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App Store revenue last month experienced its biggest drop in seven years

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Apple’s App Store revenue fell by 5% year-on-year in September, with games revenue down by 14%, according to Sensor Tower analytics.

Morgan Stanley, which carried out financial modeling based on the data, said that this was the biggest drop seen since it first started tracking, back in 2015. The fall is likely explained by two factors …

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App Association sponsorship claimed to give Apple undue influence without membership

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Apple gets caught up in all kinds of controversy, from antitrust issues to advertising, but one of the stranger ones concerns the company’s involvement with The App Association.

A piece this morning claims that the company exerts significant influence over a body designed to represent developers, when their interests may be at odds with those of the App Store owner …

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Apple fails to address App Store review complaints as ‘Authenticator’ developers continue facing copycats

Apple settles lawsuit with developer who exposed multi-million dollar App Store scam

In February, 9to5Mac reported that the popular Authenticator app was facing iOS copycats. At the time, complaints about the App Store review process were rising. But six months from there, it doesn’t seem much has changed as 2Stable developers are now facing the same issue, raising the fundamental question of Apple’s App Store as a gatekeeper from scammers and “a place you can trust.”

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Epic Games versus Apple antitrust appeal scheduled; Apple has the harder job

Epic Games versus Apple | Court gavel and book on top of $100 bills

Last year’s Epic Games versus Apple ruling left neither side happy, with both the developer and iPhone maker filing appeals against the judgement. The appeal hearing has now been scheduled for October 21, and it looks set to be an uphill battle for Apple.

Apple and Epic will each get only 20 minutes to make oral arguments, but we may also be hearing from the antitrust division of the Department of Justice (DOJ), and potentially also an argument on behalf of 35 state attorneys general – each of which is effectively siding with Epic …

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AAPL investors need to see inside the company’s “$70 billion black box,” say analysts

AAPL investors | Black box with Apple logo on it image

AAPL investors need to see inside the company’s “$70 billion black box,” say analysts – a reference to Apple lumping together all its Services revenue into one figure, despite the fact that it effectively covers ten different businesses with the company.

The issue is vital to understanding the level of the threat posed to Apple by antitrust regulations in respect of the App Store, they say …

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Is Apple allowing crypto scam apps in the App Store? US lawmakers want to know

apple crypto

Apple is coming under scrutiny for how its App Store review process handles submissions of cryptocurrency trading and wallet apps. In a letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook today, the chair of the US Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs questioned what “measures your company is taking to prevent fraudulent activity in your app store.”

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Apple default apps might be banned; here’s how Apple could respond

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We’re not seeing much progress with US antitrust legislation just at present, but if the two bills do make it through the Senate, that raises the prospect of Apple default apps being banned. Which is to say, Apple could not pre-install its own stock apps on iPhones, instead having to offer customers a choice of core apps.

Apple might respond with a choice of key apps during initial iPhone setup, likely with its own apps top of the lists …

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Tech antitrust legislation remains stalled as Schumer tells donors he won’t yet schedule votes

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Democrats last week urged Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to schedule votes on two pieces of tech antitrust legislation, but he last night told donors that he won’t do it yet.

At the heart of the impasse is a disagreement about whether enough senators would vote in favor of the two bills – one of which would have a big impact on Apple …

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