Starting with the iPhone 3GS, every new iPhone has started with 16GB of storage as a base model — a capacity that has come under increasing fire as both videos and apps have grown in size. Despite new capabilities and the presence of 4K video recording in the new iPhones, sources say that the new iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus will retain the same storage tiers as the current iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus: 16GB, 64GB, and 128GB. On-contract pricing will also be the same as the 2014 models: $199, $299, and $399 for the iPhone 6S, versus $299, $399, and $499 for the iPhone 6S Plus. We previously posted images of pre-production next-generation iPhone components that indicated that the 16GB option could remain.
As we recently reported, the iPhone 5s will remain on sale as the on-contract “free” model, while the 2013 iPhone 5c will be discontinued. While a 4-inch iPhone 6c has been in the works, sources do not expect such a device to be unveiled at the September 9th event. We’ve also confirmed that the new iPhones will use the stronger 7000 series aluminum first found in the Apple Watch Sport. Here is how Apple explains this custom alloy:
For Apple Watch, we created a new alloy of 7000 Series aluminum that’s 60 percent stronger than standard alloys. Yet it’s very light. Together with the Ion-X glass covering the display, it makes the Sport collection watches up to 30 percent lighter than our stainless steel models. It’s also exceptionally pure, with a beautifully consistent appearance that’s difficult to achieve with traditional aluminum alloys.
Speaking of the Apple Watch, we’re told that new Apple Watch Sport band colors will launch on the 9th. The new colors could be the same as or similar to the wider variety of sport bands Apple’s Chief Design Officer Jony Ive showed to small audiences at private Apple Watch events earlier this year.
The iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus will retain the design of the current models, but will include several new features, according to sources. The new smartphones will include Force Touch-based displays for shortcutting popular iOS features, 12 megapixel rear cameras that can record 4K video, upgraded front cameras, faster A9 processors, 2GB of RAM, animated wallpapers, and a new Rose Gold color option. The new iPhones are expected to go on sale in retail stores on September 18th.
Top image: Getty Images
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Confirmed by who?
If you’ve followed Apple for long enough, you’ll know that basically every rumour that goes mainstream at this point is basically confirmed.
You’re absolutely right! Good to know someone else gets it. The debate are over at this point.
Also if you read 9to5Mac religiously, you know that Mark rarely reports on upcoming device details without them being highly credible sources.
Kua Ming Cho
Confirmed by WHOM?
how likely is it for Apple to unveil an all new iMac on the upcoming event?
They usually update Macs with iPads in October don’t they?
but there won’t be a October event if they unveil the new iPads next week..
This 16 gig phones are a complete fuck you to consumers. For the first time as an apple apologist I actually want the Internet to tear into Apple. It’s honestly absurd. This bullshit Phil Schiller soar about how we can use cloud storage is fucking bullshit as well. I hope people blow it so far out of proportion that Apple needs to issue an apology. Really fucking disappointed
Just buy a 64GB or 128GB phone if you have a problem with the 16GB model. No one is forcing you to buy the base model.
How about Apple use some of that massive cash pile to give us 32GB as base model? If they can give us 64GB for the price of 32GB why not 32GB for the price of 16GB? Of course we all know why but it’s complete bullshit, a complete middle finger to consumers.
That’s not the point. Il most likely get the 128gig. The fact is that the existence of the 16gig model is simply bullshit. Apple can spin it off as acceptable because of iCloud storage all they want. An average user is going to download a couple apps. And then when they in the mountains recording their third 4K video they will see storage full and not undertand why.
I know I sound like a hater. Believe me I’m not. I’m pretty biased and pro Apple, but this is absolutely bullshit. Not even Samsung would be so dickish, and fuck samsung
Giving 16GB as the basic storage option for a supposedly premium top-of-the-line phone is just plain lame on Apple’s behalf. It’s like mocking its customers in the face. You buy an otherwise top-notch product, but with limited storage. Be decent, give your lower-end users 32GB. Your profit margins more than allow it.
The real question here is how much money would it “cost Apple” to offer 16GB vs 32GB? I’m just guessing but $10 would seem high to me. It’s clearly a ploy to get you to pay an extra $100. Obviously they are scared they would lose to much revenue if they offer more memory. I myself have the 16GB 5S and use up my space all the time taking pictures and videos.
Wow, such misunderstanding on why Apple keeps the 16GB model. They sell the 5c with 8GB. By the masses, with many happy customers that I know and talk to about this.
Is this vitriol from people on the Internet because they expect Apple to have enough profit on their devices anyway so they should simply offer more for the same price? 16GB is fine for many people. And the ones who record in 4k, if that’s going to be an option, will most likely understand that the file size increases. Besides, I don’t think recording in 4k will be mandatory, I’m sure we’ll get an option on the resolution.
If you need more storage, buy the larger model. Apple even helps you out determining this, right their own their iPhone webpage.
I always buy their products with the largest capacity in order to avoid buyers remorse. But TEHO.
@rogifan, Apple is in business to make money, this is how they can get the most money by convincing people to buy the middle model because the cheapest is so gimped. Apple does not care about people, it has one sole function, to make money in the most efficient ways possible. Going into the cash pile or reducing profits is a big no.
I’ve been using the 16GB model since they came out. What Schiller was talking about is not BS. I have all of my music, movies, documents, photos stored in iCloud. I have about 5-6 GB left free on my device. I would have no reason to upgrade to 32GB unless it was just given as the baseline and almost surely would never use it.
I’ve been a loyal Apple fan for over a decade. For work I’ve purchased over 600 Apple computers. I don’t know how many iPhones and other products. However, staying with the 16Gb iPhone is asinine. I’m becoming short tempered with Apple and this is going to blow up in their face. Apple makes billions of dollars every quarter. They can support their loyal customers by stopping this type of BS. I can’t afford to upgrade a family plan of iPhones as a middle class American. Apple, a little help would go a long way. This isn’t going to get many Android users switching.
It’s a cool update but there’s no ‘killer’ feature like TouchID or Siri.
Because you’ve already used one of these new phones?
Depends on how you look at it. There’s, Force Touch, a much-improved camera with 4K recording, 2GB of RAM. It sounds crazy but I know many who will buy just for the 2GB RAM alone.
Yeah but the average consumer doesn’t know or doesn’t care about the amount of RAM in their phones. Especially since Apple doesn’t say a thing about it in iOS devices.
In my experience, Siri was a little more than a novelty until recently (last yr or two). The expected bundle of new features of this next phone IMO will be of greater utility, especially the camera and performance boost. Force touch is also a fun and useful feature. But agree, TouchID is big.
Ummm I’m pretty sure that the iPhone 4 and 4S launched with 8GB models
You’re confusing RAM and NAND. The NAND on the iPhone 4 was 16 & 32GB. The NAND on the 4s was 16, 32, 64GB. The RAM on the 4 & 4s was 512MB. Current models have 1GB and people are hoping for 2GB.
I’m using an 8GB iPhone 4 right now. So you’re wrong. Look it up. The 3GS, 4, 4s, and 5c all had 8GB models as the lowest model.
Not originally. The iPhone 4/4S launched with 16GB+ and were only replaced with 8GB models the year after they were originally released. (As a low end option, when the next gen iPhone was out)
Pipped by Admin already, sorry Brandon.
Why do you use “on-contract” pricing when all the carriers have moved away from it? Instead say an iPhone 6s at a paltry 16gb is $650 plus tax.
I agree. All the carriers are getting away from contract pricing.
Because Apple wants people to see 199/299/399 instead of 649/749/849. The contracts are grandfathered in at most of the carriers, in other words, the only people that will have to pay the full price are the new customers. Considering most of the sales are going to be the upgraders, they’ll see the contract prices.
Yep, that pricing structure shouldn’t be used anymore. Will be interesting to see if Apple does in the presentation.
More Rumours. Nothing concrete.
Please let there be red, yellow, and navy sport bands.
Why would anyone want distracting animated wallpapers on their phone? It’s just going to eat up the phone’s processor and battery life.
Animated wallpapers have been available for some time on Android. I tried one out on my old Galaxy Nexus and yes, it was very distracting.
Will we see a red sport band? That’s the colour I really want!!!
First of all I don’t appreciate the use of cursing to get your point across or is this just a lack of vocabulary?
Anyway, I know of many people who don’t use that much memory in their iPhones and 16GB is adequate. And it keeps the price down.
I agree with others, if 16GB is not enough, then buy the larger capacity iPhone. My iPhone 6 Plus is 128GB and will be adequate for quite a while.
Having the newest upgrade would be nice but I typically upgrade if my current model is no longer useful. I did the same with my iPad as well. I purchased the iPad Air 2 128 GB. The iPad 16GB now resides with my daughter and will be adequate for her needs.
Awesome! Was hoping the iPhone 6s would not get more expensive, mainly because of the 7000 Series Aluminum. Good to see that it’s almost as sure it will retain the pricing of the iPhone 6. :)
Really excited about this years iPhones! Once possible, I’m placing my pre-order for the 64 GB Rose Gold model! :D
kill it before it lays eggs.
The 16GB base didn’t start until the iPhone 5… and the 5c even had 8GB base… I currently use an iPhone 4 8GB model and had a friend with a 4s 8Gb model.
That’s actually not true.
Starting with iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 the base model was 16 GB. The 8 GB models were introduced the year after their initial launch.
I had a 16 GB iPhone 4 on launch day.
Apple is disrespecting its costumers with this 16 gigs based model. Shame on you. Stop being greedy. No one stays at the summit all the time!
I wish people who are attending the announcement would throw rotten tomatoes on Tim if they really announced a 16gb based model.
this only matters if space grey will become space black like on the apple watch!
You appear to have misspelt “aluminium”.
When is it expected (or speculated ) Apple will begin shipping the new iPhones. I realize the announcement date is September 9, I was just curious when they will actually be in customers’ hands?
This is probably a well calculated move to push buyers towards the more expensive models with more storage. It is a “calculated mistake”. Apple is not being stupid or ignorant with this.
I was really looking forward to seeing a whole new phone design. That is one of the reasons I didn’t get an iPhone 6, that and Apple still refuses to allow us to be able to customize the phone. I would also like to see a 32g option. I don’t like having to delete things from the phone due to lack of space when I get things like a software update or a new app that takes up a ton of space, which a lot of new apps do now. I’ve had to do it with my iPad Air plenty of times and it gets frustrating. I had to upgrade to the Air2 with the highest gigs. I know some people don’t have an issue with the 16g, but for the others at least give us a 32g option with out having to pay $299 to go up in gigs.
Apples whole business strategy is a middle finger to the customer (to all those who are talking about it), but as much as I hate it I like it, being a business guy. There business strategy is why they are so successful and why I have compete faith in buying there stock. Eventually you will see there base model being a 32gb but not until they have squeezed every penny they can out of the 16gb base model. They actually have a very impressive and complex strategy to their doing. See they give just enough model to model to stay competitive and keep their target market interested. Other phone makers tend to try to do to many new developments in one model and then they fall flat on there face. Apple takes its time methodically pacing there advancements in there devices. This way they can focus solely on those advancements, on top of an already solid machine, making sure there devices are the most developed and clean cut units on the market.
16GB is nothing today but it’s a big deal for Apple and consumers. Apple will be able to sell the new iPhone at the lowest price point. Consumer will be able to afford the latest iPhone with the cheapest price. Cloud storage can resolve some of the problem, especially if you are on a 4G LTE. iCloud drive is amazingly cheap for lots of storage.
You have got to be kidding:
– 16GB significantly limits apps you can install. There are many I have that are at least 1 GB
– Not everyone has unlimited data. You can’t rely on iCloud all the time.
– 16GB is unacceptable for a music. Once again you would need to have a good signal and unlimited data
– Many people with 16GB devices could not even upgrade to iOS8 because the upgrade was too big
– Cannot use offline GPS like co-pilot. Maps use many GB. If you have ever gone on a driving vacation west of the Mississippi you know coverage is too spotty for Apple or Google maps.
BTW, the lowest price point Android flagships all start at 32GB.
Apple could easily sell the iPhone at the same price with 32GB. Don’t confuse customer savings with Apple profits.
Apple should honor, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, by renaming the red gold to Queens gold
I used to an apple fanboy and a hardcore Android hater. But now I hate Apple as I’ve come to know its naked truth. They are literally fooling the customers by selling their overpriced products which are underpowered in specs. A basic android phone can do a lot better things than iPhone 6 can do. Whether you buy iPhone 100 or iPhone 3G it’s gonna be same. You won’t be able to customize it or access the file system. Fuck apple and fuck stupid iSHEEPS who suck Tim cooks gay dick
Calm down
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