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Yep, the iPad Air 2 bends. A lot.


OK, so you’re probably not going to put your iPad Air 2 in your pocket or apply this much pressure under any normal circumstances, but the ease with which this thing can be bent is still at least a little bit unexpected. Lots more space means lots more leverage.

So this guy did it, that means its over, right? Move along


  1. Lukas (@thatsbl) - 10 years ago

    German Idiot.

    • Mr. T (@t87) - 10 years ago

      Pretty sure if I twisted his stupid little neck with that much force, it’ll snap too. Shame he doesn’t come with a replacement warranty, but who needs trash like this anyway?

  2. sardonick - 10 years ago

    Thin aluminum without a decent chassis will bend. It’s not rocket science. You want thinner and lighter, you get the tradeoff. What a waste of an expensive tablet. Quite stupid.

    • alvinguzman - 10 years ago

      While this guy is jack ass – this is a message to Apple to stop making these devices any thinner – the iPhone 6/6+ and iPad2 are at the limit right now – there are as thin as the lightning cable – not much more to go

  3. Avenged110 - 10 years ago

    I think the real story here is that it still ‘worked’ after that…

  4. Kiddo Xid - 10 years ago


  5. I have made also a bend test – trying to bend it from the back! Put a lot of force on it and nothing happend:

  6. thud (@thud) - 10 years ago

    If anybody else out there is thinking about destroying their perfectly good iOS devices in the name of making a “bend test” video, how about just donating them to somebody who needs one? Or ship it over to me, I’ll take care of it for you.

  7. PMZanetti - 10 years ago

    The only thing worse than attention whores hoping to make a buck off a YouTube video, are attention whores posting articles linking to said YouTube video.


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