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Apple releases iOS 7.1 beta 3 to developers with UI tweaks, bug fixes, more

Apple released the third beta of its iOS 7.1 software (build 11D5127c) to registered developers today. Apple released the first iOS 7.1 beta for developers in November bringing with it a handful of UI tweaks, performance improvements, and accessibility features. That release was followed by a second iOS 7.1 beta in mid-December which brought button shapes as an accessibility feature as well as a calendar design mirroring iOS 6 and prior.

We’ll update you of changes as we come across them. Leave us a note in the comments or at if you find something interesting as well.

-Tweaked Phone, Messages, and FaceTime icons (darker, less harsh like current call banner in 7.1 beta 2)

-Parallax can be disabled for wallpapers (found when setting new wallpaper) [my wallpaper]

-Phone now has a new dialer and answer UI (lots of circles)

-New (richer) Repeat and Shuffle buttons

-New power off UI

-New dialogue in Safari ‘Search or enter an address’ now reads ‘Search web or enter site name’

-New ‘New’ button for creating iTunes Radio stations in Music

-New reduce white point option in accessibility contrast settings

-New backspace/shift highlights (Thanks Daniel) and bolder keyboard as seen below:

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  1. Stuart Nolan - 11 years ago

    I hope the Bluetooth A2DP is fixed in beta 3. I have had no sound in beta 2. It did work in beta 1.

    • Tom Benton - 11 years ago

      You should always re-pair a device after a iOS update, regardless of version.

      I find that solves most issues. A2DP has worked flawlessly with 4-5 of my devices

      • Stuart Nolan - 11 years ago

        I did try that in desperation. Didn’t work. Oddly, iMessage and normal phone calls still work, just the A2DP is silent.

      • danbridgland - 11 years ago

        Most host devices can only pair one client device for each Bluetooth profile.

        In simple terms if you have a pebble watch paired your Bluetooth headset controls (AVRCP) will not function. But you may still be able to pair the headset audio (A2DP).

        Do you have any other devices paired?

    • Max Müller - 11 years ago

      Also in settings the passcode and fingerprint settings have their own icon and are not in the general settings

  2. Zoheb Khan - 11 years ago

    whats new !! i am not a developer so stuck on ios 7.1 beta 1 and jail-broken it !!! having fun :)

    • Alex Taffe - 11 years ago

      Wait are you able to jailbreak 7.1 betas? I hadn’t tried and was too afraid to end up bricking my device.

    • Jeffrey Vrancken - 11 years ago

      Yeah right ..

    • Tallest Skil - 11 years ago

      You steal software and expect people to give you the time of day?

      • Zoheb Khan - 11 years ago

        whats wrong with you ?? what did i steal ?

      • Tallest Skil - 11 years ago

        You are not a developer. You have beta iOS software.

        You stole the software.

      • Adhish Chugh - 11 years ago

        Zoheb: You’re using beta software that is available to only developers who pay for that early release software(99$, usually and annually). Unless you have paid for that or are using a developer device, Tallest Skil’s statement is not exactly wrong.

      • Stephen Robinson (@xstex) - 11 years ago

        Erm jailbroken doesn’t mean he stole anything. Calm down.

      • Tallest Skil - 11 years ago

        Try actually reading his comment.

      • J Briggs - 11 years ago

        Well said Adhish!

      • syphern (@syphern) - 11 years ago

        dont be such an idiot! jailbreaking is not stealing and getting a beta if you are not a developer is not stealing either. Get off your self-righteous pony and chill out!

      • Tallest Skil - 11 years ago

        >>jailbreaking is not stealing

        Try. Actually. Reading. His. Comment.

        >> getting a beta if you are not a developer is not stealing either.

        Yeah. It is. Read any law ever written and shut up.

      • Drew LaRussa - 11 years ago

        No shit stephen, but if hes not a dev and is on beta then he did.

      • >>Yeah. It is. Read any law ever written and shut up.
        ehmm, not. copying or jailbreaking it is not stealing in any law ever written. luckily, a copyright infringement, but that’s not stealing in any way, or did Apple lost their beta because somebody stole it?. so much arrogance and scandal for a small comment.

      • Tallest Skil - 11 years ago

        >> copying or jailbreaking it is not stealing in any law ever written.

        Actually read the post. That was never said.

        >>or did Apple lost their beta because somebody stole it?

        Don’t post again until you understand the concept of theft.

    • Zoheb Khan - 11 years ago

      thanks Stephen Robinson for the support !! spread love :) <3

      • designscheap - 11 years ago

        Yeah I don’t see any problem with what you are doing either. Stealing (pirating) only applies to software that you have to pay for. Since iOS updates are free, if you have a way to get early access to just have fun and see what’s coming up, I don’t see how it’s a problem. You are the only one that could be harmed by it. (If it bricked your device.) Apple isn’t out any revenue. You aren’t trying to sell it. You are just checking out an early release.

    • Akos Szente - 11 years ago

      7.1beta1 installations will deactivate themselves on 15th January so don’t forget to save your data!

      • Clint (@ClintAustin26) - 11 years ago

        yeah best downgrade to 7.0.4 and rejailbreak if you don’t want to get suddenly stuck without a phone. I don’t know if I’d call getting a copy of a beta stealing. It’s not like Apple charges for it when it’s released and he’s not using it to develop any kind of app with intention of making money himself. I think you guys are being a little hard on him. I for one am not a developer but I do pay for a dev account to be able to run betas for my own amusement (although not right now as I want to keep my jailbreak). But I don’t really have a problem with him doing it for his own personal use. It’s not like he pirated a copy of Windows or something. For all you guys know he has a friend who IS a dev and just registered his device so he could play around. Don’t be so quick to judge people.

      • Zoheb Khan - 11 years ago

        thanks a lot bro. i reverted back to ios 7.0.4 :)
        ur a life saver :*

      • Adhish Chugh - 11 years ago

        Yea I guess you’re right Clint.
        I am sorry, Zoheb.

      • duongel (@duongel) - 11 years ago

        you can just remove the “ReleaseType” key from the SystemVersion.plist file to avoid Lockdown deactivating your device ;-)

  3. David Hutchinson (@dahuk) - 11 years ago

    You can turn motion on or off when you set a new wallpaper.

  4. Mr. Grey (@mister_grey) - 11 years ago

    There is just so much wrong with iOS 7 that I’m not even interested in point upgrades anymore. I will simply wait and hope that iOS 8 actually fixes things and makes things more useable. It needs more than bug-fixes and UI “tweaks” it needs some large-scale rethinking to a large degree.

    • Adhish Chugh - 11 years ago

      Like what?

    • Zoheb Khan - 11 years ago

      ios 7 is getting better n better !!!

    • J Briggs - 11 years ago

      Quit your whining! There’s always Android!

    • Joseph DiPierno - 11 years ago

      I am also curious to what you are referring to.

      • Mr. Grey (@mister_grey) - 11 years ago

        – the horrible grey, muddy pull-down from the top that provides no useable information and is so ugly it burns your eyes just to look at it.
        – the horrible semi-transparent pull-up that provides access to a bunch of features I don’t need, but then ruined access to the one feature I actually do need all the time every day (brightness)
        – the labels that are actually buttons and the buttons that are actually labels
        – the fact that in many apps the “back button” is a tiny left facing chevron located exactly in the area where the hardware is tuned to “ignore touches.”
        – the absolutely hideous, black animation that happens when you are downloading/loading an app.
        – the loss of cover-flow view in iTunes (which I used every day, multiple times a day)
        – the fact that cover-flow wasn’t replaced by anything that could actually be considered a useable replacement (that served the same or similar function in a reliable way). Turning the phone on it’s side now only shows a random and incomplete display of album covers.
        – the re-worked “remote” app which now can’t stay connected to AppleTV for more than a few minutes at a time.
        – the re-worked Safari app that is such a UI mess that it would take paragraphs to describe.
        – game centre still cannot be effectively disabled
        – clock app still won’t let you set a clock for any more than a few dozen cities world-wide (this was actually broken in iOS 6)

        … and not technically anything to do with iOS 7 … but why, why, why can I *still* not get rid of “swipe to open”? On a privately owned iPad, that never leaves the house it’s entirely, completely, and stupidly redundant.

      • Clint (@ClintAustin26) - 11 years ago

        I, and I think many others, have absolutely no problem with any of the “issues” you mentioned. To be perfectly honest I find most of them to be incredibly nitpicky. Sorry to say you’re in the minority here, Chief.

      • standardpull - 11 years ago

        The philosophical shift from “usability first” to “style first”.

      • Graham Ernst - 11 years ago

        Mr Grey is right.. you guys are wearing the emperors clothes. If you think iOS 7 is an improvements you are insane. The software has never been as unreliable, hard to use and just plain inconsistent. Don’t be clouded – you don’t have to look very far to find problems. I have always loved Apple – been a fan since 1980. We have been though this “New Thinking” before and it cost them big then… and will cost them big now (except this time there will be no one to save them). As momentum dies Android will continue to kill iOS – and idiots like you who pretend nothing is wrong will be the cause of it.

      • acslater017 - 11 years ago

        When something new and a big comes out, people always latch onto the small, debatable weaknesses (e.g. I like the aesthetic, you don’t) rather than remembering the past versions objectively. iOS 7 does have a few UI quirks, let’s not forget all the annoying crap about iOS 6 that has been improved:

        -the lock screen Aqua UI took up about 50% of the screen!
        -app-switching was a song and dance with a complicated force quitting scheme; it also controlled Music and Airplay, but was hidden away to the left
        -the weather icon perpetually displayed 73 degrees; the clock always 10:15
        -to adjust simple things like brightness and Bluetooth, you had to quit the current program, go to the correct page, and launch a separate Settings app (or unlock it if the phone was locked)
        -Safari could open 8 pages, but no more; the bars and buttons took up about 1/3 of the screen; Private Browsing required a trip to the Settings app
        -iPad had a FaceTime app, but not the iPhone
        -app updates had to be initiated manually (though possibly all at once)
        -search required swiping left of the first homepage, something novices often didn’t discover
        -SMS/iMessage only showed timestamps for the recent messages
        -there was no iOS-to-iOS file sharing mechanism
        -the camera app had zero filters; the Camera Roll was one gigantic pool of photos
        -ringtones were limited to grating “real world” sound effects like church bells and dogs barking
        -Siri was unable to adjust settings
        -folders were only one page, and could contain no more than 12 apps (Games 1, Games 2, anyone?)
        -a simple reset allowed a thief to use/sell your phone

        Am I the only one who enjoys iOS 7, and is glad that our biggest points of contention are “the fonts should be thicker” or “I wish the button’s text had a square around it”? Sheesh, people just love to complain and shoot down new stuff. iOS 7 is an enormous improvement, sorry if you don’t like the new look – a lot of people didn’t like iOS 6 either!

    • Ro Bobanich - 11 years ago

      Yes, agreed with Mr. Grey. I also think iOS 7 from a distance looks more like a kid drew it.. iOS 6 was more.. more intelligent and more serious looking. And also, not only Game Center can’t be effectively disabled, but it looks horrible with those bubbles.. I liked it more in iOS 6.

  5. New answer and decline method as well

  6. I updated but my dialer doesn’t look like that. It’s solid white. I made sure “decrease contrast” isn’t turned on. Not sure what’s up.

  7. Tootia Andi - 11 years ago

    Still no return of the black keyboard option. :(

    • Devin Nelson - 11 years ago

      This makes me the most sad. As I was updating, I was secretly wishing for some surprise system-wide dark theme, to replace all that white. Why can’t we have options? *sigh*

  8. Dimitri Gharam - 11 years ago

    Safari on My ipad air crashes the whole everytime i tap on the plus button

  9. Absolutely enjoying the update phone stuff. Looking good! I hated the older UI…

  10. In Control Center (the volume & brightness) are a little more bouncy

  11. Joseph DiPierno - 11 years ago

    I can’t wait for this. Hopefully soon!

  12. Jasper Krul - 11 years ago

    nice wallpaper! where can i get it?

  13. Joey Martinez - 11 years ago

    I want that wallpaper! can anyone send me a link!

  14. PMZanetti - 11 years ago

    JB’d 7.0.4 > public release of 7.1 whenever it lands.

    Truly. Whatever bugs Apple is fixing in 7.1, and limited new features, it is not fixing performance issues the way a jailbreak of 7.0.4 can do right now. Apple is keeping the animations way too slow and it makes navigating iOS 7 infuriating. Solution: jailbreak and install HiddenSettings7. It unlocks the hidden (Apple created) tester settings which allow to change animation speed infinitely with a simple slider. And yes, they can be lightning fast and fluid, even on ‘slower’ iOS devices.

    • Andrew Messenger - 11 years ago

      that would be great if the animation speed stuck after reboot or respiring. until then it’s completely useless.

  15. Jack Benton - 11 years ago

    I hope the next ios7 release fixes the volume control switch. As it is, it doesn’t matter if it’s on or off, you can still raise and lower the volume. Sucks when you don’t get calls if you bump the volume controls thinking it won’t change BUT DOES! Can you pass this along 9-5 Mac?? Thanks!

  16. Tom Sutton-Roberts - 11 years ago

    All I want to know is whether it fixes the tab switching issue in Safari and this issue across the whole of iOS7.

    • Mc Mullen - 11 years ago

      How about Safari constantly crashing on the iPad Air? Probably the biggest issue I’ve ever seen with an Apple product. Pretty sad.

  17. calexorr - 11 years ago

    Multi-tasking has a new animation. The icons under each screen-grab constrict together when moving from one app to another.

  18. Alvaro (@ArmoredMexican) - 11 years ago

    Also, the fade out is back when you dismiss Siri, whereas in beta 2 it had no animation.

  19. Andrew Smith - 11 years ago

    What exactly does the “reduce white point” option do?

  20. Amir 2.9 (@AmirGbg) - 11 years ago

    Holy shit, its really becoming that butt ugly.

  21. Michael Alldis - 11 years ago

    Do you have an ipad retina version of that great wallpaper?

  22. Clint (@ClintAustin26) - 11 years ago

    I sure hope the Evasion team (or Saurik’s team) have an exploit up their sleeves to jailbreak this when it’s released. Some of these options seem pretty nice.

  23. Pierre Calixte - 11 years ago

    I want the old folders back without the limit. the old folders are way better than what they changed it to. the only thing good about the new ones is removing the limit.

  24. - 11 years ago

    Safari has gotten buggy again, after B2 straightened it out.

  25. kennedybrandt - 11 years ago

    The UI refinements can’t come soon enough. My eyes are tired of the glare from iOS 7.0.x.

  26. Not at all a fan of the new phone and dialer redesigns….in fact, I think it’s awful. What are they doing? Are people really fat fingering the answer/decline and call/hangup buttons so much they have to reduce them to circles? And the new slide to answer/slide to unlock…ugh.

  27. Phone App > Keypad (Dialer) > Start entering a number
    You will see a new + button on the left to save the phone number.

    Really useful! Why?????

    How many times have you dialed someone’s number and called them just to put the number in your Recent Calls? Now you can input someone’s number and create a contact right then and there without going to Contacts first.

    It’s little things that make Apple the company it is…

  28. Darshik Jariwala - 11 years ago

    I am not a 7.1 beta user, but I would like to know if the Camera flash issue is being addressed (or already been taken care of). Infact, I am not sure how many users are facing this issue, but the Flash simply doesnt work sometimes. Using 7.0.4 on iPhone 5

  29. If you choose “motion off” while setting a wallpaper, does it not zoom in on the picture anymore?
    Also, does this mean I can set the parallax effect off, but still have the zoom in/out animations on folders and app opening/closing, or does it still disable everything like the “reduce motion” option does right now? Thanks.

  30. David Nic. - 11 years ago

    Nice article. By the way, a guy here, copied your article and translated it in romanian:

  31. Tom Rudderham - 11 years ago

    Some other changes not posted here:
    New flash icon in the Camera app that appears in dark environments
    Control Center and Notification Center have more of a bounce when they appear
    There’s a bug in the Notes app that prevents text from blurring behind menus.

    You can see screenshots of these and more here:

  32. Róbert Soós - 11 years ago

    The new phone screens look just terrible, and don’t fit to any other part of the OS!
    Apple please fix it!!!
    I liked the way they look in 7.0.4

  33. Louis Broomes - 11 years ago

    Seemingly missed by most tech blogs are the new on/off labels (under accessibility) – I personally think its a good move to more clearly distinguish between the toggle states than previously.

  34. Samuel Onesimus - 11 years ago

    “It has some changes related to setting wallpaper. Parallax can be disabled for wallpapers (found when setting new wallpaper).”
    I don’t think that this, however, changes the way iOS 7 zooms in the selected wallpaper. Also you have to wait till may be March for iOS 7.1 to go public. I would suggest that you use this app which has lot of wallpaper related options like creating blurred, gradient, dotted gradient, color wallpapers & more. And also fixing the zoomed wallpapers. You won’t waste a dollor on an app that just fixes zoom wallpaper. If you are interested. Its Wallax App.

    • BittyBalls - 11 years ago

      Beta 3 does change the way wallpapers zoom. After tapping the “motion off” button simply pinch to zoom out and you can see the whole picture (or at least as much as the aspect ratio of the photo will allow, you can’t zoom further than the edge of the photo).

  35. if only they’d add a lowercase keyboard state now..

  36. William Robinson - 11 years ago

    Can anyone with an audiobook check if Apple has corrected the problems iOS7 created. Namely, are chapters viewable again; and is there a scrub bar for each chapter rather than the almost useless single scrub bar that makes it a PITA to try to find one’s place. There is also a problem of the music player not finding the correct place to continue the book once you have moved to another app, or switched to bluetooth and back again.

  37. BittyBalls - 11 years ago

    I find the new shift colors confusing and maybe backwards? To me white denotes off and dark on, it’s especially confusing as the backspace color has a white logo by default, but the #+= button has black text along with 123 mic and return.

    • Zac Hall - 11 years ago

      Shift is severely confusing. Agreed.


Avatar for Zac Hall Zac Hall

Zac covers Apple news, hosts the 9to5Mac Happy Hour podcast, and created

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