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This week’s top stories: Flying w/ AirPods, iPhone 8 & MacBook rumors, what’s next for iOS, Logic Pro X & GarageBand updates, & more

In this week’s top stories: Flying with AirPods, iPhone 8 and MacBook update rumors, we explore what’s next for iOS, Apple releases Logic Pro X and GarageBand updates, and much more.

We kick things off this week with Zac’s recent experience using AirPods on a plane. More iPhone 8 and Apple Pencil 2 rumors arrive as reports detail MacBook and MacBook Pro updates planned for later this year. And we ask you if Apple should make iPhones in the US and if you’d pay more in this week’s top poll following the President Trump inauguration this week.

We break down what’s next for iOS and explain the situation with Netflix and Apple’s TV app. And Apple releases big Logic Pro X 10.3 and GarageBand 2.2 for iOS updates this week.

These and the rest of this week’s top stories below:

iPhone | iPad

iOS | 

Mac |

This week’s top videos |

Happy Hour Podcast  #103 |

This week Zac and Benjamin discuss Apple’s latest Logic and GarageBand updates, Apple TV’s app size increase, iPad launch timing, Kaby Lake MacBook Pro rumors, and macOS features Apple could add this year.

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Clock pictured in top image from 9to5Toys: This gorgeous desk clock is made with vintage Soviet Union Nixie tubes

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Avatar for Jordan Kahn Jordan Kahn

Jordan writes about all things Apple as Senior Editor of 9to5Mac, & contributes to 9to5Google, 9to5Toys, & He also co-authors 9to5Mac’s Logic Pros series.