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Toys: Samsung 2233SW Full 1080P HD Widescreen LCD Monitor – $160

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From the Toys section:

Amazon offers this new Samsung 2233SW 1080P Display for $160 after $20 rebate + free shipping.  This lineup offers full high quality 1920×1080 Full HD resolution in a much smaller/lighter form factor.  The monitor and stand weigh less than 13 lbs.  It comes with a distinctive soft design with rich piano finish and features 5ms response time, up to 15,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio and Samsung Magic technologies for rich, natural color.  Full specs from Samsung.


Samsungs details below:


Dynamic Contrast 15000:1

How can we make 15000:1 dynamic contrast ?
Monitor adjust its brightness and gamma of each frame and makes optimized contrast between frames
– Bright image : higher backlight with gamma control
– Dark image : lower backlight with gamma control

16.7 million colors

16.7 million colors

Maximum Colors. Be the recipient of clearer brighter imagery with the wide spectrum of colors offered by SAMSUNG monitors.



DVI delivers video images with very high resolution and essentially perfect quality You can enjoy digital contents with DVI interface (HDCP supported)

MagicSpeed (5ms)

MagicSpeed (5ms)

monitor supports fast response time to reduces blurring image.

MagicBright 3

MagicBright 3

MagicBright3 provides optimal combination setting for the various contents for User working environment. With mouse, users can control OSD easily.

Color Effect

Color Effect

* Enjoy the picture with your favor :
photographic effect
* Supports 4 color effect :
Grayscale, Green, Aqua, Sepia


Dude drops iPhone3GS into pool while recording video…still works?!?!

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This is pretty incredible…IF true.

iPhone 3GS user KhenaKara accidentally dropped his iPhone 3GS into a pool while video recording and amazingly it kept recording.

Since he was recording you can watch the whole experience in the video below. Days after the event the phone still works fine.

It seems Apple may have taken some steps to make the device more watertight. A friend dropped my iPhone 2G in a puddle and it stopped functioning immediately.

Also, the mic kept working as well.  Even the autofocus and the light adjustments were working at the bottom of the pool.  You know what they say…"Don’t try this at home".  Drop happens about half way through the clip….

iClarified via Mike Elgan

New in Snow Leopard: Activity Monitor shows you exactly what is killing your CPU

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Before, you’d just see that Safari was nailing your CPU. Now there’s a more specific breakdown, which shows the true culprit.  Plug-in sandboxing is good thing.  It is especially helpful when a plug-in is not responding and you want to quit it without killing your browser session (below).



This has been around for a few weeks but comes in very handy.

Dock Expos

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Snow Leopard Beta Testers were greeted with a surprise Friday night.  Instead of having to burn a dual layer DVD and install the newest Snow Leopard build manually, Apple delivered the newest release via a 700MB Software Update. 

We got to playing around with Dock Exposé and found it to be pretty much as advertised (below).

  • Activate Dock Exposé by clicking and holding on a running application’s Dock icon
  • Click any other running application to switch to that application’s Exposé.
  • Preview the window in Exposé by selecting it with the mouse or hitting spacebar.  There is a nice blow up transition between windows.
  • When you go into Exposé mode you can click on the different apps to see the windows of that app

Dock Exposé isn’t a going to change the world, but it is certainly a nice addition that can speed up worflows.

As for other stuff, Safari and other GUI elements feel … snappier™.

French iPhone Cr

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According to French blog Nowhere Else, a white iPhone 3GS, while under a lot of CPU load, left faded brown streaks on the back plastic cover.  According to the site, the user said:

I did the test several apps warning radars in the car when I was a passenger, the apps using the GPS chip as well as 3G, after a while my iPhone was very hot but not burning hot.

more picts below


The user apparently called Apple customer service who wanted the iPhone to do some "analysis".

Via Engadget

Intel to begin to release game changing SSDs in two weeks

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The Inquirer reports that Intel is set to release a new round of SSDs which might bring hard drive replacements into the hands of many more laptop owners. 

We’ve been told that with these new 34nm NAND SSDs, users can expect higher performance, higher capacities, and most importantly, lower prices.  Amongst the 34nm offerings hot off the production line will be a 320GB drive, plus 160GB and 80GB capacities too. But there very well could be more. Our sources tell us there will be drives big enough to replace the HDDs in most, if not all laptops.

That is a pretty bold statement, especially with retail 500GB laptop hard drives falling significantly below the $100 price point.  Currently, the best retail SSD price/GB ratio of SSDs has been $227/128GB.  That is a lot of space and a lot of $ difference.


Apple uses its kill switch for the first time on Nudity app?

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Did Apple used the feared "kill switch" for the first time on the "Hottest Girls" application?  We have it on authority (we didn’t download the app ourselves – swear!) that when you try to open the app, it now says:

It just shows black screen saying: "This version no longer works. You should delete this version." I downloaded it just to see if it’s true they added nudity and now I got an app doing nothing. Does Apple do refunds??

Apple hasn’t actually killed an app before as far as we recall.  Even the that allows you to tether to AT&T works long after it was removed from the App Store.

Steve Jobs told the Wall St. Journal:

Mr. Jobs confirmed such a capability exists, but argued that Apple needs it in case it inadvertently allows a malicious program — one that stole users’ personal data, for example — to be distributed to iPhones through the App Store. "Hopefully we never have to pull that lever, but we would be irresponsible not to have a lever like that to pull," he says.

No porn in the App Store

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Apple spokesperson Tom Neumayr told Macworld:

Apple will not distribute applications that contain inappropriate content. The developer of this application added inappropriate content directly from their server after the application had been approved and distributed, and after the developer had subsequently been asked to remove some offensive content. This was a direct violation of the terms of the iPhone Developer Program. The application is no longer available on the App Store.

Oh well, as Macenstein said: Now you’ll only be able to go to the 10 billion different porn "web apps".

MacBook Air 2009 is slower than 2008?

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Ouch. Those numbers below have to hurt if you are in the market for a new high end MacBook Air.  Macworld tested the new machines and found the high end 2.13GHz MacBook Air didn’t perform as well as the previous high end 1.86Ghz machine with the same 128GB SSD.  In fact, to them, it was noticably slower. 

A lot of things could account for the speed decrease including: battery mangement, cheaper laptop parts, testing methods, etc.  As I said in my Computerworld column when the Air was released, Apple is making significant sacrifices to make this machine razor thin.  If the specs above matter at all to you, you may want to look into a 13-inch MacBook Pro.  That being said, would it be that hard to add a 4GB RAM premium option? 

Apple triples its share in mobile graphics chip designer

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At the end of 2008, we found out through a company filing with the London Stock Exchange that Apple had owned  8.2 million shares of Imagination Technologies.  That’s roughly equivalent to a 3.6 percent stake in the company.  According to Bloomberg, Apple has been buying up shares over the past year and, with a recent 2.2 million share purchase, now has a 9.5% stake in the company. 

Imagination develops intelectual property behind PowerVR portable graphics engines that go into high end mobile devices like the iPhone and iPod touch.  Interestingly, Palm’s Pre and some other higher-end smart phones use Imagination Technologies’ chip designs as well.

Imagination Technologies fell 6.75 pence, or 4.7 percent, to 136 pence at 11:28 a.m. in London after earlier rising 3.7 percent. The stock has risen 118 percent this year, giving the company a market value of 311 million pounds.

ZuneHD launch to coincide with next iPod touch launch?

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Gizmodo got their hands on some internal Microsoft docs which have put the launch of the Tegra-powered, OLED-screen having, iPod touch-competing ZuneHD at September 8th.  It will come in the very iPod touch and now iPhone-like 16GB and 32GB varieties

A tipster just dropped off a few internal Microsoft docs that point to a September 8 launch of the Zune HD. In addition to that, the tipster says it’s coming in 16GB and 32GB versions. All pretty logical.

We already knew that the HD has Nvidia’s Tegra inside, which makes it a high powered, high performance device that can handle HD output and possibly some nice gaming. What we don’t know is what the cost of the OLED screen and the cost of Tegra will make the final price. No word on that yet from the tipster.

Coincidentally, early September is about the time that Apple unleashes its new iPods and this year should be no different.  Among other improvements, many expect this year’s iPod touches to have a camera with video feature.  GPS and compass might also make the cut.


First iPorn hits the App Store

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When we saw the 17+ ratings system in the App Store, we knew this day would come.  Dr. Macenstein (who else?) spotted the first iPhone App with nudity, Hottest Girls ($1.99 iTunes Link).  The developer told Macenstein:

“We uploaded nude topless pics today. This is the first app to have nudity,” writes Hottest Girls’ developer Allen Leung, in what can only be described as an announcement rivaling the first transmissions from the moon landing.

Macenstein warns: along with nudity comes a “stiff” 17+ rating…all you innocent young teens will have to get your porn the old fashioned way. Free, from millions of sites all over the web.


Top smartphones' Javascript speed compared

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Tired of hearing how fast the iPhone 3GS is? Too bad…here’s yet another study of the browsing speed of the new iPhone 3GS and the new iPhone 3 OS.  Medialets ran the SunSpider Javascript tests on three recent iPhones as well as the Palm Pre and the Android G1.  The results are below (shorter bars are better).



This is a pretty clear indication that not only is Apple’s new hardware fast, but the new 3.0 OS is also pretty helpful in speeding up Javascript.

AppleTV 2.4 Update, Remote App now has gestures?

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AppleTV just got a somewhat significant update (2.4) allowing for new gesture support.  Flick gestures can now be used to manipulate Apple TV’s menu options. Also, Video and Audio have new flick gestures that can be used to advance, rewind and replay.  No word yet if it breaks your precious Boxee…but you’d be smart to hold off until some sucker finds out for you.  Check the comments.  MacRumors also got a screenshot below


We’ll be following along as more information becomes avaialble.  Feel free to add your experiences in the comments.  In the words of a certain someone…cool, but not cool enough.

iPhoneOS 3.0 (un)officially unlocked for all carriers

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The iPhone Dev team today officially released ultrasn0w which allows you to SIM-unlock any iPhone3G (not 3GS) running iPhone OS 3.0.  iClarified has a nice tutorial on the installation which we’ve shamelessly pasted below.


These are instructions on how to unlock the iPhone 3G for use with any GSM cellphone carrier using UltraSn0w.

Before you can follow these instructions you must have a jailbroken iPhone and you must be on the 04.26.08 baseband(modem firmware). This means that you must be running the 3.0 firmware and have used PwnageTool or RedSn0w to jailbreak.

To find your firmware and modem firmware(baseband) versions you can follow this tutorial. If you are not on baseband version 04.26.08 then you need to follow one of these tutorials before unlocking: Mac, Windows

If you are on T-Mobile remember to turn off 3G before starting…

Watch the Video!
For your convenience this unlock tutorial is available in video format also. Click the Watch It button to view the tutorial!






Step One
Press to launch Cydia Installer from your SpringBoard.

Step Two
Press to select the Manage tab at the bottom of the screen.

Step Three
Press to select the large Sources button

Step Four
Press the Edit button at the top right of the screen.

Step Five
Press the Add button at the top left of the screen.

Step Six
Enter as the source url and press the Add Source button.

Step Seven
Once the source has been added press the large Return to Cydia button.

Step Eight
Press the Done button at the top right of the screen.

Step Nine
Press to select from the list of user entered sources.

Step Ten
Press to select ultrasn0w from the list of packages

Step Eleven
Press the Install button at the top right of the screen.

Step Twelve
Press the Confirm button at the top right of the screen.

Step Thirteen
After installation completes successfully press the large Return to Cydia button.

Step Fourteen
Now press the Home button then power off and power on the iPhone. You do this by holding down the power button for 3 seconds then moving the power slider that appears to the right. Press the power button again to turn on the phone.

Step Fifteen
You should now be able to insert the SIM of your choice!

***THANKS: A big thank you to all the members of the iPhone Dev-Team for all their hard work! It is much appreciated by all.

iSuppli breaks apart iPhone 3G? parts costs

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iSupply worked its magic on the new iPhone 3G? and found it only costs a few bucks more to manufacture than last year’s 8GB iPhone 3G that it replaces.  Interestingly, the iPhone they tore apart contained Flash memory from Toshiba where Apple generally gets its Flash from Samsung (and had a multi-Billion dollar up front deal with the vendor).  The other three biggest changes were the new Arm Cortex Samsung processor, new autofocus 3-Megapixel camera and the Broadcom Corp. single-chip Bluetooth/FM/WLAN module.  The latter replaces two chips.

"The entry-level, 16Gbyte version of Apple Inc.’s new iPhone 3G S carries a Bill of Materials (BOM) cost of $172.46 and a manufacturing expense of $6.50, for a total of $178.96," said Andrew Rassweiler, director and principal analyst, teardown services, for iSuppli. "This is slightly higher than iSuppli’s estimate of $174.33 for the original 8Gbyte iPhone 3G based on pricing in July 2008. Although the retail price of the 16Gbyte iPhone 3G S is $199, the same as for the 8Gbyte version of the original iPhone 3G, the actual price of the phone paid by the service provider is considerably higher, reflecting the common wireless industry practice of subsidizing the upfront cost of a mobile phone and then making a profit on subscriptions."

Breakdown chart below:



Android now capable of running Flash with a slower CPU than iPhone

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Today, Adobe is demonstrating a version of Flash running on the HTC Hero, the recently released Android device on Tmobile.  The demo seems to work fairly well which may be an important benchmark to Apple’s iPhone and iPod touch owners.

As far as capability to run Flash (as opposed to desire), it would appear that the iPhone 3GS has more than the necessary hardware to do so.  The HTC Hero uses an 528MHz ARM 11 based Qualcomm MSM7200A.  This is roughly the same level of processor as the 2nd generation iPod Touch.  As we know, the iPhone 3GS blows the iPod Touch out of the water in terms of performance.  The iPhone 3GS uses the latest ARM Cortex A8 Processor running at 600MHz with a PowerVR graphics core that is also superior to other chipsets.

At a shareholder meeting last year, Apple CEO Steve Jobs said that the iPhone doesn’t support Flash because it runs too slowly on the device to be useful.