The Rainbow application offers a simple interface to transfer files between cloud services. The application supports nine services, and one can add as many accounts as one likes. The process to transfer the files consists of three simple steps: select the files, select the account, and finally the folder to transfer them to. The application also supports the transfer and creation of folders. Finally, the application has a power search engine that helps one to search for a file or folder using a key-word, but more importantly, it allows one to simultaneously transfer files from many accounts to the selected folder. Currently, the Rainbow application supports the following services: Bitcasa, Box, Copy, Dropbox, Google Drive, Mediafire, Onedrive, Pogoplug, and Sugarsync.
The Rainbow appllication is available on both iOS and Android devices. A Mac version is also available. A new iOS version will soon be available.
Here are the links
Rainbow Mac version 1.3 is out
This version supports the Mediafire service, and it fixes several bugs