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Keep track of the songs you want to listen to later with ‘MusicBox’

iOS has many ways to help you discover new songs, including the built-in Shazam integration. But what about when you can’t play that song at that moment for some reason? With the new MusicBox app, users can finally keep track of songs they want to listen to later.

MusicBox was created by Marcos Takana, the same developer behind MusicHarbor – which we previously covered here on 9to5Mac. However, while MusicHarbor is focused on helping users discover what’s new about their favorite artists, MusicBox is a “listen later” app, as described by the developer.

If there’s a song you just heard and want to keep it for later, but without adding it to your music library, MusicBox will do it for you. The app works with links from Apple Music and Spotify, so you can simply paste the song or album URL there to save it for later.

If you don’t have a link, MusicBox works with Shazam directly from the app. With just a tap, MusicBox identifies the song that’s playing and saves it for you.

There are other interesting things that the app is capable of. For instance, it collects all the metadata of the song, including the release date, genre, and record label. Users can even organize the songs saved in the app by tags and mark them as played. Thanks to the Apple Music integration, you don’t even need to open the Music app to play a song you’ve saved with MusicBox.

In addition, the app also features Smart Search, Auto-Tagging, Shortcuts support, home screen widgets, and the database is automatically synchronized with other devices via iCloud.

MusicBox is available on the App Store for $2.99. The app has no in-app purchases or subscriptions, and it’s compatible with iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

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Avatar for Filipe Espósito Filipe Espósito

Filipe Espósito is a Brazilian tech Journalist who started covering Apple news on iHelp BR with some exclusive scoops — including the reveal of the new Apple Watch Series 5 models in titanium and ceramic. He joined 9to5Mac to share even more tech news around the world.