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Gallery: Each Apple 30 poster composed of every employee name, digitally (U: Removed)

Update: Apple asked us to remove the posters.

As part of Apple’s campaign to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Mac, it released ‘Apple 30’ themed posters cleverly composed with the names of every Apple employee, corporate and retail alike. While the physical posters are located on Apple’s campus, the company decided to release digital versions on their internal system so current employees could locate their names amid the vast sea of alphabet.

While current employees can access the digital versions on Apple’s internal system and locate their name based on their employee ID number, former employees have not been granted that opportunity (and a trek to Apple campus in Cupertino doesn’t come cheap). That’s until now. A friendly, former employee gained access to the digital files and shared what he found with us below…

The series of names begins with Steven Jobs and Steve Wozniak, the company’s two founders of course, and continues with every Apple employee, past and present, including yours truly (seen above) and anyone else you could imagine.

While Apple’s internal system allows employees to locate their name by employee ID number, these images of course do not. That’s nothing a little OCR magic can’t stop though.

A promise to everyone. Kept by every one of us.
On January 24, 1984, we made a promise to take the power of technology from the few and put it in the hands of the many. This series of ten posters recognizes all those who have helped turn that promise into reality. In other words, every single person who has ever worked at Apple.

Check out each poster below and begin the hunt for your name if you’re a former employee! Enjoy.

See update above. Bye posters. [Removed]

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  1. Sean Hoffman - 10 years ago

    Ah… I love Apple .

    • Henk de Sain - 10 years ago

      Hi Sean,

      As a former Apple employee in The Netherlands I am extremely interested in the Apple anniversary posters.

      I you were in any way involved in placing these posters on the internet, could you please send me these.


      Henk de Sain

      The Netherlands

    • Hans Slierendregt - 10 years ago

      Hi Sean,

      As a former Apple employee in The Netherlands I am also extremely interested in the 10 Apple Anniversary posters.
      IF you have them, would you be so very kind to send to me by WeTransfer ?
      I would be very thankful.

      Hope to hear from you
      Friendly regards
      H.Slierendregt [ Former Developer Relations Manager BeNeLux ]

  2. hisdudenessman - 10 years ago


    • Hans Slierendregt - 10 years ago

      Hi Sean,

      As a former Apple employee in The Netherlands I am also extremely interested in the 10 Apple Anniversary posters.
      IF you have them, would you be so very kind to send to me by WeTransfer ?
      I would be very thankful.

      Hope to hear from you
      Friendly regards
      H.Slierendregt [ Former Developer Relations Manager BeNeLux ]

  3. apn (@apn) - 10 years ago

    Uh… maybe I’m being thick here, but how do I see the full resolution images? If I click on the slideshow I see a small thumbnail.

  4. Which OCR software did you use Zac?

  5. Prerak Patel (@im_prerak) - 10 years ago

    How are you suppose to hunt for the name? These are all gifs :/

    • Zac Hall - 10 years ago

      Each file includes a link to the full sized image. An app like PDFpen can OCR the document making the text searchable.

      • Does PDFpen require full version or will the demo take care of it? Mine keeps erroring out.

      • Prerak Patel (@im_prerak) - 10 years ago

        Hey thanks for the heads up but all the OCR programs I tried so far are crashing on me. No luck :( Any ideas??

      • Robert Rooney - 10 years ago

        PDF Pen did NOT work for me. It just kept saying that it failed due to low resolution or another issue.

        Damn. I really wish I had downloaded all of those posters before they disappeared…

      • Rita (@Rytaa91) - 10 years ago

        Pleease, I’d like to find mine ghita.admin(at) thank you soo muchh

      • Hans Slierendregt - 10 years ago

        Hai Rita,
        Thanks for your reply, but does it mean you have the posters ?
        IF so can you send them to me by WeTransfer ?

  6. James Finley - 10 years ago

    Any suggestion for finding one’s name? I’m in there somewhere.

  7. Jay Torres - 10 years ago

    Is the badge number same as file number as listed on your paycheck?

  8. Paul Findsen - 10 years ago

    Where’s the High Res? These are too small to read. :(

    • Paul Findsen - 10 years ago

      D’OH! Nevermind. Usability issues – the full size thing is in the lower right hand corner of the preview.

  9. Mari Safari - 10 years ago

    if anyone has these images can you msg me? i have been trying for ages to see my name, my badge is 49042 i think that is on poster 3 or 4

    • Mari Safari - 10 years ago

      maybe not 3 or 4 lol… I stand corrected lol it may be 2 or 1 lol I don’t know how the badge #’s are broken up

  10. rrobinson1216 - 10 years ago

    Figures that Apple would ask you to remove them. Former employee= we don’t want you having nice things anymore. Either way, if anyone wants them…I already have all 10 high res downloaded….

  11. vetapps - 10 years ago

    definitely a poster duplicated or something here. I know where my name is and I’ve triple checked all 10 of these and it’s not there.

  12. Timmeh (@everythinginebb) - 10 years ago

    somebody please email me the photos! lightgrenades(at)gmail(dot)com

  13. Adam Hoyle - 10 years ago

    Anyone who wants the poster files, I put the file here:

    • rrobinson1216 - 10 years ago

      There you go. If his gets taken down, people above that I didn’t get to, reply to his message here and I’ll give you another link.

      • Patrick Longinotti - 10 years ago

        The Posters are down. Could you send some my way?

      • would love a copy ;)

      • rboarman2 - 10 years ago

        Please repost. rrb [at] matrix6 [dot] com

      • amy - 10 years ago

        I never received the images, can you send me the link? amy [dot] graft [at] gmail [dot] com

      • Ghita (@Ghita__Alami) - 10 years ago

        Pleaaase I’d love to find my name: ghita.admin(at) . thank you so muchh

      • Hans Slierendregt - 10 years ago

        Hai Ghita,

        Question :
        Do you have the 10 posters ?
        IF so would you be so kind to send them to me by WeTransfer ?
        I would be very, very,very greatful


      • Jerome Hughes (@jromeh) - 10 years ago

        would really like to see them, please send to – probably only need first few as badge # under 13k

      • Hans Slierendregt - 10 years ago

        As a former Apple employee in The Netherlands I am also extremely interested in the 10 Apple Anniversary posters. My batch number = 23190 , could be poster 2
        IF you have them in HI-Res format, would you be so very kind to send to me by WeTransfer ?
        I would be very thankful.
        e-mail =

      • Stephen Bui - 10 years ago

        I would love to get a copy if you could send it to me. I know that the poster i am supposed to be on is poster 9, but I cannot find a hi res image version. If you could send me one to I would be very grateful!

      • Tomeu Rosselló Pons - 7 years ago

        Hi rrobinson1216, I know it’s been a long time since these posts, but I am still struggling to find high res copies of the posters. I would really appreciate it if you could send them to me since all links are down. I found a girl who kindly sent me a couple of them but they were the low res versions.

        My email is tomeurp(at)

        Thanks a lot,


    • Lorrie H (@lorrieh13) - 10 years ago

      You Rock! Thanks!

    • Christina Jeeves - 10 years ago


    • Jason Philo - 10 years ago

      So awesome… I’ve been sitting on this for a couple days until I could have some time at my Mac. Thank you a thousand times.

      • tomeurp - 9 years ago

        Hi Jason,

        Could send me the apple posters? My address is tomeurp(at)

        Thank you so much and apologies for bothering you with this after 2 years but all links are down and I’m desperate to find the files.

        Thanks again!!

    • Shelley Gammon - 10 years ago

      Do you have a version as a searchable PDF? I converted GIFs to PDF and tried to OCR to no avail.

    • Down :( does anyone have another link?

    • Hans Slierendregt - 10 years ago

      Hi Adam,

      As a former Apple employee in The Netherlands I am also extremely interested in the 10 Apple Anniversary posters.
      IF you have them, would you be so very kind to send to me by WeTransfer ?
      My e-mail =

      I would be very thankful.

      Hope to hear from you
      Friendly regards
      H.Slierendregt [ Former Developer Relations Manager BeNeLux ]

    • Peter Holland - 8 years ago

      Hi there,

      I dont suppose you still have the apple 30th birthday posters do you? Me and my girlfriend both use to work for apple and I would love a high res copy of them to frame and put it. I would really appreciate this. Thanks

      Thanks Peter

  14. dandul1019 - 10 years ago

    Please please @rrobbinson1221 send to dandulATmedotcom

  15. Howie Isaacks - 10 years ago

    I don’t understand why they would want the posters removed. I’m a former Apple employee, and I don’t appreciate that I have to search for my name on crappy copies, or pictures that were taken from someone’s phone. What’s the big deal? Let us have the damn posters!

  16. rettun1 - 10 years ago

    Dang, I wasn’t fast enough

  17. Someone must’ve got a download of this to (re)share right?

  18. Adam Hoyle - 10 years ago

    For everyone still asking for the files. Read the comments. A link was posted.

  19. Mike Mike - 10 years ago

    can you pleaaaassseee email me a copy of the of these to thatguyoverthereeee at gmail dot com????

  20. If someone would, please email me a link where I can download the high res files of the posters. I can’t wait to see my name too! Such beautiful posters

    caderageous @ gmail . com

  21. hellsmills - 10 years ago

    the link is down! i’d love a copy of them please!! milleverwhat at gmail dot com thank you someone!! (I hope)!

  22. Tomeu Rosselló Pons - 7 years ago

    I have finally mamaged to obtain the posters (thank Adam). If you want them just let me know ( – use APPLE POSTERS as the subject and this way it is less likely that I will miss it) and I’ll send them to you.


Avatar for Zac Hall Zac Hall

Zac covers Apple news, hosts the 9to5Mac Happy Hour podcast, and created

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