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‘Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel’ now available on Mac

Borderlands: The Pre Sequel, the latest installment in the popular Borderlands series, launches today for Mac on the same day as the console and PC release. The Mac version of the game is developed by Aspyr and includes cross-platform multiplayer and a promise of all future DLC:

Discover the story behind Borderlands 2 villain, Handsome Jack, and his rise to power. Taking place between the original Borderlands and Borderlands 2, the Pre-Sequel gives you a whole lotta new gameplay featuring the genre blending fusion of shooter and RPG mechanics that players have come to love… Float through the air with each low gravity jump while taking enemies down from above using new ice and laser weapons. Catch-a-ride and explore the lunar landscape with new vehicles allowing for more levels of destructive mayhem.

The game is available starting today for $59.99 through GameAgent (the web store run by developers of the Mac version, Aspyr) as well as through Steam. Aspyr said previously that it’s planning a Mac App Store release of the game for October 16.

The game requires a Mac running OS X 10.9.4 (Mavericks) or later and at least a 2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 4GB of RAM, and 13GB of hard drive space. Supported video cards include NVIDIA GeForce 8800, ATI Radeon HD 2600, or Intel HD 3000 with 256 MB of Video Memory.

‘Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel’ will arrive on Mac Oct. 14, same day as PC & consoles

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Aspyr just announced that it’s going to release the much anticipated next installment in the Borderlands series on October 14. For anyone keeping score, that’s the same day scheduled for 2K’s release on PC and consoles! The company also confirmed that Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel for Mac will feature everything the PC release has including cross-platform multiplayer and future DLC:

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 & 3 now available for Mac

A few years after hitting consoles, Aspyr announced today that it’s bringing a couple of the most popular games from the Call of Duty franchise to Mac, including: Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3 as well as all DLC for both titles.

The games aren’t available in the Mac App Store, but Aspyr is making them available through Steam and its own GameAgent online store today alongside all maps packs and other DLC. SteamPlay support means you’ll be able to pick up the title up once and play it on both Mac and PC.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 picks up immediately following the historic events of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, with players facing off against a new threat dedicated to bringing the world to the brink of collapse. And Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 continues the series’ epic storyline with even bigger and more explosive action.

While the release is already a few titles behind the console releases, it does bring Mac gamers some great new Call of Duty content including multiplayer for both games. The games are certainly an upgrade from the last COD release to hit the Mac: 2010’s Black Ops.

Both games feature:

  • Cinematic, action-packed single player campaigns
  • Cross-platform competitive multiplayer and cooperative online play
  • Multiple DLC Packs which add new maps and other great content to the multiplayer experience
  • Steam Works integration and Steam Play support
  • And more!

Get 75% off Borderlands 2 GOTY for Mac from 9to5 & GameAgent: $15

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From 9to5toys:

In case you missed our last mega deal for Mac gamers, we’ve once again teamed up with our friends over at GameAgent to get an exclusive deal on one of the hottest Mac titles around. This time you’ll be able to get 75% off Borderlands 2 Game of The Year Edition for Mac. Here’s what you’ll get with the GOTY edition:

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Get 75% off BioShock Infinite for Mac from 9to5Toys & GameAgent

If I could only make one game recommendation for Mac users, at the moment it would have to be BioShock Infinite. The game received amazing reviews from critics on the consoles and our friends at Aspyr quickly followed up with a flawless Mac version back in August. If you’ve yet to pick up a copy, you now officially have no excuse: GameAgent and 9to5Toys are offering BioShock Infinite for Mac for 75% off from now until Sunday. 

That means you’ll get BioShock Infinite for $10 instead of the usual $40, and we’re also throwing in the $4.99 Columbia’s Finest DLC for free. Best price on Amazon: $31

On top of that, GameAgent is giving away some crazy prizes to celebrate its brand new site redesign. The new site has a “Mac Match” feature that lets you setup profiles for your Macs to easily find supported content, and also a new Wish List feature to get automatic deal alerts when games you’re interested in go on sale.

Go create an account on and make sure to put a name and legit email when completing the contest entry page to win a fully loaded 27-inch iMac with a 3.4GHz Quad-core Intel Core i5, 16GB of RAM, 1TB drive, and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4GB GDDR5 graphics. It will also come loaded with every BioShock, COD, Duke Nukem, Quake 4, Civilization and Star Wars title GameAgent sells, along with a long list of other titles and DLC, and there are many other prizes too. Full details of the contest rules can be read here (contest rules).

To get your 75% off BioShock Infinite, click here and enter promo code “9to5Mac” at checkout. Deal expires 11:59pm CST, Sunday, November 17. Note: BioShock Infinite through GameAgent is the Mac version of the game and authenticates on Steam.

GameAgent also announced the release of the BioShock Burial at Sea- Episode 1 DLC yesterday with a same day release as the PC title.

Update: GameAgent ran into some “inventory issues” because so many of you are trying to take advantage of this awesome deal. Everything is sorted now and the deal is still live, but if you ran into issues, GameAgent will sort you out:



Update 2: The deal site PC gamer spambots have officially ruined the fun for everyone. GameAgent had to shut the deal down due to a high amount of fraud from bots eating up all the inventory on the deal code. We’re working with GameAgent to bring the deal back. Stay tuned.

BioShock Infinite and SimCity arrive for Mac gamers starting today

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A couple of big new games are landing today for Mac users. We told you about BioShock Infinite earlier this month, the third instalment in the popular 2K/Irrational Games series that originally launched in March to rave reviews on consoles. Mac gaming heavyweights Aspyr have been working on porting the game to Mac since its initial release, and today the game is finally going on sale through Aspyr’s GameAgent store and other retailers. Aspyr sent over a beta of the title last week, and we’ve had nothing but positive first impressions from our time with the game since. The other big Mac title launching today, SimCity, might have had some major issues in its beta, but we’re happy to report you won’t run into similar performance problems with BioShock Infinite.

As usual, the title will support SteamPlay, allowing users to purchase the game once and play on both PC and Mac through Steam. It’s also available on the Mac App Store. However, Aspyr’s own distribution service, GameAgent, is offering some pretty enticing pre-order bonuses if you pick up the title through them

BioShock Infinite for Mac set for release on August 29, preorders start today

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Back in March, when the latest installment in the popular BioShock franchise was released on consoles, Mac gaming heavyweights Aspyr announced they would be bringing the game to Mac this summer. Today it has finally announced an official release date for BioShock Infinite, as well as details on pre-order bonuses, DLC, and SteamPlay support.

BioShock Infinite for Mac will officially become available starting August 29th and, yes, the title will support SteamPlay, allowing users to purchase the game once and play on both PC and Mac through Steam. It will also be available on the Mac App Store. However, Aspyr’s own distribution service, GameAgent, is offering some pretty enticing pre-order bonuses if you pick up the title through them.

Not only will pre-orders through GameAgent get you the “Columbia’s Finest DLC,” but Aspyr is also promising an extra 20% off the $59.99 price tag for GameAgent customers. The “Clash in the Clouds” DLC will be available to purchase at launch, and plans are in place to support any additional DLC for the title following its release.

You might have noticed that Mac versions of many big games have been arriving a lot sooner after their initial release than in the past. For that we have Aspyr to thank, the company that ports the majority of big titles that eventually end up available for OS X. Earlier this year we sat down with Aspyr to talk about the process of porting games to Mac:

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Aspyr releases ‘Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy’ for Mac, available now for $9.99

Aspyr, the company behind the majority of your favorite Mac games, today announced that the classic Star Wars title Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is now available for Mac. Available as a Steam Play title on Steam, or for $9.99 through the Mac App Store and Aspyr’s GameAgent store, Aspyr told us the critically acclaimed title has been completely overhauled for the Mac:

We’ve completely overhauled the game, fixing tons of old bugs and ensuring the titles works on the latest hardware and OS. We think the game holds up great even to today’s standards…I mean, who doesn’t like a good old fashioned lightsaber battle?

We recently sat down with executives from Aspyr to find out how they port games to Mac and get their take on the future of Mac gaming. Check the full interview here.

Aspyr Media talks porting games to OS X, Mac App Store & the future of Mac gaming (+ Borderlands 2 giveaway!)

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The introduction of the Mac App Store, at least for the Mac’s biggest game publisher Aspyr Media, hasn’t been entirely smooth. Aspyr recently outlined some issues with bringing multiplayer to Mac games due to Game Center and sandboxing restrictions of the Mac App Store, and developing separate versions of games for Steam and the Mac App Store continues to be a hurdle. An example is Borderlands 2. It took Aspyr just two months to ship the Mac version, but the Game Center multiplayer won’t arrive until sometime early this year. However, executives at the company promise Apple’s enthusiasm toward gaming on Mac is stronger than ever thanks to the Mac App Store. Aspyr also said it has much planned for 2013 in Apple’s store and remains platform agnostic, despite running its own competitive GameAgent store.

9to5Mac recently had the chance to speak with Aspyr Vice President of Publishing Elizabeth Howard, with input from CEO Michael Rogers and other execs, about the process of porting games to the Mac App Store, the company’s relationship with Apple and publishers, and the possibility of bringing iOS titles to OS X.

In case you’re unfamiliar, Aspyr is one of the biggest Mac game publishers bringing PC and console titles to OS X. It regularly leads many of the top paid and grossing charts on the Mac App Store thanks to high-profile releases such as Borderlands 2, RAGE, Call of Duty: Black Ops, and much more. Go below for the full interview and a chance to win Borderlands 2 for Mac.