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Digital Markets Act passes, could force Apple to allow competing app stores, and more

Digital Markets Act | Purely decorative image of the word 'app' on a wall

Europe’s Digital Markets Act has been approved by the EU parliament, opening the door to Apple being required to allow competing iOS app stores.

The antitrust legislation will also oblige Apple to allow developers to use third-party payment platforms when apps are sold through Apple’s own App Store, and could require it to make iMessage talk to competing messenger apps …

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Most Americans want App Store competition, claims Epic Games and pals

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The Coalition for App Fairness (CAF) claims that the majority of Americans want to see App Store competition, alongside other antitrust legislation.

CAF commissioned two polls which show strong support for antitrust bills, one of which would mean opening up Apple and Google app stores to third-party competitors and/or sideloading …

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Delete TikTok from app stores, says FCC commissioner to Apple and Google

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An FCC commissioner has called on both Apple and Google to delete TikTok from their respective app stores, giving the companies until July 8 to respond. It is not clear what measures the Federal Communications Commission might take if the companies do not comply.

The lengthy four-page letter says that TikTok is not a video-sharing app, but a “sophisticated surveillance tool” for the Chinese government …

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Dutch watchdog says Apple changed ‘unfair’ App Store conditions, will offer alternative payment methods in dating apps

Apple App Store Dutch

Today, the Dutch watchdog said Apple will allow alternative payment methods in the App Store for dating apps in the Netherlands. The statement from the Authority for Consumers and Markets comes after Apple announced on Friday that it was again updating App Store guidelines to comply with the Dutch government’s requirements.

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Apple again updates App Store guidelines to comply with Dutch government requirements

Apple App Store Dutch

Apple on Friday once again updated App Store guidelines following complaints from the Dutch government, which claimed last month that the company’s actions to allow dating apps to use alternative payment methods on the App Store were “insufficient.” However, despite the changes, the company criticized the decision by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM).

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Apple developer lawsuit: Judge accepts $100M deal, but questions $27M lawyer’s cut

Apple developer lawsuit | Man fastening jacket

An Apple developer lawsuit filed back in 2019 has been settled after the Cupertino company agreed to pay $100M in compensation, and the court approved the deal – but the judge in the case has asked the lawyers to justify their $27M cut.

The antitrust case was brought by a number of small iOS developers, on the same basis as the separate case brought by Epic Games: that Apple has a monopoly on the sale of iOS apps, leaving them forced to give the iPhone maker a 30% cut …

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The seven things it takes to get an app to the top of the App Store

Top of the App Store | Woman's finger poised over iPhone home screen

If you’re a developer who’s ever dreamed of hitting the top of the App Store rankings, the good news is that a new analysis shows roughly how many daily downloads it takes.

The bad news is that the number is always increasing and Apple applies additional criteria, which means that downloads alone won’t do it. There are six other things to worry about …

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Apple cites $1.5 billion in App Store fraud prevention in latest push against regulators

App Store monopoly

Apple is out with yet another press release today in which it attempted to defend its strict (and oftentimes controversial) App Store policies. According to Apple, the App Store stopped “nearly $1.5 billion in fraudulent transactions in 2021.” Apple said this was made possible by a combination of App Store review, strict in-app payment requirements, and more.

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Meta just can’t get over Apple in 19-page comment to US over app ecosystems [U]

Meta Apple App Store

In 19 pages of comments for a federal agency’s report on the app ecosystem, Meta is once again slamming Apple’s overwhelming market power. These comments are to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) in a report on competition in the mobile app ecosystem. This report is part of the Biden Administration’s effort to crack down on tech giants’ power.

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Apple's App Store rules strategy

Apple sets new deadline for in-app account deletion requirement

Apple last year announced a change in the App Store guidelines that would require all apps that support account creation to offer an in-app option for letting users delete their accounts. However, this requirement has been delayed twice. Now the company has set a new deadline for developers to update their apps according to the new guideline.

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New study shows monopolistic practices of Apple and Google app stores, claims ‘abuse of market power’

Apple and Google

The Alliance of Digital India Foundation (ADIF) details monopolistic practices from Apple and Google app stores in a new study. The report, Towards Regulating App Stores, from ADIF and The Quantum Hub, mentions global regulatory actions targeting both tech giants control over the mobile app ecosystem.

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Latest antitrust threat to Apple is a proposed federal Digital Platform Commission

Digital representation of gavel | Latest antitrust threat to Apple is a proposed federal Digital Platform Commission

It seems scarcely a week goes by without a new antitrust threat to Apple, and the latest is a proposed federal Digital Platform Commission. Its remit would include addressing anti-competitive behaviors by digital stores, which would include the App Store.

US Senator Michael Bennet argues that although the DoJ and FTC already do “admirable work,” they don’t have the tech expertise required to offer robust oversight …

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