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Project Magenta is Linux-based mobile OS that aims to replicate iOS on generic hardware


Without getting into too many details, here is what little is known about this Open Source Magenta Project:

Magenta is an implementation of Darwin/BSD on top of the Linux kernel. It is made up of a number of kernel and userland components that work together. It is fully binary compatible with iPhone OS 5.0 (as in, it uses the same binary format).

It runs on ARM 7 Hardware currently, but what is the goal?

The final goal is probably recreating the iPhone OS 1.0 stack. I think this is a pretty feasible goal, considering the fact that there are so many open source libs that can be used to replace the proprietary libs used by Apple. Just as an example:
* CoreGraphics -> Cairo
-> FreeType
-> libpng/jpg
* Celestial -> Various open source media decoding libs.
* UIKit -> Chamelleon

The project does not wish to build a platform that can run Apple’s App Store apps; it appears to just aim at running iOS.

It will be interesting to see where this goes.


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UN’s ITU wants to tax biggest US websites including Google and Apple

The United Nations is considering a new Internet tax for U.S. websites and content providers including Google and Apple, according to leaked proposals from the European Telecommunications Network Operators Association:

The United Nations is considering a new Internet tax targeting the largest Web content providers, including Google, Facebook, Apple, and Netflix, that could cripple their ability to reach users in developing nations…The European proposal, offered for debate at a December meeting of a U.N. agency called the International Telecommunication Union, would amend an existing telecommunications treaty by imposing heavy costs on popular Web sites and their network providers for the privilege of serving non-U.S. users, according to newly leaked documents.

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Oracle sues Lodsys, attempts to invalidate patents

Texas-based shell company Lodsys has often been accused of being a patent troll for its various attempts to take legal action against app developers and companies that it claims uses its technologies. Most notably, the company last year attempted to get iOS and Android developers to pay royalties over in-app purchasing before Apple’s legal team eventually intervened on behalf of developers. Now, after recent threats from Lodsys to Oracle customers such as Walgreens over a web-chat technology, Oracle is suing Lodsys in an attempt to invalidate its patents. GigaOM reported:

Oracle has decided to weigh in because Lodsys “has repeatedly threatened numerous Oracle customers” such as Walgreens over the use of a web-chat feature Lodsys claims to own. Oracle is asking the court to declare that the four patents Lodsys is using to bully its customers are not new inventions. The patents, including US Patent  5,999,908 (“customer based design module”), came to prominence last year when Lodsys used them to sue Best Buy, Adidas and others.

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Brightcove CEO: Apple’s cable TV strategy will focus on AirPlay, not an HDTV

While the media is quick to jump on any hint that Apple might be working on an HDTV—and many analysts even pinpoint a late 2012 launch—CEO of video cloud company Brightcove Jeremy Allaire said Apple’s approach to cable TV will not focus on a traditional TV monitor product (via AllThingsD). Instead, he makes the case for beaming content from iOS devices through dedicated cable TV apps using AirPlay. This follows reports late last month that claimed Apple is set to introduce a new Apple TV OS at WWDC this month. Allaire explained:

I believe Apple will seek partnerships with the top cable companies for them to open up their APIs for their EPG, VOD libraries and Network DVR infrastructure so that Apple can offer a superior user experience on top of those services… In such a model, you’d purchase and use an Apple TV device (more on what the devices will actually be below) and use it in concert with an existing subscription from a TV operator, and access the TV functionality as an App. Yes, cable TV will just be an app among what will be tens and then hundreds of thousands of apps on your Apple TV.

As for new devices and software, Allaire claimed Apple’s main focus would be to enhance its current TV platform and integration with iOS devices, while possibly entering the TV monitor business. He further claimed Apple will release a completely redesigned Apple TV set-top box as a “thin black bar,” a “TV monitor” device that includes the same features as the set-top box, and updates to iOS APIs and AirPlay to include “new camera and microphone, motion detection and speech recognition” capabilities:

First, Apple will release a new Apple TV add-on product, though I expect that rather than using the current “puck” design it will instead be a thin black bar, perhaps 1 inch tall and 3 inches wide, that can easily mount to the top of almost any existing HD capable TV set. Like the existing Apple TV, it will have HDMI and power jacks on the back, but it will also include a high-def camera built into it’s face, as well as an embedded iOS environment that provides motion-sensing and speech processing.

Second, Apple will also release a TV monitor product as well with identical capabilities as the updated Apple TV add-on device, but in a design and form factor that presents the Apple brand effectively. Why would they do this when it is such an established market with such long replacement cycles? In short, because they can, and it will be gorgeous and include the latest innovations in display technology, and will sell at a premium price that ensures a reasonable gross margin for Apple.

Third, Apple will provide updates to iOS that include significantly enhanced and improved AirPlay functionality, and where AirPlay capabilities become a more front and center aspect of the iOS experience. Additionally, they will release new iOS APIs for dealing with second screen device capabilities such as the new camera and microphone, motion detection and speech recognition. Developers will be encouraged to build iOS apps that are Apple TV ready, using dual-screen features and motion user interaction, among other things.

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Judge rules Steve Jobs’ thermonuclear comments can be used in Motorola trial

Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs was known for being vocal when it came to talking about Google’s Android. Comments from Jobs referring to Android as a stolen product and vowing to destroy it even made it into Walter Isaacson’s official biography about the chief. Now, a judge presiding in a patent case with Motorola ruled that he would allow the comments to be referenced in trial, which goes against requests from Apple’s lawyers. Reuters reported (via GigaOM):

Steve Jobs gave a lot of juicy quotes before he died, and Apple Inc has failed to keep some of them out of an upcoming patent trial against Google’s Motorola Mobility unit, according to a court ruling.

A couple of examples:

  • “I will spend my last dying breath if I need to, and I will spend every penny of Apple’s $40 billion in the bank, to right this wrong.”
  • “I’m going to destroy Android, because it’s a stolen product. I’m willing to go thermonuclear war on this.”
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Source: No iPhone 4S on Boost Mobile in September

There is a rumor floating around today that surfaced conspicuously/immediately after the Cricket pre-paid phone was announced. If Cricket got the iPhone, it would make sense that Boost could also get the iPhone. Even we said:

Sprint, which carries the iPhone, and owns two big prepaid networks in Virgin and Boost Mobile, will likely have an iPhone prepaid offering in the coming months too.

Both Boost and Virgin use the same CDMA as Cricket, so it is not a technology barrier by any means.

However, according to our sources, Boost getting the iPhone this September is purely fiction.

We’re not sure if Boost isn’t getting it at all, or perhaps the timing is off, or perhaps Sprint’s more premium Pre-Paid service, Virgin, is getting the iPhone.

Update: Looks like it is Virgin.

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Hackintosh Ivy Bridge vs. Sandy Bridge benchmarked, small speed gains but significant power efficiency detailed [Video]


With Apple’s upcoming Mac lineup to include the much-rumored Ivy Bridge upgrade, we get a look today at what the new CPUs might be cable of, courtesy of a comparison to Sandy Bridge, running on a Hackintosh. According to Insanely Great Mac:

How the new Ivy Bridge CPUs look to match up to Intel’s previous generation Sandy Bridge platform. Benchmarks include both stock and over clocked Core i7 3770K and Core i7 2600K. Plus a look at how the new chips may affect the next round of Mac upgrades.

ETSI selects Apple’s nano-SIM design for new 4FF standard?

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We already knew that Apple is pushing hard to have the European Telecommunications Standards Institute select its nano-SIM card design over competitors like Nokia and Motorola, who proposed their own alternative design with RIM. While it was rumored that Apple had support from the majority of European operators, the ETSI confirmed today that it has selected a form factor for the new 4FF SIM Card:

The fourth form factor (4FF) card will be 40% smaller than the current smallest SIM card design, at 12.3mm wide by 8.8mm high, and 0.67mm thick. It can be packaged and distributed in a way that is backwards compatible with existing SIM card designs. The new design will offer the same functionality as all current SIM cards.

The announcement from the ESTI does not flat-out confirm Apple’s design was chosen, but we are able to confirm that the new form factor does match up nicely with measurements of Apple’s proposed design thanks to a little bit of investigative work courtesy of The Verge. Unfortunately, Nokia and Motorola’s proposed design had almost identical dimensions. We will have to wait for more official information on the new standard from ESTI before we know for sure that Apple’s design was selected.

The ESTI explained the standard would be published in its TS 102 221 specification:


Rumor: Apple working on standalone iSight camera?

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The New iPad Buyers’ Guide published by iLounge this week included a piece that speculated Apple might be working on a standalone camera product. While the story discussed the possibility of Apple working on a point-and-shoot iSight camera, iLounge clearly labeled it as speculation and simultaneously noted it received a tip claiming Apple is working on the project.

Take special note of pages 152 and 153—“Making the case for a standalone iSight Camera.” I’ll share more on this topic shortly, but for now, I’ll say that this two-page spread very nearly had a different title. We were tipped that this project is actually happening at Apple right now, but we didn’t feel confident enough in our source to call it a certainty; it’s therefore billed as speculation. Still, there’s enough smoke to make us think there’s a fire.

It did not feel strongly enough in the source to run the story, but Jeremy Horwitz of iLounge sent out a tweet today noting once again that Apple is working on a standalone camera:



Next-gen iPhone schematic shows 4-inch display, repositioned FaceTime camera

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We posted high-resolution images of both the black and white versions of the next-generation iPhone back plate yesterday. Although we could determine many new features of the device, such as the redesigned speaker grills, repositioned earphone jack, and FaceTime camera, the exact display dimensions are still unknown. We noted one of our images depicted what appears to be the next-generation iPhone front glass with enough room for the much-rumored, roughly 4-inch display, but new schematics surfaced today (via Cydia Blog) that show a diagonal opening of just slightly over 4-inches. The designs also shows the repositioned FaceTime camera above the earpiece.

Although calculations of the display show an opening less than 0.1-inch over 4-inches, the display could likely measure a flat 4-inches diagonally as the front panel is typically slightly larger than the display. We noted yesterday that our sources informed us that the next-generation iPhone front glass images we posted feature the same width of the current iPhones, which would comfortably allow for an approximate 16:9 aspect ratio. We cannot confirm the schematic is 100 percent legit, or not just a past prototype, but also all the recent evidence points to a 4-inch next-generation iPhone that we expect to see this October.


Report: Apple to unveil new Apple TV OS at WWDC, will run on future HDTV

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According to a report from BGR, which cited a “trusted source,” Apple is preparing to demo a refreshed version of its Apple TV OS at WWDC next week. The report also claimed it is the same OS that runs on the much-rumored Apple HDTV that many reports indicate the company is working on. BGR also said Apple is testing a new “control out” API. The report explained:


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Tim Cook met with lawmakers in Washington last week to strengthen relationship and ‘open up a line of communication’

Tim Cook with U.S. Speaker of the House John Boehner—taken on May 15.

According to CNN Money, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook met with a number of U.S. Congressional leaders last Tuesday to strengthen Apple’s relationship with the government and develop an open line of communication between the two parties. The meetings were not exactly on legal issues, such as Apple’s current eBook battle with the U.S. Department of Justice, but rather a brief and “low key” introduction. One aide told CNN Money: “It was an act of opening up a line of communication, but it was a first step in what hopefully will be a growing relationship. They didn’t become best buds in one meeting.

Apple’s late co-founder and once-CEO Steve Jobs did not really have an open relationship with the U.S. government and chose to stay away from political and law issues. However, there was one time he actually had dinner with President Obama and other key figures. The President supposedly looked to Jobs for economical advice, and he even said the U.S. should support peoples’ aspirations to become like Jobs.

Last week’s meetings may indicate Cook is looking to change a few things at Apple when it comes to dealing with the government. Of course, Cook will not be quick to change pressing issues as rapidly as he and others at Apple might like, but things could change soon with a new relationship.

Review: $80 Logitech Mini Boombox—the diminutive wireless speaker with huge sound and battery

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Last month, I put the full-sized Logitech Boombox up against the Jawbone Jambox in a $150 Bluetooth speaker battle. I liked both devices, but they had separate strengths and weaknesses and were best suited to different tasks. For instance, I liked the portability of the Jambox, its speakerphone capability, and charging via USB. I liked the sound and simplicity of the Logitech Boombox, but I did not like the proprietary AC adapter.

After the review, Logitech got ahold of me and said if I liked the Jambox and the Boombox, they made another product that I would love called the “Mini Boombox.” Unlike Logitech’s full-size Bluetooth speakers, the Mini charges via Mini-USB, can fit in the palm of your hand (or cargo pant pockets), and it acts as a speakerphone for an iPhone. This one retails for $100, but it can be found for $79.99 at both Amazon (with $30 of MP3s) and Best Buy.

How did it stack up against the two $150 Bluetooth speakers mentioned earlier?


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iPad claims another victim: Cisco kills Cius Android tablet due to BYOD (read: i-P-a-d)

From 9to5Google: Cisco is killing off its Android-based Cius business tablet less than a year after launching due to the “BYOD trend.” Translation: iPad:

There’s no denying iOS devices and cheaper Android solutions are taking the place of Cius. Recent studies show Apple with 97 percent of tablets in the enterprise, while 94 percent of the Fortune 500 arecurrently testing or deploying iPad. The result is no further investment in the Cius tablet line and only limited support for what is currently available. The company will instead “double down” on Jabber and WebEx


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WSJ: Analysts now agree we’re going to see new Retina Macs in June

A newly redesigned 15-inch MacBook Pro was all but rumor until we reported earlier this month that Apple indeed has a slimmed down, all-new MacBook Pro sporting a Retina display, Ivy Bridge, and speedy USB 3. We followed that up with a report revealing Apple’s new MacBook Airs and iMacs will both likely include super-high resolution Retina displays. At the time, we reported Apple’s WWDC in June would be expected for at least the unveiling of the new slim MacBook Pro; although, a gradual roll out of Retina iMacs and Airs following the Pros would not be much of a surprise. Apple typically rolls out new Mac features such as higher-res displays gradually.

Following those reports, The Wall Street Journal published a story today quoting analysts who now all seem to agree that we will see upgraded Macs this summer. Ben Reitzes of Barclays Capital claimed the new Retina Mac lineup would debut at WWDC in June:

Reitzes said it is likely the Mac line will feature the retina-display technology used in the iPad, as well as the new Ivy Bridge quad-core processors from Intel Corp. (INTC) He also estimates that Apple’s new operating-system upgrade, called Mountain Lion, and the new MacBook Airs should be on the market before the first Ultrabook laptops with Microsoft Corp.’s (MSFT) Windows 8 operating system hit the shelves in the fall… “We believe recent data reflect a pause ahead of new products, which we believe will be released this quarter in June,” according to Reitzes, who has an overweight rating and $750 target price on Apple’s stock.

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Seagate buys long time Mac peripheral maker LaCie for roughly $186 million

Seagate announced its plans to buy LaCie, a Paris-based maker of various data storage products that are popular among Mac users, this morning. LaCie makes various products aimed at Mac users including a couple Thunderbolt enabled solutions that we showed you recently. Seagate will buy the 64.5-percent of the company currently held by CEO Philippe Spruch—and the rest in cash upon completion of that transaction (via Forbes):

Seagate Technology plc the worldwide leader in hard disk drives and storage solutions, and LaCie S.A. a leading manufacturer of consumer storage products, today announced an exclusive agreement with the intent for Seagate to acquire a controlling interest in LaCie.The transaction would combine two highly complementary product and technology portfolios, adding LaCie’s line of premium branded consumer storage solutions, network-attached storage solutions and software offerings to Seagate’s array of mainstream consumer storage products.


May 23, 2012

Seagate has Offered to Purchase LaCie CEO’s 64.5% Ownership Position;
Seagate to Subsequently Commence Tender Offer for Remaining Outstanding Shares

Expands Seagate’s Product Line and Capabilities in the Growing Consumer Storage Market

CUPERTINO, CA and PARIS, FRANCE – May 23, 2012 – Seagate Technology plc (NASDAQ: STX) the worldwide leader in hard disk drives and storage solutions, and LaCie S.A. (Euronext: LAC), a leading manufacturer of consumer storage products, today announced an exclusive agreement with the intent for Seagate to acquire a controlling interest in LaCie. Seagate has offered to purchase from Philippe Spruch, LaCie’s chairman and CEO, and his affiliate, all of their shares, representing 64.5% of the outstanding shares of LaCie. Following receipt of governmental approvals and the close of this transaction, Seagate would commence an all-cash simplified tender offer (followed as the case may be by a squeeze-out procedure) to acquire the remaining outstanding shares in accordance with the General Regulation of the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF).

Seagate has offered Mr. Spruch and his affiliate €4.05 per share in cash, minus a potential adjustment depending on the cash and debt position of LaCie at closing. This price may be increased by a possible price supplement of 3% in the event that the threshold of 95% of the shares and voting rights of LaCie would be reached by Sparrow within 6 months following closing, resulting in a maximum potential price per LaCie share of €4.17. Without the price supplement, the offer currently values LaCie at an approximate €146 million, or $186 million total equity value, including acquired net cash of approximately €49 million, or $65 million, as of March 31, 2012. The €4.05 per share price represents a premium of 29% to LaCie’s average closing stock price over the 30 trading days ended May 22, 2012.

Ricol Lasteyrie & Associés was appointed today as independent expert by the board of directors of LaCie, to deliver a fairness opinion on the price that would be offered in the context of the tender offer, including in the perspective of a potential squeeze-out procedure.

The transaction would combine two highly complementary product and technology portfolios, adding LaCie’s line of premium branded consumer storage solutions, network-attached storage solutions and software offerings to Seagate’s array of mainstream consumer storage products. The combination would accelerate Seagate’s growth strategy in the expanding consumer storage market, particularly in Europe and Japan, and add strong engineering and software development capabilities, as well as relationships with several key retailers.

The transaction is expected to be neutral to Seagate’s fiscal 2013 earnings per share.

Following the close of the sale of his shares to Seagate, Mr. Spruch would join Seagate and lead the company’s consumer storage products organization. Reporting to him would be Patrick Connolly, who currently serves as vice president and general manager of Seagate’s retail group, as well as Pierre van der Elst, who currently serves as deputy general manager of LaCie. The financial terms of the new position of Mr Spruch are not determined as of today and would therefore be described subsequently, including in the tender offer documentation.

“Seagate has a strong commitment to the growing consumer storage market and bringing the most dynamic products to market. LaCie has built an exceptional consumer brand by delivering exciting and innovative high-end products for many years. This transaction would bring a highly complementary set of capabilities to Seagate, significantly expand our consumer product offerings, add a premium-branded direct-attached storage line, strengthen our network-attached storage business line and enhance our capabilities in software development,” said Steve Luczo, Seagate chairman, president and CEO. “We are also excited that Philippe, who is a true visionary and leader in the consumer storage business, would join Seagate to run our consumer storage products organization.”

“With the proliferation of devices and content being shared and stored today, consumer demand for high-quality branded storage solutions continues to grow,” said Philippe Spruch, LaCie’s chairman and CEO. “We are excited about the potential for this combination to benefit customers and employees by creating significant scale and opening up new markets. We look forward to making the resources of a much larger company available to our customers around the world.”

LaCie will initiate the information and consultation process required by its employee representative council in relation to the contemplated transaction, in accordance with French law. Upon completion of this process, Seagate and Mr. Spruch would execute a definitive share purchase agreement and finalize the purchase of the controlling interest held by Mr. Spruch and his affiliate. This share purchase transaction is expected to close in the third calendar quarter of 2012 pending completion of the relevant governmental reviews. Seagate would then commence a tender offer for the remaining outstanding shares of LaCie (followed as the case may be by a squeeze-out procedure), subject to a clearance decision from the AMF. The tender offer is expected to be completed in the third calendar quarter of 2012.

The transaction is subject to regulatory approval in the United States (antitrust filing), France (approval of foreign investments by the Ministry of Finance) and other jurisdictions (antitrust filing in Germany) and to other customary closing conditions.

Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC served as financial advisor and Allen & Overy LLP served as legal advisor to Seagate in connection with the transaction. De Pardieu Brocas Maffei A.A.R.P.I served as legal advisor to LaCie.

NPD: Include iPad and Apple doubles nearest competitor in Mobile PC share, iPad now 63 percent of tablet market

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Tim Cook likes to refer to the iPad as “the poster child of the post PC world” and often brags about how it is leading the pack. According to new numbers out today from research firm NDP, if you account for the iPad (13.6 million units during the quarter), Cupertino, Calif.-based Apple has maintained its position as the leader in mobile PC sales with 17.2 million units shipped during Q1. Apple beat out its nearest competitor HP by a solid 8.3 million units, which makes it the leader by far.

As for the area of key growth, NDP backs up Cook’s recent claims that China is a key emerging market. According to the study, China accounted overall for 13 percent of mobile PCs shipped during the quarter. In related China news, a new study reported Apple doubled its device market share in China during Q1. Of course, this is due in part to the launch of the iPhone 4S with the fighting bustling crowds. However, Samsung still leads in the country by roughly 2.8 million devices shipped.

Apple already announced its Q2 earnings, where the company revealed it shipped 11.8 million iPads. It will be interesting to see how Apple fairs against the competition during Q2. But, right now, it looks like the others do not have a shot. Apple also led in tablets shipped, with a 62 percent marketshare during Q1:


The Telegraph interviews Apple lead designer Jonathan Ive, officially knighted today in Britain [video]

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Being the senior vice president of industrial design at Apple, Jonathan Ive has played a key role over the years getting Apple products to be the best designed out there. While Ive was out of Cupertino and in his native homeland of Britain, The Daily Telegraph snagged a lengthy interview getting some insight into one of the most influential designers today. Like Steve Jobs, Ive said his inspiration for design work came from his father.

“My father was a very good craftsman. He made furniture, he made silverware and he had an incredible gift in terms of how you can make something yourself.”

Ive is currently in Britain to receive his knighthood for his stunning design work and contributions, so I guess we should really be calling him Sir Jonathan Ive. Ive even recently credited his homeland as inspiration for his work: “I am keenly aware that I benefit from a wonderful tradition in the U.K. of designing and making.”

The Telegraph’s interview also has a great look on Apple’s path to success, as explained by Ive himself.

“We try to develop products that seem somehow inevitable. That leave you with the sense that that’s the only possible solution that makes sense,” he explains. “Our products are tools and we don’t want design to get in the way. We’re trying to bring simplicity and clarity, we’re trying to order the products.

Check out the rest of the interview on The Daily Telegraph >>

Update: BBC reported that Sir Jonathan Ive has officially been knighted today. The Princess Royal knighting him is on video below.


Foxconn reportedly investing $210M in new Apple production line

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According to a report from the China Daily, Foxconn is looking to invest $210 million in a new Apple production line that will be based in Huai’an city, China, according to the office of Taiwan Affairs today. The plant is expected to be relatively big in size, covering 40,000 square meters, with plans to hire 35,800 workers. However, it looks to be smaller than Foxconn’s other plants. When it comes to how much the plant plans to produce, the output from the plant is expected to be between $949 million to $1.1 billion yearly, according to the report.

It is not clear which Apple products are expected to be built in the plant, but construction will begin in October of this year, perhaps ruling out possibility of the factory producing the sixth-generation iPhone that is rumored to go into production in June. Manufacturing for the new iPhone will most likely take place in Foxconn’s main Shenzhen plant, where upwards of 200,000 workers currently work. Foxconn also opened a new plant in Brazil and a larger plant in Zhengzhou just last year.


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Samsung chief says company looking to resolve differences with Apple ahead of court rendezvous, options include cross-licensing deal

The legal battle between Samsung and Apple is nothing new, because the two companies have duked it out in court for quite sometime. Both companies are ordered to meet to talk about a deal tomorrow. Not surprisingly, Samsung chief JK Shin is looking to resolve the differences between his company, and Apple is looking toward negotiating with them, according to Reuters. One of the ways he suggested is a cross-licensing deal: “There is still abig gapin the patent war with Apple but we still have several negotiation options including cross-licensing.”

Headed to the United States today, Shin is accompanied by chief executive Choi Gee-sung. Both will meet with Apple’s CEO Tim Cook and company in a San Francisco court tomorrow to try to hammer out a negotiation.

The interesting part of this whole kerfuffle is that Samsung is a key supplier for many parts that Apple uses in its products. South Korean-based Samsung even has a factory in Austin, Texas dedicated to making chips for Apple’s iOS devices. However, even with giving each other their business, the two companies’ relationship is not very good. Samsung is one of the most popular manufacturers of Android handsets, leaving both Apple and Samsung suing each other to try to back up their respective devices.

We will cover anything that comes out of the court tomorrow, but do not expect the two companies to strike a deal very quickly, because it looks like it is going to take a bit to settle their differences.


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Internal Sam’s Club listing shows Verizon Shared Data plan still on track for summer

Verizon’s shared data plan has been known since CFO Andrew Davies announced the news on the company’s call with investors in late April—along with many other rumors that developed over the past year. It will allow Verizon customers to share data between their iPhone, iPad, or with the rest of their family’s devices. Davies said it will be available by mid-summer.

According to a screenshot of an internal listing from Sam’s Club, which was given to 9to5Mac by a tipster, the plan to roll out shared data still seems to be on track for a mid-summer release. The note said the plan would be similar to how customers “share minutes today.”

In March, PhoneArena leaked a screenshot of the family data usage calculator to estimate how much data is used on your plan. There is no word on how much data will be provided, or how much it will even cost. However, according to the screenshot below, it looks like it will extend to 30 GB and beyond.

For those on AT&T, you will also be able to use a similar plan soon. Just last week, AT&T CEO of Mobile Business Ralph de la Vega told CNET that a shared data plan is on its way. When it came to the carrier’s profit from the plan, he said, “I’m very comfortable with the plan that will be offered to our customers.” Carriers, of course, make bank off data plans.

It is great to know things are still on track, and we will let you know when these types of plans launch in the near future. Is anyone interested?

Cheers, Phoenix!

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T-Mobile announces no-contract broadband passes starting at $15

T-Mobile announced new “worry-free No Annual Contracts” today for its mobile broadband service that is expected to launch through T-Mobile retail stores and online May 20. The plans start at $15 per one-week pass capped at 300MB and $25 per one-moth pass capped at 1.5GB. The carrier is also offering 3.5GB and 5GB one-month passes at $35 and $50, respectively.

T-Mobile’s website currently lists no-annual contract broadband plans at $100 for a 100MB week pass, $30 for a 1 GB month pass, or $50 for a 3GB month pass. We are assuming the new plans will replace the old ones on May 20.

Starting at just $15, T-Mobile’s lineup of No Annual Contract mobile broadband passes delivers a pay-in-advance, overage-free solution that offers an allotment of mobile data, making it possible for customers to choose a pass that best fits their data needs without committing to a two-year contract.

The full press release from T-Mobile is below:

T-Mobile Introduces New No Annual Contract
Mobile Broadband Service Passes
New Passes, Available May 20, Offer Flexible, More Affordable Access to High-Speed Internet on the Go on an Advanced Lineup of 4G Tablets, Mobile Hotspots and Laptop Sticks
Bellevue, Wash. — May 17, 2012  T-Mobile USA, Inc. today announced that its new, flexible and worry-free No Annual Contract mobile broadband service passes will debut May 20, making it easier for customers to enjoy access to high-speed Internet on the go whenever they want. With T-Mobile’s new, more affordable No Annual Contract data passes, customers can experience T-Mobile’s blazing-fast 4G network speeds across a variety of mobile broadband devices including tablets, mobile hotspots and laptop sticks – with no strings attached.
Starting at just $15, T-Mobile’s lineup of No Annual Contract mobile broadband passes delivers a pay-in-advance, overage-free solution that offers an allotment of mobile data, making it possible for customers to choose a pass that best fits their data needs without committing to a two-year contract:
  • 300MB 1-week pass for $15
  • 1.5GB 1-month pass for $25
  • 3.5GB 1-month pass for $35
  • 5GB 1-month pass for $50
“Although most of our mobile broadband customers choose postpaid rate plans for the best device prices and data rates, we know that many of our customers want the flexibility to be able to experience mobile broadband without committing to an annual contract up front,” said Jeremy Korst, vice president of marketing, T-Mobile USA. “With better pricing and new features like an auto-refill option and a simpler purchase experience, T-Mobile’s No Annual Contract mobile broadband passes make it easier and more affordable than ever to experience high-speed Internet on the go on a range of devices.”
T-Mobile® offers a variety of 4G mobile broadband devices that, when connected to T-Mobile’s high-speed 4G network, offer customers fast access to the Web, e-mail, gaming, movies and more, while on-the-go.
  • T-Mobile’s lineup of mobile, connected tablets, including the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus and the T-Mobile® SpringBoard™ with Google,  deliver a premium on-the-go entertainment and Web experience, making it possible to stream movies on a road trip or shop online while the kids play at the park.
  • The T-Mobile® Sonic 4G Mobile Hotspot and the T-Mobile 4G Mobile Hotspot are ideal for staying connected on-the-go with colleagues and clients or providing Internet on the go for the family on vacation. Providing simultaneous access to T-Mobile’s 4G network for up to five Wi-Fi-enabled devices, customers can use their mobile hotspots to connect their iPad® devices, laptops, music players, portable gaming devices and e-readers, among other devices, to T-Mobile’s high-speed 4G network.
  • T-Mobile’s laptop sticks, including the HSPA+ 42-enabled Rocket 3.0 USB Laptop Stick, are perfect for customers looking for a blazing-fast mobile Internet connection on their laptop.
T-Mobile’s new No Annual Contract mobile broadband passes are expected to be available beginning May 20 at T-Mobile retail stores, select dealers, national retailers and online at More information on T-Mobile’s mobile broadband offerings is available at