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iPhone battery life compared on latest iOS 8 betas (Video)

Battery life is always a concern for those updating to new versions of iOS. With that in mind, today we get a detailed comparison of battery life across the most recent versions of iOS including iOS 8.0.2, 8.2 Beta 2, and 8.3 Beta 2. A reader sent in the video below using a brand new out of the box 16GB iPhone 5 and Geekbench to record the results.

While the results are a close call, the latest iOS 8.3 Beta 2 seems to be underperforming in battery life slightly compared to other versions in the test. iOS 8.1.3 clocked the highest score, as pictured above.

Earlier this week we had the debate over whether or not you’d like to see Apple prioritize battery life over thickness in future iPhones. The results: Around 60% of participants said Apple should thicken the next iPhone to improve battery life.


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  1. fbartolom - 9 years ago

    It is much probable beta versions to do not optimize performances too much. Otherwise what beta would they be?

    • RicardoTuga - 9 years ago

      Test and compare the final versions plz!
      I don’t will use betas that maybe (and probably) have changes to make that impact the battery life ultimately.

  2. o0smoothies0o - 9 years ago

    If someone ever cries about 7min more battery life, they need help.

    • But they couldn’t get any help….because their battery is dead. :)

    • chrisl84 - 9 years ago

      7 minutes out off a total of 180 is nearly a 5% reduction. I wouldnt call that insignificant.

      • o0smoothies0o - 9 years ago

        Sure, but what does this test even tell you really? Certain processes are not as efficient? What if others are more effecient and those weren’t a part of the test? I don’t know anything about it, but I question random tests which could or could not satisfactorily and scientifically determine actual facts.

    • I’d trade 7 minutes of battery life for a non-crashy OS. Is anyone there acknowledging the fact that 3rd party virtual keyboards and Bluetooth connectivity still don’t work consistently enough to use on a daily basis?

  3. sbehr87 - 9 years ago

    This test doesn’t say much since airplane mode isn’t activated. The power consumption may vary for various reasons when connected to the 3G (or 4G) network.

    • o0smoothies0o - 9 years ago

      Exactly, I’d say it isn’t remotely scientific. They’d need to do hundreds of tests on all of the iOS versions, under numerous different circumstances. Pretty sure it’s not as simple as oh one test we’re done.

  4. Andrew Messenger - 9 years ago

    well f*ck me sideways. the currently released version of iOS is getting the best battery life? who would have thought…

  5. Toro Volt (@torovolt) - 9 years ago

    There are currently about 60 Smartphones that have better battery life than latest iPhones 6.
    I think is time that Apple do something about it.
    The Ranking List in in phonearena

  6. AeronPeryton - 9 years ago

    What are the numbers for the 8.1 beta? Or the iOS 8 beta? I think the reason that the 8.2/3/4/12 betas are marginally less efficient is because they’ve got the hood open and are still working on stuff.

  7. - 9 years ago


    8.3b1 battery life seemed pretty poor on my 6+, but 8.3b2 seems better.

  8. Could someone just summarise the findings instead of making us sit through a pointless video please?

  9. Adam Herstein - 9 years ago

    Seriously? You’re testing a beta release. Tests of non-final versions of iOS don’t represent what the battery life will be like for the release versions.

    Feel free to disregard this article completely.


Avatar for Jordan Kahn Jordan Kahn

Jordan writes about all things Apple as Senior Editor of 9to5Mac, & contributes to 9to5Google, 9to5Toys, & He also co-authors 9to5Mac’s Logic Pros series.

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