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No Vision Pro 2? Apple, give us this one upgrade and call it a day

Vision Pro M4

Apple has reportedly stopped development of the Vision Pro’s formal successor. Instead, the company is doubling down on releasing a more affordable, lighter-weight Vision product that is more enticing to the masses.

I’ve already written about why I think this is a good move, but the lack of a Vision Pro 2 could mean Apple finds themselves in an awkward position. What happens if the cheaper Vision device comes with more modern tech than its ‘Pro’ companion?

Here’s what Apple can do to upgrade the Vision Pro without needing to offer a true Vision Pro 2.

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The M4 iPad Pro has a new privacy feature Apple hasn’t told anyone about

Apple M4 chip AI

Over the last few years, Apple has built a reputation for being strong on user privacy. Its marketing likes to emphasize this point often as a way of distinguishing the company from its competitors.

Interestingly though, a new discovery reveals that the just-released M4 iPad Pro includes a new security feature that Apple hasn’t told anyone about.

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M4 is the first Apple silicon chip to debut on iPad, so when will it arrive on the Mac?

Here's why a 15-inch MacBook Air would be a good addition to the Mac lineup

It’s been only a couple of months since Apple’s most popular Mac was updated to the M3 chip, and about half a year since the M3 first debuted.

But already, thanks to the M4’s inclusion in the new iPad Pro, prospective Mac buyers are wondering when this new iPad-exclusive chip will make its way into the Mac lineup.

Here’s what we currently expect from the M4’s Mac timeline.

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M4 already? Here’s why Apple is abandoning the M3 chip line so fast

One of the biggest surprises from Apple’s ‘Let loose’ event was the arrival of a new M4 chip in the iPad Pro. It may not have been quite as surprising as Apple originally hoped, but heading into the event there was still a lot of doubt and no real consensus on what chip would power the new iPad Pro.

Yet Apple made the bold move of shipping the very first M4 chip in the iPad. Leaving us all to wonder: why? And what exactly is wrong with the M3 line?

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Apple unveils M4: Its first chip made for AI from the ground up

The rumors were true: Apple on Tuesday unveiled M4, the next generation of its Apple Silicon chip. Built with the 3 nanometer chip architecture, M4 is the first Apple chip to be built for AI from the ground up. M4 is the chip that powers the new generation iPad Pro and will soon be inside Macs – so read on as we detail what changes with this chip.

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M4 iPad Pro: Will Apple put a brand new chip in its next iPad? Evidence suggests so

M4 iPad Pro

Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman broke the internet on Sunday by claiming that the next generation iPad Pro, expected to be announced by Apple next week, will be powered by the brand new M4 chip rather than the current M3. While this may sound unlikely at first, there’s actually some other evidence that the M4 iPad Pro rumor is true.

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