
Avatar for Seth Weintraub

Seth Weintraub


Founder, Publisher and Editorial Director of the 9to5/Electrek/DroneDJ sites.

Seth Weintraub is an award-winning journalist and blogger who won back to back Neal Awards during his three plus years  covering Apple and Google at IDG’s Computerworld from 20072010.  Weintraub next covered all things Google for Fortune Magazine from 2010-2011 amassing a thick rolodex of Google contacts and love for Silicon Valley tech culture.

It turns out that his hobby 9to5Mac blog was always his favorite and in 2011 he went full time adding his Fortune Google followers to 9to5Google and adding the style and commerce component 9to5Toys gear and deals site. In 2013, Weintraub bought one of the Tesla’s first Model S EVs off the assembly line and so began his love affair with the Electric Vehicle and green energy which in 2014 turned into electrek.

In 2018, DroneDJ was born to cover the burgeoning world of drones and UAV’s led by China’s DJI.

From 1997-2007, Weintraub was a Global IT director and Web Developer for a number of companies with stints at multimedia and branding agencies in Paris, Los Angeles, New York, Sydney, Hong Kong, Madrid and London before becoming a publisher/blogger.

Seth received a bachelors degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Southern California with a minor in Multimedia and Creative Technology in 1997. In 2004, he received a Masters from NYU’s Tisch School of the Art’s ITP program.

Hobbies: Weintraub is a licensed single engine private pilot, certified open water scuba diver and spent over a year traveling to 60 cities in 23 countries. Whatever free time exists is now guaranteed to his lovely wife and two amazing sons.

More at BI 2014 profile.

Tips:, or llsethj on Wickr/Skype or link at top of page.

Connect with Seth Weintraub

Google responds to Steve Jobs assertion that they are counting upgrades in activations

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Steve Jobs laid down some not-so-subtle hints that Apple thought Google was cheating in their activations counting in his event presentation today. Google responded, saying:

“The Android activation numbers do not include upgrades and are, in fact, only a portion of the Android devices in the market since we only include devices that have Google services.”

Oh, damn.


Oh Snap! Amazon has Fox and ABC episode purchases for 99 cents.

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Hot on the heels of Apple’s 99 cent episode renting announcement, Amazon has matched Apple by offering those same episodes for the same price.

It isn’t immediately clear if these are for permanent download or just for streaming like AppleTV. (it says “Own Episodes” but I think only Windows and Tivo can download for offline viewing).

Via Engadget.

Some notes from today's event

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  • iTunes 10 is already live or just the download button?. Update: So is the store. and Apple’s website
  • iPod Classic is dead. Frommer gets a star?  Update: Maybe not. Still, no mention at the event doesn’t bode well long term.  Think more like ‘we made enough to last a few more months.’
  • iPod nano is small (even smaller than the screen on the previous model) but also loses the camera which was nice on a device that small.  Even Steve said people would wear them as a watch, so I get a star.  Speaking of Stars, holy cow!  Mr. Nano mockup gets a galaxy of stars. Display is square(!) at 240×240 pixels. Still has FM.  Also has accelerometer.  It weighs under an ounce(!).  I think at 1.5 inches diagonally, it may be too small for videos but perfect for watches.
  • AppleTV is awesome but maybe the coolest part is the Airport Express Video functionality.  Carrying around media on iPads, iPhones and iPods, it will be pretty cool to be able to shoot that right over to the TV.  Renting movies and TV shows does two things.  It makes cable optional.  It also means that TV shows now are a buck a pop or more.  If you watch 10 shows (Fox and ABC) a week, that is $40/month.  Not a bad tradeoff at that frequency.  $4.99 for first run movies is also OK, but I still like buying BlueRay for the good stuff.   AppleTV 1080P next year will be much more awesome.  Also…what’s that mini-USB port for?  Apple gets mega points for USB Stick/USB HD access but just like the older AppleTV, we’re not likely to be able to (officially;) use it.  Also, is does NOT do Gigabit Ethernet, which means your fastest method of streaming is N wireless which is marginally faster if there isn’t much overhead.  Also, this is the greenest TV appliance you’ll ever see with only a 6 watt power supply.  Thank the A4 chip for that. At $99, this will no longer be a hobby, but a popular iOS device accesory.
  • Speaking of Airplay, it is coming to 3rd parties! (at least the audio component)
  • iPod touch back camera is only 960×720(!!) pixels for stills.  That is abhorrant.  They should have made a thicker iPod touch with a decent camera.  This one is only good for video – just like the last iPod nano.  The entry price went up $30 to get an iPod but that $30 buys you an A4 processor, two cameras and Retina.  Not bad.
  • The video stream of the event was good overall for us but there were definitely some hiccups along the way.  I’d rate it a success with the amount of traffic it must have received, but some improvements can definitely be made.
  • Steve Jobs is looking better.  Perhaps that three week vacation in Hawaii last  month did him some good.


UPDATED: Jonny Evans hands on with the new kit

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Our man on the scene Jonny Evans is getting some personal time with Apple’s new products.  Have a look at what his (first-gen) iPhone can capture — and some images taken by a rather nice Lumix camera, and take a look at some of his first impressions here: (NB: More notes to follow).

The newly-updated iPod range. iPod classic fans — don’t worry, it is still available, but has had no update. Will it last? Who knows. Apple won’t say. More below


One more..Hobby (AppleTV) $99, available in a month

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HD Movies from ABC and Fox are $.99.  (Other studios might jump on board later but are at $2.99 still).  Netflix built in too.  YouTube HD and Flicker and MobileMe still supported.  No hard drive, all streaming.  Rotton tomato reviews.  $4.99 to rent first run movies.  Airplay can stream content from iOS device to AppleTV, making the iOS device an awesome remote/storage container.

it is smalllll


iTunes 10 with Ping Social Network

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Ping is open to 160 million users can sign up for Ping. A social network for music. Twitter/Facebook like where you can follow and be followed and your recommendations get thrown around.  You can upload videos and pictures, all from iTunes.  Goodnight Myspace.  Available on iPhone/iPod in iTunes app.  Not on Web?

iTunes is now a Facebook competitor.

Steve doesn’t automatically accept invitations”Because I’m a little Particular”


The September Event 2010 Live-ish blog

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Screw it, we’re embedding Flash for people not able to view:

In about a half hour, we’ll be tuning into AppleTV, just as we expect many of you will, to see what new toys and tricks Apple has up its sleeve.  While we’ll be creating separate pages for each new product, we’ll keep a tally of them below

If you are so inclined, please join our chat by clicking the Chat button in the lower left hand corner of the page (Mac/PC only). Updated reverse chronologically below:


iLounge last minute additions: iPod touch dimensions, VoIP app?

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iLounge has published some last minute information on the iPod touch ahead of today’s Apple Event.  They believe these bits of information to be correct (and we must say it helps to be partnered with case manufacturers!):

  • The Sleep/Wake button has shifted from the top left of the device over to the top right, mimicing its placement on the iPhone family.
  • The camera is below the Sleep/Wake button, with a microphone pinhole off to its right.
  • Volume buttons appear to be separate from one another rather than one piece, but stay in the same general position as in the second- and third-generation iPod touch models, as do the Dock Connector port and headphone port on bottom.
  • It is slightly thinner than the second- and third-generation iPod touch. The rear casing has corner and side radiuses that are, as we previously noted, MacBook Pro lid-like, and the center does not bulge, so it can rest flat on a table like the first-generation iPod touch. What used to be a soft curve of the rear shell that wrapped around to surround the front glass is gone.

Perhaps most interestingly, they have some more sketchy information.   

Don't cross the streams!

There has been some significant interest in Apple’s decision to stream today’s event using their HTTP streaming protocol around the Web.  While the event’s status is certainly high enough to draw a huge load, Apple has some measures in place to make sure the experience is a good one.  That’s important because many believe that the stream is also a showcase for both Apple’s streaming video technology as well as its North Carolina Data Center, which won’t be fully operational until later this year (according to Tim Cook at the last earnings call).  The last time Apple streamed an event was 2002 when 50,000 people joined in.  We might see 10x that.

The stream quality is important because Apple is selling both the studios and potential customers on its technology.

Fox will do 99 cent TV shows according to sister company

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The WSJ is reporting that its sister company, Fox, will be giving up iTunes Shows for $.99/ episode along with ABC.  The announcement will be made tomorrow at the Apple event.

Some of these people said Fox agreed to participate in 99-cent rentals for a short period of time, and agreed to the lower-cost price only for broadcast shows it both produces and airs, such as “Glee,” “Bones” and “Lie to Me.” The Apple proposal won’t affect cable shows such as FX’s “Justified,” or Fox network shows, including “American Idol,” for which Fox doesn’t control the digital rights.

According to the people familiar with the matter[like their bosses], part of the calculus for Fox is that News Corp. wants Apple’s help with other digital projects, including the iPad version of The Wall Street Journal and a digital news offering known inside News Corp. as the “Daily Planet,” the name of the fictional paper in Superman comics.


Bloomberg: Netflix Streaming on iTV, released tomorrow

Well, there you have it.  According to Bloomberg, an Army of people “familiar with the matter” have said that Apple will launch a TV service tomorrow with Netflix inside.  iTV?

Apple Inc., preparing to announce a new set-top box that delivers TV to consumers, will include movies from Netflix Inc., according to three people with knowledge of the plans.

The streaming service would be available on the revamped version of Apple TV, due to be introduced tomorrow in San Francisco, said two of the people, who asked not to be identified because the plans haven’t been made public. Users would pay a subscription fee to Netflix for the service, the people said.

Perhaps that’s why the Roku HD player dropped from $129 to $69 with $10 of free content at Amazon overnight.