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Apple News and Brief History

Before you can properly understand Apple News, it’s important to know its history. Apple was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1976. In 1977, Apple’s sales were growing with the success of its early computers. Within a few years, Jobs and Wozniak hired designers and a production line crew. Apple went public in 1980 and was an instant success. Over the next few years, Apple shipped new computers featuring new graphical user interfaces, such as the original Macintosh in 1984. As the market for personal computers expanded through the 1990s, Apple lost market share to the cheaper Microsoft Windows on PC clones. Eventually, Wozniak and Jobs both left Apple. Jobs would go on to found NeXT and would return to Apple when NeXT was acquired in the late 90s. Apple then began a journey to the great second act in the history of the business world.

Since the release of the iPod in 2001, Apple has become a major player once again in the technology industry. After releasing the iPhone in 2007, the iPad in 2010, and the Apple Watch in 2015, Apple is now one of the largest companies in the world. Apple’s worldwide annual revenue totaled $274.5 billion for its 2020 fiscal year.

Today, Apple operates retail stores all across the world, has a growing services division, and an ever-expanding hardware lineup. The technology industry follows Apple news to see where the company is headed in the future.

Keep reading for the latest Apple news

Apple improving cross-platform integration between iOS and OS X, cross-platform AirDrop, Handoff, instant hotspot and more

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Apple wants users to be able to smoothly move between their Macs and iOS devices. AirDrop now interoperates between Mac and iOS devices. However, it goes further. Handoff allows you to send a document from your Mac to your iOS device, just by being in close proximity to each other.

The Mac also notices when an iOS device is nearby for Personal Hotspot. The phone appears in the WiFi menu, shown above, and with one-click the phone connects to the Mac and the devices start tethering.


New developer APIs for iOS 8 and OS X 10.10 appear in open-source WebKit

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The code shows that this is a new addition for OS X 10.10 and iOS 8.

Slightly ahead of the keynote later today, Apple has pushed some of its new APIs for developers into the open-source channels. The class in question is a new view that appears to replace the current iOS and OS X WebKit implementations, which enables apps to show webpages and other content inline.

The new framework seems to indicate a focus on cross-platform API compatibility, between iOS and OS X. The leaked framework seems to be fully feature-compatible across platforms. This differs to the situation today, where developers must use the ‘WebView’ class for OS X and ‘UIWebView’ for iOS. This should help developers write more reusable code.


Live blog/analysis: Apple talks iOS 8, OS X 10.10, more at WWDC 2014

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Zac Hall | 11:47

Seth Weintraub | 11:47

Zac Hall | 11:47 Comparing to Python as well with massing performance difference

Zac Hall | 11:46 Federighi comparing Swift speed to Objective-C

Seth Weintraub | 11:46

Zac Hall | 11:46 “The language is called Swift and it totally rules.”

Seth Weintraub | 11:46 New Programming language: Swift

Zac Hall | 11:46 New programming language… called Swift

Zac Hall | 11:46 Federighi discussing Objective-C language

Zac Hall | 11:45 Xcode: Federighi says Xcode’s latest version was downloaded 14 million times

Zac Hall | 11:45 SceneKit: new 3D scene render with integrated physics engine

Zac Hall | 11:44 SpriteKit enhancements announced

Zac Hall | 11:44 Federighi discussing SpriteKit and casual gaming on iOS

Zac Hall | 11:44 Zen Garden, game demoed showing Metal, will be available in the App Store for free alongside iOS 8

Zac Hall | 11:43 Epic Games founder and company demoing graphics using Metal 3D APIs

Seth Weintraub | 11:39

Seth Weintraub | 11:39 Metal is new 3D reduces Games overhead in 3D. Up to 10x performance

Seth Weintraub | 11:39

Seth Weintraub | 11:38 Cloudkit

Seth Weintraub | 11:36 HomeKit

Seth Weintraub | 11:36

Seth Weintraub | 11:35 Camera APIs and PhotoKit

Seth Weintraub | 11:35

Seth Weintraub | 11:35

Seth Weintraub | 11:34 Touch ID:

Seth Weintraub | 11:34

Seth Weintraub | 11:33 3rd party keyboards

Seth Weintraub | 11:33 Bing Translate also built in iOS menu item

Seth Weintraub | 11:32 Ebay notification widget allows you to bid without opening the app

Seth Weintraub | 11:31 Widgets demo

Seth Weintraub | 11:30 3rd Party Widgets that can go in notifications

Seth Weintraub | 11:29 Photo Filters

Seth Weintraub | 11:29

Seth Weintraub | 11:28 Extensibility will allow services from other apps.

Seth Weintraub | 11:28 4000 new Developer APIs

Seth Weintraub | 11:27 SDK is biggest release since launch of the app store

Seth Weintraub | 11:26

Seth Weintraub | 11:26 App Previews Videos

Seth Weintraub | 11:25

Seth Weintraub | 11:25 App Bundles

Seth Weintraub | 11:25 Editors choice category

Seth Weintraub | 11:25 Related searches

Seth Weintraub | 11:25 Scrolling Results

Seth Weintraub | 11:25 Tim: Making App Store even better:

Explore Tab

Trending Searches

Seth Weintraub | 11:24 1.2 B Apps

300M people visit app store every week

Seth Weintraub | 11:23 Hey Siri > OK, Google?

Seth Weintraub | 11:22

Seth Weintraub | 11:22 Hey Siri,

Seth Weintraub | 11:21 New iCloud Pricing for full photos

Seth Weintraub | 11:20 Photos for Mac

Seth Weintraub | 11:19 Photos for Mac SHIPPING EARLY NEXT YEAR

Seth Weintraub | 11:18 Using Levels and Color in new Photo

Seth Weintraub | 11:16 Demoing Photos

Seth Weintraub | 11:16 smart editing controls for light and color. Auto straightening cropping

Seth Weintraub | 11:16 Search Location, Time, Albums,

Seth Weintraub | 11:15 Can get at all photos in the cloud thru iPhoto

Seth Weintraub | 11:14

Seth Weintraub | 11:14 Share media and Apps with Family. So get all of your wife’s media. Up to 6 family members who share same credit card.

Seth Weintraub | 11:13

Seth Weintraub | 11:12 Family Sharing

Seth Weintraub | 11:12

Seth Weintraub | 11:10 HealthKit not HealthBook

Seth Weintraub | 11:10 Health

Seth Weintraub | 11:10 Passcode protection across apps

Seth Weintraub | 11:07 Enterprise 98% of Fortune 500 companies.

Seth Weintraub | 11:07

Seth Weintraub | 11:07 compatible with 3rd party devices. 

Seth Weintraub | 11:06 iCloud Drive on iOS

Seth Weintraub | 11:05 Hair Force One jokes. Don’t get old.

Seth Weintraub | 11:03 These new features look easy enough for just about anyone to use.

Seth Weintraub | 11:03 Greg Joswiak demoing new Messaging features

Seth Weintraub | 11:02

Seth Weintraub | 11:00 you can pick up calls on your iPad thru “Continuity”

Seth Weintraub | 11:00 learning is Private and on device. Lots of Languages

Seth Weintraub | 10:59 Dinner or Movie suggestions

Seth Weintraub | 10:59 Quicktype=predictive typing suggestions

Seth Weintraub | 10:58 Keyboard and Quicktype

Seth Weintraub | 10:58 still using google search

Seth Weintraub | 10:57 Spotlight – you can now search for Apps on App store, points of interest from Wikipedia entries. Songs, movies

Seth Weintraub | 10:57 Spotlight on iOS

Seth Weintraub | 10:56 Using quick functionalities in Mail.  Will be slightly harder to not use it now.

Seth Weintraub | 10:54

Seth Weintraub | 10:54 Flicking away Phil Schiller’s Notifications.

Seth Weintraub | 10:53 Mobile safari gets a sidebar (assuming in iPad version only? 

Seth Weintraub | 10:52 you can now reply to notifications with a pull down.

Seth Weintraub | 10:52

Seth Weintraub | 10:51 pull down notifications

Seth Weintraub | 10:51 Craig’s back to talk about iOS 8….

Seth Weintraub | 10:50 iOS 8 and Dev.

Seth Weintraub | 10:48

Seth Weintraub | 10:48 89% of install base was running the latest OS.

Seth Weintraub | 10:48 …for iOS 7.

Seth Weintraub | 10:48 97% Satisfaction rating from Changewave

Seth Weintraub | 10:47 nearly half of China customers switched from Android to Apple. (China Mobile might have helped a bit here)

Seth Weintraub | 10:47 Android …jokes!

Seth Weintraub | 10:47

Seth Weintraub | 10:46 some math…800M! iOS devices

Seth Weintraub | 10:46 iPod Touch 100M

iPad 200M

iPhone 500M

Seth Weintraub | 10:46 Tim Cook. iOS time

Seth Weintraub | 10:45 Summer Free Public Beta program

Seth Weintraub | 10:45 Recap….and available today. Everyone else will get it  in the Fall….free

Seth Weintraub | 10:44

Seth Weintraub | 10:44 That wasn’t uncomfortable

Seth Weintraub | 10:43

Seth Weintraub | 10:42 Calling Dre

Seth Weintraub | 10:42 Demoing Phone calls. I think a big deal

Seth Weintraub | 10:40

Seth Weintraub | 10:40 Phone calls on Mac via iPhone. This is a big deal if you use a Mac

Seth Weintraub | 10:39 Messages will relay SMSes to/from Mac

Seth Weintraub | 10:38 Instant Hotspot….ooohhh

Seth Weintraub | 10:37 Swipe up on your iPad and work goes to your Mac

Seth Weintraub | 10:37 New “Handoff”

Seth Weintraub | 10:36 Applause…..

Seth Weintraub | 10:36 Airdrop works between iOS and the Mac

Seth Weintraub | 10:36 Transitions should be natural/seamless

Seth Weintraub | 10:36 “Continuity” – using the right device for the moment.

Seth Weintraub | 10:35 can draw cartoon bubbles

Seth Weintraub | 10:34

Seth Weintraub | 10:34 Demoing Recent Recipients. Wonder how configurable this is. Can I have 10? 20?

Also showing some editing in mail

Seth Weintraub | 10:33 Brian Croll demoing tabs

Seth Weintraub | 10:31 Safari has some new video 5 Premium Video standard (sounds like HTML5) that allows longer streaming on batteries

Seth Weintraub | 10:30 Safari Standards.  HTML Premium Video

Seth Weintraub | 10:29 Tab Stacks

Seth Weintraub | 10:29 Search now integrated with Spotlight. And sharing

Seth Weintraub | 10:28 Safari: Looks nice!

Seth Weintraub | 10:28 Signatures in Email

Seth Weintraub | 10:27 Mail Drop. Allows big attachments thru cloud rather than having to do manually. Up to 5GB in size. RIP Yousendit

Seth Weintraub | 10:26 Mail in Yosemite

Seth Weintraub | 10:25 iCloud Drive

Seth Weintraub | 10:24 search Wikipedia and news? From Spotlight. Oh, I wonder who Apple will think is News? Surely not Google

Seth Weintraub | 10:22 Spotlight is in the middle of the screen now for better or worse. Can do advanced math

Seth Weintraub | 10:21 Messages gets a big update

Seth Weintraub | 10:20 Giving live demo of Yosemite now.

Seth Weintraub | 10:19 Notification center has new today view

Seth Weintraub | 10:18 NEw Notification center – Today view

Seth Weintraub | 10:18

Seth Weintraub | 10:17 New Dark Mode

Seth Weintraub | 10:17 New Typography. Looks like OS 8 a little bit.

Seth Weintraub | 10:17

Seth Weintraub | 10:16 Lighter, fresher

Seth Weintraub | 10:16 new UI feels more “Airy”

Seth Weintraub | 10:15 more cartoony

Seth Weintraub | 10:14 Video playing

Seth Weintraub | 10:14 “Continuity” is about refining OSX

Seth Weintraub | 10:14 OS X Yosemite

Seth Weintraub | 10:14

Seth Weintraub | 10:12

Seth Weintraub | 10:12 Here Comes Craig Fed

Seth Weintraub | 10:11 Compared to Windows

Seth Weintraub | 10:11 50% of install base is on Mavericks

Seth Weintraub | 10:10 Macs 80 million. While PC industry is shrinking, Macs are growing. 40 Million copies of Mavericks. Most ever.

Seth Weintraub | 10:10 Dev release is so huge (didn’t call it XCODE?)

Seth Weintraub | 10:09 Here to talk about 2 platforms great updates

Seth Weintraub | 10:08 Shoutout to the students. Youngest developer is 13

Seth Weintraub | 10:07 started with 1 lab. Now “lots”

Seth Weintraub | 10:07 “Thanks Devs”  25th aniversary – 25 years old – started in 1990

Seth Weintraub | 10:06 Here’s Tim!

Seth Weintraub | 10:06

Seth Weintraub | 10:03 “I can’t live without Grindr I mean Tinder”

Seth Weintraub | 10:03 we’re watching a commercial here. Hopefully some humans coming shortly…

Seth Weintraub | 10:01 New Commercial starts…

Seth Weintraub | 10:01 Music Stops (Coldplay obv

Seth Weintraub | 9:57 Jony, Angela, Riccio and a bunch of other PR Exec Bios folks page that won’t be presenting 

Seth Weintraub | 9:51

Seth Weintraub | 9:49 Livestream is going

Seth Weintraub | 9:30 Iovine in the house, Dre notsomuch

Seth Weintraub | 9:21

Here’s your first look at OS X 10.10 Yosemite

Seth Weintraub | 8:51

Seth Weintraub | 8:46

Seth Weintraub | 8:33 Apple Store still up….what does it all mean? Head South to the comments to discuss.

Seth Weintraub | 8:32

Seth Weintraub | 8:29

Seth Weintraub | 8:29

Seth Weintraub | 8:15 Don’t forget Apple’s official Live stream of the WWDC keynote (in another window obv.). Starts in 1:45

Mark Gurman | 8:07 We are just under two hours away from the kickoff WWDC keynote, and here’s the latest news: there are cars situated inside Moscone West. This likely indicates that some significant CarPlay announcements are in-store for today. Also, some OS X 10.10 and iOS 8 APIs for developers are already appearing on some open source WebKit files. 

We’re approximately two hours away from Apple’s major WWDC 2014 keynote address, and we’ll be providing live blogging and analysis of the event as it proceeds. We’re expecting Apple to discuss updates to iOS and OS X 10.10, with the former seeing enhancements across the system and the latter receiving a complete redesign to bring the software in line with the iOS 7 design aesthetic. You can catch our full analysis and live updates from the conference below:


AAPL climbs to #5 in Fortune 500 as gross revenues reached $170B

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Apple’s gross revenues of $170B were enough for the world’s most valuable company by market cap to climb one place in the Fortune 500 ranking, from 6th to 5th place.

Apple was placed behind Walmart, Exxon, Chevron and conglomerate holding company Berkshire Hathaway (which owns large chunks of such well-known brands as Heinz, Coca-Cola, Mars and American Express). Phillips 66, General Motors, Ford Motor, General Electric and Valero Energy make up the rest of the top 10.

While Apple ranks fifth in terms of revenues, its huge cash reserves mean that it has tended to alternate with Exxon as the world’s most valuable company when measured by market capitalization, and is arguably significantly undervalued by most measures … 

Is Beats CCO Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails going to be an Apple employee?

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Update: A spokesperson for Beats Music confirmed to us that “Trent Reznor is still with Beats Music.”

Jimmy Iovine has long credited Nine Inch Nails frontman and Beats Music Chief Creative Officer Trent Reznor as a driving force behind the success of the service. Reznor, however, is now rumored to have left the company as it finalizes its $3B sell to Apple. The news comes from a line in a USA Today report over the weekend that curiously doesn’t mention a source of the information:

(Curiously, Beats’ chief creative officer, Trent Reznor, the singer-songwriter and producer of Nine Inch Nails fame responsible for Beats’ tastemaking, has reportedly left the company. Also, one of Beats’ principal technology executives, Fredric Vinna, has recently gone to Spotify, and its co-founder, Ola Sars, to a Spotify-backed venture.)

Beats Music didn’t respond to a request for comment on this story, but Billboard reports that a spokesperson for Beats and for Reznor claim the report is inaccurate:

Review: Beats Studio Wireless headphones (and what Apple can improve)

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A few weeks before initial reports that Apple was planning to acquire Beats Electronics, I started AT&T’s three month trial of the Beats Music subscription streaming service.. Given that generous window of time, I felt more comfortable investing my time than I would with a one or two week trial. When news broke that Apple was in final talks to purchase Beats, I was caught off guard and immediately concerned that the subscription service that I was starting to really like would change under Apple’s watch. Since the deal has been made official, Apple has said that Beats Music will continue as it is (across multiple platforms even) as will the headphones line (Beats branded, not Apple branded) for now.

Because I was rather surprised by the appeal of Beats Music and Apple is now endorsing the headphones more than ever (even if only really for their massive profit margins), I got really curious Friday afternoon to try out a pair of Beats headphones first hand so I did just that. I’ve been using the Beats Studio Wireless headphones (Amazon) just about all waking hour of this weekend, and below you can read my thoughts on one of the products included in Apple’s biggest acquisition to date.

Luca Maestri officially succeeds Peter Oppenheimer as Apple’s CFO and Senior VP

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In an SEC filing today, Apple announced that Luca Maestri has officially transitioned into the Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President role. His first official day on the job was yesterday, May 29th. Maestri is not yet on Apple’s executive biographies page, but an official profile will likely go live in the coming days. Apple says that Maestri’s previous job as Principle Accounting Officer will be folded into his CFO role.

Maestri, previously Corporate Controller and a Vice President at Apple, replaces long-time CFO Peter Oppenehimer. The transition was announced by Apple earlier this year. Oppenheimer will shift his remaining responsibilities to Maestri over the course of the next few months and completely retire from Apple at the end of September of this year. As part of his promotion, Maestri will now receive an annual salary of $1 million and new stock-based payment packages:


WWDC 2014 Roundup: Enhanced iOS 8, redesigned OS X 10.10, new hardware (plus fresh details)

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Despite Apple CEO Tim Cook teasing that Apple would introduce new products “across 2014,” so far this year the company has simply released a cheaper version of the iPhone 5c in select markets, marginally faster MacBook Airs, and the 2012 fourth-generation iPad at a lower price.

But on Monday, June 2nd, Apple will make major announcements that will indicate the immediate future of its two major platforms: iOS and OS X. The Cupertino company will share details behind the changes in iOS 8, a redesigned Mac operating system, and perhaps even new hardware.

Over the past several months, we have exclusively reported the majority of the news to expect next week and you can find our extensive roundup (along with new details) below:


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Katie Cotton finishes up at Apple just ahead of WWDC

Following up on their earlier report, Re/code is reporting that Katie Cotton’s last day at Apple is today. Cotton has been Apple’s PR chief and Vice President of Corporate Communications since the return of Steve Jobs in the 1990s. Her departure comes just days ahead of Apple’s developer conference, but you can bet Cotton was heavily involved in decisions surrounding the event. Kara Swisher has a great tribute to Cotton’s career that is well worth a read. 


Report: Apple planning to introduce locally targeted ads, additional non-music content to iTunes Radio

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(Image via Apple)

According to a new report from The Information, Apple is planning to offer “locally targeted advertising” to users through its iTunes Radio platform sometime this year. The report also says Apple is planning on working with “broadcast radio stations” to increase the amount of content it offers on the platform. This additional content would focus on non-music offerings that would further expand Apple’s content streaming platform. Earlier this week, 9to5Mac reported that Apple is planning to introduce several local NPR stations as well as sports content from ESPN to iTunes Radio…

Opinion: It’s time to bring back the mobile professional’s workhorse, the MacBook Pro 17

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Many of us were deeply disappointed when Apple discontinued the MacBook Pro 17. While the Retina MacBook Pro 15 introduced at the same time offered higher resolution, sometimes there’s just no substitute for physical screen size. Photographers and videographers in particular loved the combination of the sheer size and the option of a matte screen.

I loved mine enough to immediately sell the three-year-old one I owned at the time in order to replace it with the last model made, to maximize its useful life. I still love it enough that I’ve just laid out a thousand bucks on a 2.5-year-old machine to fit 2TB of SSDs, giving it the best of both worlds: lightning-fast performance combined with huge storage that allows me to have all my files with me when I travel.

There may not be too many others who’ll follow my admittedly extravagant example, but I do think it’s time for Apple to revisit its decision and bring back the mobile professional’s workhorse … 

Apple discussing iPhone payments service with high-profile retail brands

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Apple wants to replace yet another daily tool with your iPhone: your wallet.

Executives from the Cupertino-based technology company have begun discussions with directors from retail store chains about a mobile payments service, according to a source with direct knowledge of the talks. Previous reports indicated that Apple is exploring new payments services through discussions with executives from existing payments companies. These latest mobile payments-related discussions, which have occurred with retail store brands such as those that sell luxury clothing and premium goods, have taken place over the past couple of months, according to the source. The source declined to be named and requested that the identities of the companies talking to Apple not be published.

The Apple mobile payments service would be integrated into iOS Devices such as the iPhone and would be a comprehensive solution that would allow an iPhone user to leverage their device as a form of payment in retail stores. Based on information from various people briefed on the matter, the service would tie directly to iTunes accounts. Apple Senior Vice President Eddy Cue noted last night that Apple has 800 million iTunes accounts with credit cards, and that this arsenal opens up the door for many future products and services. Apple CEO Tim Cook previously hinted that the iPhone’s Touch ID fingerprint identity sensor could someday be leveraged for mobile payment purposes beyond the existing iTunes and App Stores…


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Google: Digital Creative Agency Fred & Farid replaces Macs w/ Chromebooks

Google loves to highlight its work getting Chromebooks into the hands of business customers and a lot of the time that also means a switch from Windows and Microsoft Office products to Chrome OS and Google Apps. It’s not as often, however, that we hear about companies that decide to replace their Macs with Chromebooks. Today Google published a guest blog post from CIO of digital creative group Fred & Farid Group about the company’s decision to do exactly that, replace Macs with Chromebooks for around 60 percent of its employees:

Macs are a popular choice among the creative team. But I soon realized not everyone needs a Mac, especially the 60 percent of our employees who work in office roles like marketing, sales, IT, and administration. We recently rolled out 10 Samsung Chromebooks in a small pilot and plan to have 200 employees on Chromebooks by the end of the year. Our decision to adopt Chromebooks wasn’t based solely on price — though we expect to save a significant amount compared to deploying Macs — but also a desire to have faster collaboration. When you have a Chromebook, you think less about downloading stuff to your hard drive and more about sharing information in the cloud. With Google Drive, we’re able to store, sync and share all our important files easily, whether it’s when we’re on our Chromebooks or on our phones and tablets on the go.

Like with those switching from Windows, relying on mostly Google Apps is one of the reasons the company decided Macs weren’t necessary for many of its employees: We use Google Hangouts for all our voice communications — we don’t even have phone lines in our offices anymore. In the Paris office alone, we conduct more than 50 Hangouts each day. Of course, we also use Drive for document sharing and Calendar for scheduling.

More on the Google Enterprise Blog here.

Wall Street unimpressed by Beats acquisition: “Not what we want to see”

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Judging by a roundup in The Wall Street Journal, analysts and investors appear not to share the enthusiasm for Beats acquisition express by Tim Cook and Eddy Cue. While Cook said he was “excited […] about this new chapter in our history” and Cue believed that “combining the two companies will help [music] grow again,” Wall Street is more skeptical.

“To see this kind of money spent for a company that gets most of its revenue from hardware business is not what we want to see,” said Dan Niles, chief investment officer of hedge fund AlphaOne Capital Partners …


Cue praises Beats curated playlists and headphones; Iovine disses Apple’s EarPods

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(Image via Re/code)

It’s typical in any acquisition for both parties to sing the praises of their new partner, and Eddy Cue was certainly playing his part at Re/code’s Code Conference, saying that Beats’ curated playlists were a key strength and would help music grow again. As Mark Gurman reported in his live blog coverage at Code Conference:

Cue said Apple bought Beats because “music is dying. It hasn’t been growing.” He said combining the two companies will help it grow again […]

Cue said what makes Beats good is that it provides users with curated playlists.

He said: “When you bring what Beats has got and what we’ve got it’s not two plus two is four. It’s something much more than that” …


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Eddy Cue: Apple has the best product pipeline in 25 years coming later this year [Video]

(Image via Re/code)

In case you were wondering if Apple does indeed plan to release some new products this year, perhaps in time for WWDC early next month, Eddy Cue made an extremely confident statement about what Apple has planned. During his interview at the Code Conference, the same one where he shared some of the latest stats on iTunes, Cue just said that Apple has the best product pipeline he’s seen in over 25 years with new products coming later this year:

 I have been working with Tim since 1997. We started the online store together. Cook is extremely thorough, he has tremendous vision. He cares tremendously about building great products. Looking at the executive team, the reason we are successful is because of our focus. We are not smart enough to do 100 great things. We want to do a few incredible things, and that hasn’t changed. We’re going to keep going down that path… Later this year, we’ve got the best product pipeline that I’ve seen in my 25 years at Apple”

Video of the conversation is below:

Live blog: Apple’s Eddy Cue and Beats co-founder Jimmy Iovine interviewed at Code Conference

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Cue on the right, Iovine on the left

Earlier today, Apple announced that it has acquired Beats Electronics and Beats Music for a total of $3 billion. Tonight, two of the masterminds behind the deal will be interviewed about a range of topics at the Code Conference. Apple Senior Vice President of Software and Services Eddy Cue along with Beats co-founder and music mogul Jimmy Iovine will be interviewed by Re/code’s Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher. Previously, Cue was scheduled to be interviewed alongside Apple Senior Software Vice President Craig Federighi, but it appears that the acquisition’s announcement changed up the plans. We are on hand for the interview and we will be providing live coverage below. The interview starts around 8PM Pacific/11PM Eastern Standard time:


HP planning ‘aggressive line-up’ of new Beats Audio products through 2015 as Beats’ design firm replaced by Apple

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With Apple officially announcing its plans to acquire Beats Electronics for $3 billion, HP’s partnership with Beats will soon expire and new products with the Beats Audio technology and branding will become a thing of the past. HP tells CNET that it will continue to sell hardware marketed with Beats Audio through the end of next year and it has the rights to make new Beats Audio products this year:


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Beats Music iOS app drops yearly pricing to $99, extends free trial as Apple confirms deal

Right as news is breaking that the Apple and Beats deal is finally official for $3B, the Beats iOS app has just been updated with new pricing and an extended free trial for all users.

Up from the previous free 7-day trial offered by the service, Beats Music now offers a “no strings attached trial” for 14 days to all users. Most notable in the update, however, is the fact that the service is slashing pricing from $119.88 a year to $99.99/year:

We’ve dropped price of our yearly subscription to $99.99, down from $119.88.

The service will continue to charge $9.99/month for users not purchasing a yearly subscription. The Beats Music website FAQ has been updated to reflect the new pricing and also continues to list $15/month family plans and extended free trials offered to AT&T customers.

Apple also confirmed today that it will continue to operate Beats Music as a separate service including Android and Windows phone apps.

Version 2.1.0 also includes “tons of bug fixes so the whole experience runs smooth as silk.”

What’s New in Version 2.1.0

● We’re stoked to announce that our no strings attached trial has been extended to 14 days to ensure everyone gets ample time to explore the full Beats Music experience.

● We’ve dropped price of our yearly subscription to $99.99, down from $119.88.

● To top it off, we pushed tons of bug fixes so the whole experience runs smooth as silk.

Apple seeds first beta of OS X Mavericks 10.9.4 to developers

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Just a couple of weeks after releasing OS X Mavericks 10.9.3 to users, Apple has seeded the first beta of the upcoming OS X 10.9.4 to developers. We first reported that Apple was nearing a release of OS X 10.9.4 in beta to developers. It’s unclear what changes are in store with the new system, but hopefully it fixes the many headaches that Mac Pro users have been facing since 10.9.3’s release earlier this month. No word on when 10.9.4 will go public, but it is interesting that this Mavericks release will be in beta in tandem with OS X 10.10‘s beta release next week at WWDC. Thanks, D!


Declining iTunes sales underline need for Apple to launch a subscription music service

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Declining iTunes sales highlighted by Morgan Stanley’s Katy Huberty and reported by Fortune appear to underline the need for Apple to move beyond sales of music downloads and into the subscription music business. iTunes sales are down 24 percent year-on-year.

While the slack is being picked up by app sales – a trend previously noted by Asymco’s Horace Dediu – that falling blue line reflects the wider shift in consumer behaviour from purchasing downloads to subscribing to streaming services noted last year by Billboard magazine … 

Analyst goes to Taiwan, says iWatch has a round face; will be more than one model

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Rossenblatt Securities analyst Brian Blair is citing supply chain sources in Taiwan in stating that the iWatch has a round display, and is similar in design to the Moto 360 smartwatch shown above in a Motorola teaser image, but with a slimmer profile, reports Business Insider.

According to his supply chain sources, the iWatch will have a round face. Many people were expecting it to have a rectangular face, but Blair’s sources tell him it’s going to be round, like a normal watch


Apple extends education pricing to iPad, offering discounts of $20-30

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If you’re eligible for education pricing, iGeneration noticed that the discounts available on Macs through the Apple Store for Education have now been extended to iPads. The discounts are modest, ranging from $20 to $30, but it all helps.

Education pricing is available to pretty much everyone working or studying in higher education: students, faculty, staff – even parents of students – as well as employees of K-12 schools.

Discounted iPad prices for the base spec 16GB wifi models are:

  • iPad mini: $279 ($20 off)
  • iPad mini with Retina display: $379 ($20 off)
  • iPad Retina display (4th Gen): $379 ($20 off)
  • iPad Air: $469 ($30 off)

The discounts appear to be rolling out internationally, already available in some countries but not yet all.

If your college belongs to the Apple on Campus program, the same modest discounts on iPads appear to be available, in contrast to the significantly better discounts offered on Macs.

As always, we recommend tuning into 9to5Toys to find the absolute best prices on iPads and all other Apple gear. For example, we recently featured a 16GB iPad Air for $400 ($100 off), 16GB Retina iPad mini with LTE for $355 ($174 off), and a 64GB iPad mini (1st gen) for $349 (orig. $599).


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