 9to5Mac. He’s known for his op-eds and diary pieces, exploring his experience of Apple products over time, for a more rounded review. He also writes fiction, with two technothriller novels, a couple of SF shorts and a rom-com!

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