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Woops! China Unicom post iPhone Page – Guess who is bringing the iPhone to China?

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They don’t get any better than this!  It looks like the biggest mobile market in the world will be served the iPhone by China Unicom – unless there is something very shady going on.  China Unicom’s site today has the iPhone as one of the phone options available to its customers.  There is also a Flash animation on the top with the iPhone which seems to indicate that this isn’t just some random mistake or hacking (or if it is, it is a pretty well thought out one).

The only other explanation we can think of is that China Unicom is just advertising which products are compatible with its new 3G service? 

See translation below.

It looks like they are also carrying the G1 Android phone.  Hope Stevo doesn’t drop the hammer on them for their premature announcementEn Anglais:

 Note that it supports WCDMA (don’t get your hopes up Verizon customers, not CDMA) and will be released in July of last year.(!!)

via Networkworld

Advice for Microsoft's Ballmer: STFU

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More Ballmer bashing ahead.  Sorry.

Look, we don’t run the biggest software company in the world and we (thankfully) don’t own any stock either but it is hard to ignore the bad headlines that Steve Ballmer keeps making.  Today’s?  Regarding the Zune:

“We’re going to keep going with Zune. It’s two things: Service and a device. The Zune service, that’s going to fan out its footprint. Hardware will continue to improve. “The question is whether even if we flog them heavily, is their profit upside. We’re going to keep going I won’t say full steam ahead, because that implies acceleration of investment, but we’re going to sustain our investment. We like it and the future may be the software/ecosystem on other devices."

Jeez..if you are one of the few people in the market for a Zune, you sure have to now give pause.  As Ballmer puts it, it isn’t "full steam ahead", which means it is essentially dead and they are hedging their bets on it as a software only model, probably for Windows Mobile or Sidekick.  Can you imagine someone at Apple saying something like that about, say, the Bluetooth headset?

Image via Gizmodo

VUZE adds transcoding support for iPod, iPhone and AppleTV

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We’ve been using VUZE and its former brand Azureus since we first started Bittorrenting Linux ISOs and other totally legal stuff years ago.  While a bit bloated, VUZE/Azureus has always been the most feature-packed, cross platform Bittorrent client available.  When they changed their brand to VUZE, they added a HD video distribution network which had some good content, some not so good.  Now, in version 4.2, they’ve added client side video transcoding to all of your favorite devices. 

Along with iPods, iPhones and AppleTV’s, VUZE now supports Playstation and XBox MP4 formatted movies.

It is a relatively easy process to set up but slow to finish unless you have a some serious MP4 horsepower.  The good news is that the process is all automated so you won’t have to be there when your totally legal stuff is moved to AppleTV/iPod/iPhone compatible formats.

Retrospect 8 ships for Mac…asks for another chance

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Retrospect 8 is now shipping for Mac.  It has been forever and a day (5 years!) since version 6 first shipped.  Version 7 was PC only.  Since then, the product has been getting older, less reliable and, to many, unusable.  I did a roundup of backup solutions almost two years ago for the Macintosh platform.  Unfortunately, not much has changed since then.  Mac shops don’t have a great answer to their backup needs.

Today, I am using Time Machine for day to day backups which works acceptably for most things (I turn off everything but my Docs folder).  For cloning, I use Carbon Copy Cloner which was just updated recently to vers. 2.2 and works great. 

Overwhelmingly however, I am sending more and more data into the cloud with services like Mozy (Retrospect’s Parent company, EMC also owns Mozy – they’d be smart to offer a hybrid solution).  Carbonite’s recent loss of data makes this kind of scary, still.

I haven’t recommended Retrospect in over a year for small-medium businesses.  Hopefully version 8 will turn this around.

via Tidbits and TUAW


AT&T loose lips give new iPhone information?

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The Boy Genius, who seems to have friends at every Telco, has apparently gleened the following information from AT&T in regards to a certain next generation iPhone:

We can’t tell you where or who, but pretty high up in AT&T’s food chain, the following was reported to be said:

  • New iPhone announcement around mid-June (duh)
  • New iPhone will be faster and have a more seamless experience unmatched by any device (could be just talking about 3.0, but we think it’s also a new iPhone)
  • U-Verse iPhone application; will allow control of your home DVR (play, pause, rewind, etc.)
  • The annual iPhone launch is “becoming a tradition.”
  • Nothing official is being confirmed, but they said that people should prep for an exciting time this summer.
  • AT&T is said to be working with Apple to create a unified product with an unparalleled experience across all their products and services.
  • Apple’s 3.0 software should tell us where the iPhone platform is going… uh, k?
  • They said customers shouldn’t need to choose from AT&T’s high-end devices because of features, they should choose based on preferences. The gap in capability should be filled with the new iPhone. Ok, bets on slide out QWERTY, autofocus camera, video sharing, blah blah?
  • Seems like the higher speed HSDPA (7.2Mbps) is being hinted at too which should confirm the earlier rumors of the new Infineon chipset.
  • The $99 3G netbook will start selling this summer, and the first one won’t be a Windows OS.

For clarification, the above is 100% confirmed.

Excited yet?  That last point makes our head spin…

(image via Macrumors)



Apple discontinues Bluetooth headset, Stereo A2DP headset to follow?

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OK, file this into the "would be nice to have" or "making lemonade out of lemons" but Apple, this weekend, discontinued its mildly popular Bluetooth headset.  Bad news?  Maybe not.

We also know that the new iPhone version 3.0 software includes support for A2DP stereo Bluetooth.  So do current models of iPod touch and iPhone.  What better way for Apple to tout its new functionality than to introduce a "world’s XXXXXest" stereo Bluetooth headset?  June-Julyish?

Until now, if you’ve wanted stereo Bluetooth on your iPhone or iPod you had to buy a third party adapter.  There are also lots of A2DP Stereo Bluetooth heasets available out there now if you want to hedge your bets..

Yeah we know other phones have had A2DP funtionality for awhile…but it will be better this time, right?

Microsoft makes video for launch of IE8

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Internet Explorer 8 is heading to PCs soon.  Microsoft made a 5 minute "History of the Internet" video to commemorate this "event".  The video isn’t too bad, but it didn’t include the part where Microsoft bought the Spyglass browser fron U. of Illinois and killed off Netscape by abusing its monopoly power.  Strange

Toys deal: Iomega and Toshiba portable hard drives

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From the toys section:

(Update: Deal OVERJump on this $75 Toshiba)Today only, offers the Iomega eGo 320GB FireWire / USB 2.0 Portable Hard Drive in Alpine White, model no. 34419, for $79.99 with free shipping ($0.25/GB). That’s tied with a February deal (which also required a rebate) and the lowest total price we could find for this drive in this color. It features Drop Guard, which protects it from falls of up to 51", and both FireWire and USB 2.0 connectivity. 

Or, Step up to the USB-only Toshiba 500GB Portable External Hard Drive for $102, also with free shipping.


17 inch iMac resurrected for $899?

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Do you mourn the loss of the 17-inch iMac?  Think Apple needs to have a lower cost of entry for its iMac line?   Do you know someone in Education who might be able to hook you up with a discount?  SetteB.IT found a little tidbit in the latest Apple Education email…  Apple discontinued the 17 inch iMac in 2006 but kept selling the 17 inch white version to education.  Could this be a holdover from that?

Is this the old 17 inch from way back?  Or is this a new one?  Or maybe just a typo.  So many questions…

via giz

March 2009

Opportunities for Integrating Technology with Your Institution’s Goals
Download Apple’s white paper that explains the education funding in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, and highlights opportunities for integrating technology strategically in education-related programs.
Leaders & Administrators
IT Professionals
Teachers & Professors

The New iMac line
The new 20-inch and 24-inch iMac deliver a 30 percent larger display, twice the memory, and twice the storage. The new iMac line also includes a 17-inch model starting at $899.
ARRA of 2009 Solutions: K-12
The ARRA of 2009 dedicates more than $100 billion for K-12 and higher education and includes funds for state stabilization, school construction, and federal programs such as Title I, Title II-D, and IDEA. Download the pdf to learn more.
Notebook Program on Campus
“One of my greatest surprises… was the faculty’s response to the training,” says Mark Parker, Dean, Bass School of Music, Oklahoma City University. “They picked times [for training] that I would never have picked, like right after exams in December before Christmas.” View the video.

Tune-in IT Webcast Series
Learn more about Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server through this series of webcasts. Topics include Compatibility and Integration, Built-in Features and Applications, Integration and Virtualization, Collaboration and Podcasting, and Client Management and Deployment.
Starting a Campuswide Notebook Program
Hear from CIO Isis Jones at Full Sail University and others about how to start your own notebook initiative on campus. View the video.

Mac Pro: The Fastest Mac Ever
Featuring Intel “Nehalem” Xeon processors running at speeds up to 2.93GHz, the new Mac Pro delivers up to twice the performance of the previous generation Mac Pro.

ARRA of 2009 Solutions: Higher Education
The ARRA of 2009 includes funds for NSF and NIH research and lab modernization, and federal Title II preservice teacher grants. Learn what stimulus funds are available for Apple solutions.
The New Mac mini: Extra Small, Extra Green
Starting at $549, the new Mac mini is an innovative, tiny desktop that measures just 6.5 by 6.5 by 2 inches. It’s also the world’s most energy efficient desktop, drawing less than 13 watts of power when idle.
* Claim based on energy efficiency categories and products listed within the EPA ENERGY STAR 4.0 database as of February 2009.
Field Trip to the Apple Store
Take your K-12 students on a Field Trip to an Apple Retail Store where they can create something amazing right on the spot. Or they can bring in and show off a project they’ve already created.

iTunes U
Apps for Education

Math Snacks Learning Animations (Grades 6-8)
These short animations are designed to help learners “get it.” Each snack presents a math concept and is ideal for use in the classroom or at home.

Project Learning
Edutopia presents a collection of content on Project Learning, a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges.

WGBH Teachers’ Domain
This free digital library is designed to advance educators’ teaching skills and enhance their students’ learning experiences. Companion educator guides are also available.

As We May Teach
Join Dr. Ruben Puentedura as he discusses hands-on approaches that transform research into teaching practice in education technology.

Students can study U.S. history with the Declaration of Independence app which includes historical notes, images of the original document, and historical biographies.

New York Times
Perfect to take with you on the go. Access the latest news, photos, and world events with the The New York Times mobile app.

eNews for Education, March 2009
Event dates are subject to change. Some products, programs, or promotions are not available outside the U.S. Visit your local Apple site or call your local authorized Apple reseller for more information. Prices are estimated retail prices and are listed in U.S. dollars. Product specifications are subject to change.
Copyright © 2009 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014.
All Rights Reserved / Keep Informed / Privacy Policy / My Info
If you prefer not to receive commercial email from Apple, or if you’ve changed your email address, please click here.

Ballmer: "Apple is only a $500 logo"

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Steve Ballmer is making a pretty regular habit of putting his foot in his mouth on Apple’s success.  He was this week quoted by Techflash as saying:

Apple gained about one point, but now I think the tide has really turned back the other direction.

The economy is helpful. Paying an extra $500 for a computer in this environment – same piece of hardware – paying $500 more to get a logo on it? I think that’s a more challenging proposition for the average person than it used to be.

The bad news for Microsoft?  We aren’t paying that extra $500 for the hardware. 

While Apple hardware is the best you can buy, there are other companies that are making some pretty good machines.  People who can afford it often choose the MAc because Microsoft’s offering is substandard.

Yes, Apple really is taking to Twittering..

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Update: both accounts were suspended…

Following up on yesterday’s Twittering Apple post, 9to5mac reader Hard-Hat-Mac points us to two more Apple Twitter feeds. is Apple’s Store concierge Twitter page.  Apple geniuses are available for an easy 140 charater q/a.  It looks like it is getting answered every minute or so but there are currently only 6 followers.  This might someday beat the support forums for finding trends on bad Apple parts or getting a quick answer from a Genius.

Additionally, Apple PR has their own Twitter Page at  Currently it has 18 followers.  We expect that to increase pretty quickly.  How many is it at now? has it own Twitter feed at but frankly we’ve been slacking.  We’ll try harder to keep it fresh.

New iPhone models spotted in iPhone 3.0 OS, "iProd" and "iFPGA"

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What have we here?  It was only a matter of time (and it almost seems like Apple is leaking this on purpose at this point), but Ars found some extra little bits of code in the 3.0 OS that indicate that there will be not one but two new iPhones, a new iPod touch and two mysterious new products that will run this OS called "iProd" and "iFPGA".

Just FYI FPGA stands for Field-programmable gate array – you can learn more than you ever wanted to know about that here.

We don’t know about you but, we’ve wanted the iProd since forever and will be buying 4 of them the second they are released.

 The new codes:

iPhone2,1 – 0×1294
iProd0,1 – 0×1295
iPod2,2 – 0×1296
iPhone3,1 – 0×1297
iFPGA – 0×1298
iPod3,1 – 0×1299″

The old codes:

iPhone First Gen – 0×1290
iPod touch 1G – 0×1291
iPhone 3G – 0×1292
iPod touch 2G – 0×1293

Also, congrats to me.

Is Apple Twittering?

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According to Macworld, Apple has started their own Twitter account which covers the iTunes trailers.  We aren’t able to ascertain whether or not this is officially Apple’s Twitter page and we do recollect that someone started an Apple Youtube Page which was thought to be an official Apple page.  It turned out to be a hoax.  This seems slightly more legit because there is a link from the page.


Rainbow Shuffles for $50 premium

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While we certainly aren’t in the target market for this kind of Shuffle debauchery, we know some people will be.  $50 extra buys you a shuffle in your favorite rainbow color.  Add a few bucks more for your favorite fake metal.  Specs below.


  • Standard Color Anodized 4GB Shuffle (pictured above): $129 USD
  • Polished Color Anodized 4GB Shuffle: $159 USD
  • Plating
    • Chrome 4GB Shuffle $149 USD
    • Copper 4GB Shuffle: $169 USD
    • Black Nickel 4GB Shuffle: $169 USD
    • 24kt Gold 4GB Shuffle: $179 USD
    • White Gold 4GB Shuffle: $199 USD
    • Rose Gold 4GB Shuffle: $199 USD
    • Platinum 4GB Shuffle $199 USD

iPhone Video hopes aren't dead yet…

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Engadget spied a certain strange typo in the iPhone 3.0 development kit. Apple, who we know doesn’t yet want video capabilities on the iPhone, forgot about that for a second and looks to have a screen to upload video to your MobileMe account.  Perhaps this is the reason that Apple hasn’t allowed the awesome Qik application to get accepted on the iPhone.  Will Apple let third party video applications like Qik on the iPhone or will this be another MobileMe-only feature?  We hope the former.

Oh, and you can choose between Chicago and New York…

AT&T second line iPhone to clear out iPhone 3G inventory

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BGR’s AT&T Ninjas got their mitts on an AT&T internal presentation which seems to indicate that they are going to be unloading some 3G iPhones at $599 and $699 no commitment pricing (which is much lower than their previous no commitment prices) starting on March 26th.  Don’t take our word for it, but it looks like this might be an inventory clearing measure.  For…say…Junish?

More iPhone 3.0 features: Tethering and Find my iPhone

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The onslaught of iPhone 3.0 features continues: 

A developer has found that that tethering both via USB and Bluetooth is possible under the 3.0 beta developer release (of course, those of us with Jailbroken iPhones won’t be too impressed with this).  It isn’t immediately clear how AT&T and the other carriers will be able to distinguish who is tethering and who isn’t.   Apple will have to coordinate the locking and unlocking with the carriers.

Additionally, some features we’ve heard about including: "Find My iPhone" are bearing fruit.  Along with what Appleinsider has found, we’ve heard that this feature will use the iPhone’s GPS to locate the device for the user.  While this would be super cool for stolen iPhones, it would even be cool if you can’t find your iPhone and want to know the general area to look.  This remote opening of the GPS via background push notification is a novel use of the iPhone’s new capabilities.

Additionally, there will be a mobile wipe feature in MobileMe that will allow you to clear your iPhone remotely, like Exchange Administrators can do.


Very nice!


Toys Deals: 55% off Boston Acoustics desktop speakers, Slingcatcher

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A Quick deal from the Toys section:

TigerDirect via offers the Boston Acoustics MM220 Slim Computer Speakers in Midnight for $44.99. With free shipping, it’s $15 under our mention from two weeks ago and the lowest total price we’ve seen. This 2-piece system features 80 watts of output, 1/2" tweeters, headphone jack, and more.

Also of note this week : offers the Sling Media SlingCatcher Digital Media Receiver, model no. SC100-100, for $162.61. (Add it to your cart to get this price.) With free shipping, that’s $3 under our mention from last month and the lowest total price we’ve seen. This device allows you to stream content from your TV to your computer, and vice versa. It features wireless, Ethernet and USB connectivity, as well as standard and HD AV outputs including HDMI, S-video, component, and composite video, and both analog and digital audio.

Psystar introduces new compact desktops running OSX

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You’ve got to hand it to them.  They might not have a chance in hell of existing at the end of the year but they sure seem to be playing the business as usual face pretty well.  In the midst of a huge lawsuit with one of the world’s biggest (and litigious) companies, Psystar is forging ahead with new products.  Their new compact desktop, which is cheaper than Apple but more expensive than a DIY type of machine, is now available to consumers through its website.  They even include the self-depreciating caption: "Sexier: Ummm, no comment".  Psystar certainly know their prospective customers.

Frankly, most of the Hackintosh community has been focused on NetBooks lately (Everyone at SXSW seemed to have a Hackintosh netbook), but Psystar continues to exist selling desktop computers.  We don’t know how many customers they have but they certainly have cajones.

The Register thinks Imagination's SGX543MP video chip may go into a tablet

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Those pesky tablet rumors won’t die.  Today’s entry is from The Register who are reporting (via MR) on Imagination’s new multi-core graphics chips.  Imagination PowerVR chips are the video chips currently inside Apple’s iPhones and iPod Touches.   Apple, of course, is also an investor in Imagination Technologies, as is Intel.

The speculation is that the new multi-core chips, originally announced in January, would go inside future Apple mobile products.  Tablet deniers would say those chips are bound for future iPhones and iPods – and they probably are right.   But, why would a 320×480 pixel device that already does some pretty good OpenGL /3D graphics need 2-16 cores of desktop quality graphics power?  With OpenCL, those cores could certainly help the overall processing speed and enable a much richer application experience on the iPhone/iPod Touch.  However, the performance boost just seems like overkill for these devices alone.

We still like the Tablet idea and think those 9-10 inch touch screens have to go somewhere.  We’re hoping to find out at WWDC where that is..

To get an idea of what the older model PowerVR SGX single core chip can do, take a look at a Pandora board running one on this Youtube video:


New Imagination Chip specs below:

Imagination Technologies launches advanced, highly-efficient POWERVR™ SGX543MP multi-processor graphics IP family

Truly scalable multi-processing graphics technology offers ‘super-high’ performance points extending POWERVR’s market reach into new segments
Imagination Technologies, the multimedia chip technologies company, announces further details of the first POWERVR SGX graphics IP core with multi-processor (MP) core support. The technology, henceforth POWERVR SGX543MP, is being delivered to customers in SGXMP2 (two-core) to SGXMP16 (16-core) variants.

With the POWERVR SGX543MP family Imagination continues to extend its leadership of the embedded graphics acceleration market with blistering POWERVR solutions which address the rapidly growing demands for high performance graphics in a wide range of consumer electronics segments.

Imagination’s graphics IP cores now range from SGX520, the world’s smallest OpenGL™ ES 2.0 mobile core, to SGX543MP16 for high-performance console and computing devices.

Some of the innovative technology behind POWERVR SGX543MP is being revealed in a keynote presentation at the 4th annual Multicore Expo (March 16 – 19 2009, Santa Clara, USA.)

Tony King-Smith, VP marketing Imagination Technologies says: “The performance delivered by our latest POWERVR SGX543MP family is the ultimate statement of the highly linear scalability of our unique Series5XT architecture. With the ability to combine up to 16 SGX543 GP-GPU* cores on a single SoC, we are now able to deliver capabilities to our licensing  partners previously only thought the domain of the discrete GPU chipset vendors, while maintaining our unrivalled power, area and bandwidth efficiency.”

One of the unique features of the recently announced POWERVR Series5XT architecture is that it enables highly linear scaling of all aspects of GPU performance, specifically vertex shading, pixel shading, primitive setup and overall GP-GPU functionality, whilst maintaining full software compatibility and with virtually no overhead in bandwidth usage.

The POWERVR SGX543MP family enables up to sixteen cores of POWERVR SGX543 programmable GP-GPU logic to be integrated in a high performance, multi-processor graphics solution without performance or silicon area compromises. Taking the already high-performance four-pipe POWERVR SGX543, and then scaling that performance up to between eight and 64 pipelines, POWERVR SGX543MP delivers performance comparable to many desktops, laptops and games consoles.

At 200MHz core frequency an SGX543MP4 (four cores) will deliver 133 million polygons per second and fill rates in excess of 4Gpixels/sec**. Higher frequencies or a larger number of cores each deliver more performance. At 400MHz core frequency an SGX543MP8 (eight cores) will deliver 532 million polygons per second and fill rates in excess of 16Gpixels/sec.

POWERVR SGX543MP features:

maintains the highest performance per mW of any embedded graphics core, a key benefit of POWERVR SGX
highly linear scaling (over 95% efficiency) of performance in both geometry (vertex processing) and rasterisation (pixel/fragment processing)
dynamic load balancing and on-demand task allocation at the pipeline level
no fixed allocation of given pixels to specific cores, enabling maximum processing power to be allocated to the areas of highest on-screen action
scalable GP-GPU compute power, which can be fully utilised through all Khronos APIs including OpenGL ES 2.x, OpenVG™ 1.x and OpenCL™
use any number of cores from 2-16, even or odd
no additional work for software developers; using one driver stack for all SGX cores means applications see a common SGX architecture via the standard APIs regardless of number of cores used
no additional CPU load when using multiple cores or loss of performance
Continues King-Smith: “This multi-core extension to the scalability of the POWERVR SGX architecture, beyond the existing POWERVR SGX520 and SGX53x and 54x families, takes our highly efficient technology into new market segments. Additionally the leading and ever-growing ecosystem of POWERVR Insider, which is of great value to our licensing partners and their OEM customers, will both benefit from, and further develop with, this significant expansion of the family.”

The highly efficient POWEVR SGX543MP family delivers linear progression in vertex and pixel processing performance, unlike competitive solutions which scale only pixel performance. An SGX543MP2 delivers effectively twice the performance of a single SGX543 without compromise. And for a given workload the same bandwidth is required no matter how many cores are deployed – SGX543MP delivers faster performance by dividing the work on –demand, dynamically load balanced in parallel between cores.

The POWERVR Series5XT architecture builds on the highly efficient Series5 architecture, which ensures that maximum performance is achieved across a wide range of applications, regardless of whether the content is dominated by polygon throughput, pixel processing, high fill rate or any combination of these. Other architectures that use separate polygon and pixel processing units cannot achieve the sustained throughput or silicon utilisation of POWERVR SGX graphics cores.

Part of POWERVR Series5XT, USSE2 (Universal Scalable Shader Engine2), the main programmable processing unit within each POWERVR SGX543 pipeline, incorporates a major upgrade of the data path to deliver vastly improved vector processing performance and overall throughput. This datapath upgrade is one of the key reasons why SGX543 delivers up to 2x the performance for ‘vector-heavy’ applications compared to earlier POWERVR SGX cores

USSE2 is a scalable multi-threaded GPU shader processing engine that efficiently processes graphics as well as many other mathematically-intensive tasks. These tasks are automatically broken down into processing packets which are then scheduled across a number of hardware multi-threaded execution units for maximum processing efficiency.

Editor’s Notes
* GP-GPU stands for General-Purpose computation on Graphics Processing Units.
** All fill rate figures stated assuming a scene depth complexity of x2.5

About Imagination Technologies
Imagination Technologies Group plc (LSE:IMG) – a global leader in multimedia and communication silicon technologies – creates and licenses market-leading processor cores for graphics, video, multi-threaded embedded processing/DSP and multi-standard communications applications. These silicon intellectual property (IP) solutions for systems-on-chip (SoC) are complemented by strong array of software tools and drivers as well as  extensive developer and middleware ecosystems. Target markets include mobile phone, handheld multimedia, home consumer entertainment, mobile and low-power  computing, and in-car electronics. Its licensees include many of the leading semiconductor and consumer electronics companies. Imagination has corporate headquarters in the United Kingdom, with sales and R&D offices worldwide. See:

Press Contact
David Harold