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Zac Hall


Zac Hall is 9to5Mac Editor-at-Large with a focus on technology news, product reviews, and analysis. Zac previously served as 9to5Mac Editor-in-Chief, hosted over 400 weekly episodes of the 9to5Mac Happy Hour podcast, and has been a member of the 9to5Mac family since 2013. Zac has over a decade of experience in technology journalism, including as a tech columnist for the Clarion-Ledger newspaper, part of the USA Today network.

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Despite no second Vision Pro keynote, Apple gave employees a new pitch (and a 25% discount)

WWDC 2023 keynote photos

Apple curiously opted not to release a second keynote-style video explaining Apple Vision Pro before pre-orders start. Internally, however, Apple distributed an introductory video of sorts to employees, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman reports. The new material reportedly covers future opportunities for Apple Vision Pro, including applications in education, medical, and training fields.

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On Apple Vision Pro FOMO

Lest you forget, tomorrow is Apple Vision Pro pre-order day. At least in the United States, that is.

If you’re prepared to drop $3,499 on Apple’s first spatial computer, then godspeed. Pre-orders start at 8 a.m. ET, and you’ll want an iPhone or iPad with Face ID around for the process. Having the latest version of the Apple Store app is also a must.

Wear glasses? ZEISS optical inserts are a separate purchase. $99 for readers or $149 for prescription lenses. You’ll need to upload a valid prescription from a US eye doctor after purchasing Vision Pro to buy the right optical inserts.

Apple Vision Pro curious but can’t or not eager to let go of $3,499 for the experience?

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iOS 17.3 and macOS 14.3 RC now available ahead of official launch next week [Release notes]

iOS 17.3 beta

The first iOS 17.3 release candidate is now available for iPhone users on the beta software update track. Stolen Device Protection is the headlining feature. It’s also the solution to an iPhone theft scheme revealed in a WSJ report last year. We also now have the official release notes for iOS 17.3 and macOS 14.3 Sonoma after reaching the RC stage.

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Apple Vision Pro pre-reviews, this time with pictures!

Vision Pro safe area | Front-facing cameras shown

Apple Vision Pro pre-orders in the US start on Friday, and reporters are getting their twelfth round of hands-on time with the hardware. That officially makes Vision Pro the most reviewed Apple hardware before journalists publish their actual reviews of Vision Pro.

What’s different this time, however, is Apple has allowed reporters to share photos of them actually using Vision Pro. Whether or not that helps or hurts the product is up to you.

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Apple Vision Pro ordering process: iPhone or iPad with Face ID needed, ‘valid, unexpired prescription’ for optical inserts

vision pro pre-orders

Apple Vision Pro pre-orders are a week away, and Apple is sharing new information about the buying process. An iPhone or iPad with Face ID will be needed to determine the best fitting hardware at checkout. For those who wear glasses, Apple has also shared more details about the process for ordering ZEISS optical inserts.

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