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Apple and Adobe butting heads?

The Wall Street Journal is postulating on a behind the scenes Apple – Adobe skirmish about putting Flash in the iPhone.  I think the argument can be summed up with a sentence:

Who will control video on the mobile web?

Need evidence?  If Apple were planning on releasing Flash on the iPhone, why would Youtube be converting their library to H.264?  Yes, the Quicktime quality is better – but not that much better than Flash on a 480×320 inch screen.  What is more important is that every Youtube video put on the web is effectively a interface for a Flash interfaced mobile video platform.

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gPhone rumors heating back up…

Robert X. Cringley, seems to have a scoop on the Google gPhone.  He lists the following:

…But Google is not like other companies, which means they are sometimes bolder and sometimes more foolhardy, because a Google-branded gPhone — two of them, actually — is on the way.

Here is what little I know, dropped in my lap this week by a loyal reader (you know who you are). There are two gPhones slated for release with the first coming in September and the second probably not appearing until after Christmas. Given that the first is the high-end model and the second is cheaper, Google will probably expect to make as much money as possible on the higher-margin units at Christmas before revealing the budget model even exists. How Apple-like, eh?

Both will include WiFi, which makes me wonder if a VoIP client will be there, too. The high-end phone will look somewhat like a Blackberry Pearl, but the screen flips up and there is a keyboard for texting. No word on pricing for the high-end phone, but the second model is intended to be less than $100 — AFTER Christmas.

The actual manufacturer of these gPhones will be Samsung (rumors to this point had indicated HTC, so this is a change) and Google is still talking with both T-Mobile and Verizon as potential carriers (rumors also said Verizon had passed — not). That means there are both GSM and W-CDMA versions in the works. Given AT&T’s success with the iPhone I can’t imagine Verizon will let the gPhone pass, but it will be interesting to see if Google will be able go with a nonexclusive deal and get both U.S. carriers.

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iTunes Minus

EDIT: Our mysterious friend, a Mr. Cruz X. Lefforts is not happy about his iTunes and needed a place to rant…it is Friday and why not?  So here, without further ado….

Cruz Lefferts is mad. Really mad. So mad, he’s talking about himself in the third person.

Cruz Lefferts wanted to believe that iTunes was The entertainment capital of your world, but Cruz found out that iTunes is only interested in his capital.

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Original iPhone and iPhone 3G users can now take (crappy) video with iVideoCamera

Once Mr. Jobs let those undocumented binaries get through the App Store, you started to see video broadcasting apps use not just the iPhone 3GS, but also earlier models of iPhone to stream video.  If older iPhones can stream video, why can’t they just record video locally like iPhone 3GS’s can?  We’ve known since 2007 that old iPhones can record video because of the incredibly good Cycorder jailbroken app has allowed people to do so.  Apple has probably kept that functionality off of older phones to sell more 3GS models.

Now, those with older phones who don’t want to jailbreak can record video of their own with iVideoCamera, a $.99 app that essentially copies the basic functionality of the video recording on the iPhone 3GS, though at a much lower resolution and framerate (they say they are working on that).  Cycorder still blows this away (and doesn’t cost $.99)  From the developer:

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Steve Jobs rocks a 3.1.2 OS iPhone

So Mike from Macsoda wrote us saying he got a response from Steve Jobs to his email wondering about the future of Final Cut Pro (40 Final Cut Pro developers were recently let go).  Typically brief, Steve Jobs said:

No worries. FCP is alive and well.

But we weren’t just going to take his word that the email was from Jobs.  We asked for the header information from the email as well  —  which was sent to us. 

The email looks legit as it originates from an internal Apple 17.x.x.x IP address.  But then we noticed something kind of funny.  Steve Jobs’ iPhone is listed as iPhone Mail (7D11) which means he’s on 3.1.2.  That’s not even the current version of the iPhone OS (3.1.3 – 7E18), let alone the 4.0Beta we’re were hoping to see.

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iPhone Nano looks more and more like a reality

Smaller, cheaper(?), Nanoier, it looks like we’ll have some more room in the iPhone family for a little one in 2009.  The iPhone nano skin just appeared on XSKN’s website.  As MR points out they were also a bit premature in their release of 3G iPhone cases and 2G iPod Touch cases.  For this we have the following video…

Also, FYI, the nano screen is 320×240 pixels, you you *Could* have the current iPhone screen resolution in something the size of a fatty nano.  The touch keyboard would be more like a shuffle keyboard at that level though.