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Poll: Would you buy a 13-inch iPad?

With further rumors of a larger iPad in the works – the latest one Chinese site Pad News claiming that Apple is testing several variants of a 12.9-inch iPad – we thought it would be interesting to gauge the level of interest.

The specifics of this claim fall well into sketchy territory. Pad News suggests a 4K display, which wouldn’t match iPad resolution ratios (though as the current iPad is close to 2K, something close to 4K wouldn’t be impossible). It also suggests a launch date of April – given that Apple switched iPad launch dates from the spring to the fall, switching back again doesn’t seem terribly likely.

The core rumor, however, has been around for quite some time. Several different sizes have been suggested, but 12.9 inches is the one most commonly cited. This idea first emerged back in May, attached to the world’s least likely name, and gained credibility (without the silly name) when reported by the WSJ in July … 

The idea that Apple would test larger iPad sizes is perfectly credible – the company doubtless tests all kinds of ideas – but that of course tells us nothing about the likelihood of it ever being launched. 

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  1. Trond - 11 years ago

    The only thing I can think here is why? Why do we need a 13 inch iPad? I am looking at my MBpro 13″ Retina and I just cannot see how an iPad that big will be remotely usefull rather than just unpractical.

  2. palelnan - 11 years ago

    I would buy it. I am an amateur musician, and to read sheet music from a regular iPad is just a little bit too difficult. I still use paper for now.

    • Zoltán Boros - 11 years ago

      Same reason for me. I am a musician too and I have been using the iPad for years to read sheet music. I would be happy with the 12.9 inch iPad.

      • Anthony Marsala - 11 years ago

        An a musician, this is the main reason I have an iPad, and have always felt that screen size that would more closely match an 8.5×11″ paper size would be better than the current solution. Sometimes PDFs are just too squished to read tiny music notes well.

    • kyrrebs - 11 years ago


    • Tim Jr. - 11 years ago

      This was my only thought, a Pro device to go along with the Mac Pro.. I don’t think it would be nearly as mainstream as an iPad Mini or iPad Air..

      Then again, Macbook Pro and Mac Pro don’t sell as many as the Macbook Air or iMac.. So maybe this is just a push to solidify their hold on the Professional market.

    • Timothy Williamson - 11 years ago

      I’m in the same boat. Luckily, forScore (the sheet music app I use) allows scanned music to be cropped, so that helps a bit. But it would be really nice to have just a slightly larger screen, even 11″ or 12″.

  3. Joop Bruggink - 11 years ago

    13″ no need for it
    But if they would build a 40-50″ I would buy it as a coffiee table

    • PMZanetti - 11 years ago

      No, it wouldn’t. It would be absolutely frigging pointless and not at all a good product.

      This is the dumbest unoriginal thought in all of technology.

  4. Neil Martin - 11 years ago

    Great size, view A4 documents actual size, much better for photography and proofing on site.

    I do smile that those who want a larger iPhone can’t see the benefits of a larger iPad. It seems people just want whatever they can’t have. If it’s large they want smaller, if it’s compact, they want larger!

  5. Luke Kelly - 11 years ago

    I wouldn’t buy an iPad, period. We have no use for a tablet at all, what with a smartphone in each hand big enough to watch movies, and a 32″ TV and a 24″ monitor I don’t see any need for anything in between a 5″ phone and a 24″ monitor. I’m not going to put an iPad in my pocket.

  6. Roger (@Roger_FL) - 11 years ago

    Only if it comes with an actual OS ? No iOS , if it comes with Mac os Mavericks, it would be a Great Deal…

    • PMZanetti - 11 years ago

      No. That would be stupid, and a failure.

      • Tim Jr. - 11 years ago

        Hardly, especially if the rest of the tech they were patenting made it. They’ve patented a hybrid setup with detachable screen with A7/A8 CPU in screen and Intel in Keyboard.

        Idea goes, in tablet mode it would run iOS powered by an A series CPU, battery, flash (16/32, etc) in screen. Then, when attached to a keyboard (Think transformer) it would connect to a with intel CPU, SSD, extra battery running mavericks ,etc. You’d still have access to iOS side with a simple multi-touch swipe (like swiping between desktops in mavericks) or could do an overlay of an iPhone style on-screen of iOS to interact with iOS while keeping Mavericks up.

        Access to both iOS and Mavericks in same hardware platform would be a powerful pro tool. Especially if they could make them run concurrently.

        Not nearly as stupid as the person calling it as such with close mind.

      • taoprophet420 - 11 years ago

        I couldn’t see them using an Intel chip. They will just write OSX to run on ARM and do a dual system that way. There is a reason Apple went to 64 bit chips for the iPhone a d iPad and it is aimed at the future. I definitely see a dual OS device from Apple in either a large iPad or 12″ MacBook Air. People thought I was crazy when I mentioned it the other day in Ben’s article about merging MacBooks into one line.

        Maybe The next MacBook Airs will actually be a hybrid iPad laptop. I still say the next MacBook Airs will be 12″ and ditch the 11″ and 13″ models not really a point to both sizes.

  7. Andrew Chew Jing Wei - 11 years ago

    Samsung is going bonkers on their note and S line. Now Apple is going bonkers on their iPads.

  8. Othman Safarini - 11 years ago

    This year after Apple put the 64-bit processor inside the iOS devices – except iPod touch and iPhone 5C – the idea of 13″ iPad became more reasonable.

    In my opinion Apple wants to replace the MacBook Air with the iPad in the near future, and that’s what Steve said in one of his interviews that the tablets will replace computers at some point in the future.

    In the end we will see the truth of this rumors in the next year.

  9. Alan Goswell - 11 years ago

    I’ve not seen this mentioned but I was curious why the change of name form iPad to iPad Air. And then it hit me: MacMini / MacBookAir / MacBookPro. Are we going to see iPad mini/ iPad Air / iPad PRO.

    I can see a 13″ iPad being a HUGE hit at enterprise level, especially amongst travelling staff. The announcement yesterday (and accompanying video) of FileMakerPro 13 really shows how this sort of tool has HUGE potential in the enterprise. Couple a 13″ iPadPRO with a keyboard in a cover and i suspect you’ll have hoards of travelling businessmen very happy indeed. More power, ease of use, lighter, great battery…

    So, I suspect the rumour mill has some credence, I would be very surprised if it’s not being at least tested/prototyped.

    Just a thought…

    • taoprophet420 - 11 years ago

      I mentioned it last week and went on to say it will have a dual OS and run both OSX and iOS. Just not sure how long would take to write a ARM compatible version of OSX.

  10. Bob Smogango - 11 years ago

    It would probably have a full sized keyboard instead of a slimmed down version. It would have to be thin and under 1.5 lbs and still have a good battery life. While, it’s not for everyone, if it sells enough to be worthwhile, then why not? For certain applications, I think a 12.9inch would be a great size.

  11. Blake Beavers (@HBlakeH) - 11 years ago

    IF, it dual booted iOS and OSX

  12. kyrrebs - 11 years ago

    Absolutely great for musicians, amateur or pro. I would but one on launch day!

  13. The reason I’d want one? Sketching.

  14. Sketcher (@Sketcher0204) - 11 years ago

    If it was just a larger screen and nothing else, then no. If they are going to make an iPad Pro, it needs to have increased functionality for Pro users. As a designer, I would love a larger iPad with a dedicated stylus and levels of pressure sensitivity. Basically a Cintiq with iOS. I would love to see one that sort of combines iOS with Mac. Maybe not full Mavericks, but more than just iOS.

  15. Laughing_Boy48 - 11 years ago

    No pencil necks will be getting the 13″ Apple tablet. There are already those guys who complain that the iPad Air is “too heavy” for them to hold. Seriously, those dudes need to spend less time with their computing devices and go out and get some exercise. It’s almost embarrassing to hear grown men say things like that. A 13″ tablet will probably be too heavy for them to even carry in their backpacks without collapsing. When I was going to school as a child we had some pretty heavy textbooks and I didn’t hear as many complaints that the books were too heavy to hold. I guess we’d better not complain or we’d have to hold them over our heads after school.

    I don’t think I’d need a 13″ tablet because the 8.9″ iPad is just fine for me and don’t require anything larger. I’m not even sure I see the point except for some specialized work in the building industry or hospitals. I guess engineers might find it useful for reading blueprints and specs at the same time. Maybe it will be the first Apple tablet to multi-task to take use of that extra screen area.

  16. Łukasz Handke - 11 years ago

    I’d throw all my money at 13″ or even 15″ Retina iPad if it hat Wacom’s tech built into its screen. I wish I could use Intuos pen with iPad. Cintiq 13″ lacks gestures and portability. Cintiq Companion is less useful than iPad since it’s “just” a tablet PC and I don’t need another PC in my workflow, Companion Hybrid runs on Android and that says it all.

  17. Jim Rosebrook - 11 years ago

    A 13″ iPad could possibly be the “tipping point” in usability for certain professional applications. For example, for remote controlling music/audio productions systems, the current iPad sizes are somewhat cramped. Provide some more viewable workspace, and this could be a huge success in this and other complex remote control situations. Far cheaper and more flexible than making dedicated hardware controls.

  18. Shaun G - 11 years ago

    I would definately buy one. I use a Mac on my desk because it’s more comfortable to use than a laptop. When I go out I would much rather carry a 13″ iPad than a 13″ MBP.

  19. carpetbomberz - 11 years ago

    I used to think the 10″ size was too small to use. But MBA 11″ and the 1st,2nd,3rd,4th Gen iPads are all very useful at the 10″ size. I think 13″ is better for a laptop with a usable keyboard then being a much larger slate form factor, with touchscreen keyboard. Unless the want to bundle it like the Surface 2 with a keyboard, I think they shouldn’t ramp up the production lines, but slowly feel out the demand for the larger iPad.

  20. Joe Bennett - 11 years ago

    You should never say never about it “not happening”, but you know, Apple is one of the few companies that does real R&D anymore. Of COURSE there are projects in the bowels of Apple’s labs for 13″ iPads, 6″ phones, etc. There are probably also 3″ screens on some AirPort extreme mock up (so that you can manage it by touch on the box instead of through the WiFi on your Mac).

    They do all ___kinds___ of stuff. That doesn’t mean anything.

    One story I had heard about the original Mac mini. They built 3 or 4 of various sizes, lining them all up, and then inviting some people within the company to say which one they liked best. The difference in sizes were minimal – 1-3mm difference in height, width, and depth, for example.

    So, the idea of them building a 13″ iPad mockup in their lab and then trying it out to see how it feels from a weight perspective, reading angle, ease of carrying around, etc. seems perfectly logical. Doesn’t mean they will actually build it for the masses.

    Seriously, people read WAY too much into these kinds of rumors.

    • taoprophet420 - 11 years ago

      The 13″ is past the lab phase it is in the test production phase so these type of rumors do have legs. Last month when the 13″ rumor went out again last month is the same week Tim Cook sent out the memo on employee conduct. I really think Tim was pissed an employee leaked it so close to the release of the air and new retina mini. I don’t think it was unrelated event.n News of 13″ iPad Pro getting released in March is something team didn’t take lightly coming from an apple employee not over seas analytical firms.

  21. Raymond Lai - 11 years ago

    If you are musician , you know why 13″ iPad is needed. The bigger size means every note is bigger on the score. And, you can pair your laptop as a practical extended display.

    Bigger size also means, iPad can be comfortably share with your mates on GarageBand for jamming session.

    When the iPad arrives, people thinks the iPad is just a larger iPod, it turns out a bread new device category to beat low end PC. You never know what it can do before you actually feel it in hand.

    Point is, iOS has to evolve into a version that utilise the extra pixels , instead of scaling everything up.

  22. taoprophet420 - 11 years ago

    Ben the report mentions the 2k version in April and 4k in October. So the release schedule is not that crazy especially with March or April keeps getting mentioned as the release date. Been mentioned both analytic firms and the source leak last month.

  23. taoprophet420 - 11 years ago

    As to the answer of buying one to me the answer depends on one thing, ram. It has to have enough ram to do pro tasks so the machine won’t get bugged down and randomly crash like the iPad Air does now in safari from time to time. Plenty of ram also will be needed if it has dual os. There is a reason apple named the 9.7″ iPad the Air. Also going from Apple’s video on how customers use the iPad Apple sees how customers use them and see that a pro model would be good for photographers, musicians and the medical industry. There is a market for a hybrid iPad/ laptop that Apple will fill even if Apple goes the hobby route like the Apple TV. Not sure if the 13″ iPad will come with a clamshell case or if it will be an option like the surface. I think apple will text the market with the product to see if it is a viable replacement to the MacBook Air.

  24. Mac Yuck (@MacYuck) - 11 years ago

    QQ – Which site/store is currently offering the best deal(s) on the iPad Air and/or Mini retina?

  25. Dual OS is stupid, it would be sub optimal for all purposes. Get a Mac if you need more power apps. And why does nobody think of dual app view (presumably a full sized iPad app with an extra long iPhone app next to it to prevent letterboxing in case the big iPad goes 16:9).

  26. Naman Goel - 11 years ago

    What I really want is a bigger iPad which is also WAY more powerful. And I don’t mean processor speed. I want more usability from the larger screen. Way more usability. I wouldn’t buy it if they just blew up the current interface. I want to be able to do more of the things that can on;y be done on a laptop till now. Everything except heavy typing work.

  27. Padtopia (@Padtopia) - 11 years ago

    The survey was missing an option. Yes – It can double as a skimboard if they make it waterproof.

  28. David Williams - 11 years ago

    I think that size becomes interesting if Apple also provides other features which make an iPad Pro unique.
    Like wacom cintiq style pressure sensitivity for writing and drawing. Would Apple also offer touch id and go to 4k resolution? What would make an iPad Pro a pro other that the dimensions of the screen?

    • taoprophet420 - 11 years ago

      Sounds like a 2k resolution version for March or April and a 4k version in October. To me a pro would have to be able to run both OSX and iOS or at least have the ram to run pro apps. I could see pressure sensitive styluses, Apple has plenty of presents for them. I think raw power will be one of the main things to make it pro and some unique accessories like pressure sensitive stylus or a unique keyboard. I keep waiting for a glass display with bumps that raise for a keyboard. I clear cover glass that can be used as a keyboard would be a nice feature.

  29. Sebas Matías Crovetto - 11 years ago

    *for my mother* I’m happy with the iPad mini

  30. Edward Lee - 11 years ago

    From the current technology they have, I would guess that 13″ pad will become Macbook Air. The current Macbook Air move to powerful MacBook Pro.

  31. Nashwan Peter - 11 years ago

    I think iPad 9.7 inch is really fine to me. If I get 13 inch then I think it will be hard to hold it. iPad 13 inch could be useful for people who have business or for other uses

  32. giorgiopagliara - 11 years ago

    Let’s call it iPad Pro.
    It would be the killer tablet for any manager, director or executive in the world. They will no longer need a laptop.

  33. Michael Ajoodan-Poor - 11 years ago

    Modbook Pro serves a purpose for those that want a powerhouse of a laptop. The Modbook Pro predates the iPad and is far better than the iPad. The market for such a product would be artists that want super powerful tablets able to run a full range of Adobe software and 3D software. But of course these are professional users, real professional users like me.

    I have wanted such a machine for many years, but the product I want will not come about, shame.

  34. James Van Vuren - 10 years ago

    The max size PED most airlines allow during ascent/descent is 11″, while laptops are not allowed. You would probably be able to get away with a 13″ iPad. Being able to read tech books in PDF format on something close to 8/5 x 11 size during the whole flight would be great.

  35. Eamon Spillane - 10 years ago

    As a musician I would love the opportunity to simply store and retrieve sheet music from an iPad the size of an A4 sheet or better. Also for videos, photos etc. Keynote is great but a larger screen would work for users on the iPad. Add a Bluetooth keyboard and you’ve got a really useful laptop alternative. Great idea – I want one.


Avatar for Ben Lovejoy Ben Lovejoy

Ben Lovejoy is a British technology writer and EU Editor for 9to5Mac. He’s known for his op-eds and diary pieces, exploring his experience of Apple products over time, for a more rounded review. He also writes fiction, with two technothriller novels, a couple of SF shorts and a rom-com!

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