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Cisco Cius Android Tablet debuts


I can’t help but think of the opportunity lost by Apple not including a camera on the iPad.  Cisco unveiled its Enterprise Android Tablet, called Cius, today.  We’ll withhold judgement until we see one, but have a feeling that corporate IT is going to be pushing these down people’s throats rather than thinking outside of the box and buying iPads.

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Microsoft takes on iPod with Zune's "Buy from FM"

What is "FM"?  All kidding aside – well most anyway…Microsoft preempted Apple’s Tuesday iPod launch with a little launch of their own.  The new Zunes are officially announced with some interesting new features.

First up is wireless syncing over WiFi.  Not a bad trick actually.  This is an area Apple could take from Microsoft (and they might already have by later Tuesday).  We’ve yet to see it work properly so we’ll reserve judgment for a bit later.  Zune owners can currently buy tunes one at a time, or pay $15 per month for a Zune Pass subscription, which gives access to every song in the catalog – something that Apple is also rumored to be exploring. With the new wireless features, Zune Pass holders will also be able to stream songs to their devices.

The second big feature is the ability to buy tracks directly from FM radio stations.  Another good concept, at least on the surface…   the only problem is that only 450 radio stations in the US are currently participating.   Again, implementation and execution seem like a stretch.