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Report: iPhones could soon be cleared for inflight calls, data use

Following the recent approval of tablets and computers for use during takeoff and landing, the FCC will soon move to lift the ban on voice and data use on all cellphones inflight according the The Wall Street Journal.

The change would still restrict phone calls and data use during takeoff and landing, but that restriction would only apply below 10,000 feet during the flight. 

According to the report, the Federal Aviation Administration plans to discuss in depth the social ramifications of passengers in already limited space placing phone calls, something which may come as a relief to frequent flyers.

(Image via Ars Technica)


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  1. Wafa Kamel - 11 years ago

    This a very welcome move from the FCC

  2. Pierre Calixte - 11 years ago

    I know some people will not like having to sit there with the whole cabin talking on their cell phone. But the best way to deal with that is to get on the phone and call a someone yourself. lol


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Zac covers Apple news, hosts the 9to5Mac Happy Hour podcast, and created