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iOS 17 beta has no sideloading, but Craig Federighi says Apple might comply with EU

Apple App Store sideloading iOS

Apple has come under scrutiny as governments around the world, especially the European Union, accuse the company of anti-competitive practices because of the App Store and iOS not allowing users to install apps from other sources. A report last year revealed that Apple was working on allowing sideloading with iOS 17, but it didn’t happen.

However, Apple’s vice president of software engineering Craig Federighi has said that the company might comply with the EU in its decisions on sideloading.

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Apple shares its first ‘App Store Transparency Report’ with data on app rejections, gov requests, more

Apple may keep track of everything you tap while browsing the App Store

Earlier this week, Apple shared an in-depth look at how the App Store helped prevent fraud and protect developers and customers alike. Now, the company has shared more details in what it’s calling the “2022 App Store Transparency Report.” This report offers granular information on app removals and appeals, developer account terminations, government requests for app takedowns, and more.

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UK antitrust case against Apple fails again; one more appeal possible

Antitrust case against Apple | 'No' slide from Apple keynote

A UK antitrust case against Apple has once again been thrown out, after an appeal tribunal ruled that the original decision was correct – that the UK’s competition watchdog had missed a legal deadline.

The ruling stands despite the fact that two Apple App Store policies were found to be anticompetitive, and even though the tribunal appeared to agree that its own decision was likely to have “undesirable or unfortunate results” …

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Elon Musk and Spotify’s CEO team up against Apple’s ‘absurd’ App Store rules

Tim Cook and Elon Musk

Both Spotify and Elon Musk have previously spoken out against Apple’s App Store guidelines in the past. In a new exchange on Twitter this weekend, Musk and Spotify CEO Daniel Ek again questioned Apple’s guidelines, with Ek referring to them as “absurd” and Musk saying they present a “serious scaling problem.”

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Apple VP talks about App Store and teases ‘new ways to connect with Apple’ ahead of WWDC

Apple VP talks about App Store and teases 'new ways to connect with Apple' ahead of WWDC

Susan Prescott became known for her role as vice president of developer relations at Apple. Over the past few years, she has appeared during some of the company’s keynotes. In an interview with The Independent, Prescott discussed the importance of the App Store and even teased “new ways to connect with Apple” coming at WWDC 2023.

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Apple discloses number of monthly active users for the App Store in Europe

In order to comply with the European Digital Services Act, Apple has been forced to reveal the number of monthly active users for the App Store in Europe, across iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

The company said the iOS App Store has 101 million users in Europe, whereas iPadOS has 23 million. The Mac App Store has 6 million, the tvOS App Store has 1 million, and the watchOS App Store has under 1 million. The disclosure was first spotted by iGeneration.

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Apple will be subject to Digital Services Act, affects App Store recommendations and ads

Digital Services Act | App Store recommendations

The European Union has now confirmed that Apple is one of 19 tech giants to be subject to the Digital Services Act. Specifically, the online safety and transparency legislation will apply to the App Store.

Apple has four months to comply, which will likely require changes to App Store recommendations and ads – though it looks like pre-installed iPhone apps won’t be affected …

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Exclusive: iOS 16 has new hidden system to restrict specific features based on the user’s location

exclusive: iOS 16 has new hidden system to restrict specific features based on the user%E2%80%99s location

You can use an iPhone or iPad almost anywhere in the world, but some iOS features are only available in specific places. In some cases, these restrictions are related to local regulations (such as FaceTime not being available in the UAE). 9to5Mac has now learned that Apple has been testing a new, more modern system hidden in iOS 16 to restrict features based on the user’s location.

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Spotify says Apple’s DMA compliance must include these changes

Apple EU third-party app stores

As European Union officials work on the implementation of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) that formally went into effect last fall, a stakeholder workshop was held today by the European Commission to get input on “app store related provisions.” Spotify was one of the panelists and it shared three changes it feels Apple must be forced to make in the EU.

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Apple/Spotify battle could be resolved in Europe with Epic-style compromise [U]

Apple Spotify battle | Spotify app on iPhone

Update: Apple comment added at end

Some four years after the Apple/Spotify battle began back in 2019, we may have the first indication of how the European Union will resolve the antitrust dispute.

Reading between the lines of a brief report today, it appears that the European Commission may be heading toward a compromise ruling, which would mirror that made in the Apple vs. Epic Games case in the US …

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Florida AG wants to force Apple to flag ‘foreign developed and owned’ apps for customers

Apple App Store

As part of privacy concerns over TikTok, Florida’s Attorney General is pushing Apple and Google to warn customers when they are about to download an app that is “foreign developed and owned.” In a letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook, Attorney General Ashely Moore said Apple needs to take “take immediate action” on this matter.

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Apple and Google duopoly dominates mobile app market, says Japanese antitrust regulator

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The Japanese antitrust regulator has completed its study of the mobile app market, and concluded that it is dominated by an Apple and Google duopoly.

It says that while it hopes the two companies will make changes voluntarily, and that existing antitrust regulation can be used to apply pressure, new legislation would be the most reliable way of ensuring fairness …

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State of the Union address calls for Congress to pass antitrust and data privacy legislation

State of the Union address

President Biden’s second State of the Union address called on Congress to pass bipartisan legislation on both antitrust and data privacy issues.

His comments on the antitrust issue specifically referenced the need to prevent tech companies favoring their own products, an accusation frequently levelled at Apple

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