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Apple will soon charge for out-of-warranty chat support, schedule repairs via new web payment system

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Apple is about to begin charging users outside of their warranty for online chat support using a new web payment system it recently developed. Sources familiar with the project say Apple is currently expecting to launch the new paid chat support, which will also let customers schedule repairs and replacements online, as early as next week. Here’s how it works:

Much like Apple handles support calls over the phone, soon only customers within their warranty period will be able to access online chat support through for free. For others, Apple will charge what it refers to as a “pay per incident” fee or require the purchase of an extended warranty through AppleCare. Previously all online support chat features were available for free to users worldwide. Some users might have noticed back in August when Apple revamped its support sites that it started listing a $19.99 per incident fee for chat support. However, up until now AppleCare hasn’t actually been charging users to access the feature.

Not only will this make online chat support an official support channel for Apple, it will also close up a loophole that allowed users to get free technical or diagnostic support and avoid paying for over the phone services or AppleCare.

Before rolling out the paid chat support, Apple had to develop a new web payment system that would allow it to accept payments through chat and keep user info secure when transferred between support agents, according to our sources. Using the new web payment system, we’re told Apple plans to offer the ability to set up hardware repairs and replacements that require a hold on a credit card or pay per incident fee via chat support. Rather than having to call in, users will be sent a link that’s live for 24 hours in order to complete the payment.

As for pricing, Apple will charge a fee of $19 for a single incident of basic tech support and troubleshooting. There will, however, be an option for users to request an exception on the fee. Up until the official launch of the paid online chat, AppleCare employees have been instructed to grant exceptions on all cases.

We’re told Apple will continue to waive the fee for iCloud issues as well as accidental damage cases where users just want to setup a repair or replacement via chat.

Apple representatives are expected to begin charging the $19 per incident fee for online chat support worldwide starting next week.

9to5Mac is brought to you by JustAnswer: Connect 1-on-1 with an Apple support Expert to get step-by-step assistance via phone or online chat, 24/7. Get access to thousands of highly rated, verified Mac Support Specialists. Specialties include: Mac, iPod, iPhone, iPad, iTunes, and more. Try it now.

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  1. towamp - 10 years ago

    My message to Apple: “No don’t do that Apple. What makes you unique is your free support in stores no matter how old the hardware we bring in. This is what makes you special”

    • rogifan - 10 years ago

      Where does this say it applies to stores?

    • Dimitri Kyriakis - 10 years ago

      Umm. Its only for the phone, not stores. Read the article..

      ” Not only will this make online chat support an official support channel for Apple, it will also close up a loophole that allowed users to get free technical or diagnostic support and avoid paying for over the phone services or AppleCare.”

    • Since when was Apple toting ‘Free Support.’ Ain’t noting in this life comes for free.

      • Well the online chat support should have been free!! People are already being used to buy these products and then charge them if something goes wrong with the product? the product that this company made they dont care about their customer satisfaction! And know that we talk about this. Their products are designed to produce problems after 1-2 years, thats why the warranty is so limited!! Other companies give the same warranties? yes they are deisgning in the same way as well. For a product to start showing problems within 1-2 years it means it is badly designed or designed to last this long which is extremely wrong, forcing u to buy the new product!! This is insufficient and it increases material waste! And all people go and buy these like sheep!

  2. ashtraywasp - 10 years ago

    Am I reading into this wrong or is this kind of scummy for a company with a hundred billion dollars in hand. Their warranties aren’t very long already, in fact shorter than most countries’ laws actually legally cover you.

    • Dimitri Kyriakis - 10 years ago

      All manufacture warranties on cellphones are 1 year limited warranty. Apple does the same thing. If you want more warranty, you have to pay to get it. Very simple. Samsung, Blackberry & most if not all electronic companies do this. Your lucky that some apple stores aka workers let you bring it the device & check it out / fix it for you for free. Other countries do not get that.

  3. Edward Stern - 10 years ago

    actually this is very cheap. its only fair the warranty is over, if you don’t buy the applecare u should pay or take it to store if u don’t want to pay. There are far too many vampire customers out there and I bet this has more to do with these types of customers abusing Apple’s support systems.

    • Not even take it to the store if you don’t want to pay. I don’t know what’s going on, or who is providing free care but Apple will close this loophole too.

  4. Joel Waxman - 10 years ago

    I really think this is a step backward for Apple, we pay a premium for Apple equipment. Also if you look at the USA warranty it inferior to the EU which I think is a minimum of two years.

    • Honestly, I don’t see the big deal. There are enough Apple-oriented communities online with people willing to offer advice or opinions that I don’t see the average customer being affected by this much.

    • What are you a socialist?!

      • Joel Waxman - 10 years ago

        Just because someone believes that the warranty should be equal across the board doesn’t make that person a Socialist! You must be a Republican!

  5. Steve Suckss - 10 years ago

    OK, so it makes sense now that Apple is starting to cut off the independent Apple Authorized Service Providers. I heard about this and now it makes sense.

    ashtraywasp needed to go a step further: What a bunch of F*cking Money grabbing whores.

    Take away from the little guys to give substandard performance and repair advice to actual users!

    We all know the drill, “Sorry, out of Warranty….Would you like to buy a new Mac?”

    • I’ve noticed that too. There are a couple of Independent Apple stores in town, and they all say they take Apple Care in the store – but when you call Apple Care they don’t recognize that these stores exist. Try to put doubt in your mind that they are not legit, and you shouldn’t let them touch your computer. Then recommend that you travel to an Apple store that is 70 miles and a ~ ferry ride! ~ away – or of course ship it to them. I understand that back in the day, there was a strong Mac community reinforced by Apple and their Authorised Service Providers. You had to go to a special computer store. Talk to the ‘right’ techs. However, when you are selling millions of iPhones, and millions of iPads, iPods, Macs and the like you can’t scale that model to cover all of your customers. You can’t control service or quality. You can’t guarantee quick repairs. You can’t ensure that there is a repair centre close by to where your customers work or live. It goes against Apple’s mantra of simple and easy. So, consider the billions of iDevices out there and the fact that no one is in the business of free.

  6. zBrain (@joeregular) - 10 years ago

    i think this should be handled on a case by case basis…

    say, a person calls and says, oh i plan to travel somewhere in a different time zone, can you tell me how to configure the device so the time syncs automatically?

    a different case would be… hey i jailbroken my phone… now it crashes constantly…

    if the issue can be solved within 10 minutes, i think apple should not charge. obviously if it takes longer, i think it is fair (naturally if apple can solve the issue) to charge.

    • But then you end up like I have, trying one or two fixes while on the phone with the support agent, and then they say “Ok, so the only other thing to do is X, but to continue our conversation I’ll have to get a credit card number as the support service costs $1.00 per minute after a free period of ten minutes.” It’s like they’re extorting you in order to get your product fixed.

  7. I don’t get why people are all up in arms about this in the comments. Apple sells a product, with an included warranty. Which is not as good as in parts of the EU, but that’s NOT Apple’s fault, rather you should vote for someone else – because the increased coverage is legislated AKA the LAW. Whereas in North America, Apple is providing that 1 year out of the goodness of their hearts. Now, I bought Apple Care on my iPhone and my Mac. I also purchased a plan through my former employer – I worked in a retail store – and I actively told people how great that plan was until I had to use it. Now, the people in the store are awesome but you have to call India first, then they say a In-Store Specialist has to look at it and create a ticket. They do, now go and call India – again! – and tell them what the tech said and what the ticket number is. Then they’ll order the part and you can wait 7 to 14 business days for that to come in. At which point they have to install it, another couple of days. Now, on top of all this hassle – to replace a dead battery. I had to give them a product number off. Every call – I made maybe 20 to 30 calls in the three tries it took to get the part. Each time they asked for a different number. “Oh, not from the battery, from the bottom of the machine.” “No. Definitely off of the battery.” “I’m seeing a code with letters and numbers, it should only be numbers.” Needless to say I gave up the first time, the second time they sent me the wrong part. Third try, and I finally did it! It took so long to get this sorted out where my computer wasn’t working that they plan had expired by the time the correct battery arrived in the mail. Now, I tell you this because I needed my headphones replaced – part of the phone – covered by the Apple Care. I went online, found the number to call after answer a few questions on their website, called in 15 minutes later every was arranged to get my new headphones. The next day they arrived. I opened the package, took the new ones out, put the old ones in. Put a sticker on the box. Called the UPS number spoke to an agent *WITHIN NORTH AMERICA* told them my address. Said the driver would be by in 15 to 30 minutes. He picked it up 5 min later. And VOILA! When people by Apple Care they are buying into the ease of service, the ease of repair. I don’t think they should have to include it for free. Their products demand the premiums they charge without including free support. Although, I would support Apple reducing the Apple Care by 15 to 20%!

    • Joel Waxman - 10 years ago

      I do agree Apple care should be 15 to 20% less. But I hate to say it I came from the PC world many years back where I built my own machine and it was user serviceable. Even my first narrow iMac could be serviced but it was hard but doable. Now the iMac is an almost if not impossible job to even change the HD. I love Apple care, but just because the politicians in the USA are in the pockets of the large corporations doesn’t mean we can’t get a better and longer warranty. If Apple sells at a premium and says their equipment is so good why not provide longer support. Most Americans know that big money and the corporations actually run this country and not us citizens. When the Supreme Court rules that Corporations are people to and can donate as much money as they want to support a politician without disclosing, then the truth is self evident! All I ask is fairness and equality in support all around the world.

  8. Tom Piotrowski - 10 years ago

    I just got off the phone with Apple support. Their 1 year warranty is the biggest scam I’ve been involved in. Don’t ever purchase an apple product. If you do, don’t pay full price, and buy a warranty that covers your product.

  9. Kaylyn Cockrell - 10 years ago

    This is ridiculous! We’re not all tech-geniuses. Sometimes, problems with our phones arise that can really only be solved by someone who’s been trained (or at least has a computer screen to type in the problemsI can’t believe Apple is being so small-minded about this. Customers should not have to pay for support for an item they’ve already purchased (especially at the price that Apple products cost!). I kind of thought that was a “law” of business/customer support. Honestly, the whole pay-by-incident (which is also what WD does, and I’m sure a few other companies), is the exact reason why I decide to switch to a different product. If my objects stops working or some setting mysteriously gets changed (as it always happens with any technology product), I’m not going to want to pay more money just for them to spend a few seconds fixing it, especially not $19. This is a big chance for another phone, such as Windows/Google/etc. to jump on the market with their free customer support.

  10. mrtimpf - 9 years ago

    Here is the best part about Apple which actually sets them apart from many other companies, it is not very clear, but it is in the article. Keep in mind here that I like windows machines, they are very powerful in terms of both personal and commercial computing systems. I also appreciate other companies with other systems as well. I find myself only preferring an expensive Apple product compared to a cheaper but possibly more powerful windows machine.

    I was 14 years old when I got my first very own computer. It was then called a Laptop, it had a massive 2gb of ram, 250gb internal storage and had a 1.3gHz Intel processor? (I can’t remember exactly which one, maybe 1.2gHz. I know it was NOT above 1.5 since this was quite expensive and we didnt wipe our 45535 with hundos after #2 exactly so to speak) and I loved that computer. I could message my friends on msn or whatever IM program that was hip at the time, store some music my friends gave me on CD’s that they made at home containing 200+ crappy mp3 rips of various songs we liked as a team of friends. I could play simple online games on newgrounds as well as some other a tad bit “heavier” games installed from CD’s. I was able to play cool games like Star Craft, Star Craft broodwar, command & conquer games and all those fun now historical games.

    All of this fun took place on a Windows machine. Thank you Microsoft, Intel, and all other non-Apple companies for providing me and my friends with great machines that helped us stay in contact easier, help us shape and define ourselves as “growing up with XP was a golden age of computing” kids. Windows XP taught me most of what I know about computers back then already, simply because not a lot has actually changed except for a few things, those things being fundamental and all, they are only a few. Compared to the entire computer, not much has “Changed” this have rather “Evolved” and “Increased” in terms of size, speed, and whatnot you can’t think of.

    This computer broke a few weeks after the warranty ran out, we called Asus and they basically said that they only made the case for the computer and didn’t actually sell it.. So we called the store where it was bought. A smaller company but still with multiple employees, they said it was out of warranty and naturally this meant that it couldn’t be covered they offered us a new one at a discount but the cost was just too high at the time so we declined that offer… They recommended a repair guy near the town square, so naturally we went there and after paying some guy $40 to determine what was wrong so he could fix it he basically said that there is no fixing this.. At all.. The GPU was burned in to the mother board and the whole thing needed replacement. So naturally someone who doesn’t know anything about computers will think well, how much does that cost? And yeah, you find out that it is just about the same price as buying a whole new one. And then you’d think that well.. at least he tried. Well, think again.. Some kid and his single mother brings a laptop to you and you know enough to operate a computer repair shop.. Basically tell them that for $40 they will look at it to determine what is wrong and then count that $40 towards fixing it with added costs for labor and parts only to “know” that when someone brings in a laptop with a flickering/striped screen, burnt metallic smell, and non-resposinve to any sort of bios command possible.. You know (if you run a repair shop) that this will most likely not be fixable Before offering a charge of $40 to find out what is wrong….

    On with it…
    I saved up money for a long time and together with my mom and some birthday/christmas money I found a used Dell machine with windows XP installed, it was a custom version and had “gaming” specs.. WOW! This was awesome. For the price of a cheap computer new I could have a powerhouse sitting underneath my desk! I purchased it and went home happily. However, the screen started flickering after a couple of months of having it and now the monitor started to flicker.. Hm… last time.. it was the graphics card.. could it be the.. graphics card? This being a desktop, I decided to actually take it apart myself since it was “already broken anyways” and take a look inside how and what it actually looked like. Hm, his looks like the graphics card, called my friend to come over to inspect my recent discovery and confirm this theory.. We found so much dust in that graphics fan that you would be able to bathe in dust for a lifetime. Good lord, I mean, I was able to fill two handfuls of dust from a card that were half the damn size! So, naturally we figured that “replacing the graphics card would be the preferred fix here. My trust in “computer shops” operated by one or a few people weren’t the greatest as you can probably tell from the story above.. So me and my friend decided to try with a new graphics card. The computer was starting up just fine. New graphics card was the fix.

    This time … I remember this like nothing else since it opened up a new world for me..
    I had moved and naturally, I called my local non-cooperate computer store which had a great reputation, and asked for a card that would fit my computer. The guy replied with a question asking me about the specifications of my mother board.. I still knew very little so I had no clue as to what he was talking about.. So I answered honestly that I have no clue what a motherboard is, I can only assume by the word “mother” that the board is the main board everything is hooked up to and he said yeah, that thing, what is the name of it? I still didn’t know and he told me kindly and very professionally that I was very welcome to bring the computer to him, and he would figure it out for me for free. I thanked him and said asked how I would be able to find out the name myself as I was curious as to how a computer actually was connected and how it “knew” things automatically. So he told me how to figure it out and he then asked me this.. Do you live around here? I said yes, and he said, is the mother board red or blue? I said it was red, and he could guess the model. Apparently he had built many other computers around the neighborhood and he was kind of the towns computer guy. Anyways.. I called back with the name of the mother board, he told me he had a card for the machine, so I put my shoes on, grabbed my savings and went to the store super excited to get my computer fixed.

    This time.. I had a friendly face that actually knew things to help me. He was knowledgable and just a good guy. I got home, with written instructions from this awesome computer guy on how to safely remove, and install a new graphics unit on my system. Super happy, I remember that god damn feeling walking home thinking to myself that finally I will be able to learn how to fix something with the computer myself! Unfortunately, the unit that I purchased didn’t fit, no matter how hard I tried. I felt really dumb… like wow, this is quite an easy task on paper but I must have effed up somewhere because piece A the card, does not fit, at ALL in to my mother boards PCI slot.. I saw that it was way different and I didn’t want to destroy any parts so I gave up. I called him back and told him that I must have misunderstood your instructions quite severely since I wasn’t able to install the new card, and that I tried looking at other possible slots but none seemed like they would work. I went back and he opened the computer up, I brought my new graphics card with me obviously so he could install it the correct way! But when he opens the box he just looks down on the floor whilst sitting in his working chair.. “What.. Did you not think that I would notice this?” What do you mean? I asked back.. “You switched out the cards young man, and I really didn’t think that about you”. I swore on my most precious belongings that this was definitely not the case at all. After arguing back and forth he took the card back and allowed me 50% store credit towards a new card.. He told me that he would only believe me if I came and showed him the original burnt out card I was replacing from the beginning. The next day I went back and showed him the original card that I was replacing.. He said he barely believed me since I didn’t come back the same day. “Well, I did but you close at 6pm and I didn’t make it in time, so when I got here the place was dark so I went home.” He called me a liar and said that I borrowed the card from a friend to “prove my innocence” he did the whole “air quotation mark thing” while saying the word prove.. This made me so angry but I knew that it would mean loosing the battle with the nice local computer guy. SO I kept my cool and said this, look. I was very tactical as a teenager so I told him something similar to ” I didn’t try to rip you off, and I seriously doubt that you actively tried to rip me off too, but this isn’t right” and walked out with my new card that I couldn’t use..
    I ordered a card online that ended up fitting, (I told the computer guy this a year later in a vague attempt to try and fix our previous argument).
    This computers power unit eventually crapped out twice, and the graphics card burned out a second time on me so, naturally I decided that a new power unit doesnt fix the problem, then I need a new computer since, I had corrupted ram I didn’t know how to fix, and the tutorials online at that time were not that easy to follow as they are today, also, the graphics card burned out a second time as I mention and then the damn PSU crapped out on me twice… I was sick .. and tired of constantly fixing this machine.. I decided to save up for a new one rather than spending money on new parts..

    One year later.. I figured that building my own machine would probably be best since rumors states online that the individual part manufacturers often have better support than regular retailers.. So my new windows machine that I built myself unfortunately crapped out too.. This machine worked better than any of my other machines I had ever owned before. But eventually after a year it started giving up too. You guessed it.. This time the graphics card fried as well… I have this fear of graphics cards today, no joke. Dead serious, anytime something appears wrong with anything in my set up I assume it is the graphics card and visualize a grand flying out the bank account the same second.. Anyways… Naturally with this knowledge and a quick inspection I realized that the need for a new card was the solution. AFTER checking the PSU… Anyways.. The newer Nvidia GeForce 8800GT had just hit the marked, and I was calling everyone about this card but no one had it in stock.. Except one store.. The local computer guy had it in stock. I swallowed my pride and went to purchase the new card from him and he said hello there, its been a while.. I agreed. I went looking for the card and found it on a shelf.. I carefully checked the seals on the box and made sure they were intact. I remembered that he said he would give me a discount on a new card, I tend to not forget when I can save 60-70 bucks on a card that he wanted 120-140 bucks for. Which made since because the card was still new on the market. I mentioned this to him and under no obligations is he forced to give me that but I thought it was worth to ask.. He laughed and said told me that I was getting a good deal already.. However he sold the card to me for a flat after tax price of 110. I was pleased with the discount and the computer guy and me eventually became friends..

    This card crapped out a year and a half later when the power broke and the PSU went bad.. This time I thought that.. You know what.. I am tired of these computers crapping out one week after a warranty goes bad.. (Google it, it is a known things that companies have been confirmed to actually do with printers). Im gonna try another type of computer that I know certain people use called Macintosh..

    Thats it, I bought a Mac. This is why Apple products are “preferred” by me. I am not saying that they are better units. But I can personally say this.. I had that damn 13″ unibody mac for 2 years before I needed a new one and guess what.. “WAIT NOT THE GRAPHICS CARD!?!?!?” You might think while reading this.. The answer is no, the graphics card was perfectly fine. The real reason is that I needed more processing power.. I couldn’t believe it, my personal needs outgrew the computer and I needed an upgrade because of my software was starting to demand too much.. I went online looking for a new used one and realized it would have to be a 15″ model this time since they had the intel i7 processor which built in, had a dynamic clock speed processor which automatically upped the power of the computer when necessary, I had by this time graduated and started my second job so I had a bit of money to spent as well as perfect credit score (where did you go, perfect credit? I miss you….) so I thought to myself that if I am buying a brand new computer, a damn laptop and not a desktop FOR desktop performance and laptop portability that is unable to swap out parts, other than the hard drive, memory and optical drive. it better have full support by phone, and personal sessions in store.. So here I am, with that same computer 5 years later i a few months writing this post.. I think I bought it march 2011.. Not sure.. Anyways.. I have had it with me everywhere.. I have played 4 hour club sets on this machine.. I have played live sets in various basements with this machine, I have moved across the damn planet with this machine..I purchased Apple care with the computer, which I never needed, I also purchased additional accidental insurance with this machine, it was expensive but worth it as a one time cost kind of deal that was good for three years. To get to the point before my fingers starts bleeding here.. Here is where Apple wins over other companies.. I had a problem the other week with my beloved macbook pro after all these years.. The fans went berserk after installing the latest software updates provided through the simple Mac App store which so many windows users hate because its simple and noobs can now update their own apps instead of paying for outrageous support phone calls and what not from 10-50 different companies.. Anyways.. I go online to find the problem and fix it myself as I typically do when something isn’t working.. First page on my goggle search is ” welcome to apple support” hm.. well my Apple care is Definitely NOT active any longer.. and the additional insurance I purchased ran out last year.. well, lets read on this page and see what we can find.. first option.. what product are you having problems with? I click Macbook Pro, then it asks what category best describes my problem, I glance over the 10-12 options given and I see “problems with power management and start up” well, the fans are part of that category so lets click that and see what happens, well now it asks me to describe my problem even further. I see my problem exactly “Problems with heat or fans constantly running” So I click that. I am asked to verify that I actually have a apple product by supplying my serial number in a little field, fill out name and email and click show best options available at this moment to address your problem: “Phone support” I can have Apple call me within 10 minutes…. or, schedule a time I’d like to be called by them or the third and most best option for me personally. “Chat Now”… They helped me in less than 15 minutes to fix the problem and then my computer is back to normal.. One problem under all these years.. and this is how easy it was ti fix… Yeah. It was that easy. This is why I buy Apple. This is why the computer costs a lot more, but you can be out of warranty for years and they will still treat you like you just purchased their all inclusive most expensive Mac Pro… All in all, it was worth it, paying that price knowing that I can fix a fan issue at 3am in the morning over chat in about 10-20 minutes… There is no windows machine support like this that covers the entire machine including third party parts from Intel and GeForce… Go ahead and dislike this but remember what I said, I appreciate windows machines still. I just had bad luck.. So, all these years of avoiding the win/mac argument, I have spoken. I just delivered my two cents. Basically, when I bought a mac, my problems went away for 4 years.. Then a problem occurred and it was fixed over chat, in 20 minutes.. When a company that designs and writes software, designs hardware, designs and is watching over the unit as a whole rather than “we just make the enclosure” mentality offers that durability and service to out of warranty customers.. Let me know and we can start to actually compare.. as of right now, Apple is not a perfect company by any means, they do not intact “make” “all” their products under one roof, but what they do is they work with companies to design new technology based on the needs they have rather than purchasing 15 pre made parts and assembling it for another company to install a purchased copy of operating system to sell it to an electronics store who sells it to you who crashes the computer a week after warranty.. Apple has seen multiple users having problems as well. The key difference is that even WITHOUT a receipt, warranty, apple care or yadiaydiayidayi insurance, both you and them will forever in history know that the computer came from them originally, at a certain point in time and that you are a high paying customer that is expecting value for that entire dollar price spent, not only a silver colored notebook with a glowing, semi-eaten apple on the back… Seriously though, why are so many windows users complaining about the Macs not being able to “customize” as much… Well, my friend has a windows 7 laptop and he can’t switch out parts any easier way than I can.. Well, we meant software wise.. Well then, read about a program included with All macs called Automator. A simple script-editor wich lets you program almost any usable feature you can think of right in to the OS itself.. Simple code like on run, tell application to launch with properties, “new document”. You can then map this to a shortcut on your keyboard. And use this where you as a user allows it to be used.. Sure, Mac are limited in terms of gaming and some 3d Maya design but.. For normal to advanced personal computing they sure outperform any other company in their market.. And if you don’t believe me, simply google a normal task you can do in windows. You will soon think that, yeah, “no mac results” rephrase your question and type “on mac” “for mac” “in mac” and you’ll be surprised to see that except the things I mentioned above + not being able to natively open .exe files.. The Macs ARE more expensive for sure.. It takes time to save up for one, but you done have to buy a new computer/computer component every year or even every other year..

    Whether or not you are on a Mac PC or Win PC, I will wish you all Happy “Personal Computing”, folks.


Avatar for Jordan Kahn Jordan Kahn

Jordan writes about all things Apple as Senior Editor of 9to5Mac, & contributes to 9to5Google, 9to5Toys, & He also co-authors 9to5Mac’s Logic Pros series.

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